blob: c612da14e4c0617f752cfbbd947745f3af2c1e98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Linaro
# Copyright (c) 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
# Types we support
# 'string', 'int', 'hex', 'bool'
doc_mode = os.environ.get('KCONFIG_DOC_MODE') == "1"
dt_defines = {}
if not doc_mode:
# The env var 'GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF' must be set unless we are in
# doc mode
if os.path.isfile(GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF):
with open(GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
for line in fd:
if '=' in line:
define, val = line.split('=')
dt_defines[define] = val.strip()
def _dt_units_to_scale(unit):
if not unit:
return 0
if unit in {'k', 'K'}:
return 10
if unit in {'m', 'M'}:
return 20
if unit in {'g', 'G'}:
return 30
def dt_int_val(kconf, _, name, unit=None):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
(generated_dts_board.conf in <build_dir>/zephyr/include/generated/)
and if it's found it will return the value as an decimal integer. The
function will divide the value based on 'unit':
None No division
'k' or 'K' divide by 1024 (1 << 10)
'm' or 'M' divide by 1,048,576 (1 << 20)
'g' or 'G' divide by 1,073,741,824 (1 << 30)
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return "0"
d = dt_defines[name]
if d.startswith(('0x', '0X')):
d = int(d, 16)
d = int(d)
d >>= _dt_units_to_scale(unit)
return str(d)
def dt_hex_val(kconf, _, name, unit=None):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
(generated_dts_board.conf in <build_dir>/zephyr/include/generated/)
and if it's found it will return the value as an hex integer. The
function will divide the value based on 'unit':
None No division
'k' or 'K' divide by 1024 (1 << 10)
'm' or 'M' divide by 1,048,576 (1 << 20)
'g' or 'G' divide by 1,073,741,824 (1 << 30)
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return "0x0"
d = dt_defines[name]
if d.startswith(('0x', '0X')):
d = int(d, 16)
d = int(d)
d >>= _dt_units_to_scale(unit)
return hex(d)
def dt_str_val(kconf, _, name):
This function looks up 'name' in the DTS generated "conf" style database
(generated_dts_board.conf in <build_dir>/zephyr/include/generated/)
and if it's found it will return the value as string. If it's not found we
return an empty string.
if doc_mode or name not in dt_defines:
return ""
return dt_defines[name].strip('"')
functions = {
"dt_int_val": (dt_int_val, 1, 2),
"dt_hex_val": (dt_hex_val, 1, 2),
"dt_str_val": (dt_str_val, 1, 1),