blob: e49835adb123825d31779b84e87271e16c28fea6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# 2 possible algos: at each new timestamp, update run/queue/sleep time for all threads vs update
# only the right process. 2nd algo is still easy
# because we have duration of this state.
# this presents run, queued, sleep time of processes sorted by run time. REL time starts when
# process was created while ABS time if from beginning. Therefore elapsed time between start and
# process creation is added as sleep time
import os, sys, re
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
from optparse import OptionParser
class FilterTrace:
def __init__(self):
self.compiled_regexp = []
self.pid_names = {}
self.run_time = defaultdict(int) # total run-time per tid
self.queued_time = defaultdict(int)
self.sleep_time = defaultdict(int)
self.ctxswitch_run_times0 = defaultdict(int)
self.ctxswitch_run_times1 = defaultdict(int)
self.timestamp_current = 0
self.convert = 1.0 / 1000
self.timestamp_start = 0 # must be >=
self.timestamp_end = 0 # must be <=, but if > to last context switch, will go until
# Last timestamp only
self.runqueue_threads_only = False # see options help
# backup rule
['^.*psel.*$', None],
['^(?P<timestamp>\d+)\s+(?P<cpu_id>\d+)\s+(?P<task_name>[\w \.#-_/]+):(?P<tid>-?\d+)' \
'\s+(?P<state>\w+)\s+(?P<duration>\d+).*$', self.callback_context_switch],
['^Last timestamp:\s*(?P<last_timestamp>\d+).*$', self.callback_end],
['^.*$', self.callback_no_rule]
# Compile all regexp
for regexp_string, regexp_rules in REGEXP_GLOSSARY:
self.compiled_regexp.append([re.compile(regexp_string), regexp_rules])
def filter_line(self, line):
# Parse all regexps
for regexp, regexp_rules in self.compiled_regexp:
# Test if regexp matches
res =
# if regexp match
if res:
# Execute regexp_rules
if regexp_rules:
regexp_rules(res, line)
# Only one regexp per line
def callback_context_switch(self, res, line):
timestamp_current = int('timestamp'))
# end boundary
if (timestamp_current >= self.timestamp_end):
duration = int('duration'))
# wait to reach timestamp_start before processing
if (timestamp_current < self.timestamp_start):
# thread will keep this state until start boundary so count this time
if ((timestamp_current + duration) > self.timestamp_start):
# remove time before start boundary
duration = timestamp_current + duration - self.timestamp_start
timestamp_current = self.timestamp_start
# if process goes beyond end, remove time after end
if (duration > (self.timestamp_end - timestamp_current)):
duration = self.timestamp_end - timestamp_current
tid = int('tid'))
if ('state') == 'R'):
self.run_time[tid] += duration
if (int('cpu_id')) == 0):
self.ctxswitch_run_times0[tid] += 1
self.ctxswitch_run_times1[tid] += 1
elif ('state') == 'Q'):
self.queued_time[tid] += duration
elif (('state') == 'S') or ('state') == 'X')):
self.sleep_time[tid] += duration
self.pid_names[tid] ='task_name').rstrip(' ')
def callback_no_rule(self, res, line):
def callback_end(self, res, line):
max_sum = 0
# we capture the process that started the first in order to get the sum for the % and set
# START time at 0
for tid in self.pid_names:
sum = self.run_time[tid] + self.sleep_time[tid] + self.queued_time[tid]
if sum > max_sum:
max_sum = sum
print("%-16s:%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-7s" \
" %-7s %-7s %-7s %-7s %-7s %7s %7s %8s") % (
"%R_ABS", "%S_ABS", "%Q_ABS", "%R_REL", "%S_REL", "%Q_REL", "N_RUN_0",
"N_RUN_1", "N_RUN")
items = self.run_time.items()
items.sort(key = itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # inverse key and value to sort by value
for tid, v in items:
if ((not self.runqueue_threads_only) or
((self.run_time[tid] != 0) or (self.queued_time[tid] != 0))):
rel_sum = self.run_time[tid] + self.sleep_time[tid] + self.queued_time[tid]
print("%-16s:%-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f" \
" %7.3f %7.3f %7d %7d %8d") % ( \
rel_sum, # script execution time - start time of process
max_sum - rel_sum, # start time of process
self.run_time[tid] * 100.0 / max_sum, # ABS R time
# ABS sleep time, start time is counted as sleep time
(self.sleep_time[tid] + max_sum - rel_sum) * 100.0 / max_sum,
self.queued_time[tid] * 100.0 / max_sum, # ABS Q time
self.run_time[tid] * 100.0 / rel_sum, # REL R time
self.sleep_time[tid] * 100.0 / rel_sum, # REL S time
self.queued_time[tid] * 100.0 / rel_sum, # REL Q time
self.ctxswitch_run_times0[tid] + self.ctxswitch_run_times1[tid]
global filterMaster
filterMaster = FilterTrace()
def Main(argv):
usage = "Usage: %prog FILENAME [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage = usage)
parser.add_option("-s", "--start", action="store", type="int", dest="start", default=0,
help="Start time of analysis in relative ms")
parser.add_option("-e", "--end", action="store", type="int", dest="end", default=1000000000,
help="End time of analysis in relative ms")
parser.add_option("-r", "--runqueue_threads_only", action="store_true",
dest="runqueue_threads_only", default=False,
help="Display only threads with some running time")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
filterMaster.timestamp_start = int(options.start / filterMaster.convert)
filterMaster.timestamp_end = int(options.end / filterMaster.convert)
filterMaster.runqueue_threads_only = options.runqueue_threads_only
if len(args) != 1:
print "Usage: type python <program>.py -h"
file = open(args[0], 'r')
string = file.readline()
# search for regexp
while (string ):
string = file.readline()
if __name__=="__main__":