blob: 809e67b356ed08dee161faa4299e30b3eaac0d6d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; MEC1727 SPI Image Generator configuration file for internal 512KB flash
SPISizeMegabits = 4
Flashmap = false
FlshmapAddr = 0
TagAddr0 = 0
TagAddr1 = 0
; BoardID is used by a Boot-ROM feature named PlatformID. By default PlatformID
; is disabled. If PlatformID is enabled in OTP Boot-ROM will check the image
; BoardID value with an OTP PlatformID value. Load is aborted if the ID's do
; not match.
BoardID = 0
[IMAGE "0"]
ImageLocation = 0x1000
SpiFreqMHz = 24
SpiReadCommand = Dual
SpiDriveStrength = 4
SpiSlewFast = false
SpiSignalControl = 0x00
FwBinFile = zephyr.bin
ImageRevision = 0x56
FwOffset = 0
FwLoadAddress = 0xC0000
FwEntryAddress = 0
UseECDSA = false
AuthenticateKeySelt = 5
AutoKeyRevEn = true
KeyRevPermission = 0x11223344
AutoRollBackProtEn = false
RollbackProtPerm031000 = 0x11223344
RollbackProtPerm063032 = 0x55667788
RollbackProtPerm095063 = 0
RollbackProtPerm127096 = 0xDDEEFF99
ECDSAPrivKeyFile = ec384.pem
ECDSAPrivKeyPassword = ec384
FwEncrypt = false
AesGenECPubKeyFile = ec384_crt.pem
SHA256andECDSA = false
TagBuildNumber= 0x1156
Comp0ProgDrvStrenEN = true
Comp0WritCmdTotByts = 1
Comp0ReadCmdByte = 0x15
Comp0WritCmdByte = 0x11
Comp0DrvValue = 0x40
Comp0DrvMask = 0x60
Comp1ProgDrvStrenEN = true
Comp1WritCmdTotByts = 1
Comp1ReadCmdByte = 0x15
Comp1WritCmdByte = 0x11
Comp1DrvValue = 0x20
Comp1DrvMask = 0x60