blob: 68a89588379fd4eb1bf55f16c0b2f183fed7add5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* This test covers deprecated API. Avoid inappropriate diagnostics
* about the use of that API.
#include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
#undef __deprecated
#define __deprecated
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#define COOPHI_PRIORITY K_PRIO_COOP(0) /* = -4 */
#define COOPLO_PRIORITY K_PRIO_COOP(3) /* = -1 */
#define DELAY_MS 100
"COOPHI not higher priority than system workqueue");
"System workqueue not higher priority than ZTEST");
"ZTEST not higher priority than COOPLO");
"COOPLO not cooperative");
/* Given by work thread to signal completion. */
static struct k_sem sync_sem;
static bool run_flag = true;
/* Given by test thread to release a work item. */
static struct k_sem rel_sem;
/* Common work structures, to avoid dead references to stack objects
* if a test fails.
static struct k_work common_work;
static struct k_work common_work1;
static struct k_work_delayable dwork;
/* Work synchronization objects must be in cache-coherent memory,
* which excludes stacks on some architectures.
static struct k_work_sync work_sync;
static struct k_thread *main_thread;
/* We have these threads, in strictly decreasing order of priority:
* * coophi: a high priority cooperative work queue
* * system: the standard system work queue
* * ztest thread: priority for threads running tests
* * cooplo : a low-priority cooperative work queue
* * preempt: a preemptible work queue
* The test infrastructure records the number of times each work queue
* executes in a counter.
* The common work handler also supports internal re-submission if
* configured to do so.
* There are three core handlers:
* * The basic one (counter_handler) increments the count of handler
* invocations by work queue thread, optionally resubmits, then
* releases the semaphore the test is waiting for.
* * The blocking one (rel_handler) waits until something invokes
* handler_release() to allow it to complete by invoking
* counter_handler(). This makes a work queue busy for arbitrary
* periods, but requires something external to trigger the release.
* * The delaying one (delay_handler) waits for K_MSEC(DELAY_MS) before
* invoking counter_handler().
static atomic_t resubmits_left;
/* k_uptime_get32() on the last invocation of the core handler. */
static uint32_t volatile last_handle_ms;
static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(coophi_stack, STACK_SIZE);
static struct k_work_q coophi_queue;
static struct k_work_q not_start_queue;
static atomic_t coophi_ctr;
static inline int coophi_counter(void)
return atomic_get(&coophi_ctr);
static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(cooplo_stack, STACK_SIZE);
static struct k_work_q cooplo_queue;
static atomic_t cooplo_ctr;
static inline int cooplo_counter(void)
return atomic_get(&cooplo_ctr);
static inline int coop_counter(struct k_work_q *wq)
return (wq == &coophi_queue) ? coophi_counter()
: (wq == &cooplo_queue) ? cooplo_counter()
: -1;
static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(preempt_stack, STACK_SIZE);
static struct k_work_q preempt_queue;
static atomic_t preempt_ctr;
static inline int preempt_counter(void)
return atomic_get(&preempt_ctr);
static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(invalid_test_stack, STACK_SIZE);
static struct k_work_q invalid_test_queue;
static atomic_t system_ctr;
static inline int system_counter(void)
return atomic_get(&system_ctr);
static inline void reset_counters(void)
/* If this fails the previous test didn't clean up */
zassert_equal(k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT), -EBUSY);
last_handle_ms = UINT32_MAX;
atomic_set(&resubmits_left, 0);
atomic_set(&coophi_ctr, 0);
atomic_set(&system_ctr, 0);
atomic_set(&cooplo_ctr, 0);
atomic_set(&preempt_ctr, 0);
static void counter_handler(struct k_work *work)
last_handle_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
if (k_current_get() == &coophi_queue.thread) {
} else if (k_current_get() == &k_sys_work_q.thread) {
} else if (k_current_get() == &cooplo_queue.thread) {
} else if (k_current_get() == &preempt_queue.thread) {
if (atomic_dec(&resubmits_left) > 0) {
(void)k_work_submit_to_queue(NULL, work);
} else {
static inline void handler_release(void)
static void async_release_cb(struct k_timer *timer)
static K_TIMER_DEFINE(async_releaser, async_release_cb, NULL);
static inline void async_release(void)
k_timer_start(&async_releaser, K_TICKS(1), K_NO_WAIT);
static void rel_handler(struct k_work *work)
(void)k_sem_take(&rel_sem, K_FOREVER);
static void delay_handler(struct k_work *work)
/* Check that standard initializations result in expected content. */
static void test_work_init(void)
static K_WORK_DEFINE(fnstat, counter_handler);
static struct k_work stack;
k_work_init(&stack, counter_handler);
zassert_mem_equal(&stack, &fnstat, sizeof(stack),
static void test_delayable_init(void)
static K_WORK_DELAYABLE_DEFINE(fnstat, counter_handler);
static struct k_work_delayable stack;
k_work_init_delayable(&stack, counter_handler);
zassert_mem_equal(&stack, &fnstat, sizeof(stack),
/* Check that submission to an unstarted queue is diagnosed. */
ZTEST(work, test_unstarted)
int rc;
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&not_start_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, -ENODEV);
static void test_queue_start(void)
struct k_work_queue_config cfg = {
.name = "wq.preempt",
zassert_equal(preempt_queue.flags, 0);
k_work_queue_start(&preempt_queue, preempt_stack, STACK_SIZE,
zassert_equal(preempt_queue.flags, K_WORK_QUEUE_STARTED);
const char *tn = k_thread_name_get(&preempt_queue.thread);
zassert_true(tn !=;
zassert_true(tn != NULL);
zassert_equal(strcmp(tn,, 0);
} = NULL;
zassert_equal(invalid_test_queue.flags, 0);
k_work_queue_start(&invalid_test_queue, invalid_test_stack, STACK_SIZE,
zassert_equal(invalid_test_queue.flags, K_WORK_QUEUE_STARTED);
const char *tn = k_thread_name_get(&invalid_test_queue.thread);
zassert_true(tn !=;
zassert_true(tn != NULL);
zassert_equal(strcmp(tn, ""), 0);
} = "wq.coophi";
cfg.no_yield = true;
k_work_queue_start(&coophi_queue, coophi_stack, STACK_SIZE,
cfg.no_yield = true;
k_work_queue_start(&cooplo_queue, cooplo_stack, STACK_SIZE,
/* Check validation of submission without a destination queue. */
ZTEST(work, test_null_queue)
int rc;
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(NULL, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, -EINVAL);
/* Basic single-CPU check submitting with a non-blocking handler. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_simple_queue)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the non-blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_is_pending(&common_work), false);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_QUEUED);
zassert_equal(k_work_is_pending(&common_work), true);
/* Shouldn't have been started since test thread is
* cooperative.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Let it run, then check it finished. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
/* Flush the sync state from completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Basic SMP check submitting with a non-blocking handler. */
ZTEST(work, test_smp_simple_queue)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the non-blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_is_pending(&common_work), false);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* It should run and finish without this thread yielding. */
int64_t ts0 = k_uptime_ticks();
uint32_t delay;
do {
delay = k_ticks_to_ms_floor32(k_uptime_ticks() - ts0);
} while (k_work_is_pending(&common_work) && (delay < DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
/* Flush the sync state from completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Basic single-CPU check submitting with a blocking handler */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_sync_queue)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, rel_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_QUEUED);
/* Shouldn't have been started since test thread is
* cooperative.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Let it run, then check it didn't finish. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_RUNNING);
/* Make it ready so it can finish when this thread yields. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Wait for then verify finish */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
/* Verify that if a work item is submitted while it is being run by a
* queue thread it gets submitted to the queue it's running on, to
* prevent reentrant invocation, at least on a single CPU.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_reentrant_queue)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Release it so it's running and can be rescheduled. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Resubmit to a different queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&preempt_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 2);
/* Release the first submission. */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
/* Confirm the second submission was redirected to the running
* queue to avoid re-entrancy problems.
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
/* Single CPU submit two work items and wait for flush in order
* before they get started.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_queued_flush)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the delaying handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, delay_handler);
k_work_init(&common_work1, delay_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work1);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Confirm that it's still in the queue, then wait for completion.
* This should wait.
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_QUEUED);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work1), K_WORK_QUEUED);
zassert_true(k_work_flush(&common_work, &work_sync));
zassert_false(k_work_flush(&common_work1, &work_sync));
/* Verify completion. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* After completion flush should be a no-op */
zassert_false(k_work_flush(&common_work, &work_sync));
zassert_false(k_work_flush(&common_work1, &work_sync));
/* Single CPU submit a work item and wait for flush after it's started.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_running_flush)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the delaying handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, delay_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_QUEUED);
/* Release it so it's running. */
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_RUNNING);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Wait for completion. This should be released by the delay
* handler.
zassert_true(k_work_flush(&common_work, &work_sync));
/* Verify completion. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Single CPU schedule a work item and wait for flush. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_delayed_flush)
int rc;
uint32_t flush_ms;
uint32_t wait_ms;
/* Reset state and use non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
/* Unscheduled completes immediately. */
zassert_false(k_work_flush_delayable(&dwork, &work_sync));
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Align to tick then flush. */
flush_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
zassert_true(k_work_flush_delayable(&dwork, &work_sync));
wait_ms = last_handle_ms - flush_ms;
zassert_true(wait_ms <= 1, "waited %u", wait_ms);
/* Verify completion. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Single CPU cancel before work item is unqueued should complete
* immediately.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_queued_cancel)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Cancellation should complete immediately. */
zassert_equal(k_work_cancel(&common_work), 0);
/* Shouldn't have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Single CPU cancel before work item is unqueued should not wait. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_queued_cancel_sync)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, rel_handler);
/* Cancel an unqueued work item should not affect the work
* and return false.
zassert_false(k_work_cancel_sync(&common_work, &work_sync));
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Cancellation should complete immediately, indicating that
* work was pending.
zassert_true(k_work_cancel_sync(&common_work, &work_sync));
/* Shouldn't have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Single CPU cancel before scheduled work item is queued should
* complete immediately.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_delayed_cancel)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Cancellation should complete immediately. */
zassert_equal(k_work_cancel_delayable(&dwork), 0);
/* Shouldn't have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Single CPU cancel before scheduled work item is queued should not wait. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_delayed_cancel_sync)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, rel_handler);
/* Cancel an unqueued delayable work item should not affect the work
* and return false.
zassert_false(k_work_cancel_delayable_sync(&dwork, &work_sync));
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Cancellation should complete immediately, indicating that
* work was pending.
zassert_true(k_work_cancel_delayable_sync(&dwork, &work_sync));
/* Shouldn't have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Single CPU cancel after delayable item starts should wait. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_delayed_cancel_sync_wait)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), K_WORK_QUEUED);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Get it to running, where it will block. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), K_WORK_RUNNING);
/* Schedule to release, then cancel should delay. */
zassert_true(k_work_cancel_delayable_sync(&dwork, &work_sync));
/* Verify completion. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Infrastructure to capture behavior of work item that's being
* cancelled.
struct test_running_cancel_timer {
struct k_timer timer;
struct k_work work;
int submit_rc;
int busy_rc;
static struct test_running_cancel_timer test_running_cancel_ctx;
static void test_running_cancel_cb(struct k_timer *timer)
struct test_running_cancel_timer *ctx =
CONTAINER_OF(timer, struct test_running_cancel_timer, timer);
ctx->busy_rc = k_work_busy_get(&ctx->work);
ctx->submit_rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &ctx->work);
/* Single CPU test cancellation after work starts. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_running_cancel)
struct test_running_cancel_timer *ctx = &test_running_cancel_ctx;
struct k_work *wp = &ctx->work;
static const uint32_t ms_timeout = 10;
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(wp, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, wp);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Release it so it's running. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Schedule the async process to capture state and release work. */
ctx->submit_rc = INT_MAX;
ctx->busy_rc = INT_MAX;
k_timer_init(&ctx->timer, test_running_cancel_cb, NULL);
k_timer_start(&ctx->timer, K_MSEC(ms_timeout), K_NO_WAIT);
/* Cancellation should not complete. */
zassert_equal(k_work_cancel(wp), K_WORK_RUNNING | K_WORK_CANCELING,
/* Handler should not have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Busy wait until timer expires. Thread context is blocked so cancelling
* of work won't be completed.
k_busy_wait(1000 * (ms_timeout + 1));
zassert_equal(k_timer_status_get(&ctx->timer), 1);
/* Wait for cancellation to complete. */
zassert_true(k_work_cancel_sync(wp, &work_sync));
/* Verify completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Handler should have detected running and canceling. */
zassert_equal(ctx->busy_rc, K_WORK_RUNNING | K_WORK_CANCELING);
/* Attempt to submit while cancelling should have been
* rejected.
zassert_equal(ctx->submit_rc, -EBUSY);
/* Post-cancellation should have no flags. */
rc = k_work_busy_get(wp);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "bad: %d", rc);
/* Single CPU test wait-for-cancellation after the work item has
* started running.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_running_cancel_sync)
struct test_running_cancel_timer *ctx = &test_running_cancel_ctx;
struct k_work *wp = &ctx->work;
static const uint32_t ms_timeout = 10;
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the blocking handler */
k_work_init(wp, rel_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, wp);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Release it so it's running. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Schedule the async process to capture state and release work. */
ctx->submit_rc = INT_MAX;
ctx->busy_rc = INT_MAX;
k_timer_init(&ctx->timer, test_running_cancel_cb, NULL);
k_timer_start(&ctx->timer, K_MSEC(ms_timeout), K_NO_WAIT);
/* Cancellation should wait. */
zassert_true(k_work_cancel_sync(wp, &work_sync));
/* Handler should have run. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
/* Busy wait until timer expires. Thread context is blocked so cancelling
* of work won't be completed.
k_busy_wait(1000 * (ms_timeout + 1));
zassert_equal(k_timer_status_get(&ctx->timer), 1);
/* Verify completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Handler should have detected running and canceling. */
zassert_equal(ctx->busy_rc, K_WORK_RUNNING | K_WORK_CANCELING,
/* Attempt to submit while cancelling should have been
* rejected.
zassert_equal(ctx->submit_rc, -EBUSY);
/* Post-cancellation should have no flags. */
rc = k_work_busy_get(wp);
zassert_equal(rc, 0, "bad: %d", rc);
/* SMP cancel after work item is started should succeed but require
* wait.
ZTEST(work, test_smp_running_cancel)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the delaying handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, delay_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* It should advance to running without this thread yielding. */
int64_t ts0 = k_uptime_ticks();
uint32_t delay;
do {
delay = k_ticks_to_ms_floor32(k_uptime_ticks() - ts0);
} while ((k_work_busy_get(&common_work) != K_WORK_RUNNING)
&& (delay < DELAY_MS));
/* Cancellation should not succeed immediately because the
* work is running.
rc = k_work_cancel(&common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, K_WORK_RUNNING | K_WORK_CANCELING, "rc %x", rc);
/* Sync should wait. */
zassert_equal(k_work_cancel_sync(&common_work, &work_sync), true);
/* Should have completed. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Drain with no active workers completes immediately. */
ZTEST(work, test_drain_empty)
int rc;
rc = k_work_queue_drain(&coophi_queue, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
struct test_drain_wait_timer {
struct k_timer timer;
struct k_work work;
int submit_rc;
static struct test_drain_wait_timer test_drain_wait_ctx;
static void test_drain_wait_cb(struct k_timer *timer)
struct test_drain_wait_timer *ctx =
CONTAINER_OF(timer, struct test_drain_wait_timer, timer);
ctx->submit_rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &ctx->work);
/* Single CPU submit an item and wait for it to drain. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_drain_wait)
struct test_drain_wait_timer *ctx = &test_drain_wait_ctx;
struct k_work *wp = &ctx->work;
int rc;
/* Reset state, allow one re-submission, and use the delaying
* handler.
atomic_set(&resubmits_left, 1);
k_work_init(wp, delay_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue. */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, wp);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Schedule the async process to capture submission state
* while draining.
ctx->submit_rc = INT_MAX;
k_timer_init(&ctx->timer, test_drain_wait_cb, NULL);
k_timer_start(&ctx->timer, K_MSEC(10), K_NO_WAIT);
/* Wait to drain */
rc = k_work_queue_drain(&coophi_queue, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Wait until timer expires. */
/* Verify completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Confirm that chained submission worked, and non-chained
* submission failed.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
zassert_equal(ctx->submit_rc, -EBUSY);
/* Single CPU submit item, drain with plug, test, then unplug. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_plugged_drain)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the delaying handler. */
k_work_init(&common_work, delay_handler);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Wait to drain, and plug. */
rc = k_work_queue_drain(&coophi_queue, true);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Verify completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
/* Queue should be plugged */
/* Switch to the non-blocking handler. */
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
/* Resubmission should fail because queue is plugged */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, -EBUSY);
/* Unplug the queue */
rc = k_work_queue_unplug(&coophi_queue);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Unplug the unplugged queue should not affect the queue */
rc = k_work_queue_unplug(&coophi_queue);
zassert_equal(rc, -EALREADY);
/* Resubmission should succeed and complete */
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(&coophi_queue, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Flush the sync state and verify completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
/* Single CPU test delayed submission */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_basic_schedule)
int rc;
uint32_t sched_ms;
uint32_t max_ms = k_ticks_to_ms_ceil32(1U
+ k_ms_to_ticks_ceil32(DELAY_MS));
uint32_t elapsed_ms;
struct k_work *wp = &; /* whitebox testing */
/* Reset state and use non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
/* Verify that work is idle and marked delayable. */
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
zassert_equal(wp->flags & K_WORK_DELAYABLE, K_WORK_DELAYABLE,
/* Align to tick, then schedule after normal delay. */
sched_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
rc = k_work_busy_get(wp);
zassert_equal(rc, K_WORK_DELAYED);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), rc);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_is_pending(&dwork), true);
/* Scheduling again does nothing. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Make sure it ran and is now idle */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
/* Check that the delay is within the expected range. */
elapsed_ms = last_handle_ms - sched_ms;
zassert_true(elapsed_ms >= DELAY_MS,
"short %u < %u\n", elapsed_ms, DELAY_MS);
zassert_true(elapsed_ms <= max_ms,
"long %u > %u\n", elapsed_ms, max_ms);
struct state_1cpu_basic_schedule_running {
struct k_work_delayable dwork;
int schedule_res;
static void handle_1cpu_basic_schedule_running(struct k_work *work)
struct k_work_delayable *one_dwork = k_work_delayable_from_work(work);
struct state_1cpu_basic_schedule_running *state
= CONTAINER_OF(one_dwork, struct state_1cpu_basic_schedule_running,
/* Co-opt the resubmits so we can test the schedule API
* explicitly.
if (atomic_dec(&resubmits_left) > 0) {
/* Schedule again on current queue */
state->schedule_res = k_work_schedule_for_queue(NULL, one_dwork,
} else {
/* Flag that it didn't schedule */
state->schedule_res = -EALREADY;
/* Single CPU test that schedules when running */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_basic_schedule_running)
int rc;
static struct state_1cpu_basic_schedule_running state = {
.schedule_res = -1,
/* Reset state and set for one resubmit. Use a test-specific
* handler.
atomic_set(&resubmits_left, 1);
k_work_init_delayable(&state.dwork, handle_1cpu_basic_schedule_running);
zassert_equal(state.schedule_res, -1);
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &state.dwork,
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(coop_counter(&coophi_queue), 0);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(state.schedule_res, 1);
zassert_equal(coop_counter(&coophi_queue), 1);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
zassert_equal(state.schedule_res, -EALREADY);
zassert_equal(coop_counter(&coophi_queue), 2);
/* Single CPU test schedule without delay is queued immediately. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_immed_schedule)
int rc;
struct k_work *wp = &; /* whitebox testing */
/* Reset state and use the non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
/* Submit to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
rc = k_work_busy_get(wp);
zassert_equal(rc, K_WORK_QUEUED);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), rc);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_is_pending(&dwork), true);
/* Scheduling again does nothing. */
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Shouldn't have been started since test thread is
* cooperative.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Let it run, then check it didn't finish. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
/* Flush the sync state from completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Single CPU test that delayed work can be rescheduled. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_basic_reschedule)
int rc;
uint32_t sched_ms;
uint32_t max_ms = k_ticks_to_ms_ceil32(1U
+ k_ms_to_ticks_ceil32(DELAY_MS));
uint32_t elapsed_ms;
struct k_work *wp = &; /* whitebox testing */
/* Reset state and use non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
/* Verify that work is idle and marked delayable. */
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
zassert_equal(wp->flags & K_WORK_DELAYABLE, K_WORK_DELAYABLE,
/* Schedule to the preempt queue after twice the standard
* delay.
rc = k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&preempt_queue, &dwork,
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_DELAYED);
/* Align to tick then reschedule on the cooperative queue for
* the standard delay.
sched_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
rc = k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork,
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_DELAYED);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Make sure it ran on the coop queue and is now idle */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
/* Check that the delay is within the expected range. */
elapsed_ms = last_handle_ms - sched_ms;
zassert_true(elapsed_ms >= DELAY_MS,
"short %u < %u\n", elapsed_ms, DELAY_MS);
zassert_true(elapsed_ms <= max_ms,
"long %u > %u\n", elapsed_ms, max_ms);
/* Single CPU test that delayed work can be immediately queued by
* reschedule API.
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_immed_reschedule)
int rc;
struct k_work *wp = &; /* whitebox testing */
/* Reset state and use the delay handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, delay_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), 0);
/* Schedule immediately to the cooperative queue */
rc = k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&coophi_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_QUEUED);
/* Shouldn't have been started since test thread is
* cooperative.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
/* Let it run, then check it didn't finish. */
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_RUNNING);
/* Schedule immediately to the preemptive queue (will divert
* to coop since running).
rc = k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&preempt_queue, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 2);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_QUEUED | K_WORK_RUNNING,
/* Schedule after 3x the delay to the preemptive queue
* (will not divert since previous submissions will have
* completed).
rc = k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&preempt_queue, &dwork,
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Wait for the original no-wait submission (total 1 delay)) */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Check that coop ran once, and work is still delayed and
* also running.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_DELAYED | K_WORK_RUNNING,
/* Wait for the queued no-wait submission (total 2 delay) */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Check that got diverted to coop and ran, and work is still
* delayed.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
zassert_equal(preempt_counter(), 0);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_DELAYED,
/* Wait for the delayed submission (total 3 delay) */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Check that ran on preempt. In fact we're here because the
* test thread is higher priority, so the work will still be
* marked running.
zassert_equal(coophi_counter(), 2);
zassert_equal(preempt_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(wp), K_WORK_RUNNING,
/* Wait for preempt to drain */
rc = k_work_queue_drain(&preempt_queue, false);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Test no-yield behavior, returns true iff work queue priority is
* higher than test thread priority
static bool try_queue_no_yield(struct k_work_q *wq)
int rc;
bool is_high = (k_thread_priority_get(k_work_queue_thread_get(wq))
< k_thread_priority_get(k_current_get()));
TC_PRINT("Testing no-yield on %s-priority queue\n",
is_high ? "high" : "low");
/* Submit two work items directly to the cooperative queue. */
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
rc = k_work_submit_to_queue(wq, &common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
rc = k_work_schedule_for_queue(wq, &dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
/* Wait for completion */
zassert_equal(k_work_is_pending(&common_work), true);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_is_pending(&dwork), true);
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Because there was no yield both should have run, and
* another yield won't cause anything to happen.
zassert_equal(coop_counter(wq), 2);
zassert_equal(k_work_is_pending(&common_work), false);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_is_pending(&dwork), false);
/* The first give unblocked this thread; we need to consume
* the give from the second work task.
zassert_equal(k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT), 0);
zassert_equal(k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT), -EBUSY);
return is_high;
/* Verify that no-yield policy works */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_queue_no_yield)
/* This test needs two slots available in the sem! */
k_sem_init(&sync_sem, 0, 2);
zassert_equal(try_queue_no_yield(&coophi_queue), true);
zassert_equal(try_queue_no_yield(&cooplo_queue), false);
k_sem_init(&sync_sem, 0, 1);
/* Basic functionality with the system work queue. */
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_system_queue)
int rc;
/* Reset state and use the non-blocking handler */
k_work_init(&common_work, counter_handler);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
/* Submit to the system queue */
rc = k_work_submit(&common_work);
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), K_WORK_QUEUED);
/* Shouldn't have been started since test thread is
* cooperative.
zassert_equal(system_counter(), 0);
/* Let it run, then check it didn't finish. */
zassert_equal(system_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_busy_get(&common_work), 0);
/* Flush the sync state from completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_system_schedule)
int rc;
uint32_t sched_ms;
uint32_t max_ms = k_ticks_to_ms_ceil32(1U
+ k_ms_to_ticks_ceil32(DELAY_MS));
uint32_t elapsed_ms;
/* Reset state and use non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
/* Verify that work is idle and marked delayable. */
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), 0);
/* Align to tick, then schedule after normal delay. */
sched_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
rc = k_work_schedule(&dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), K_WORK_DELAYED);
/* Scheduling again does nothing. */
rc = k_work_schedule(&dwork, K_NO_WAIT);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Make sure it ran and is now idle */
zassert_equal(system_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), 0);
/* Check that the delay is within the expected range. */
elapsed_ms = last_handle_ms - sched_ms;
zassert_true(elapsed_ms >= DELAY_MS,
"short %u < %u\n", elapsed_ms, DELAY_MS);
zassert_true(elapsed_ms <= max_ms,
"long %u > %u\n", elapsed_ms, max_ms);
ZTEST(work_1cpu, test_1cpu_system_reschedule)
int rc;
uint32_t sched_ms;
uint32_t max_ms = k_ticks_to_ms_ceil32(1U
+ k_ms_to_ticks_ceil32(DELAY_MS));
uint32_t elapsed_ms;
/* Reset state and use non-blocking handler */
k_work_init_delayable(&dwork, counter_handler);
/* Verify that work is idle and marked delayable. */
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), 0);
/* Schedule to the preempt queue after twice the standard
* delay.
rc = k_work_reschedule(&dwork, K_MSEC(2U * DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), K_WORK_DELAYED);
/* Align to tick then reschedule on the system queue for
* the standard delay.
sched_ms = k_uptime_get_32();
rc = k_work_reschedule(&dwork, K_MSEC(DELAY_MS));
zassert_equal(rc, 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), K_WORK_DELAYED);
/* Wait for completion */
rc = k_sem_take(&sync_sem, K_FOREVER);
zassert_equal(rc, 0);
/* Make sure it ran on the system queue and is now idle */
zassert_equal(system_counter(), 1);
zassert_equal(k_work_delayable_busy_get(&dwork), 0);
/* Check that the delay is within the expected range. */
elapsed_ms = last_handle_ms - sched_ms;
zassert_true(elapsed_ms >= DELAY_MS,
"short %u < %u\n", elapsed_ms, DELAY_MS);
zassert_true(elapsed_ms <= max_ms,
"long %u > %u\n", elapsed_ms, max_ms);
ZTEST(work, test_nop)
void *workq_setup(void)
main_thread = k_current_get();
k_sem_init(&sync_sem, 0, 1);
k_sem_init(&rel_sem, 0, 1);
if (run_flag) {
run_flag = false;
return NULL;
ZTEST_SUITE(work_1cpu, NULL, workq_setup, ztest_simple_1cpu_before, ztest_simple_1cpu_after, NULL);
ZTEST_SUITE(work, NULL, workq_setup, NULL, NULL, NULL);