blob: d195b4ea54d38ec7828364daa2f6e5cba833379f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
.. _gatt-pics:
PTS version: 8.0.3
M - mandatory
O - optional
Generic Attribute Profile Support
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =============================================
TSPC_GATT_1_1 True Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Client (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_1_2 True Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Server (C.2)
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GATT role configuration
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Parameter Name Selected Description
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TSPC_GATT_1a_1 True GATT Client over LE (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_1a_2 False GATT Client over BR/EDR (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_1a_3 True GATT Server over LE (C.3)
TSPC_GATT_1a_4 False GATT Server over BR/EDR (C.4)
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Attribute Protocol Transport
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Parameter Name Selected Description
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TSPC_GATT_2_1 False Attribute Protocol Supported over BR/EDR (L2CAP fixed channel support) (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_2_2 True Attribute Protocol Supported over LE (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_2_3 True Enhanced ATT bearer Attribute Protocol Supported (L2CAP fixed EATT PSM supported) (C.3)
TSPC_GATT_2_3a True Enhanced ATT bearer supported over LE (C.4)
TSPC_GATT_2_3b False Enhanced ATT bearer supported over BR/EDR (C.5)
============== ======== =======================================================================================
Generic Attribute Profile Feature Support, by Client
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =========================================================
TSPC_GATT_3_1 True Exchange MTU (C.11)
TSPC_GATT_3_2 True Discover All Primary Services (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_3 True Discover Primary Services by Service UUID (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_4 True Find Included Services (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_5 True Discover All characteristics of a Service (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_6 True Discover Characteristics by UUID (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_7 True Discover All Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_8 True Read Characteristic Value (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_9 True Read Using Characteristic UUID (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_10 True Read Long Characteristic Values (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_11 True Read Multiple Characteristic Values (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_12 True Write without Response (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_13 True Signed Write Without Response (C.11)
TSPC_GATT_3_14 True Write Characteristic Value (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_15 True Write Long Characteristic Values (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_16 True Characteristic Value Reliable Writes (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_17 True Notifications (C.7)
TSPC_GATT_3_18 True Indications (M)
TSPC_GATT_3_19 True Read Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_20 True Read Long Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_21 True Write Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_22 True Write Long Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_23 True Service Changed Characteristic (M)
TSPC_GATT_3_24 False Configured Broadcast (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_3_25 True Client Supported Features Characteristic (C.4)
TSPC_GATT_3_26 True Database Hash Characteristic (C.4)
TSPC_GATT_3_27 False Read and Interpret Characteristic Presentation Format (O)
TSPC_GATT_3_28 False Read and Interpret Characteristic Aggregate Format (C.6)
TSPC_GATT_3_29 False Read Multiple Variable Length Characteristic Values (C.9)
TSPC_GATT_3_30 False Multiple Variable Length Notifications (C.10)
============== ======== =========================================================
Generic Attribute Profile Feature Support, by Server
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =============================================================================
TSPC_GATT_4_1 True Exchange MTU (C.6)
TSPC_GATT_4_2 True Discover All Primary Services (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_3 True Discover Primary Services by Service UUID (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_4 True Find Included Services (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_5 True Discover All characteristics of a Service (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_6 True Discover Characteristics by UUID (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_7 True Discover All Characteristic Descriptors (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_8 True Read Characteristic Value (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_9 True Read Using Characteristic UUID (M)
TSPC_GATT_4_10 True Read Long Characteristic Values (C.12)
TSPC_GATT_4_11 True Read Multiple Characteristic Values (O)
TSPC_GATT_4_12 True Write without Response (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_4_13 True Signed Write Without Response (C.6)
TSPC_GATT_4_14 True Write Characteristic Value (C.3)
TSPC_GATT_4_15 True Write Long Characteristic Values (C.12)
TSPC_GATT_4_16 True Characteristic Value ReliableWrites (O)
TSPC_GATT_4_17 True Notifications (O)
TSPC_GATT_4_18 True Indications (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_4_19 True Read Characteristic Descriptors (C.12)
TSPC_GATT_4_20 True Read Long Characteristic Descriptors (C.12)
TSPC_GATT_4_21 True Write Characteristic Descriptors (C.12)
TSPC_GATT_4_22 True Write Long Characteristic Descriptors (O)
TSPC_GATT_4_23 True Service Changed Characteristic (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_4_24 False Configured Broadcast (C.5)
TSPC_GATT_4_25 False Execute Write Request with empty queue (C.7)
TSPC_GATT_4_26 True Client Supported Features Characteristic (C.9)
TSPC_GATT_4_27 True Database Hash Characteristic (C.8)
TSPC_GATT_4_28 False Report Characteristic Value: Characteristic Presentation Format (O)
TSPC_GATT_4_29 False Report aggregate Characteristic Value: Characteristic Aggregate Format (C.10)
TSPC_GATT_4_30 False Read Multiple Variable Length Characteristic Values (C.13)
TSPC_GATT_4_31 False Multiple Variable Length Notifications (C.13)
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SDP Interoperability
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== =============================================================
TSPC_GATT_6_2 False Discover GATT Services using Service Discovery Profile (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_6_3 False Publish SDP record for GATT services support via BR/EDR (C.2)
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Attribute Protocol Transport Security
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ===========================================
TSPC_GATT_7_1 False Security Mode 4 (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_7_2 True LE Security Mode 1 (C.5)
TSPC_GATT_7_3 True LE Security Mode 2 (C.6)
TSPC_GATT_7_4 True LE Authentication Procedure (C.4)
TSPC_GATT_7_5 True LE connection data signing procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_7_6 True LE Authenticate signed data procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_7_7 True LE Authorization Procedure (C.3)
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Multiple Simultaneous ATT Bearers
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Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ======== ==================================================================================================================
TSPC_GATT_8_1 False Support for multiple simultaneous active ATT bearers from same device ATT over LE and ATT over BR/EDR (C.1)
TSPC_GATT_8_2 True Support for multiple simultaneous active ATT bearers from same device ATT over LE and EATT over LE (C.2)
TSPC_GATT_8_3 False Support for multiple simultaneous active ATT bearers from same device ATT over BR/EDR and EATT over BR/EDR (C.3)
TSPC_GATT_8_4 False Support for multiple simultaneous active ATT bearers from same device ATT over LE and EATT over BR/EDR (C.4)
TSPC_GATT_8_5 False Support for multiple simultaneous active ATT bearers from same device ATT over BR/EDR and EATT over LE (C.5)
TSPC_GATT_8_6 False Support for multiple simultaneous active EATT bearers from same device EATT over BR/EDR and EATT over LE (C.6)
TSPC_GATT_8_7 False Support for multiple simultaneous active EATT bearers from same device EATT over BR/EDR (C.7)
TSPC_GATT_8_8 True Support for multiple simultaneous active EATT bearers from same device EATT over LE (C.7)
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