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.. _gd32f407v_start:
GigaDevice GD32F407V-START
The GD32F407V-START board is a hardware platform that enables prototyping
on GD32F407VE Cortex-M4 High Performance MCU.
The GD32F407VE features a single-core ARM Cortex-M4 MCU which can run up
to 168 MHz with flash accesses zero wait states, 3072kiB of Flash, 192kiB of
SRAM and 82 GPIOs.
.. image:: img/gd32f407v_start.jpg
:align: center
:alt: gd32f407v_start
- GD32F407VET6 MCU
- 1 x User LEDs
- 1 x User Push buttons
- 1 x USART
- GD-Link on board programmer
- J-Link/SWD connector
For more information about the GD32F407 SoC and GD32F407V-START board:
- `GigaDevice Cortex-M4 High Performance SoC Website`_
- `GD32F407X Datasheet`_
- `GD32F40X User Manual`_
- `GD32F407V-START User Manual`_
Supported Features
The board configuration supports the following hardware features:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Peripheral
- Kconfig option
- Devicetree compatible
* - EXTI
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_GD32_EXTI`
- :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-exti`
* - GPIO
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_GPIO`
- :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-gpio`
* - NVIC
- N/A
- :dtcompatible:`arm,v7m-nvic`
* - PWM
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PWM`
- :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-pwm`
- N/A
- N/A
- :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_SERIAL`
- :dtcompatible:`gd,gd32-usart`
Other peripherals may be used if shields are connected to the board.
Serial Port
The GD32F407V-START board has one serial communication port. The default port
is USART0 with TX connected at PB6 and RX at PB7.
Programming and Debugging
Before programming your board make sure to configure boot jumpers as
- JP3/4: Select 2-3 for both (boot from user memory)
Using GD-Link or J-Link
The board comes with an embedded GD-Link programmer.
You need to install CMSIS-Pack which is required by pyOCD
when programming or debugging by the GD-Link programmer.
Execute the following command to install CMSIS-Pack for GD32F407VK
if not installed yet.
.. code-block:: console
pyocd pack install gd32f407vk
Also, J-Link can be used to program the board via the SWD interface
(PA13/SWDIO and PA14/SWCLK in the JP6 header).
#. Build the Zephyr kernel and the :ref:`hello_world` sample application:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: gd32f407v_start
:goals: build
#. Connect Serial-USB adapter to PB6, PB7, and GND.
#. Run your favorite terminal program to listen for output. On Linux the
terminal should be something like ``/dev/ttyUSB0``. For example:
.. code-block:: console
minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -o
The -o option tells minicom not to send the modem initialization
string. Connection should be configured as follows:
- Speed: 115200
- Data: 8 bits
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
#. To flash an image:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: gd32f407v_start
:goals: flash
When using J-Link, append ``--runner jlink`` option after ``west flash``.
You should see "Hello World! gd32f407v_start" in your terminal.
#. To debug an image:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: gd32f407v_start
:goals: debug
When using J-Link, append ``--runner jlink`` option after ``west debug``.
.. _GigaDevice Cortex-M4 High Performance SoC Website:
.. _GD32F407X Datasheet:
.. _GD32F40X User Manual:
.. _GD32F407V-START User Manual: