blob: da81d0b2e6856122c4a16f2acc5163e521930479 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _cmsis_rtos_v2:
Cortex-M Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) RTOS is a vendor-independent
hardware abstraction layer for the ARM Cortex®-M processor series and defines
generic tool interfaces. Though it was originally defined for ARM Cortex-M
microcontrollers alone, it could be easily extended to other microcontrollers
making it generic. For more information on CMSIS RTOS v2, please refer to the
`CMSIS-RTOS2 Documentation <>`_.
Features not supported in Zephyr implementation
osKernelGetState, osKernelSuspend, osKernelResume, osKernelInitialize
and osKernelStart are not supported.
osMutexPrioInherit is supported by default and is not configurable,
you cannot select/unselect this attribute.
osMutexRecursive is also supported by default. If this attribute is
not set, an error is thrown when the same thread tries to acquire
it the second time.
osMutexRobust is not supported in Zephyr.
Return values not supported in the Zephyr implementation
osKernelUnlock, osKernelLock, osKernelRestoreLock
osError (Unspecified error) is not supported.
osErrorResource (the semaphore specified by parameter
semaphore_id is in an invalid semaphore state) is not supported.
osErrorResource (mutex specified by parameter mutex_id
is in an invalid mutex state) is not supported.
osErrorResource (the timer specified by parameter timer_id
is in an invalid timer state) is not supported.
osErrorResource (the message queue specified by
parameter msgq_id is in an invalid message queue state)
is not supported.
osErrorResource (the message queue specified by
parameter msgq_id is in an invalid message queue state)
is not supported.
osErrorResource (the memory pool specified by
parameter mp_id is in an invalid memory pool state) is
not supported.
osErrorResource (the memory pool specified by
parameter mp_id is in an invalid memory pool state) is
not supported.
osEventFlagsSet, osEventFlagsClear
osFlagsErrorUnknown (Unspecified error)
and osFlagsErrorResource (Event flags object specified by
parameter ef_id is not ready to be used) are not supported.
osErrorParameter (the value of the parameter ef_id is
incorrect) is not supported.
osFlagsErrorUnknown (Unspecified error) and
osFlagsErrorResource (Thread specified by parameter
thread_id is not active to receive flags) are not supported.
osFlagsErrorResource (Running thread is not active to
receive flags) is not supported.
osParameter (the time cannot be handled) is not supported.