blob: 0626e6e23458dc03f28b0d76af199917b7399308 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _sm-pics:
PTS version: 8.0.3
M - mandatory
O - optional
============== ======== =================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =================================
TSPC_SM_1_1 True Central Role (Initiator) (C.1)
TSPC_SM_1_2 True Peripheral Role (Responder) (C.2)
============== ======== =================================
Security Properties
============== ======== ========================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ========================================
TSPC_SM_2_1 True Authenticated MITM protection (O)
TSPC_SM_2_2 True Unauthenticated no MITM protection (C.1)
TSPC_SM_2_3 True No security requirements (M)
TSPC_SM_2_4 True OOB supported (O)
TSPC_SM_2_5 True LE Secure Connections (O)
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Encryption Key Size
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =======================
TSPC_SM_3_1 True Encryption Key Size (M)
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Pairing Method
============== ======== ===================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ===================
TSPC_SM_4_1 True Just Works (O)
TSPC_SM_4_2 True Passkey Entry (C.1)
TSPC_SM_4_3 True Out of Band (C.1)
============== ======== ===================
Security Initiation
============== ======== ======================================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ======================================================
TSPC_SM_5_1 True Encryption Setup using STK (C.3)
TSPC_SM_5_2 True Encryption Setup using LTK (O)
TSPC_SM_5_3 True Peripheral Initiated Security (C.1)
TSPC_SM_5_4 True Peripheral Initiated Security Central response (C.2)
TSPC_SM_5_5 False Link Key Conversion Function h7 (C.4)
TSPC_SM_5_6 False Link Key Conversion Function h6 (C.5)
============== ======== ======================================================
Signing Algorithm
============== ======== ==================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ==================================
TSPC_SM_6_1 True Signing Algorithm - Generation (O)
TSPC_SM_6_2 True Signing Algorithm - Resolving (O)
============== ======== ==================================
Key Distribution
============== ======== ====================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ====================
TSPC_SM_7_1 True Encryption Key (C.1)
TSPC_SM_7_2 True Identity Key (C.2)
TSPC_SM_7_3 True Signing Key (C.3)
============== ======== ====================
Cross-Transport Key Derivation
============== ======== ===============================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ===============================================
TSPC_SM_8_1 False Cross Transport Key Derivation Supported (C.1)
TSPC_SM_8_2 False Derivation of LE LTK from BR/EDR Link Key (C.2)
TSPC_SM_8_3 False Derivation of BR/EDR Link Key from LE LTK (C.2)
============== ======== ===============================================