blob: 793323f73a22795965e85a6399cdb551c3c5bb30 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _mpu6050:
MPU6050: Invensense Motion Tracking Device
This sample application periodically (0.5 Hz) measures the sensor
temperature, acceleration, and angular velocity, displaying the values
on the console along with a timestamp since startup.
When triggered mode is enabled the measurements are displayed at the
rate they are produced by the sensor.
This sample uses an external breakout for the sensor. A devicetree
overlay must be provided to identify the I2C bus and GPIO used to
control the sensor.
Building and Running
After providing a devicetree overlay that specifies the sensor location,
build this sample app using:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/sensor/mpu6050
:board: nrf52dk_nrf52832
:goals: build flash
Sample Output
.. code-block:: console
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.1.0-576-g4b38659b0661 ***
[0:00:00.008]:23.6359 Cel
accel -5.882554 -6.485893 5.868188 m/s/s
gyro 0.014522 0.002264 -0.036905 rad/s
[0:00:02.020]:23.6359 Cel
accel -5.841853 -6.435615 5.911283 m/s/s
gyro 0.017852 0.001199 -0.034640 rad/s
[0:00:04.032]:23.6829 Cel
accel -5.930438 -6.461951 6.009446 m/s/s
gyro 0.012923 0.002131 -0.037171 rad/s
[0:00:06.044]:23.6359 Cel
accel -5.884948 -6.524200 5.961562 m/s/s
gyro 0.012390 -0.001732 -0.045964 rad/s
[0:00:08.056]:35.7712 Cel
accel -5.863400 -12.872426 -0.154427 m/s/s
gyro -0.034373 -0.034373 -0.034373 rad/s
[0:00:10.068]:23.6829 Cel
accel -5.906496 -6.461951 5.899312 m/s/s
gyro 0.015321 -0.000399 -0.039169 rad/s
<repeats endlessly>