blob: ebee7abc7c306e4e9be1054e60ce71fc12cc30ea [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* Copyright (c) 2016 Vinayak Kariappa Chettimada
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
extern int32_t hci_hbuf_total;
extern uint32_t hci_hbuf_sent;
extern uint32_t hci_hbuf_acked;
extern atomic_t hci_state_mask;
#define HCI_CLASS_NONE 0 /* Invalid class */
#define HCI_CLASS_EVT_REQUIRED 1 /* Mesh and connection-{established,
* disconnected}
#define HCI_CLASS_EVT_DISCARDABLE 2 /* Best-effort reporting. Discardable
* over HCI in case of overflow
#define HCI_CLASS_EVT_CONNECTION 3 /* Connection management; e.g.
* terminate, update, encryption
#define HCI_CLASS_EVT_LLCP 4 /* LL Control Procedures */
#define HCI_CLASS_ACL_DATA 5 /* Asynchronous Connection Less (general
* data)
#define HCI_CLASS_ISO_DATA 6 /* Isochronous data */
void hci_init(struct k_poll_signal *signal_host_buf);
void hci_recv_fifo_reset(void);
struct net_buf *hci_cmd_handle(struct net_buf *cmd, void **node_rx);
void hci_evt_encode(struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx, struct net_buf *buf);
uint8_t hci_get_class(struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx);
void hci_disconn_complete_encode(struct pdu_data *pdu_data, uint16_t handle,
struct net_buf *buf);
void hci_disconn_complete_process(uint16_t handle);
void hci_num_cmplt_encode(struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t handle, uint8_t num);
int hci_acl_handle(struct net_buf *acl, struct net_buf **evt);
void hci_acl_encode(struct node_rx_pdu *node_rx, struct net_buf *buf);
int hci_iso_handle(struct net_buf *acl, struct net_buf **evt);
void hci_iso_encode(struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t handle, uint8_t flags);
int hci_vendor_cmd_handle(uint16_t ocf, struct net_buf *cmd,
struct net_buf **evt);
uint8_t hci_vendor_read_static_addr(struct bt_hci_vs_static_addr addrs[],
uint8_t size);
void hci_vendor_read_key_hierarchy_roots(uint8_t ir[16], uint8_t er[16]);
int hci_vendor_cmd_handle_common(uint16_t ocf, struct net_buf *cmd,
struct net_buf **evt);
uint8_t hci_vendor_read_std_codecs(
const struct bt_hci_std_codec_info_v2 **codecs);
uint8_t hci_vendor_read_vs_codecs(
const struct bt_hci_vs_codec_info_v2 **codecs);
uint8_t hci_vendor_read_codec_capabilities(uint8_t coding_format,
uint16_t company_id,
uint16_t vs_codec_id,
uint8_t transport,
uint8_t direction,
uint8_t *num_capabilities,
size_t *capabilities_bytes,
const uint8_t **capabilities);
uint8_t hci_vendor_read_ctlr_delay(uint8_t coding_format,
uint16_t company_id,
uint16_t vs_codec_id,
uint8_t transport,
uint8_t direction,
uint8_t codec_config_len,
const uint8_t *codec_config,
uint32_t *min_delay,
uint32_t *max_delay);