blob: 825a7a76e416a115a10a30433b629c2ad36bf4ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <cmsis_os.h>
struct mem_block {
int member1;
int member2;
#define MAX_BLOCKS 10
osPoolDef(MemPool, MAX_BLOCKS, struct mem_block);
* @brief Test memory pool allocation and free
* @see osPoolCreate(), osPoolAlloc(), osPoolFree(),
* osPoolCAlloc(), memcmp()
void test_mempool(void)
int i;
osPoolId mempool_id;
struct mem_block *addr_list[MAX_BLOCKS + 1];
osStatus status_list[MAX_BLOCKS];
static struct mem_block zeroblock;
mempool_id = osPoolCreate(osPool(MemPool));
zassert_true(mempool_id != NULL, "mempool creation failed");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) {
addr_list[i] = (struct mem_block *)osPoolAlloc(mempool_id);
zassert_true(addr_list[i] != NULL, "mempool allocation failed");
/* All blocks in mempool are allocated, any more allocation
* without free should fail
addr_list[i] = (struct mem_block *)osPoolAlloc(mempool_id);
zassert_true(addr_list[i] == NULL, "allocation happened."
" Something's wrong!");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) {
status_list[i] = osPoolFree(mempool_id, addr_list[i]);
zassert_true(status_list[i] == osOK, "mempool free failed");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) {
addr_list[i] = (struct mem_block *)osPoolCAlloc(mempool_id);
zassert_true(addr_list[i] != NULL, "mempool allocation failed");
zassert_true(memcmp(addr_list[i], &zeroblock,
sizeof(struct mem_block)) == 0,
"osPoolCAlloc didn't set mempool to 0");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++) {
status_list[i] = osPoolFree(mempool_id, addr_list[i]);
zassert_true(status_list[i] == osOK, "mempool free failed");