blob: 6ab1947665acba7d079752428fcc278f5fbfd5ec [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _ili9340-sample:
ILI9340 Display driver
Every half-second, this sample application draws a color-filled rectangle in a
corner of the LCD display. The rectangle fill color cycles through red, green,
and blue on each update.
- `ST NUCLEO-L476RG development board`_
- `Adafruit 2.2 inch TFT Display`_
- :ref:`nrf52_pca10040`
- `Seeed 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield V2.0`_
- :ref:`nrf52840_pca10056`
- `Adafruit 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield`_
The NUCLEO-L476RG should be connected as follows to the Adafruit TFT display.
| | NUCLEO-L476RG | | NUCLEO-L476RG | | Adafruit TFT |
| | Arduino Header | | Pin | | Pin |
| D3 | PB3 | SCK |
| D7 | PA8 | D/C |
| D8 | PA9 | RST |
| D11 | PA7 | MOSI |
| D12 | PA6 | MISO |
| A2 | PA4 | NSS |
The Seeed 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield V2.0 should be plugged in the Arduino
header on :ref:`nrf52_pca10040`. The following pins will be connected except
the TFT reset pin. A separate wire should connect P0.21 pin to RESET pin on
the :ref:`nrf52_pca10040`.
| | nRF52832 | | Seeed TFT |
| | Pin | | Pin |
| P0.25 | SPI_SCK |
| P0.23 | SPI_MOSI |
| P0.24 | SPI_MISO |
| P0.16 | TFT_CS |
| P0.17 | TFT_DC |
| P0.21 | RESET |
The Adafruit 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield should be plugged in the Arduino header
on :ref:`nrf52840_pca10056`. The following pins will be connected.
| | nRF52840 | | Adafruit TFT |
| | Pin | | Pin |
| P1.15 | SCLK |
| P1.13 | MOSI |
| P1.14 | MISO |
| P1.12 | TFT_CS |
| P1.11 | TFT_DC |
Building and Running
For NUCLEO-L476RG, build this sample application with the following commands:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/display/ili9340
:board: nucleo_l476rg
:goals: build
See :ref:`nucleo_l476rg_board` on how to flash the build.
For :ref:`nrf52_pca10040`, build this sample application with the following commands:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/display/ili9340
:board: nrf52_pca10040
:goals: build
See :ref:`nrf52_pca10040` on how to flash the build.
For :ref:`nrf52840_pca10056`, build this sample application with the following commands:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/display/ili9340
:board: nrf52840_pca10056
:goals: build
See :ref:`nrf52840_pca10056` on how to flash the build.
- `ILI9340 datasheet`_
- `ILI9341 datasheet`_
.. _Adafruit 2.2 inch TFT Display:
.. _ST NUCLEO-L476RG development board:
.. _Seeed 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield V2.0:
.. _Adafruit 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield:
.. _ILI9340 datasheet:
.. _ILI9341 datasheet: