blob: 313278d1f61e4ab6d347f52145ff42128e412df6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/ztress.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/mpsc_pbuf.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/ring_buffer.h>
#include <zephyr/random/random.h>
#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
#define DEBUG 0
#define DBG(...) COND_CODE_1(DEBUG, (printk(__VA_ARGS__)), ())
static uint32_t buf32[128];
static struct mpsc_pbuf_buffer mpsc_buffer;
volatile int test_microdelay_cnt;
static struct k_spinlock lock;
static atomic_t test_failed;
static int test_failed_line;
static uint32_t test_failed_cnt;
static uint32_t test_failed_ctx;
static uint32_t track_mask[4][12];
static uint32_t track_base_idx[4];
/* data */
struct test_data {
uint32_t idx[4];
atomic_t claim_cnt;
atomic_t claim_miss_cnt;
atomic_t produce_cnt;
atomic_t alloc_fails;
atomic_t dropped;
static struct test_data data;
#define LEN_BITS 8
#define CTX_BITS 2
#define MASK_BITS 32
struct test_packet {
uint32_t len : LEN_BITS;
uint32_t ctx : CTX_BITS;
uint32_t data : DATA_BITS;
uint32_t buf[];
static void track_produce(uint32_t ctx, uint32_t idx)
k_spinlock_key_t key = k_spin_lock(&lock);
uint32_t ridx = idx - track_base_idx[ctx];
uint32_t word = ridx / MASK_BITS;
uint32_t bit = ridx & (MASK_BITS - 1);
DBG("p %d|%d\n", ctx, idx);
track_mask[ctx][word] |= BIT(bit);
k_spin_unlock(&lock, key);
static bool track_consume(uint32_t ctx, uint32_t idx)
k_spinlock_key_t key = k_spin_lock(&lock);
uint32_t base_idx = track_base_idx[ctx];
uint32_t ridx = idx - base_idx;
uint32_t word = ridx / MASK_BITS;
uint32_t bit = ridx & (MASK_BITS - 1);
bool rv = true;
DBG("c %d|%d\n", ctx, idx);
if (idx < base_idx || idx > (base_idx + 32 * ARRAY_SIZE(track_mask[0]))) {
printk("bits %d\n", MASK_BITS);
printk("Strange value %d|%d base:%d\n", ctx, idx, base_idx);
rv = false;
goto bail;
if ((track_mask[ctx][word] & BIT(bit)) == 0) {
/* Already consumed. */
printk("already consumed\n");
rv = false;
goto bail;
track_mask[ctx][word] &= ~BIT(bit);
if (word > (ARRAY_SIZE(track_mask[ctx]) / 2)) {
/* Far in the past should all be consumed by now. */
if (track_mask[ctx][0]) {
printk("not all dropped\n");
rv = false;
goto bail;
DBG("move %d\n", ctx);
memmove(track_mask[ctx], &track_mask[ctx][1],
sizeof(track_mask[ctx]) - sizeof(uint32_t));
track_mask[ctx][ARRAY_SIZE(track_mask[ctx]) - 1] = 0;
track_base_idx[ctx] += 32;
k_spin_unlock(&lock, key);
return rv;
static void test_fail(int line, struct test_packet *packet)
if (atomic_cas(&test_failed, 0, 1)) {
test_failed_line = line;
test_failed_cnt = packet->data;
test_failed_ctx = packet->ctx;
static void consume_check(struct test_packet *packet)
bool res = track_consume(packet->ctx, packet->data);
if (!res) {
test_fail(__LINE__, packet);
for (int i = 0; i < packet->len - 1; i++) {
if (packet->buf[i] != packet->data + i) {
test_fail(__LINE__, packet);
static void drop(const struct mpsc_pbuf_buffer *buffer, const union mpsc_pbuf_generic *item)
struct test_packet *packet = (struct test_packet *)item;
static bool consume(void *user_data, uint32_t cnt, bool last, int prio)
struct mpsc_pbuf_buffer *buffer = user_data;
struct test_packet *packet = (struct test_packet *)mpsc_pbuf_claim(buffer);
if (packet) {
mpsc_pbuf_free(buffer, (union mpsc_pbuf_generic *)packet);
} else {
return true;
static bool produce(void *user_data, uint32_t cnt, bool last, int prio)
struct mpsc_pbuf_buffer *buffer = user_data;
zassert_true(prio < 4, NULL);
uint32_t wlen = sys_rand32_get() % (buffer->size / 4) + 1;
struct test_packet *packet = (struct test_packet *)mpsc_pbuf_alloc(buffer, wlen, K_NO_WAIT);
if (!packet) {
return true;
/* Note that producing may be interrupted and there will be discontinuity
* which must be handled when verifying correctness during consumption.
uint32_t id = data.idx[prio];
track_produce(prio, id);
packet->ctx = prio;
packet->data = id;
packet->len = wlen;
for (int i = 0; i < (wlen - 1); i++) {
packet->buf[i] = id + i;
mpsc_pbuf_commit(buffer, (union mpsc_pbuf_generic *)packet);
return true;
static uint32_t get_wlen(const union mpsc_pbuf_generic *item)
struct test_packet *packet = (struct test_packet *)item;
return packet->len;
/* Test is using 3 contexts to access single mpsc_pbuf instance. Those contexts
* are on different priorities (2 threads and timer interrupt) and preempt
* each other. One context is consuming and other two are producing. It
* validates that each produced packet is consumed or dropped.
* Test is randomized. Thread sleep time and timer timeout are random. Packet
* size is also random. Dedicated work is used to fill a pool of random number
* (generating random numbers is time consuming so it is decoupled from the main
* test.
* Test attempts to stress mpsc_pbuf but having as many preemptions as possible.
* In order to achieve that CPU load is monitored periodically and if load is
* to low then sleep/timeout time is reduced by reducing a factor that
* is used to calculate sleep/timeout time (factor * random number). Test aims
* to keep cpu load at ~80%. Some room is left for keeping random number pool
* filled.
static void stress_test(bool overwrite,
ztress_handler h1,
ztress_handler h2,
ztress_handler h3,
ztress_handler h4)
uint32_t preempt_max = 4000;
k_timeout_t t = Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS(20);
struct mpsc_pbuf_buffer_config config = {
.buf = buf32,
.size = ARRAY_SIZE(buf32),
.notify_drop = drop,
.get_wlen = get_wlen,
.flags = overwrite ? MPSC_PBUF_MODE_OVERWRITE : 0
test_failed = 0;
memset(track_base_idx, 0, sizeof(track_base_idx));
memset(track_mask, 0, sizeof(track_mask));
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
memset(&mpsc_buffer, 0, sizeof(mpsc_buffer));
mpsc_pbuf_init(&mpsc_buffer, &config);
if (h4 == NULL) {
/*ZTRESS_TIMER(h1, &mpsc_buffer, 0, t),*/
ZTRESS_THREAD(h1, &mpsc_buffer, 0, 0, t),
ZTRESS_THREAD(h2, &mpsc_buffer, 0, preempt_max, t),
ZTRESS_THREAD(h3, &mpsc_buffer, 0, preempt_max, t));
} else {
/*ZTRESS_TIMER(h1, &mpsc_buffer, 0, t),*/
ZTRESS_THREAD(h1, &mpsc_buffer, 0, 0, t),
ZTRESS_THREAD(h2, &mpsc_buffer, 0, preempt_max, t),
ZTRESS_THREAD(h3, &mpsc_buffer, 0, preempt_max, t),
ZTRESS_THREAD(h4, &mpsc_buffer, 0, preempt_max, t)
if (test_failed) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
printk("mask: ");
for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(track_mask[0]); j++) {
printk("%08x ", (uint32_t)track_mask[i][j]);
zassert_false(test_failed, "Test failed with data:%d (line: %d)",
test_failed_cnt, test_failed_line);
PRINT("Test report:\n");
PRINT("\tClaims:%ld, claim misses:%ld\n", data.claim_cnt, data.claim_miss_cnt);
PRINT("\tProduced:%ld, allocation failures:%ld\n", data.produce_cnt, data.alloc_fails);
PRINT("\tDropped: %ld\n", data.dropped);
ZTEST(mpsc_pbuf_concurrent, test_stress_preemptions_low_consumer)
stress_test(true, produce, produce, produce, consume);
stress_test(false, produce, produce, produce, consume);
/* Consumer has medium priority with one lower priority consumer and one higher. */
ZTEST(mpsc_pbuf_concurrent, test_stress_preemptions_mid_consumer)
stress_test(true, produce, consume, produce, produce);
stress_test(false, produce, consume, produce, produce);
/* Consumer has the highest priority, it preempts both producer. */
ZTEST(mpsc_pbuf_concurrent, test_stress_preemptions_high_consumer)
stress_test(true, consume, produce, produce, produce);
stress_test(false, consume, produce, produce, produce);
ZTEST_SUITE(mpsc_pbuf_concurrent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);