blob: 787312519f69cc6e10ac951ccf04cf32b65e5688 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _spiram_test:
Espressif ESP32 SPIRAM test
This sample allocates memory from internal DRAM and SPIRAM by calling `k_malloc`, frees
allocated memory by calling `k_free` and checks if memory can be allocated again.
Capability of allocated memory is decided by ESP_HEAP_MIN_EXTRAM_THRESHOLD. If size is less than
ESP_HEAP_MIN_EXTRAM_THRESHOLD, memory is allocated from internal DRAM. If size is greater than
ESP_HEAP_MIN_EXTRAM_THRESHOLD, memory is allocated from SPIRAM.
Building and Running
Make sure you have the ESP32_WROVER_KIT connected over USB port.
.. code-block:: console
west build -b esp32 samples/boards/esp32/spiram_test
west flash --esp-device /dev/ttyUSB0
Sample Output
To check output of this sample, any serial console program can be used (i.e. on Linux minicom, putty, screen, etc)
This example uses ``picocom`` on the serial port ``/dev/ttyUS0``:
.. code-block:: console
mem test ok! 209
SPIRAM mem test pass
mem test ok! 194
Internal mem test pass