blob: bc0d6842abafb53b0ae43eddf70c6702bde04569 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Stephanos Ioannidis <>
* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <arm_math.h>
#include "../../common/test_common.h"
#include "fir_q15.pat"
#define SNR_ERROR_THRESH ((float32_t)59)
#define ABS_ERROR_THRESH_Q15 ((q15_t)2)
#define COEFF_PADDING (8)
ZTEST(filtering_fir_q15, test_arm_fir_q15)
size_t sample_index, block_index;
size_t block_size, tap_count;
size_t sample_count = ARRAY_SIZE(in_config) / 2;
size_t length = ARRAY_SIZE(ref_val);
const uint16_t *config = in_config;
const q15_t *input = (const q15_t *)in_val;
const q15_t *coeff = (const q15_t *)in_coeff;
const q15_t *ref = (const q15_t *)ref_val;
q15_t *state, *output_buf, *output;
arm_fir_instance_q15 inst;
#if defined(CONFIG_ARMV8_1_M_MVEI) && defined(CONFIG_FPU)
q15_t coeff_padded[32];
int round;
/* Allocate buffers */
state = malloc(3 * 41 * sizeof(q15_t));
zassert_not_null(state, ASSERT_MSG_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILED);
output_buf = malloc(length * sizeof(q15_t));
zassert_not_null(output_buf, ASSERT_MSG_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILED);
output = output_buf;
/* Enumerate samples */
for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {
/* Resolve sample configurations */
block_size = config[0];
tap_count = config[1];
#if defined(CONFIG_ARMV8_1_M_MVEI) && defined(CONFIG_FPU)
/* Copy coefficients and pad to zero */
memset(coeff_padded, 127, sizeof(coeff_padded));
round = tap_count / COEFF_PADDING;
if ((round * COEFF_PADDING) < tap_count) {
round = round * COEFF_PADDING;
memset(coeff_padded, 0, round * sizeof(q15_t));
memcpy(coeff_padded, coeff, tap_count * sizeof(q15_t));
/* Initialise instance */
#if defined(CONFIG_ARMV8_1_M_MVEI) && defined(CONFIG_FPU)
arm_fir_init_q15(&inst, tap_count, coeff_padded, state, block_size);
arm_fir_init_q15(&inst, tap_count, coeff, state, block_size);
/* Reset input pointer */
input = (const q15_t *)in_val;
/* Enumerate blocks */
for (block_index = 0; block_index < 2; block_index++) {
/* Run test function */
arm_fir_q15(&inst, input, output, block_size);
/* Increment pointers */
input += block_size;
output += block_size;
/* Increment pointers */
coeff += tap_count;
config += 2;
/* Validate output */
test_snr_error_q15(length, output_buf, ref, SNR_ERROR_THRESH),
test_near_equal_q15(length, output_buf, ref,
/* Free buffers */
ZTEST_SUITE(filtering_fir_q15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);