blob: d95e78d1786d0e8ab60da4ed4b4466f52201d5c9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2017, Linaro Limited
# Copyright (c) 2018, Bobby Noelte
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# NOTE: This file is part of the old device tree scripts, which will be removed
# later. They are kept to generate some legacy #defines via the
# --deprecated-only flag.
# The new scripts are,, and
# vim: ai:ts=4:sw=4
import os, fnmatch
import re
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import yaml
# Use the C LibYAML parser if available, rather than the Python parser.
# It's much faster.
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader
from devicetree import parse_file
from extract.globals import *
import extract.globals
from extract.clocks import clocks
from extract.compatible import compatible
from extract.interrupts import interrupts
from extract.reg import reg
from extract.flash import flash
from extract.default import default
def extract_bus_name(node_path, def_label):
label = def_label + '_BUS_NAME'
prop_alias = {}
add_compat_alias(node_path, 'BUS_NAME', label, prop_alias)
# Generate defines for node aliases
if node_path in aliases:
lambda alias: str_to_label(alias) + '_BUS_NAME',
{label: '"' + find_parent_prop(node_path, 'label') + '"'},
def extract_string_prop(node_path, key, label):
if node_path not in defs:
# Make all defs have the special 'aliases' key, to remove existence
# checks elsewhere
defs[node_path] = {'aliases': {}}
defs[node_path][label] = '"' + reduced[node_path]['props'][key] + '"'
def generate_prop_defines(node_path, prop):
# Generates #defines (and .conf file values) from the prop
# named 'prop' on the device tree node at 'node_path'
binding = get_binding(node_path)
if 'parent-bus' in binding or \
'parent' in binding and 'bus' in binding['parent']:
# If the binding specifies a parent for the node, then include the
# parent in the #define's generated for the properties
parent_path = get_parent_path(node_path)
def_label = 'DT_' + node_label(parent_path) + '_' \
+ node_label(node_path)
def_label = 'DT_' + node_label(node_path)
names = prop_names(reduced[node_path], prop)
if prop == 'reg':
reg.extract(node_path, names, def_label, 1)
elif prop in {'interrupts', 'interrupts-extended'}:
interrupts.extract(node_path, prop, names, def_label)
elif prop == 'compatible':
compatible.extract(node_path, prop, def_label)
elif 'clocks' in prop:
clocks.extract(node_path, prop, def_label)
elif 'pwms' in prop or '-gpios' in prop or prop == "gpios":
prop_values = reduced[node_path]['props'][prop]
generic = prop[:-1] # Drop the 's' from the prop
# Deprecated the non-'S' form
extract_controller(node_path, prop, prop_values, 0,
def_label, generic, deprecate=True)
extract_controller(node_path, prop, prop_values, 0,
def_label, prop)
# Deprecated the non-'S' form
extract_cells(node_path, prop, prop_values,
names, 0, def_label, generic, deprecate=True)
extract_cells(node_path, prop, prop_values,
names, 0, def_label, prop)
default.extract(node_path, prop,
def generate_node_defines(node_path):
# Generates #defines (and .conf file values) from the device
# tree node at 'node_path'
if get_compat(node_path) not in get_binding_compats():
# We extract a few different #defines for a flash partition, so it's easier
# to handle it in one step
if 'partition@' in node_path:
if get_binding(node_path) is None:
props = get_binding(node_path).get('properties')
if not props:
# Generate per-property ('foo = <1 2 3>', etc.) #defines
for yaml_prop, yaml_val in props.items():
if yaml_prop.startswith("#") or yaml_prop.endswith("-map"):
match = False
# Handle each property individually, this ends up handling common
# patterns for things like reg, interrupts, etc that we don't need
# any special case handling at a node level
for prop in reduced[node_path]['props']:
if re.fullmatch(yaml_prop, prop):
match = True
generate_prop_defines(node_path, prop)
# Handle the case that we have a boolean property, but its not
# in the dts
if not match and yaml_val['type'] == 'boolean':
generate_prop_defines(node_path, yaml_prop)
def generate_bus_defines(node_path):
# Generates any node-level #defines related to
# parent:
# bus: ...
binding = get_binding(node_path)
if not ('parent-bus' in binding or
'parent' in binding and 'bus' in binding['parent']):
parent_path = get_parent_path(node_path)
# Check that parent has matching child bus value
parent_binding = get_binding(parent_path)
if 'child-bus' in parent_binding:
parent_bus = parent_binding['child-bus']
parent_bus = parent_binding['child']['bus']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
raise Exception("{0} defines parent {1} as bus master, but {1} is not "
"configured as bus master in binding"
.format(node_path, parent_path))
if 'parent-bus' in binding:
bus = binding['parent-bus']
bus = binding['parent']['bus']
if parent_bus != bus:
raise Exception("{0} defines parent {1} as {2} bus master, but {1} is "
"configured as {3} bus master"
.format(node_path, parent_path, bus, parent_bus))
# Generate *_BUS_NAME #define
'DT_' + node_label(parent_path) + '_' + node_label(node_path))
def prop_names(node, prop_name):
# Returns a list with the *-names for the property (reg-names,
# interrupt-names, etc.) The list is copied so that it can be modified
# in-place later without stomping on the device tree data.
# The first case turns 'interrupts' into 'interrupt-names'
names = node['props'].get(prop_name[:-1] + '-names', []) or \
node['props'].get(prop_name + '-names', [])
if isinstance(names, list):
# Allow the list of names to be modified in-place without
# stomping on the property
return names.copy()
return [names]
def merge_properties(parent, fname, to_dict, from_dict):
# Recursively merges the 'from_dict' dictionary into 'to_dict', to
# implement !include. 'parent' is the current parent key being looked at.
# 'fname' is the top-level .yaml file.
for k in from_dict:
if (k in to_dict and isinstance(to_dict[k], dict)
and isinstance(from_dict[k], dict)):
merge_properties(k, fname, to_dict[k], from_dict[k])
to_dict[k] = from_dict[k]
def merge_included_bindings(fname, node):
# Recursively merges properties from files !include'd from the 'inherits'
# section of the binding. 'fname' is the path to the top-level binding
# file, and 'node' the current top-level YAML node being processed.
res = node
if "include" in node:
included = node.pop("include")
if isinstance(included, str):
included = [included]
for included_fname in included:
binding = load_binding_file(included_fname)
inherited = merge_included_bindings(fname, binding)
merge_properties(None, fname, inherited, res)
res = inherited
if 'inherits' in node:
for inherited in node.pop('inherits'):
inherited = merge_included_bindings(fname, inherited)
merge_properties(None, fname, inherited, res)
res = inherited
return res
def define_str(name, value, value_tabs, is_deprecated=False):
line = "#define " + name
if is_deprecated:
line += " __DEPRECATED_MACRO "
return line + (value_tabs - len(line)//8)*'\t' + str(value) + '\n'
def write_conf(f):
for node in sorted(defs):
f.write('# ' + node.split('/')[-1] + '\n')
for prop in sorted(defs[node]):
if prop != 'aliases' and prop.startswith("DT_"):
f.write('%s=%s\n' % (prop, defs[node][prop]))
for alias in sorted(defs[node]['aliases']):
alias_target = defs[node]['aliases'][alias]
if alias_target not in defs[node]:
alias_target = defs[node]['aliases'][alias_target]
if alias.startswith("DT_"):
f.write('%s=%s\n' % (alias, defs[node].get(alias_target)))
def write_header(f, deprecated_only):
* Generated include file
def max_dict_key(dct):
return max(len(key) for key in dct)
for node in sorted(defs):
f.write('/* ' + node.split('/')[-1] + ' */\n')
maxlen = max_dict_key(defs[node])
if defs[node]['aliases']:
maxlen = max(maxlen, max_dict_key(defs[node]['aliases']))
maxlen += len('#define ')
value_tabs = (maxlen + 8)//8 # Tabstop index for value
if 8*value_tabs - maxlen <= 2:
# Add some minimum room between the macro name and the value
value_tabs += 1
for prop in sorted(defs[node]):
if prop != 'aliases':
deprecated_warn = False
if prop in deprecated_main:
deprecated_warn = True
if not prop.startswith('DT_'):
deprecated_warn = True
if deprecated_only and not deprecated_warn:
f.write(define_str(prop, defs[node][prop], value_tabs, deprecated_warn))
for alias in sorted(defs[node]['aliases']):
alias_target = defs[node]['aliases'][alias]
deprecated_warn = False
# Mark any non-DT_ prefixed define as deprecated except
# for now we special case LED, SW, and *PWM_LED*
if not alias.startswith('DT_'):
deprecated_warn = True
if alias in deprecated:
deprecated_warn = True
if deprecated_only and not deprecated_warn:
f.write(define_str(alias, alias_target, value_tabs, deprecated_warn))
def load_bindings(root, binding_dirs):
dts_compats = all_compats(root)
compat_to_binding = {}
# Maps buses to dictionaries that map compats to YAML nodes
bus_to_binding = defaultdict(dict)
compats = []
# Add '!include foo.yaml' handling
Loader.add_constructor('!include', yaml_include)
# Code below is adapated from
# Searches for any 'compatible' string mentioned in the devicetree
# files, with a regex
dt_compats_search = re.compile(
"|".join(re.escape(compat) for compat in dts_compats)
for file in binding_files:
with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
contents =
if not dt_compats_search(contents):
binding = yaml.load(contents, Loader=Loader)
binding_compats = _binding_compats(binding)
if not binding_compats:
with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as yf:
binding = merge_included_bindings(file,
yaml.load(yf, Loader=Loader))
for compat in binding_compats:
if compat not in compats:
if 'parent-bus' in binding:
bus_to_binding[binding['parent-bus']][compat] = binding
if 'parent' in binding:
bus_to_binding[binding['parent']['bus']][compat] = binding
compat_to_binding[compat] = binding
if not compat_to_binding:
raise Exception("No bindings found in '{}'".format(binding_dirs))
extract.globals.bindings = compat_to_binding
extract.globals.bus_bindings = bus_to_binding
extract.globals.binding_compats = compats
def _binding_compats(binding):
# Adapated from
def new_style_compats():
if binding is None or "compatible" not in binding:
return []
val = binding["compatible"]
if isinstance(val, str):
return [val]
return val
def old_style_compat():
return binding["properties"]["compatible"]["constraint"]
except Exception:
return None
new_compats = new_style_compats()
old_compat = old_style_compat()
if old_compat:
return [old_compat]
return new_compats
def find_binding_files(binding_dirs):
# Initializes the global 'binding_files' variable with a list of paths to
# binding (.yaml) files
global binding_files
binding_files = []
for binding_dir in binding_dirs:
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(binding_dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.yaml'):
binding_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
def yaml_include(loader, node):
# Implements !include. Returns a list with the top-level YAML structures
# for the included files (a single-element list if there's just one file).
if isinstance(node, yaml.ScalarNode):
# !include foo.yaml
return [load_binding_file(loader.construct_scalar(node))]
if isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode):
# !include [foo.yaml, bar.yaml]
return [load_binding_file(fname)
for fname in loader.construct_sequence(node)]
yaml_inc_error("Error: unrecognised node type in !include statement")
def load_binding_file(fname):
# yaml_include() helper for loading an !include'd file. !include takes just
# the basename of the file, so we need to make sure that there aren't
# multiple candidates.
filepaths = [filepath for filepath in binding_files
if os.path.basename(filepath) == os.path.basename(fname)]
if not filepaths:
yaml_inc_error("Error: unknown file name '{}' in !include statement"
if len(filepaths) > 1:
yaml_inc_error("Error: multiple candidates for file name '{}' in "
"!include statement: {}".format(fname, filepaths))
with open(filepaths[0], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader)
def yaml_inc_error(msg):
# Helper for reporting errors in the !include implementation
raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError(None, None, msg)
def generate_defines():
# Generates #defines (and .conf file values) from DTS
# sorted() otherwise Python < 3.6 randomizes the order of the flash
# partition table
for node_path in sorted(reduced.keys()):
if not defs:
raise Exception("No information parsed from dts file.")
for k, v in regs_config.items():
if k in chosen:
reg.extract(chosen[k], None, v, 1024)
for k, v in name_config.items():
if k in chosen:
extract_string_prop(chosen[k], "label", v)
def parse_arguments():
rdh = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=rdh)
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dts", required=True, help="DTS file")
parser.add_argument("-y", "--yaml", nargs='+', required=True,
help="YAML file directories, we allow multiple")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--include",
help="Generate include file for the build system")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--keyvalue",
help="Generate config file for the build system")
parser.add_argument("--old-alias-names", action='store_true',
help="Generate aliases also in the old way, without "
"compatibility information in their labels")
parser.add_argument("--deprecated-only", action='store_true',
help="Generate only the deprecated defines")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
# Parse DTS and fetch the root node
with open(args.dts, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
root = parse_file(f)['/']
# Create some global data structures from the parsed DTS
create_reduced(root, '/')
create_phandles(root, '/')
# Re-sort instance_id by reg addr
# Note: this is a short term fix and should be removed when
# generate defines for instance with a prefix like 'DT_INST'
# Build a dict of dicts, first level is index by compat
# second level is index by reg addr
compat_reg_dict = defaultdict(dict)
for node in reduced.values():
instance = node.get('instance_id')
if instance and node['addr'] is not None:
for compat in instance:
reg = node['addr']
compat_reg_dict[compat][reg] = node
# Walk the reg addr in sorted order to re-index 'instance_id'
for compat in compat_reg_dict:
# only update if we have more than one instance
if len(compat_reg_dict[compat]) > 1:
for idx, reg_addr in enumerate(sorted(compat_reg_dict[compat])):
compat_reg_dict[compat][reg_addr]['instance_id'][compat] = idx
# Load any bindings (.yaml files) that match 'compatible' values from the
load_bindings(root, args.yaml)
# Generate keys and values for the configuration file and the header file
# Write the configuration file and the header file
if args.keyvalue is not None:
with open(args.keyvalue, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
if args.include is not None:
with open(args.include, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
write_header(f, args.deprecated_only)
if __name__ == '__main__':