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.. _efr32BG27_brd2602:
SiLabs EFR32BG27-BRD2602(A) (EFR32BG27 +8 dBm Dev Kit Board)
BRD2602 is a board based on EFR32BG27 SoC and is one of
- EFR32BG27 Blue Gecko Wireless SoC with up to 76.8 MHz operating frequency
- ARM® Cortex® M33 core with 64 kB RAM and 768 kB Flash
- Macronix ultra low power 8-Mbit SPI flash (MX25R8035F)
- 2.4 GHz ceramic antenna for wireless transmission
- Silicon Labs Si7021 relative humidity and temperature sensor
- Vishay VEML6035 low power, high sensitivity ambient light Sensor
- Silicon Labs Si7210 hall effect sensor
- TDK InvenSense ICM-20689 6-axis inertial sensor
- Pair of PDM microphones
- One LED and one push button
- Power enable signals and isolation switches for ultra low power operation
- On-board SEGGER J-Link debugger for easy programming and debugging, which
includes a USB virtual COM port and Packet Trace Interface (PTI)
- Mini Simplicity connector for access to energy profiling and advanced wireless
network debugging
- Breakout pads for GPIO access and connection to external hardware
- Reset button
- CR2032 coin cell holder and external battery connector
Supported Features
The efr32bg27_brd2602 board configuration supports the following hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller |
| SYSTICK | on-chip | systick |
| FLASH | on-chip | flash memory |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| UART | on-chip | serial |
The EFR32BG27-BRD2602A includes an embedded `J-Link`_ adapter built around
EFM32GG12 microcontroller (not user-programmable).
The adapter provides:
- SWD interface to EFR32BG27 for flashing and debugging.
- SWO trace interface to EFR32BG27 for tracing.
- UART interface to EFR32BG27 for console access.
- A USB connection to the host computer, which exposes CDC-ACM Serial Port
endpoints for access to the console UART interface and proprietary J-Link
endpoints for access to the SWD and SWO interfaces.
UART functionality of the adapter is accessible via standard CDC-ACM USB driver
present in most desktop operating systems and any standard serial port terminal
program e.g. `picocom`_.
SWD and SWO functionality is accessible via `Simplicity Commander`_.
The simplest way to flash the board is by using West, which runs Simplicity
Commander in unattended mode and passes all the necessary arguments to it.
- If Simplicity Commander is installed in the system and the directory in
which `commander` executable is located is present in the `PATH` environment
.. code-block:: console
west flash
- Otherwise, one should specify full path to the `commander` executable:
.. code-block:: console
west flash --commander <path_to_commander_directory>/commander
- In case several J-Link adapters are connected, you must specify serial number
of the adapter which should be used for flashing:
.. code-block:: console
west flash --dev-id <J-Link serial number>
Programming and Debugging
The sample application :ref:`hello_world` is used for this example.
Build the Zephyr kernel and application:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: efr32bg27_brd2602a
:goals: build
Connect your device to your host computer using the USB port and you
should see a USB connection. Use `west`'s flash command
Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings:
- Speed: 115200
- Data: 8 bits
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
Reset the board and you should be able to see on the corresponding Serial Port
the following message:
.. code-block:: console
Hello World! efr32bg27_brd2602a
.. _picocom:
.. _J-Link:
.. _Simplicity Commander: