blob: dc51b9b36fc7e3591efa817eaba5158bb6db4dbb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _toolchain_xtools:
Crosstool-NG (Deprecated)
.. warning::
``xtools`` toolchain variant is deprecated. The
:ref:`cross-compile toolchain variant <other_x_compilers>` should be used
when using a custom toolchain built with Crosstool-NG.
You can build toolchains from source code using crosstool-NG.
#. Follow the steps on the crosstool-NG website to `prepare your host
#. Follow the `Zephyr SDK with Crosstool NG instructions
<>`_ to
build your toolchain. Repeat as necessary to build toolchains for multiple
target architectures.
You will need to clone the ``sdk-ng`` repo and run the following command:
.. code-block:: console
./ <arch>
.. note::
Currently, only i586 and Arm toolchain builds are verified.
#. :ref:`Set these environment variables <env_vars>`:
- Set :envvar:`ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT` to ``xtools``.
- Set :envvar:`XTOOLS_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` to the toolchain build directory.
#. To check that you have set these variables correctly in your current
environment, follow these example shell sessions (the
:envvar:`XTOOLS_TOOLCHAIN_PATH` values may be different on your system):
.. code-block:: console
# Linux, macOS:
.. _crosstool-ng site: