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.. _iterable_sections_api:
Iterable Sections
This page contains the reference documentation for the iterable sections APIs,
which can be used for defining iterable areas of equally-sized data structures,
that can be iterated on using :c:macro:`STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH`.
Iterable section elements are typically used by defining the data structure and
associated initializer in a common header file, so that they can be
instantiated anywhere in the code base.
.. code-block:: c
struct my_data {
int a, b;
#define DEFINE_DATA(name, _a, _b) \
STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(my_data, name) = { \
.a = _a, \
.b = _b, \
DEFINE_DATA(d1, 1, 2);
DEFINE_DATA(d2, 3, 4);
DEFINE_DATA(d3, 5, 6);
Then the linker has to be setup to place the place the structure in a
contiguous segment using one of the linker macros such as
:c:macro:`ITERABLE_SECTION_RAM` or :c:macro:`ITERABLE_SECTION_ROM`. Custom
linker snippets are normally declared using one of the
``zephyr_linker_sources()`` CMake functions, using the appropriate section
identifier, ``DATA_SECTIONS`` for RAM structures and ``SECTIONS`` for ROM ones.
.. code-block:: cmake
# CMakeLists.txt
zephyr_linker_sources(DATA_SECTIONS iterables.ld)
.. code-block:: c
# iterables.ld
The data can then be accessed using :c:macro:`STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH`.
.. code-block:: c
printk("%p: a: %d, b: %d\n", data, data->a, data->b);
.. note::
The linker is going to place the entries sorted by name, so the example
above would visit ``d1``, ``d2`` and ``d3`` in that order, regardless of how
they were defined in the code.
API Reference
.. doxygengroup:: iterable_section_apis