blob: de33f50d6c740a7cdc8c69fe9e11c81ec8602ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _FSL_SPI_H_
#define _FSL_SPI_H_
#include "fsl_common.h"
#include "fsl_flexcomm.h"
* @addtogroup spi_driver
* @{
/*! @file */
* Definitions
/*! @name Driver version */
/*! @brief SPI driver version 2.0.3. */
/*! @brief Global variable for dummy data value setting. */
extern volatile uint8_t s_dummyData[];
/*! @brief SPI dummy transfer data, the data is sent while txBuff is NULL. */
#define SPI_DATA(n) (((uint32_t)(n)) & 0xFFFF)
#define SPI_CTRLMASK (0xFFFF0000)
#define SPI_ASSERTNUM_SSEL(n) ((~(1U << ((n) + 16))) & 0xF0000)
#define SPI_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(n) (1U << ((n) + 16))
#define SPI_DEASSERT_ALL (0xF0000)
/*! @brief SPI transfer option.*/
typedef enum _spi_xfer_option
kSPI_FrameDelay = (SPI_FIFOWR_EOF_MASK), /*!< A delay may be inserted, defined in the DLY register.*/
kSPI_FrameAssert = (SPI_FIFOWR_EOT_MASK), /*!< SSEL will be deasserted at the end of a transfer */
} spi_xfer_option_t;
/*! @brief SPI data shifter direction options.*/
typedef enum _spi_shift_direction
kSPI_MsbFirst = 0U, /*!< Data transfers start with most significant bit. */
kSPI_LsbFirst = 1U /*!< Data transfers start with least significant bit. */
} spi_shift_direction_t;
/*! @brief SPI clock polarity configuration.*/
typedef enum _spi_clock_polarity
kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh = 0x0U, /*!< Active-high SPI clock (idles low). */
kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow /*!< Active-low SPI clock (idles high). */
} spi_clock_polarity_t;
/*! @brief SPI clock phase configuration.*/
typedef enum _spi_clock_phase
kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge = 0x0U, /*!< First edge on SCK occurs at the middle of the first
* cycle of a data transfer. */
kSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge /*!< First edge on SCK occurs at the start of the
* first cycle of a data transfer. */
} spi_clock_phase_t;
/*! @brief txFIFO watermark values */
typedef enum _spi_txfifo_watermark
kSPI_TxFifo0 = 0, /*!< SPI tx watermark is empty */
kSPI_TxFifo1 = 1, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 1 item */
kSPI_TxFifo2 = 2, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 2 items */
kSPI_TxFifo3 = 3, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 3 items */
kSPI_TxFifo4 = 4, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 4 items */
kSPI_TxFifo5 = 5, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 5 items */
kSPI_TxFifo6 = 6, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 6 items */
kSPI_TxFifo7 = 7, /*!< SPI tx watermark at 7 items */
} spi_txfifo_watermark_t;
/*! @brief rxFIFO watermark values */
typedef enum _spi_rxfifo_watermark
kSPI_RxFifo1 = 0, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 1 item */
kSPI_RxFifo2 = 1, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 2 items */
kSPI_RxFifo3 = 2, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 3 items */
kSPI_RxFifo4 = 3, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 4 items */
kSPI_RxFifo5 = 4, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 5 items */
kSPI_RxFifo6 = 5, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 6 items */
kSPI_RxFifo7 = 6, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 7 items */
kSPI_RxFifo8 = 7, /*!< SPI rx watermark at 8 items */
} spi_rxfifo_watermark_t;
/*! @brief Transfer data width */
typedef enum _spi_data_width
kSPI_Data4Bits = 3, /*!< 4 bits data width */
kSPI_Data5Bits = 4, /*!< 5 bits data width */
kSPI_Data6Bits = 5, /*!< 6 bits data width */
kSPI_Data7Bits = 6, /*!< 7 bits data width */
kSPI_Data8Bits = 7, /*!< 8 bits data width */
kSPI_Data9Bits = 8, /*!< 9 bits data width */
kSPI_Data10Bits = 9, /*!< 10 bits data width */
kSPI_Data11Bits = 10, /*!< 11 bits data width */
kSPI_Data12Bits = 11, /*!< 12 bits data width */
kSPI_Data13Bits = 12, /*!< 13 bits data width */
kSPI_Data14Bits = 13, /*!< 14 bits data width */
kSPI_Data15Bits = 14, /*!< 15 bits data width */
kSPI_Data16Bits = 15, /*!< 16 bits data width */
} spi_data_width_t;
/*! @brief Slave select */
typedef enum _spi_ssel
kSPI_Ssel0 = 0, /*!< Slave select 0 */
kSPI_Ssel1 = 1, /*!< Slave select 1 */
kSPI_Ssel2 = 2, /*!< Slave select 2 */
kSPI_Ssel3 = 3, /*!< Slave select 3 */
} spi_ssel_t;
/*! @brief ssel polarity */
typedef enum _spi_spol
kSPI_Spol0ActiveHigh = SPI_CFG_SPOL0(1),
kSPI_Spol1ActiveHigh = SPI_CFG_SPOL1(1),
kSPI_Spol2ActiveHigh = SPI_CFG_SPOL2(1),
kSPI_Spol3ActiveHigh = SPI_CFG_SPOL3(1),
kSPI_SpolActiveAllHigh =
(kSPI_Spol0ActiveHigh | kSPI_Spol1ActiveHigh | kSPI_Spol2ActiveHigh | kSPI_Spol3ActiveHigh),
kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow = 0,
} spi_spol_t;
* @brief SPI delay time configure structure.
* Note:
* The DLY register controls several programmable delays related to SPI signalling,
* it stands for how many SPI clock time will be inserted.
* The maxinun value of these delay time is 15.
typedef struct _spi_delay_config
uint8_t preDelay; /*!< Delay between SSEL assertion and the beginning of transfer. */
uint8_t postDelay; /*!< Delay between the end of transfer and SSEL deassertion. */
uint8_t frameDelay; /*!< Delay between frame to frame. */
uint8_t transferDelay; /*!< Delay between transfer to transfer. */
} spi_delay_config_t;
/*! @brief SPI master user configure structure.*/
typedef struct _spi_master_config
bool enableLoopback; /*!< Enable loopback for test purpose */
bool enableMaster; /*!< Enable SPI at initialization time */
spi_clock_polarity_t polarity; /*!< Clock polarity */
spi_clock_phase_t phase; /*!< Clock phase */
spi_shift_direction_t direction; /*!< MSB or LSB */
uint32_t baudRate_Bps; /*!< Baud Rate for SPI in Hz */
spi_data_width_t dataWidth; /*!< Width of the data */
spi_ssel_t sselNum; /*!< Slave select number */
spi_spol_t sselPol; /*!< Configure active CS polarity */
spi_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark; /*!< txFIFO watermark */
spi_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark; /*!< rxFIFO watermark */
spi_delay_config_t delayConfig; /*!< Delay configuration. */
} spi_master_config_t;
/*! @brief SPI slave user configure structure.*/
typedef struct _spi_slave_config
bool enableSlave; /*!< Enable SPI at initialization time */
spi_clock_polarity_t polarity; /*!< Clock polarity */
spi_clock_phase_t phase; /*!< Clock phase */
spi_shift_direction_t direction; /*!< MSB or LSB */
spi_data_width_t dataWidth; /*!< Width of the data */
spi_spol_t sselPol; /*!< Configure active CS polarity */
spi_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark; /*!< txFIFO watermark */
spi_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark; /*!< rxFIFO watermark */
} spi_slave_config_t;
/*! @brief SPI transfer status.*/
enum _spi_status
kStatus_SPI_Busy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI, 0), /*!< SPI bus is busy */
kStatus_SPI_Idle = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI, 1), /*!< SPI is idle */
kStatus_SPI_Error = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI, 2), /*!< SPI error */
kStatus_SPI_BaudrateNotSupport =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI, 3) /*!< Baudrate is not support in current clock source */
/*! @brief SPI interrupt sources.*/
enum _spi_interrupt_enable
kSPI_RxLvlIrq = SPI_FIFOINTENSET_RXLVL_MASK, /*!< Rx level interrupt */
kSPI_TxLvlIrq = SPI_FIFOINTENSET_TXLVL_MASK, /*!< Tx level interrupt */
/*! @brief SPI status flags.*/
enum _spi_statusflags
kSPI_TxEmptyFlag = SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXEMPTY_MASK, /*!< txFifo is empty */
kSPI_TxNotFullFlag = SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXNOTFULL_MASK, /*!< txFifo is not full */
kSPI_RxNotEmptyFlag = SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXNOTEMPTY_MASK, /*!< rxFIFO is not empty */
kSPI_RxFullFlag = SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXFULL_MASK, /*!< rxFIFO is full */
/*! @brief SPI transfer structure */
typedef struct _spi_transfer
uint8_t *txData; /*!< Send buffer */
uint8_t *rxData; /*!< Receive buffer */
uint32_t configFlags; /*!< Additional option to control transfer, @ref spi_xfer_option_t. */
size_t dataSize; /*!< Transfer bytes */
} spi_transfer_t;
/*! @brief SPI half-duplex(master only) transfer structure */
typedef struct _spi_half_duplex_transfer
uint8_t *txData; /*!< Send buffer */
uint8_t *rxData; /*!< Receive buffer */
size_t txDataSize; /*!< Transfer bytes for transmit */
size_t rxDataSize; /*!< Transfer bytes */
uint32_t configFlags; /*!< Transfer configuration flags, @ref spi_xfer_option_t. */
bool isPcsAssertInTransfer; /*!< If PCS pin keep assert between transmit and receive. true for assert and false for
deassert. */
bool isTransmitFirst; /*!< True for transmit first and false for receive first. */
} spi_half_duplex_transfer_t;
/*! @brief Internal configuration structure used in 'spi' and 'spi_dma' driver */
typedef struct _spi_config
spi_data_width_t dataWidth;
spi_ssel_t sselNum;
} spi_config_t;
/*! @brief Master handle type */
typedef struct _spi_master_handle spi_master_handle_t;
/*! @brief Slave handle type */
typedef spi_master_handle_t spi_slave_handle_t;
/*! @brief SPI master callback for finished transmit */
typedef void (*spi_master_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData);
/*! @brief SPI slave callback for finished transmit */
typedef void (*spi_slave_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData);
/*! @brief SPI transfer handle structure */
struct _spi_master_handle
uint8_t *volatile txData; /*!< Transfer buffer */
uint8_t *volatile rxData; /*!< Receive buffer */
volatile size_t txRemainingBytes; /*!< Number of data to be transmitted [in bytes] */
volatile size_t rxRemainingBytes; /*!< Number of data to be received [in bytes] */
volatile size_t toReceiveCount; /*!< Receive data remaining in bytes */
size_t totalByteCount; /*!< A number of transfer bytes */
volatile uint32_t state; /*!< SPI internal state */
spi_master_callback_t callback; /*!< SPI callback */
void *userData; /*!< Callback parameter */
uint8_t dataWidth; /*!< Width of the data [Valid values: 1 to 16] */
uint8_t sselNum; /*!< Slave select number to be asserted when transferring data [Valid values: 0 to 3] */
uint32_t configFlags; /*!< Additional option to control transfer */
spi_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark; /*!< txFIFO watermark */
spi_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark; /*!< rxFIFO watermark */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/*! @brief Returns instance number for SPI peripheral base address. */
uint32_t SPI_GetInstance(SPI_Type *base);
* @name Initialization and deinitialization
* @{
* @brief Sets the SPI master configuration structure to default values.
* The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_MasterInit().
* User may use the initialized structure unchanged in SPI_MasterInit(), or modify
* some fields of the structure before calling SPI_MasterInit(). After calling this API,
* the master is ready to transfer.
* Example:
spi_master_config_t config;
* @param config pointer to master config structure
void SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(spi_master_config_t *config);
* @brief Initializes the SPI with master configuration.
* The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch, or be set with default
* values by SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(). After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
* Example
spi_master_config_t config = {
.baudRate_Bps = 400000,
SPI_MasterInit(SPI0, &config);
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param config pointer to master configuration structure
* @param srcClock_Hz Source clock frequency.
status_t SPI_MasterInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_master_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
* @brief Sets the SPI slave configuration structure to default values.
* The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_SlaveInit().
* Modify some fields of the structure before calling SPI_SlaveInit().
* Example:
spi_slave_config_t config;
* @param config pointer to slave configuration structure
void SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(spi_slave_config_t *config);
* @brief Initializes the SPI with slave configuration.
* The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch or be set with
* default values by SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig().
* After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
* Example
spi_slave_config_t config = {
.polarity = flexSPIClockPolarity_ActiveHigh;
.phase = flexSPIClockPhase_FirstEdge;
.direction = flexSPIMsbFirst;
SPI_SlaveInit(SPI0, &config);
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param config pointer to slave configuration structure
status_t SPI_SlaveInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_slave_config_t *config);
* @brief De-initializes the SPI.
* Calling this API resets the SPI module, gates the SPI clock.
* The SPI module can't work unless calling the SPI_MasterInit/SPI_SlaveInit to initialize module.
* @param base SPI base pointer
void SPI_Deinit(SPI_Type *base);
* @brief Enable or disable the SPI Master or Slave
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param enable or disable ( true = enable, false = disable)
static inline void SPI_Enable(SPI_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
/*! @} */
* @name Status
* @{
* @brief Gets the status flag.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @return SPI Status, use status flag to AND @ref _spi_statusflags could get the related status.
static inline uint32_t SPI_GetStatusFlags(SPI_Type *base)
assert(NULL != base);
return base->FIFOSTAT;
/*! @} */
* @name Interrupts
* @{
* @brief Enables the interrupt for the SPI.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param irqs SPI interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg kSPI_RxLvlIrq
* @arg kSPI_TxLvlIrq
static inline void SPI_EnableInterrupts(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t irqs)
assert(NULL != base);
base->FIFOINTENSET = irqs;
* @brief Disables the interrupt for the SPI.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param irqs SPI interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg kSPI_RxLvlIrq
* @arg kSPI_TxLvlIrq
static inline void SPI_DisableInterrupts(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t irqs)
assert(NULL != base);
base->FIFOINTENCLR = irqs;
/*! @} */
* @name DMA Control
* @{
* @brief Enables the DMA request from SPI txFIFO.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param enable True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA
void SPI_EnableTxDMA(SPI_Type *base, bool enable);
* @brief Enables the DMA request from SPI rxFIFO.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param enable True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA
void SPI_EnableRxDMA(SPI_Type *base, bool enable);
/*! @} */
* @name Bus Operations
* @{
* @brief Returns the configurations.
* @param base SPI peripheral address.
* @return return configurations which contain datawidth and SSEL numbers.
* return data type is a pointer of spi_config_t.
void *SPI_GetConfig(SPI_Type *base);
* @brief Sets the baud rate for SPI transfer. This is only used in master.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param baudrate_Bps baud rate needed in Hz.
* @param srcClock_Hz SPI source clock frequency in Hz.
status_t SPI_MasterSetBaud(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudrate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
* @brief Writes a data into the SPI data register.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param data needs to be write.
* @param configFlags transfer configuration options @ref spi_xfer_option_t
void SPI_WriteData(SPI_Type *base, uint16_t data, uint32_t configFlags);
* @brief Gets a data from the SPI data register.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @return Data in the register.
static inline uint32_t SPI_ReadData(SPI_Type *base)
assert(NULL != base);
return base->FIFORD;
* @brief Set delay time for transfer.
* the delay uint is SPI clock time, maximum value is 0xF.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param config configuration for delay option @ref spi_delay_config_t.
static inline void SPI_SetTransferDelay(SPI_Type *base, const spi_delay_config_t *config)
assert(NULL != base);
assert(NULL != config);
base->DLY = (SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY(config->preDelay) | SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY(config->postDelay) |
SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY(config->frameDelay) | SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY(config->transferDelay));
* @brief Set up the dummy data.
* @param base SPI peripheral address.
* @param dummyData Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL.
void SPI_SetDummyData(SPI_Type *base, uint8_t dummyData);
/*! @} */
* @name Transactional
* @{
* @brief Initializes the SPI master handle.
* This function initializes the SPI master handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually,
* for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle SPI handle pointer.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @param userData User data.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base,
spi_master_handle_t *handle,
spi_master_callback_t callback,
void *userData);
* @brief Transfers a block of data using a polling method.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_transfer_t *xfer);
* @brief Performs a non-blocking SPI interrupt transfer.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
* @param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
* @retval kStatus_SPI_Busy SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer);
* @brief Transfers a block of data using a polling method.
* This function will do a half-duplex transfer for SPI master, This is a blocking function,
* which does not retuen until all transfer have been completed. And data transfer mechanism is half-duplex,
* users can set transmit first or receive first.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param xfer pointer to spi_half_duplex_transfer_t structure
* @return status of status_t.
status_t SPI_MasterHalfDuplexTransferBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_half_duplex_transfer_t *xfer);
* @brief Performs a non-blocking SPI interrupt transfer.
* This function using polling way to do the first half transimission and using interrupts to
* do the second half transimission, the transfer mechanism is half-duplex.
* When do the second half transimission, code will return right away. When all data is transferred,
* the callback function is called.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
* @param xfer pointer to spi_half_duplex_transfer_t structure
* @return status of status_t.
status_t SPI_MasterHalfDuplexTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base,
spi_master_handle_t *handle,
spi_half_duplex_transfer_t *xfer);
* @brief Gets the master transfer count.
* This function gets the master transfer count.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle Pointer to the spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* @param count The number of bytes transferred by using the non-blocking transaction.
* @return status of status_t.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count);
* @brief SPI master aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* This function aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle Pointer to the spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SPI_MasterTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Interrupts the handler for the SPI.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Initializes the SPI slave handle.
* This function initializes the SPI slave handle which can be used for other SPI slave transactional APIs. Usually,
* for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle SPI handle pointer.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @param userData User data.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base,
spi_slave_handle_t *handle,
spi_slave_callback_t callback,
void *userData)
return SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(base, handle, callback, userData);
* @brief Performs a non-blocking SPI slave interrupt transfer.
* @note The API returns immediately after the transfer initialization is finished.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
* @param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
* @retval kStatus_SPI_Busy SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
return SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(base, handle, xfer);
* @brief Gets the slave transfer count.
* This function gets the slave transfer count.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle Pointer to the spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* @param count The number of bytes transferred by using the non-blocking transaction.
* @return status of status_t.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
return SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(base, (spi_master_handle_t *)handle, count);
* @brief SPI slave aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* This function aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle Pointer to the spi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
SPI_MasterTransferAbort(base, (spi_master_handle_t *)handle);
* @brief Interrupts a handler for the SPI slave.
* @param base SPI peripheral base address.
* @param handle pointer to spi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(base, handle);
/*! @} */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
/*! @} */
#endif /* _FSL_SPI_H_*/