blob: d2207662574288b32a6be6cd7e17420c1f4344ce [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <sys/timeutil.h>
#include <drivers/clock_control.h>
#include <drivers/clock_control/nrf_clock_control.h>
#include <drivers/counter.h>
#include <nrfx_clock.h>
#define CLOCK_NODE DT_INST(0, nordic_nrf_clock)
static const struct device *clock0;
static const struct device *timer0;
static struct timeutil_sync_config sync_config;
static uint64_t counter_ref;
static struct timeutil_sync_state sync_state;
static struct k_work_delayable sync_work;
/* Convert local time in ticks to microseconds. */
uint64_t local_to_us(uint64_t local)
return z_tmcvt(local, sync_config.local_Hz, USEC_PER_SEC, false,
false, false, false);
/* Convert HFCLK reference to microseconds. */
uint64_t ref_to_us(uint64_t ref)
return z_tmcvt(ref, sync_config.ref_Hz, USEC_PER_SEC, false,
false, false, false);
/* Format a microsecond timestamp to text as D d HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS. */
static const char *us_to_text_r(uint64_t rem, char *buf, size_t len)
char *bp = buf;
char *bpe = bp + len;
uint32_t us;
uint32_t s;
uint32_t min;
uint32_t hr;
uint32_t d;
us = rem % USEC_PER_SEC;
rem /= USEC_PER_SEC;
s = rem % 60;
rem /= 60;
min = rem % 60;
rem /= 60;
hr = rem % 24;
rem /= 24;
d = rem;
if (d > 0) {
bp += snprintf(bp, bpe - bp, "%u d ", d);
bp += snprintf(bp, bpe - bp, "%02u:%02u:%02u.%06u",
hr, min, s, us);
return buf;
static const char *us_to_text(uint64_t rem)
static char ts_buf[32];
return us_to_text_r(rem, ts_buf, sizeof(ts_buf));
/* Show status of various clocks */
static void show_clocks(const char *tag)
static const char *const lfsrc_s[] = {
static const char *const hfsrc_s[] = {
static const char *const clkstat_s[] = {
union {
unsigned int raw;
nrf_clock_lfclk_t lf;
nrf_clock_hfclk_t hf;
} src;
enum clock_control_status clkstat;
bool running;
clkstat = clock_control_get_status(clock0, CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_SUBSYS_LF);
running = nrf_clock_is_running(NRF_CLOCK, NRF_CLOCK_DOMAIN_LFCLK,
printk("%s: LFCLK[%s]: %s %s ; ", tag, clkstat_s[clkstat],
running ? "Running" : "Off", lfsrc_s[src.lf]);
clkstat = clock_control_get_status(clock0, CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_SUBSYS_HF);
running = nrf_clock_is_running(NRF_CLOCK, NRF_CLOCK_DOMAIN_HFCLK,
printk("HFCLK[%s]: %s %s\n", clkstat_s[clkstat],
running ? "Running" : "Off", hfsrc_s[src.hf]);
static void sync_work_handler(struct k_work *work)
uint32_t ctr;
int rc = counter_get_value(timer0, &ctr);
const struct timeutil_sync_instant *base = &sync_state.base;
const struct timeutil_sync_instant *latest = &sync_state.latest;
if (rc == 0) {
struct timeutil_sync_instant inst;
uint64_t ref_span_us;
counter_ref += ctr - (uint32_t)counter_ref;
inst.ref = counter_ref;
inst.local = k_uptime_ticks();
rc = timeutil_sync_state_update(&sync_state, &inst);
printf("\nTy Latest Base Span Err\n");
printf("HF %s", us_to_text(ref_to_us(inst.ref)));
if (rc > 0) {
printf(" %s", us_to_text(ref_to_us(base->ref)));
ref_span_us = ref_to_us(latest->ref - base->ref);
printf(" %s", us_to_text(ref_span_us));
printf("\nLF %s", us_to_text(local_to_us(inst.local)));
if (rc > 0) {
uint64_t err_us;
uint64_t local_span_us;
char err_sign = ' ';
printf(" %s", us_to_text(local_to_us(base->local)));
local_span_us = local_to_us(latest->local - base->local);
printf(" %s", us_to_text(local_span_us));
if (ref_span_us >= local_span_us) {
err_us = ref_span_us - local_span_us;
err_sign = '-';
} else {
err_us = local_span_us - ref_span_us;
printf(" %c%s", err_sign, us_to_text(err_us));
if (rc > 0) {
float skew = timeutil_sync_estimate_skew(&sync_state);
/* Create a state with the current skew estimate. Use
* it to reconstruct the expected reference time from
* the latest local time, then display that time and
* its error from the latest reference time.
uint64_t rec_ref;
struct timeutil_sync_state st2 = sync_state;
(void)timeutil_sync_state_set_skew(&st2, skew, NULL);
(void)timeutil_sync_ref_from_local(&st2, latest->local,
char err_sign = ' ';
uint64_t err_us;
if (rec_ref < latest->ref) {
err_sign = '-';
err_us = ref_to_us(latest->ref - rec_ref);
} else {
err_us = ref_to_us(rec_ref - latest->ref);
printf("RHF %s ",
printf("%c%s\n", err_sign, us_to_text(err_us));
printf("Skew %f ; err %d ppb\n", skew,
} else if (rc < 0) {
printf("Sync update error: %d\n", rc);
void main(void)
const char *clock_label = DT_LABEL(CLOCK_NODE);
const char *timer0_label = DT_LABEL(TIMER_NODE);
uint32_t top;
int rc;
/* Grab the clock driver */
clock0 = device_get_binding(clock_label);
if (clock0 == NULL) {
printk("Failed to fetch clock %s\n", clock_label);
show_clocks("Power-up clocks");
rc = clock_control_on(clock0, CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_SUBSYS_HF);
printk("Enable HFXO got %d\n", rc);
/* Grab the timer. */
timer0 = device_get_binding(timer0_label);
if (timer0 == NULL) {
printk("Failed to fetch timer0 %s\n", timer0_label);
/* Apparently there's no API to configure a frequency at
* runtime, so live with whatever we get.
sync_config.ref_Hz = counter_get_frequency(timer0);
if (sync_config.ref_Hz == 0) {
printk("Timer %s has no fixed frequency\n",
top = counter_get_top_value(timer0);
if (top != UINT32_MAX) {
printk("Timer %s wraps at %u (0x%08x) not at 32 bits\n",
timer0_label, top, top);
rc = counter_start(timer0);
printk("Start %s: %d\n", timer0_label, rc);
show_clocks("Timer-running clocks");
sync_config.local_Hz = CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC;
sync_state.cfg = &sync_config;
printf("Checking %s at %u Hz against ticks at %u Hz\n",
timer0_label, sync_config.ref_Hz, sync_config.local_Hz);
printf("Timer wraps every %u s\n",
(uint32_t)(BIT64(32) / sync_config.ref_Hz));
k_work_init_delayable(&sync_work, sync_work_handler);
rc = k_work_schedule(&sync_work, K_NO_WAIT);
printk("Started sync: %d\n", rc);