blob: e6b4b91100ff32b4d89a9bf343ba17fdf929a6e6 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _mimxrt685_evk:
The i.MX RT600 is a crossover MCU family optimized for 32-bit immersive audio
playback and voice user interface applications combining a high-performance
Cadence Tensilica HiFi 4 audio DSP core with a next-generation Cortex-M33
core. The i.MX RT600 family of crossover MCUs is designed to unlock the
potential of voice-assisted end nodes with a secure, power-optimized embedded
The i.MX RT600 family provides up to 4.5MB of on-chip SRAM and several
high-bandwidth interfaces to access off-chip flash, including an Octal/Quad SPI
interface with an on-the-fly decryption engine.
.. image:: ./mimxrt685_evk.jpg
:width: 720px
:align: center
:alt: MIMXRT685-EVK
- MIMXRT685SFVKB Cortex-M33 (300 MHz, 128 KB TCM) core processor with Cadence Xtensa HiFi4 DSP
- Onboard, high-speed USB, Link2 debug probe with CMSIS-DAP protocol (supporting Cortex M33 debug only)
- High speed USB port with micro A/B connector for the host or device functionality
- UART, I2C and SPI port bridging from i.MX RT685 target to USB via the on-board debug probe
- 512 MB Macronix Octal SPI Flash operating at 1.8 V
- 4.5 MB Apmemory PSRAM
- Full size SD card slot (SDIO)
- User LEDs
- Reset and User buttons
- Arduino and PMod/Host expansion connectors
- NXP FXOS8700CQ accelerometer
- Stereo audio codec with line in/out and electret microphone
- Stereo NXP TFA9894 digital amplifiers, with option for external +5V power for higher performance speakers
- Support for up to eight off-board digital microphones via 12-pin header
- Two on-board DMICS
For more information about the MIMXRT685 SoC and MIMXRT685-EVK board, see
these references:
- `i.MX RT685 Website`_
- `i.MX RT685 Datasheet`_
- `i.MX RT685 Reference Manual`_
- `MIMXRT685-EVK Website`_
- `MIMXRT685-EVK User Guide`_
- `MIMXRT685-EVK Schematics`_
Supported Features
The mimxrt685_evk board configuration supports the following hardware
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller |
| SYSTICK | on-chip | systick |
| IOCON | on-chip | pinmux |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| USART | on-chip | serial port-polling |
| I2C | on-chip | i2c |
| SPI | on-chip | spi |
The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file:
Other hardware features are not currently supported by the port.
Connections and IOs
The MIMXRT685 SoC has IOCON registers, which can be used to configure the
functionality of a pin.
| Name | Function | Usage |
| PIO0_14 | GPIO | GREEN LED |
| PIO1_1 | GPIO | SW0 |
| PIO0_17 | I2C | I2C SDA |
| PIO0_18 | I2C | I2C SCL |
| PIO1_5 | GPIO | FXOS8700 TRIGGER |
| PIO1_5 | SPI | SPI MOSI |
| PIO1_4 | SPI | SPI MISO |
| PIO1_3 | SPI | SPI SCK |
| PIO1_6 | SPI | SPI SSEL |
System Clock
The MIMXRT685 SoC is configured to use the internal FRO at 48MHz as a source for
the system clock. Other sources for the system clock are provided in the SOC,
depending on your system requirements.
Serial Port
The MIMXRT685 SoC has 8 FLEXCOMM interfaces for serial communication. One is
configured as USART for the console and the remaining are not used.
Programming and Debugging
Build and flash applications as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application` and
:ref:`application_run` for more details).
Configuring a Debug Probe
A debug probe is used for both flashing and debugging the board. This board is
configured by default to use the LPC-Link2.
Install the :ref:`jlink-debug-host-tools` and make sure they are in your search
Follow the instructions in :ref:`lpclink2-jlink-onboard-debug-probe` to program
the J-Link firmware. Please make sure you have the latest firmware for this
Configuring a Console
Connect a USB cable from your PC to J16, and use the serial terminal of your choice
(minicom, putty, etc.) with the following settings:
- Speed: 115200
- Data: 8 bits
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
Here is an example for the :ref:`hello_world` application. This example uses the
:ref:`jlink-debug-host-tools` as default.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: mimxrt685_evk_cm33
:goals: flash
Open a serial terminal, reset the board (press the RESET button), and you should
see the following message in the terminal:
.. code-block:: console
***** Booting Zephyr OS v1.14.0 *****
Hello World! mimxrt685_evk_cm33
Here is an example for the :ref:`hello_world` application. This example uses the
:ref:`jlink-debug-host-tools` as default.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: mimxrt685_evk_cm33
:goals: debug
Open a serial terminal, step through the application in your debugger, and you
should see the following message in the terminal:
.. code-block:: console
***** Booting Zephyr OS zephyr-v2.3.0 *****
Hello World! mimxrt685_evk_cm33
.. _MIMXRT685-EVK Website:
.. _MIMXRT685-EVK User Guide:
.. _MIMXRT685-EVK Schematics:
.. _i.MX RT685 Website:
.. _i.MX RT685 Datasheet:
.. _i.MX RT685 Reference Manual: