blob: d2f99f372af8ff366a878e4c043dc846f72f9462 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
set -eu
bash_source_dir="$(realpath "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
source "${bash_source_dir}/"
function Execute() {
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo -e " \e[91m$(pwd)/$(basename $1) cannot be found (did you forget to\
compile it?)\e[39m"
exit 1
$@ &
process_ids="$process_ids $!"
: "${BSIM_OUT_PATH:?BSIM_OUT_PATH must be defined}"
cd ${BSIM_OUT_PATH}/bin
# Remove the files used by the custom SETTINGS backend
echo "remove settings files ${simulation_id}_*.log"
rm ${simulation_id}_*.log || true
Execute ./bs_2G4_phy_v1 -v=${verbosity_level} -s="${simulation_id}" -D=8 -sim_length=30e6
# Only one `server` device is really running at a time. This is a necessary hack
# because bsim doesn't support plugging devices in and out of a running
# simulation, but this test needs a way to power-cycle the `server` device a few
# times.
# Each device will wait until the previous instance (called 'test round') has
# finished executing before starting up.
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=0 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 0 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=1 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 1 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=2 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 2 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=3 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 3 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=4 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 4 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=5 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 5 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=6 -testid=server -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 6 6 "server_2"
Execute "$test_2_exe" -v=${verbosity_level} \
-s="${simulation_id}" -d=7 -testid=client -RealEncryption=1 -argstest 0 0 "client_2"
for process_id in $process_ids; do
wait $process_id || let "exit_code=$?"
exit $exit_code #the last exit code != 0