blob: aeec78ab2d64e72a431e8fa76a475477a09cd796 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018 Bobby Noelte
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from extract.globals import *
from extract.directive import DTDirective
# @brief Manage reg directive.
class DTReg(DTDirective):
def __init__(self):
# @brief Extract reg directive info
# @param node_address Address of node owning the
# reg definition.
# @param yaml YAML definition for the owning node.
# @param prop reg property name
# @param names (unused)
# @param def_label Define label string of node owning the
# compatible definition.
def extract(self, node_address, yaml, prop, names, def_label):
node = reduced[node_address]
node_compat = get_compat(node_address)
reg = reduced[node_address]['props']['reg']
if type(reg) is not list: reg = [ reg ]
props = list(reg)
address_cells = reduced['/']['props'].get('#address-cells')
size_cells = reduced['/']['props'].get('#size-cells')
address = ''
for comp in node_address.split('/')[1:-1]:
address += '/' + comp
address_cells = reduced[address]['props'].get(
'#address-cells', address_cells)
size_cells = reduced[address]['props'].get('#size-cells', size_cells)
post_label = "BASE_ADDRESS"
if yaml[node_compat].get('use-property-label', False):
label = node['props'].get('label', None)
if label:
post_label = label
index = 0
l_base = def_label.split('/')
l_addr = [convert_string_to_label(post_label)]
l_size = ["SIZE"]
while props:
prop_def = {}
prop_alias = {}
addr = 0
size = 0
# Check is defined should be indexed (_0, _1)
if index == 0 and len(props) < 3:
# 1 element (len 2) or no element (len 0) in props
l_idx = []
l_idx = [str(index)]
name = [names.pop(0).upper()]
name = []
for x in range(address_cells):
addr += props.pop(0) << (32 * x)
for x in range(size_cells):
size += props.pop(0) << (32 * x)
l_addr_fqn = '_'.join(l_base + l_addr + l_idx)
l_size_fqn = '_'.join(l_base + l_size + l_idx)
if address_cells:
prop_def[l_addr_fqn] = hex(addr)
if size_cells:
prop_def[l_size_fqn] = int(size)
if len(name):
if address_cells:
prop_alias['_'.join(l_base + name + l_addr)] = l_addr_fqn
if size_cells:
prop_alias['_'.join(l_base + name + l_size)] = l_size_fqn
# generate defs for node aliases
if node_address in aliases:
for i in aliases[node_address]:
alias_label = convert_string_to_label(i)
alias_addr = [alias_label] + l_addr
alias_size = [alias_label] + l_size
prop_alias['_'.join(alias_addr)] = '_'.join(l_base + l_addr)
prop_alias['_'.join(alias_size)] = '_'.join(l_base + l_size)
insert_defs(node_address, prop_def, prop_alias)
# increment index for definition creation
index += 1
# @brief Management information for registers.
reg = DTReg()