blob: 960b60cd783c3cad0d5ccfffd0cea7b9b4767be4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* pi computation portion of FPU sharing test
* This module is used for the FPU sharing test, and supplements the basic
* load/store test by incorporating two additional threads that utilize the
* floating point unit.
* Testing utilizes a pair of tasks that independently compute pi. The lower
* priority task is regularly preempted by the higher priority task, thereby
* testing whether floating point context information is properly preserved.
* The following formula is used to compute pi:
* pi = 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ... )
* This series converges to pi very slowly. For example, performing 50,000
* iterations results in an accuracy of 3 decimal places.
* A reference value of pi is computed once at the start of the test. All
* subsequent computations must produce the same value, otherwise an error
* has occurred.
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tc_util.h>
#include "float_context.h"
* PI_NUM_ITERATIONS: This macro is defined in the project's Makefile and
* is configurable from the command line.
static double reference_pi = 0.0f;
* Test counters are "volatile" because GCC wasn't properly updating
* calc_pi_low_count properly when calculate_pi_low() contained a "return"
* in its error handling logic -- the value was incremented in a register,
* but never written back to memory. (Seems to be a compiler bug!)
static volatile unsigned int calc_pi_low_count;
static volatile unsigned int calc_pi_high_count;
* @brief Entry point for the low priority pi compute task
* @ingroup kernel_fpsharing_tests
void calculate_pi_low(void)
volatile double pi; /* volatile to avoid optimizing out of loop */
double divisor = 3.0;
double sign = -1.0;
unsigned int ix;
/* loop forever, unless an error is detected */
while (1) {
sign = -1.0;
pi = 1.0;
divisor = 3.0;
for (ix = 0U; ix < PI_NUM_ITERATIONS; ix++) {
pi += sign / divisor;
divisor += 2.0;
sign *= -1.0;
pi *= 4;
if (reference_pi == 0.0f) {
reference_pi = pi;
} else if (reference_pi != pi) {
TC_ERROR("Computed pi %1.6f, reference pi %1.6f\n",
pi, reference_pi);
fpu_sharing_error = 1;
* @brief Entry point for the high priority pi compute task
* @ingroup kernel_fpsharing_tests
void calculate_pi_high(void)
volatile double pi; /* volatile to avoid optimizing out of loop */
double divisor = 3.0;
double sign = -1.0;
unsigned int ix;
/* loop forever, unless an error is detected */
while (1) {
sign = -1.0;
pi = 1.0;
divisor = 3.0;
for (ix = 0U; ix < PI_NUM_ITERATIONS; ix++) {
pi += sign / divisor;
divisor += 2.0;
sign *= -1.0;
* Relinquish the processor for the remainder of the current
* system clock tick, so that lower priority threads get a
* chance to run.
* This exercises the ability of the kernel to restore the
* FPU state of a low priority thread _and_ the ability of the
* kernel to provide a "clean" FPU state to this thread
* once the sleep ends.
pi *= 4;
if (reference_pi == 0.0f) {
reference_pi = pi;
} else if (reference_pi != pi) {
TC_ERROR("Computed pi %1.6f, reference pi %1.6f\n",
pi, reference_pi);
fpu_sharing_error = 1;
/* periodically issue progress report */
if ((++calc_pi_high_count % 100) == 50) {
PRINT_DATA("Pi calculation OK after %u (high) +"
" %u (low) tests (computed %1.6f)\n",
calc_pi_high_count, calc_pi_low_count, pi);