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.. _cy8ckit_062s4:
[INFINEON PSoC 62S4 Pioneer Kit]
The PSOC 62S4 Pioneer kit has a CY8C62x4 MCU, which is an ultra-low-power PSoC device specifically designed for battery-operated analog
sensing applications. It includes a 150-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 CPU as the primary application processor, a 100-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ CPU that
supports low-power operations, up to 256 KB Flash and 128 KB SRAM, programmable analog sensing,
CapSense touch-sensing, and programmable digital peripherals.
The board features an onboard
programmer/debugger (KitProg3), a 512-Mbit Quad SPI NOR flash, a micro-B connector for USB device
interface, a thermistor, an ambient light sensor, a 5-segment CapSense slider, two CapSense buttons, two
user LEDs, and a push button. The board supports operating voltages from 1.8 V to 3.3 V for PSoC 6 MCU.
.. figure::img/cy8ckit_062s4.png
:width: 800px
:align: center
:alt: Board Name
Board Name (Credit: <owner>)
`CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Website`_
`CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Guide`_
`CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Schematic`_
`CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Technical Reference Manual`_
`CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Datasheet`_
Supported Features
The board configuration supports the following hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vectored |
| | | interrupt controller |
| SYSTICK | on-chip | system clock |
| PINCTRL | on-chip | pin control |
| UART | on-chip | serial port-polling; |
The default configuration can be found in the Kconfig
Clock Configuration
| Clock | Source | Output Frequency |
| FLL | IMO | 100.0 MHz |
| PLL | IMO | 48.0 MHz |
| CLK_HF0 | CLK_PATH0 | 100.0 MHz |
Fetch Binary Blobs
.. code-block:: console
west blobs fetch hal_infineon
Build and flash hello world sample
.. code-block:: console
cd zephyr/samples/hello_world
west build -p auto -b cy8ckit_062s4_m4 --pristine
west flash
picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200
OpenOCD Installation
To get the OpenOCD package, it is required that you
1. Download the software ModusToolbox 3.1.
2. Once downloaded add the path to access the Scripts folder provided by ModusToolbox
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_3.1/openocd/scripts
3. Add the OpenOCD executable file's path to west flash/debug.
4. Flash using: west flash --openocd path/to/infineon/openocd/bin/openocd
5. Debug using: west debug --openocd path/to/infineon/openocd/bin/openocd
.. _CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Guide:
.. _CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Website:
.. _CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Schematic:
.. _CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Technical Reference Manual:
.. _CY8CKIT 062S4 Pioneer Kit Datasheet: