blob: dc5fa9cac0487505406c9d9a48202b1235bbfcbe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Stephanos Ioannidis <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief ARM Cortex-A and Cortex-R wrapper for ISRs with parameter
* Wrapper installed in vector table for handling dynamic interrupts that accept
* a parameter.
* Tell armclang that stack alignment are ensured.
.eabi_attribute Tag_ABI_align_preserved, 1
#include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
#include <zephyr/linker/sections.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>
#include <zephyr/arch/cpu.h>
#include <zephyr/sw_isr_table.h>
* @brief Wrapper around ISRs when inserted in software ISR table
* When inserted in the vector table, _isr_wrapper() demuxes the ISR table
* using the running interrupt number as the index, and invokes the registered
* ISR with its corresponding argument. When returning from the ISR, it
* determines if a context switch needs to happen (see documentation for
* z_arm_pendsv()) and pends the PendSV exception if so: the latter will
* perform the context switch itself.
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _isr_wrapper)
/* See comment below about svc stack usage */
push {r0}
/* Determine if interrupted thread was in user context */
mrs r0, spsr
and r0, #MODE_MASK
cmp r0, #MODE_USR
bne isr_system_thread
ldr r0, =_kernel
ldr r0, [r0, #_kernel_offset_to_current]
/* Save away user stack pointer */
str sp, [r0, #_thread_offset_to_sp_usr] /* sp_usr */
/* Switch to privileged stack */
ldr sp, [r0, #_thread_offset_to_priv_stack_end] /* priv stack end */
pop {r0}
* Save away r0-r3, r12 and lr_irq for the previous context to the
* process stack since they are clobbered here. Also, save away lr
* and spsr_irq since we may swap processes and return to a different
* thread.
sub lr, lr, #4
srsdb #MODE_SYS!
push {r0-r3, r12, lr}
sub sp, sp, #___fpu_t_SIZEOF
* Note that this handler was entered with the VFP unit enabled.
* The undefined instruction handler uses this to know that it
* needs to save the current floating context.
vmrs r0, fpexc
str r0, [sp, #___fpu_t_SIZEOF - 4]
tst r0, #FPEXC_EN
beq _vfp_not_enabled
vmrs r0, fpscr
str r0, [sp, #___fpu_t_SIZEOF - 8]
/* Disable VFP */
mov r0, #0
vmsr fpexc, r0
* Mark where to store the floating context for the undefined
* instruction handler
ldr r2, =_kernel
ldr r0, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_fp_ctx]
cmp r0, #0
streq sp, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_fp_ctx]
* Use SVC mode stack for predictable interrupt behaviour; running ISRs
* in the SYS/USR mode stack (i.e. interrupted thread stack) leaves the
* ISR stack usage at the mercy of the interrupted thread and this can
* be prone to stack overflows if any of the ISRs and/or preemptible
* threads have high stack usage.
* When userspace is enabled, this also prevents leaking privileged
* information to the user mode.
* Preserve lr_svc which may contain the branch return address of the
* interrupted context in case of a nested interrupt. This value will
* be restored prior to exiting the interrupt in z_arm_int_exit.
push {lr}
/* Align stack at double-word boundary */
and r3, sp, #4
sub sp, sp, r3
push {r2, r3}
/* Increment interrupt nesting count */
ldr r2, =_kernel
ldr r0, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
add r0, r0, #1
str r0, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
bl sys_trace_isr_enter
#ifdef CONFIG_PM
* All interrupts are disabled when handling idle wakeup. For tickless
* idle, this ensures that the calculation and programming of the
* device for the next timer deadline is not interrupted. For
* non-tickless idle, this ensures that the clearing of the kernel idle
* state is not interrupted. In each case, z_pm_save_idle_exit
* is called with interrupts disabled.
/* is this a wakeup from idle ? */
ldr r2, =_kernel
/* requested idle duration, in ticks */
ldr r0, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_idle]
cmp r0, #0
beq _idle_state_cleared
movs r1, #0
/* clear kernel idle state */
str r1, [r2, #_kernel_offset_to_idle]
bl z_pm_save_idle_exit
#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
/* Get active IRQ number from the interrupt controller */
bl arm_gic_get_active
bl z_soc_irq_get_active
push {r0, r1}
lsl r0, r0, #3 /* table is 8-byte wide */
* Enable interrupts to allow nesting.
* Note that interrupts are disabled up to this point on the ARM
* architecture variants other than the Cortex-M. It is also important
* to note that that most interrupt controllers require that the nested
* interrupts are handled after the active interrupt is acknowledged;
* this is be done through the `get_active` interrupt controller
* interface function.
cpsie i
* Skip calling the isr if it is a spurious interrupt.
lsl r1, r1, #3
cmp r0, r1
bge spurious_continue
ldr r1, =_sw_isr_table
add r1, r1, r0 /* table entry: ISRs must have their MSB set to stay
* in thumb mode */
ldm r1!,{r0,r3} /* arg in r0, ISR in r3 */
blx r3 /* call ISR */
/* Signal end-of-interrupt */
pop {r0, r1}
bl arm_gic_eoi
bl z_soc_irq_eoi
bl sys_trace_isr_exit
/* Use 'bx' instead of 'b' because 'bx' can jump further, and use
* 'bx' instead of 'blx' because exception return is done in
* z_arm_int_exit() */
ldr r1, =z_arm_int_exit
bx r1