blob: c100675bc7bce367c4dcac96e805fde061d8c3c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <toolchain.h>
#include <sys/util.h>
#include <sys/__assert.h>
* Special alignment cases
#if defined(__i386__)
/* there are no gaps on the stack */
#define VA_STACK_ALIGN(type) 1U
#elif defined(__sparc__)
/* there are no gaps on the stack */
#define VA_STACK_ALIGN(type) 1U
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#elif defined(__riscv)
#define VA_STACK_MIN_ALIGN (__riscv_xlen / 8)
* Default alignment values if not specified by architecture config
#define VA_STACK_ALIGN(type) MAX(VA_STACK_MIN_ALIGN, __alignof__(type))
static inline void z_cbprintf_wcpy(int *dst, int *src, size_t len)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
#include <sys/cbprintf_cxx.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__sparc__)
/* The SPARC V8 ABI guarantees that the arguments of a variable argument
* list function are stored on the stack at addresses which are 32-bit
* aligned. It means that variables of type unit64_t and double may not
* be properly aligned on the stack.
* The compiler is aware of the ABI and takes care of this. However,
* as we are directly accessing the variable argument list here, we need
* to take the alignment into consideration and copy 64-bit arguments
* as 32-bit words.
/** @brief Return 1 if argument is a pointer to char or wchar_t
* @param x argument.
* @return 1 if char * or wchar_t *, 0 otherwise.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Z_CBPRINTF_IS_PCHAR(x) z_cbprintf_cxx_is_pchar(x)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_IS_PCHAR(x) \
_Generic((x), \
char * : 1, \
const char * : 1, \
volatile char * : 1, \
const volatile char * : 1, \
wchar_t * : 1, \
const wchar_t * : 1, \
volatile wchar_t * : 1, \
const volatile wchar_t * : 1, \
default : \
/** @brief Calculate number of char * or wchar_t * arguments in the arguments.
* @param fmt string.
* @param ... string arguments.
* @return number of arguments which are char * or wchar_t *.
#define Z_CBPRINTF_HAS_PCHAR_ARGS(fmt, ...) \
* @brief Check if formatted string must be packaged in runtime.
* @param skip number of char/wchar_t pointers in the argument list which are
* accepted for static packaging.
* @param ... String with arguments (fmt, ...).
* @retval true if string must be packaged at runtime.
* @retval false if string can be statically packaged.
#define Z_CBPRINTF_MUST_RUNTIME_PACKAGE(skip, ...) ({\
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wpointer-arith\"") \
bool _rv = COND_CODE_0(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), \
(false), \
(((Z_CBPRINTF_HAS_PCHAR_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__) - (skip)) > 0))); \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")\
_rv; \
/** @brief Get storage size for given argument.
* Floats are promoted to double so they use size of double, others int storage
* or it's own storage size if it is bigger than int.
* @param x argument.
* @return Number of bytes used for storing the argument.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Z_CBPRINTF_ARG_SIZE(v) z_cbprintf_cxx_arg_size(v)
#define Z_CONSTIFY(v) (_Generic((v), char * : (const char *)(uintptr_t)(v), default : (v)))
#define Z_PROMOTE(v) ((__typeof__((v) + 0))(v))
#define Z_CBPRINTF_ARG_SIZE(v) ({\
__auto_type _v = Z_PROMOTE(Z_CONSTIFY(v)); \
size_t _arg_size = _Generic((v), \
float : sizeof(double), \
default : \
sizeof((_v)) \
); \
_arg_size; \
/** @brief Promote and store argument in the buffer.
* @param buf Buffer.
* @param arg Argument.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Z_CBPRINTF_STORE_ARG(buf, arg) z_cbprintf_cxx_store_arg(buf, arg)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_STORE_ARG(buf, arg) do { \
__auto_type _v = Z_PROMOTE(Z_CONSTIFY(arg)); \
/* If required, copy arguments by word to avoid unaligned access.*/ \
double _d = _Generic(_v, \
float : _v, \
default : \
0.0); \
size_t arg_size = Z_CBPRINTF_ARG_SIZE(arg); \
size_t _wsize = arg_size / sizeof(int); \
z_cbprintf_wcpy((int *)(buf), \
(int *) _Generic(_v, float : &_d, default : &_v), \
_wsize); \
} else { \
*_Generic(_v, \
char : (int *)(buf), \
unsigned char: (int *)(buf), \
short : (int *)(buf), \
unsigned short : (int *)(buf), \
int : (int *)(buf), \
unsigned int : (unsigned int *)(buf), \
long : (long *)(buf), \
unsigned long : (unsigned long *)(buf), \
long long : (long long *)(buf), \
unsigned long long : (unsigned long long *)(buf), \
float : (double *)(buf), \
double : (double *)(buf), \
long double : (long double *)(buf), \
default : \
(const void **)(buf)) = _v; \
} \
} while (false)
/** @brief Return alignment needed for given argument.
* @param _arg Argument
* @return Alignment in bytes.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define Z_CBPRINTF_ALIGNMENT(_arg) z_cbprintf_cxx_alignment(_arg)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_ALIGNMENT(_arg) \
MAX(_Generic((_arg), \
float : VA_STACK_ALIGN(double), \
double : VA_STACK_ALIGN(double), \
long double : VA_STACK_ALIGN(long double), \
long long : VA_STACK_ALIGN(long long), \
unsigned long long : VA_STACK_ALIGN(long long), \
default : \
__alignof__(Z_PROMOTE(_arg))), VA_STACK_MIN_ALIGN)
/** @brief Detect long double variable as a constant expression.
* Macro is used in static assertion. On some platforms C++ static inline
* template function is not a constant expression and cannot be used. In that
* case long double usage will not be detected.
* @param x Argument.
* @return true if @p x is a long double, false otherwise.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__riscv) || defined(__aarch64__)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_IS_LONGDOUBLE(x) z_cbprintf_cxx_is_longdouble(x)
_Generic((x), long double : true, default : false)
/** @brief Safely package arguments to a buffer.
* Argument is put into the buffer if capable buffer is provided. Length is
* incremented even if data is not packaged.
* @param _buf buffer.
* @param _idx index. Index is postincremented.
* @param _align_offset Current index with alignment offset.
* @param _max maximum index (buffer capacity).
* @param _arg argument.
#define Z_CBPRINTF_PACK_ARG2(_buf, _idx, _align_offset, _max, \
_cfg_flags, _s_idx, _s_buf, _arg) \
do { \
BUILD_ASSERT(!((sizeof(double) < VA_STACK_ALIGN(long double)) && \
"Packaging of long double not enabled in Kconfig."); \
while (((_align_offset) % Z_CBPRINTF_ALIGNMENT(_arg)) != 0UL) { \
(_idx) += sizeof(int); \
(_align_offset) += sizeof(int); \
} \
size_t _arg_size = Z_CBPRINTF_ARG_SIZE(_arg); \
if (Z_CBPRINTF_IS_PCHAR(_arg) != 0) { \
(_s_buf)[(_s_idx)] = (uint16_t)((_idx) / sizeof(int)); \
++(_s_idx); \
} \
if (((_buf) != NULL) && ((_idx) < (_max))) { \
Z_CBPRINTF_STORE_ARG(&(_buf)[(_idx)], _arg); \
} \
(_idx) += (_arg_size); \
(_align_offset) += (_arg_size); \
} while (false)
/** @brief Package single argument.
* Macro is called in a loop for each argument in the string.
* @param arg argument.
#define Z_CBPRINTF_PACK_ARG(arg) \
Z_CBPRINTF_PACK_ARG2(_pbuf, _pkg_len, _pkg_offset, _pmax, _flags, \
_s_cnt, _s_buffer, arg)
/** @brief Package descriptor.
* @param len Package length.
* @param str_cnt Number of strings stored in the package.
struct z_cbprintf_desc {
uint8_t len;
uint8_t str_cnt;
uint8_t ro_str_cnt;
/** @brief Package header. */
union z_cbprintf_hdr {
struct z_cbprintf_desc desc;
void *raw;
/* When using clang additional warning needs to be suppressed since each
* argument of fmt string is used for sizeof() which results in the warning
* if argument is a stirng literal. Suppression is added here instead of
* the macro which generates the warning to not slow down the compiler.
#ifdef __clang__
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wsizeof-array-decay\"")
/** @brief Statically package a formatted string with arguments.
* @param buf buffer. If null then only length is calculated.
* @param _inlen buffer capacity on input. Ignored when @p buf is null.
* @param _outlen number of bytes required to store the package.
* @param _align_offset Input buffer alignment offset in words. Where offset 0
* means that buffer is aligned to CBPRINTF_PACKAGE_ALIGNMENT.
* @param _flags Option flags. See @ref CBPRINTF_PACKAGE_FLAGS.
* @param ... String with variable list of arguments.
#define Z_CBPRINTF_STATIC_PACKAGE_GENERIC(buf, _inlen, _outlen, _align_offset, \
_flags, ... /* fmt, ... */) \
do { \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wpointer-arith\"") \
(((_align_offset) % CBPRINTF_PACKAGE_ALIGNMENT) == 0U)), \
"Xtensa requires aligned package."); \
BUILD_ASSERT(((_align_offset) % sizeof(int)) == 0, \
"Alignment offset must be multiply of a word."); \
(__ASSERT(!((uintptr_t)buf & (CBPRINTF_PACKAGE_ALIGNMENT - 1)), \
"Buffer must be aligned.");)) \
bool str_idxs = ((_flags) & CBPRINTF_PACKAGE_ADD_STRING_IDXS) != 0; \
uint8_t *_pbuf = (buf); \
uint8_t _s_cnt = 0; \
uint16_t _s_buffer[16]; \
size_t _pmax = ((buf) != NULL) ? (size_t)(_inlen) : (size_t)INT32_MAX; \
size_t _pkg_len = 0; \
size_t _total_len = 0; \
size_t _pkg_offset = (_align_offset); \
union z_cbprintf_hdr *_len_loc; \
/* package starts with string address and field with length */ \
if (_pmax < sizeof(union z_cbprintf_hdr)) { \
(_outlen) = -ENOSPC; \
break; \
} \
_len_loc = (union z_cbprintf_hdr *)_pbuf; \
_pkg_len += sizeof(union z_cbprintf_hdr); \
_pkg_offset += sizeof(union z_cbprintf_hdr); \
/* Pack remaining arguments */\
_total_len = _pkg_len; \
if (str_idxs) {\
_total_len += _s_cnt; \
if (_pbuf != NULL) { \
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _s_cnt; i++) { \
/*? CHECKME: Suspicious cast */ \
_pbuf[_pkg_len + i] = (uint8_t)_s_buffer[i]; \
} \
} \
} \
/* Store length */ \
(_outlen) = (_total_len > _pmax) ? -ENOSPC : (int)_total_len; \
/* Store length in the header, set number of dumped strings to 0 */ \
if (_pbuf != NULL) { \
union z_cbprintf_hdr hdr = { \
.desc = { \
.len = (uint8_t)(_pkg_len / sizeof(int)), \
.str_cnt = 0, \
.ro_str_cnt = str_idxs ? _s_cnt : (uint8_t)0, \
} \
}; \
*_len_loc = hdr; \
} \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop") \
} while (false)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_STATIC_PACKAGE(packaged, inlen, outlen, align_offset, flags, \
... /* fmt, ... */) \
Z_CBPRINTF_STATIC_PACKAGE_GENERIC(packaged, inlen, outlen, \
align_offset, flags, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Z_CBPRINTF_STATIC_PACKAGE(packaged, inlen, outlen, align_offset, flags, \
... /* fmt, ... */) \
do { \
/* Small trick needed to avoid warning on always true */ \
if (((uintptr_t)packaged + 1) != 1) { \
outlen = cbprintf_package(packaged, inlen, flags, __VA_ARGS__); \
} else { \
outlen = cbprintf_package(NULL, align_offset, flags, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (false)
#endif /* Z_C_GENERIC */
#ifdef __cplusplus