blob: bfeff7e56b4f18decfa7b921341a2f4cb63abb72 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file psoc6a2m_124bga.h
* \brief
* PSoC6A2M_124BGA device header
* \note
* Generator version:
* Database revision: rev#1050929
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2018, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef _PSOC6A2M_124BGA_H_
#define _PSOC6A2M_124BGA_H_
* \addtogroup group_device PSoC6A2M_124BGA
* \{
* \addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
* \{
* Interrupt Number Definition
typedef enum {
#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && (__ARM_ARCH == 6) && (__ARM_ARCH_6M__ == 1)) || \
(defined(__ICCARM__) && (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__)) || \
(defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__TARGET_ARCH_THUMB == 3)) || \
(defined(__ghs__) && defined(__CORE_CORTEXM0PLUS__)))
/* ARM Cortex-M0+ Core Interrupt Numbers */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< -15 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< -14 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< -13 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< -5 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< -2 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< -1 System Tick Timer */
/* PSoC6A2M_124BGA User Interrupt Numbers */
CPUIntIdx0_IRQn = 0, /*!< 0 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #0 */
CPUIntIdx1_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #1 */
CPUIntIdx2_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #2 */
CPUIntIdx3_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #3 */
CPUIntIdx4_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #4 */
CPUIntIdx5_IRQn = 5, /*!< 5 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #5 */
CPUIntIdx6_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #6 */
CPUIntIdx7_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 [DeepSleep] CPU User Interrupt #7 */
/* PSoC6A2M_124BGA Internal SW Interrupt Numbers */
Internal0_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #0 */
Internal1_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #1 */
Internal2_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #2 */
Internal3_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #3 */
Internal4_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #4 */
Internal5_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #5 */
Internal6_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #6 */
Internal7_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 [Active] Internal SW Interrupt #7 */
/* ARM Cortex-M4 Core Interrupt Numbers */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< -15 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< -14 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< -13 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< -12 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation and No Match */
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< -11 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory related Fault */
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< -10 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< -5 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< -4 Debug Monitor */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< -2 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< -1 System Tick Timer */
/* PSoC6A2M_124BGA Peripheral Interrupt Numbers */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_0_IRQn = 0, /*!< 0 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #0 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_1_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #1 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_2_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #2 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_3_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #3 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_4_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #4 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_5_IRQn = 5, /*!< 5 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #5 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_6_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #6 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_7_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #7 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_8_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #8 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_9_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #9 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_10_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #10 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_11_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #11 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_12_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #12 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_13_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #13 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_14_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #14 */
ioss_interrupt_gpio_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 [DeepSleep] GPIO All Ports */
ioss_interrupt_vdd_IRQn = 16, /*!< 16 [DeepSleep] GPIO Supply Detect Interrupt */
lpcomp_interrupt_IRQn = 17, /*!< 17 [DeepSleep] Low Power Comparator Interrupt */
scb_8_interrupt_IRQn = 18, /*!< 18 [DeepSleep] Serial Communication Block #8 (DeepSleep capable) */
srss_interrupt_mcwdt_0_IRQn = 19, /*!< 19 [DeepSleep] Multi Counter Watchdog Timer interrupt */
srss_interrupt_mcwdt_1_IRQn = 20, /*!< 20 [DeepSleep] Multi Counter Watchdog Timer interrupt */
srss_interrupt_backup_IRQn = 21, /*!< 21 [DeepSleep] Backup domain interrupt */
srss_interrupt_IRQn = 22, /*!< 22 [DeepSleep] Other combined Interrupts for SRSS (LVD, WDT, CLKCAL) */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_0_IRQn = 23, /*!< 23 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_1_IRQn = 24, /*!< 24 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_2_IRQn = 25, /*!< 25 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_3_IRQn = 26, /*!< 26 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_4_IRQn = 27, /*!< 27 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_5_IRQn = 28, /*!< 28 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_6_IRQn = 29, /*!< 29 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_7_IRQn = 30, /*!< 30 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_8_IRQn = 31, /*!< 31 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_9_IRQn = 32, /*!< 32 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_10_IRQn = 33, /*!< 33 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_11_IRQn = 34, /*!< 34 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_12_IRQn = 35, /*!< 35 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_13_IRQn = 36, /*!< 36 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_14_IRQn = 37, /*!< 37 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_15_IRQn = 38, /*!< 38 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #15 */
scb_0_interrupt_IRQn = 39, /*!< 39 [Active] Serial Communication Block #0 */
scb_1_interrupt_IRQn = 40, /*!< 40 [Active] Serial Communication Block #1 */
scb_2_interrupt_IRQn = 41, /*!< 41 [Active] Serial Communication Block #2 */
scb_3_interrupt_IRQn = 42, /*!< 42 [Active] Serial Communication Block #3 */
scb_4_interrupt_IRQn = 43, /*!< 43 [Active] Serial Communication Block #4 */
scb_5_interrupt_IRQn = 44, /*!< 44 [Active] Serial Communication Block #5 */
scb_6_interrupt_IRQn = 45, /*!< 45 [Active] Serial Communication Block #6 */
scb_7_interrupt_IRQn = 46, /*!< 46 [Active] Serial Communication Block #7 */
scb_9_interrupt_IRQn = 47, /*!< 47 [Active] Serial Communication Block #9 */
scb_10_interrupt_IRQn = 48, /*!< 48 [Active] Serial Communication Block #10 */
scb_11_interrupt_IRQn = 49, /*!< 49 [Active] Serial Communication Block #11 */
scb_12_interrupt_IRQn = 50, /*!< 50 [Active] Serial Communication Block #12 */
csd_interrupt_IRQn = 51, /*!< 51 [Active] CSD (Capsense) interrupt */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_0_IRQn = 52, /*!< 52 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_1_IRQn = 53, /*!< 53 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_2_IRQn = 54, /*!< 54 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_3_IRQn = 55, /*!< 55 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_0_IRQn = 56, /*!< 56 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_1_IRQn = 57, /*!< 57 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_2_IRQn = 58, /*!< 58 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_3_IRQn = 59, /*!< 59 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_4_IRQn = 60, /*!< 60 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_5_IRQn = 61, /*!< 61 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_6_IRQn = 62, /*!< 62 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_7_IRQn = 63, /*!< 63 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_8_IRQn = 64, /*!< 64 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_9_IRQn = 65, /*!< 65 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_10_IRQn = 66, /*!< 66 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_11_IRQn = 67, /*!< 67 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_12_IRQn = 68, /*!< 68 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_13_IRQn = 69, /*!< 69 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_14_IRQn = 70, /*!< 70 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_15_IRQn = 71, /*!< 71 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #15 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_16_IRQn = 72, /*!< 72 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #16 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_17_IRQn = 73, /*!< 73 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #17 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_18_IRQn = 74, /*!< 74 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #18 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_19_IRQn = 75, /*!< 75 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #19 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_20_IRQn = 76, /*!< 76 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #20 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_21_IRQn = 77, /*!< 77 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #21 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_22_IRQn = 78, /*!< 78 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #22 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_23_IRQn = 79, /*!< 79 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #23 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_24_IRQn = 80, /*!< 80 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #24 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_25_IRQn = 81, /*!< 81 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #25 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_26_IRQn = 82, /*!< 82 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #26 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_27_IRQn = 83, /*!< 83 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #27 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_28_IRQn = 84, /*!< 84 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #28 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_0_IRQn = 85, /*!< 85 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_1_IRQn = 86, /*!< 86 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_2_IRQn = 87, /*!< 87 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_3_IRQn = 88, /*!< 88 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_4_IRQn = 89, /*!< 89 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_5_IRQn = 90, /*!< 90 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_6_IRQn = 91, /*!< 91 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_7_IRQn = 92, /*!< 92 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_8_IRQn = 93, /*!< 93 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_9_IRQn = 94, /*!< 94 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_10_IRQn = 95, /*!< 95 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_11_IRQn = 96, /*!< 96 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_12_IRQn = 97, /*!< 97 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_13_IRQn = 98, /*!< 98 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_14_IRQn = 99, /*!< 99 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_15_IRQn = 100, /*!< 100 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #15 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_16_IRQn = 101, /*!< 101 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #16 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_17_IRQn = 102, /*!< 102 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #17 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_18_IRQn = 103, /*!< 103 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #18 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_19_IRQn = 104, /*!< 104 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #19 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_20_IRQn = 105, /*!< 105 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #20 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_21_IRQn = 106, /*!< 106 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #21 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_22_IRQn = 107, /*!< 107 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #22 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_23_IRQn = 108, /*!< 108 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #23 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_24_IRQn = 109, /*!< 109 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #24 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_25_IRQn = 110, /*!< 110 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #25 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_26_IRQn = 111, /*!< 111 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #26 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_27_IRQn = 112, /*!< 112 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #27 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_28_IRQn = 113, /*!< 113 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #28 */
cpuss_interrupts_fault_0_IRQn = 114, /*!< 114 [Active] CPUSS Fault Structure Interrupt #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_fault_1_IRQn = 115, /*!< 115 [Active] CPUSS Fault Structure Interrupt #1 */
cpuss_interrupt_crypto_IRQn = 116, /*!< 116 [Active] CRYPTO Accelerator Interrupt */
cpuss_interrupt_fm_IRQn = 117, /*!< 117 [Active] FLASH Macro Interrupt */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_fp_IRQn = 118, /*!< 118 [Active] Floating Point operation fault */
cpuss_interrupts_cm0_cti_0_IRQn = 119, /*!< 119 [Active] CM0+ CTI #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm0_cti_1_IRQn = 120, /*!< 120 [Active] CM0+ CTI #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_cti_0_IRQn = 121, /*!< 121 [Active] CM4 CTI #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_cti_1_IRQn = 122, /*!< 122 [Active] CM4 CTI #1 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_0_IRQn = 123, /*!< 123 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #0 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_1_IRQn = 124, /*!< 124 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #1 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_2_IRQn = 125, /*!< 125 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #2 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_3_IRQn = 126, /*!< 126 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #3 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_4_IRQn = 127, /*!< 127 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #4 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_5_IRQn = 128, /*!< 128 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #5 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_6_IRQn = 129, /*!< 129 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #6 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_7_IRQn = 130, /*!< 130 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #7 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_0_IRQn = 131, /*!< 131 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #0 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_1_IRQn = 132, /*!< 132 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #1 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_2_IRQn = 133, /*!< 133 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #2 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_3_IRQn = 134, /*!< 134 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #3 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_4_IRQn = 135, /*!< 135 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #4 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_5_IRQn = 136, /*!< 136 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #5 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_6_IRQn = 137, /*!< 137 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #6 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_7_IRQn = 138, /*!< 138 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #7 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_8_IRQn = 139, /*!< 139 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #8 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_9_IRQn = 140, /*!< 140 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #9 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_10_IRQn = 141, /*!< 141 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #10 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_11_IRQn = 142, /*!< 142 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #11 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_12_IRQn = 143, /*!< 143 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #12 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_13_IRQn = 144, /*!< 144 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #13 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_14_IRQn = 145, /*!< 145 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #14 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_15_IRQn = 146, /*!< 146 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #15 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_16_IRQn = 147, /*!< 147 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #16 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_17_IRQn = 148, /*!< 148 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #17 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_18_IRQn = 149, /*!< 149 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #18 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_19_IRQn = 150, /*!< 150 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #19 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_20_IRQn = 151, /*!< 151 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #20 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_21_IRQn = 152, /*!< 152 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #21 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_22_IRQn = 153, /*!< 153 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #22 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_23_IRQn = 154, /*!< 154 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #23 */
pass_interrupt_sar_IRQn = 155, /*!< 155 [Active] SAR ADC interrupt */
audioss_0_interrupt_i2s_IRQn = 156, /*!< 156 [Active] I2S0 Audio interrupt */
audioss_0_interrupt_pdm_IRQn = 157, /*!< 157 [Active] PDM0/PCM0 Audio interrupt */
audioss_1_interrupt_i2s_IRQn = 158, /*!< 158 [Active] I2S1 Audio interrupt */
profile_interrupt_IRQn = 159, /*!< 159 [Active] Energy Profiler interrupt */
smif_interrupt_IRQn = 160, /*!< 160 [Active] Serial Memory Interface interrupt */
usb_interrupt_hi_IRQn = 161, /*!< 161 [Active] USB Interrupt */
usb_interrupt_med_IRQn = 162, /*!< 162 [Active] USB Interrupt */
usb_interrupt_lo_IRQn = 163, /*!< 163 [Active] USB Interrupt */
sdhc_0_interrupt_wakeup_IRQn = 164, /*!< 164 [Active] SDIO wakeup interrupt for mxsdhc */
sdhc_0_interrupt_general_IRQn = 165, /*!< 165 [Active] Consolidated interrupt for mxsdhc for everything else */
sdhc_1_interrupt_wakeup_IRQn = 166, /*!< 166 [Active] EEMC wakeup interrupt for mxsdhc, not used */
sdhc_1_interrupt_general_IRQn = 167, /*!< 167 [Active] Consolidated interrupt for mxsdhc for everything else */
unconnected_IRQn = 240 /*!< 240 Unconnected */
} IRQn_Type;
#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && (__ARM_ARCH == 6) && (__ARM_ARCH_6M__ == 1)) || \
(defined(__ICCARM__) && (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__)) || \
(defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__TARGET_ARCH_THUMB == 3)) || \
(defined(__ghs__) && defined(__CORE_CORTEXM0PLUS__)))
/* PSoC6A2M_124BGA interrupts that can be routed to the CM0+ NVIC */
typedef enum {
ioss_interrupts_gpio_0_IRQn = 0, /*!< 0 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #0 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_1_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #1 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_2_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #2 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_3_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #3 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_4_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #4 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_5_IRQn = 5, /*!< 5 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #5 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_6_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #6 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_7_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #7 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_8_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #8 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_9_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #9 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_10_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #10 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_11_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #11 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_12_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #12 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_13_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #13 */
ioss_interrupts_gpio_14_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 [DeepSleep] GPIO Port Interrupt #14 */
ioss_interrupt_gpio_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 [DeepSleep] GPIO All Ports */
ioss_interrupt_vdd_IRQn = 16, /*!< 16 [DeepSleep] GPIO Supply Detect Interrupt */
lpcomp_interrupt_IRQn = 17, /*!< 17 [DeepSleep] Low Power Comparator Interrupt */
scb_8_interrupt_IRQn = 18, /*!< 18 [DeepSleep] Serial Communication Block #8 (DeepSleep capable) */
srss_interrupt_mcwdt_0_IRQn = 19, /*!< 19 [DeepSleep] Multi Counter Watchdog Timer interrupt */
srss_interrupt_mcwdt_1_IRQn = 20, /*!< 20 [DeepSleep] Multi Counter Watchdog Timer interrupt */
srss_interrupt_backup_IRQn = 21, /*!< 21 [DeepSleep] Backup domain interrupt */
srss_interrupt_IRQn = 22, /*!< 22 [DeepSleep] Other combined Interrupts for SRSS (LVD, WDT, CLKCAL) */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_0_IRQn = 23, /*!< 23 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_1_IRQn = 24, /*!< 24 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_2_IRQn = 25, /*!< 25 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_3_IRQn = 26, /*!< 26 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_4_IRQn = 27, /*!< 27 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_5_IRQn = 28, /*!< 28 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_6_IRQn = 29, /*!< 29 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_7_IRQn = 30, /*!< 30 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_8_IRQn = 31, /*!< 31 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_9_IRQn = 32, /*!< 32 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_10_IRQn = 33, /*!< 33 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_11_IRQn = 34, /*!< 34 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_12_IRQn = 35, /*!< 35 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_13_IRQn = 36, /*!< 36 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_14_IRQn = 37, /*!< 37 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_ipc_15_IRQn = 38, /*!< 38 [DeepSleep] CPUSS Inter Process Communication Interrupt #15 */
scb_0_interrupt_IRQn = 39, /*!< 39 [Active] Serial Communication Block #0 */
scb_1_interrupt_IRQn = 40, /*!< 40 [Active] Serial Communication Block #1 */
scb_2_interrupt_IRQn = 41, /*!< 41 [Active] Serial Communication Block #2 */
scb_3_interrupt_IRQn = 42, /*!< 42 [Active] Serial Communication Block #3 */
scb_4_interrupt_IRQn = 43, /*!< 43 [Active] Serial Communication Block #4 */
scb_5_interrupt_IRQn = 44, /*!< 44 [Active] Serial Communication Block #5 */
scb_6_interrupt_IRQn = 45, /*!< 45 [Active] Serial Communication Block #6 */
scb_7_interrupt_IRQn = 46, /*!< 46 [Active] Serial Communication Block #7 */
scb_9_interrupt_IRQn = 47, /*!< 47 [Active] Serial Communication Block #9 */
scb_10_interrupt_IRQn = 48, /*!< 48 [Active] Serial Communication Block #10 */
scb_11_interrupt_IRQn = 49, /*!< 49 [Active] Serial Communication Block #11 */
scb_12_interrupt_IRQn = 50, /*!< 50 [Active] Serial Communication Block #12 */
csd_interrupt_IRQn = 51, /*!< 51 [Active] CSD (Capsense) interrupt */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_0_IRQn = 52, /*!< 52 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_1_IRQn = 53, /*!< 53 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_2_IRQn = 54, /*!< 54 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dmac_3_IRQn = 55, /*!< 55 [Active] CPUSS DMAC, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_0_IRQn = 56, /*!< 56 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_1_IRQn = 57, /*!< 57 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_2_IRQn = 58, /*!< 58 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_3_IRQn = 59, /*!< 59 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_4_IRQn = 60, /*!< 60 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_5_IRQn = 61, /*!< 61 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_6_IRQn = 62, /*!< 62 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_7_IRQn = 63, /*!< 63 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_8_IRQn = 64, /*!< 64 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_9_IRQn = 65, /*!< 65 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_10_IRQn = 66, /*!< 66 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_11_IRQn = 67, /*!< 67 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_12_IRQn = 68, /*!< 68 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_13_IRQn = 69, /*!< 69 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_14_IRQn = 70, /*!< 70 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_15_IRQn = 71, /*!< 71 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #15 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_16_IRQn = 72, /*!< 72 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #16 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_17_IRQn = 73, /*!< 73 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #17 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_18_IRQn = 74, /*!< 74 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #18 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_19_IRQn = 75, /*!< 75 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #19 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_20_IRQn = 76, /*!< 76 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #20 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_21_IRQn = 77, /*!< 77 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #21 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_22_IRQn = 78, /*!< 78 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #22 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_23_IRQn = 79, /*!< 79 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #23 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_24_IRQn = 80, /*!< 80 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #24 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_25_IRQn = 81, /*!< 81 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #25 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_26_IRQn = 82, /*!< 82 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #26 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_27_IRQn = 83, /*!< 83 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #27 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw0_28_IRQn = 84, /*!< 84 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #0, Channel #28 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_0_IRQn = 85, /*!< 85 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_1_IRQn = 86, /*!< 86 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_2_IRQn = 87, /*!< 87 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #2 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_3_IRQn = 88, /*!< 88 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #3 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_4_IRQn = 89, /*!< 89 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #4 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_5_IRQn = 90, /*!< 90 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #5 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_6_IRQn = 91, /*!< 91 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #6 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_7_IRQn = 92, /*!< 92 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #7 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_8_IRQn = 93, /*!< 93 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #8 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_9_IRQn = 94, /*!< 94 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #9 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_10_IRQn = 95, /*!< 95 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #10 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_11_IRQn = 96, /*!< 96 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #11 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_12_IRQn = 97, /*!< 97 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #12 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_13_IRQn = 98, /*!< 98 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #13 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_14_IRQn = 99, /*!< 99 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #14 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_15_IRQn = 100, /*!< 100 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #15 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_16_IRQn = 101, /*!< 101 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #16 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_17_IRQn = 102, /*!< 102 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #17 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_18_IRQn = 103, /*!< 103 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #18 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_19_IRQn = 104, /*!< 104 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #19 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_20_IRQn = 105, /*!< 105 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #20 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_21_IRQn = 106, /*!< 106 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #21 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_22_IRQn = 107, /*!< 107 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #22 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_23_IRQn = 108, /*!< 108 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #23 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_24_IRQn = 109, /*!< 109 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #24 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_25_IRQn = 110, /*!< 110 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #25 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_26_IRQn = 111, /*!< 111 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #26 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_27_IRQn = 112, /*!< 112 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #27 */
cpuss_interrupts_dw1_28_IRQn = 113, /*!< 113 [Active] CPUSS DataWire #1, Channel #28 */
cpuss_interrupts_fault_0_IRQn = 114, /*!< 114 [Active] CPUSS Fault Structure Interrupt #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_fault_1_IRQn = 115, /*!< 115 [Active] CPUSS Fault Structure Interrupt #1 */
cpuss_interrupt_crypto_IRQn = 116, /*!< 116 [Active] CRYPTO Accelerator Interrupt */
cpuss_interrupt_fm_IRQn = 117, /*!< 117 [Active] FLASH Macro Interrupt */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_fp_IRQn = 118, /*!< 118 [Active] Floating Point operation fault */
cpuss_interrupts_cm0_cti_0_IRQn = 119, /*!< 119 [Active] CM0+ CTI #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm0_cti_1_IRQn = 120, /*!< 120 [Active] CM0+ CTI #1 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_cti_0_IRQn = 121, /*!< 121 [Active] CM4 CTI #0 */
cpuss_interrupts_cm4_cti_1_IRQn = 122, /*!< 122 [Active] CM4 CTI #1 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_0_IRQn = 123, /*!< 123 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #0 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_1_IRQn = 124, /*!< 124 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #1 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_2_IRQn = 125, /*!< 125 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #2 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_3_IRQn = 126, /*!< 126 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #3 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_4_IRQn = 127, /*!< 127 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #4 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_5_IRQn = 128, /*!< 128 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #5 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_6_IRQn = 129, /*!< 129 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #6 */
tcpwm_0_interrupts_7_IRQn = 130, /*!< 130 [Active] TCPWM #0, Counter #7 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_0_IRQn = 131, /*!< 131 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #0 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_1_IRQn = 132, /*!< 132 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #1 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_2_IRQn = 133, /*!< 133 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #2 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_3_IRQn = 134, /*!< 134 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #3 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_4_IRQn = 135, /*!< 135 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #4 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_5_IRQn = 136, /*!< 136 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #5 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_6_IRQn = 137, /*!< 137 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #6 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_7_IRQn = 138, /*!< 138 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #7 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_8_IRQn = 139, /*!< 139 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #8 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_9_IRQn = 140, /*!< 140 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #9 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_10_IRQn = 141, /*!< 141 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #10 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_11_IRQn = 142, /*!< 142 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #11 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_12_IRQn = 143, /*!< 143 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #12 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_13_IRQn = 144, /*!< 144 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #13 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_14_IRQn = 145, /*!< 145 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #14 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_15_IRQn = 146, /*!< 146 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #15 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_16_IRQn = 147, /*!< 147 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #16 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_17_IRQn = 148, /*!< 148 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #17 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_18_IRQn = 149, /*!< 149 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #18 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_19_IRQn = 150, /*!< 150 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #19 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_20_IRQn = 151, /*!< 151 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #20 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_21_IRQn = 152, /*!< 152 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #21 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_22_IRQn = 153, /*!< 153 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #22 */
tcpwm_1_interrupts_23_IRQn = 154, /*!< 154 [Active] TCPWM #1, Counter #23 */
pass_interrupt_sar_IRQn = 155, /*!< 155 [Active] SAR ADC interrupt */
audioss_0_interrupt_i2s_IRQn = 156, /*!< 156 [Active] I2S0 Audio interrupt */
audioss_0_interrupt_pdm_IRQn = 157, /*!< 157 [Active] PDM0/PCM0 Audio interrupt */
audioss_1_interrupt_i2s_IRQn = 158, /*!< 158 [Active] I2S1 Audio interrupt */
profile_interrupt_IRQn = 159, /*!< 159 [Active] Energy Profiler interrupt */
smif_interrupt_IRQn = 160, /*!< 160 [Active] Serial Memory Interface interrupt */
usb_interrupt_hi_IRQn = 161, /*!< 161 [Active] USB Interrupt */
usb_interrupt_med_IRQn = 162, /*!< 162 [Active] USB Interrupt */
usb_interrupt_lo_IRQn = 163, /*!< 163 [Active] USB Interrupt */
sdhc_0_interrupt_wakeup_IRQn = 164, /*!< 164 [Active] SDIO wakeup interrupt for mxsdhc */
sdhc_0_interrupt_general_IRQn = 165, /*!< 165 [Active] Consolidated interrupt for mxsdhc for everything else */
sdhc_1_interrupt_wakeup_IRQn = 166, /*!< 166 [Active] EEMC wakeup interrupt for mxsdhc, not used */
sdhc_1_interrupt_general_IRQn = 167, /*!< 167 [Active] Consolidated interrupt for mxsdhc for everything else */
disconnected_IRQn = 240 /*!< 240 Disconnected */
} cy_en_intr_t;
* Processor and Core Peripheral Section
#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && (__ARM_ARCH == 6) && (__ARM_ARCH_6M__ == 1)) || \
(defined(__ICCARM__) && (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__)) || \
(defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__TARGET_ARCH_THUMB == 3)) || \
(defined(__ghs__) && defined(__CORE_CORTEXM0PLUS__)))
/* Configuration of the ARM Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals */
#define __CM0PLUS_REV 0x0001U /*!< CM0PLUS Core Revision */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 2 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
#define __VTOR_PRESENT 1 /*!< Set to 1 if CPU supports Vector Table Offset Register */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present or not */
/** \} Configuration_of_CMSIS */
/* Memory Blocks */
#define CY_ROM_BASE 0x00000000UL
#define CY_ROM_SIZE 0x00010000UL
#define CY_SRAM0_BASE 0x08000000UL
#define CY_SRAM0_SIZE 0x00080000UL
#define CY_SRAM1_BASE 0x08080000UL
#define CY_SRAM1_SIZE 0x00040000UL
#define CY_SRAM2_BASE 0x080C0000UL
#define CY_SRAM2_SIZE 0x00040000UL
#define CY_FLASH_BASE 0x10000000UL
#define CY_FLASH_SIZE 0x00200000UL
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE 0x14000000UL
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_SIZE 0x00008000UL
#define CY_XIP_BASE 0x18000000UL
#define CY_XIP_SIZE 0x08000000UL
#define CY_SFLASH_BASE 0x16000000UL
#define CY_SFLASH_SIZE 0x00008000UL
#define CY_EFUSE_BASE 0x402C0800UL
#define CY_EFUSE_SIZE 0x00000200UL
#include "core_cm0plus.h" /*!< ARM Cortex-M0+ processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_psoc6.h" /*!< PSoC 6 System */
/* Configuration of the ARM Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals */
#define __CM4_REV 0x0001U /*!< CM4 Core Revision */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
#define __VTOR_PRESENT 1 /*!< Set to 1 if CPU supports Vector Table Offset Register */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present or not */
#define __FPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< FPU present or not */
#define __CM0P_PRESENT 1 /*!< CM0P present or not */
/** \} Configuration_of_CMSIS */
/* Memory Blocks */
#define CY_ROM_BASE 0x00000000UL
#define CY_ROM_SIZE 0x00010000UL
#define CY_SRAM0_BASE 0x08000000UL
#define CY_SRAM0_SIZE 0x00080000UL
#define CY_SRAM1_BASE 0x08080000UL
#define CY_SRAM1_SIZE 0x00040000UL
#define CY_SRAM2_BASE 0x080C0000UL
#define CY_SRAM2_SIZE 0x00040000UL
#define CY_FLASH_BASE 0x10000000UL
#define CY_FLASH_SIZE 0x00200000UL
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_BASE 0x14000000UL
#define CY_EM_EEPROM_SIZE 0x00008000UL
#define CY_XIP_BASE 0x18000000UL
#define CY_XIP_SIZE 0x08000000UL
#define CY_SFLASH_BASE 0x16000000UL
#define CY_SFLASH_SIZE 0x00008000UL
#define CY_EFUSE_BASE 0x402C0800UL
#define CY_EFUSE_SIZE 0x00000200UL
#include "core_cm4.h" /*!< ARM Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_psoc6.h" /*!< PSoC 6 System */
/* IP List */
#define CY_IP_MXTCPWM 1u
#define CY_IP_MXCSDV2 1u
#define CY_IP_MXLCD 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40SRSS 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_RTC 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_MCWDT 1u
#define CY_IP_MXSCB 1u
#define CY_IP_MXPERI 1u
#define CY_IP_MXPERI_TR 1u
#define CY_IP_M4CPUSS 1u
#define CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMAC 1u
#define CY_IP_M4CPUSS_DMA 1u
#define CY_IP_MXCRYPTO 1u
#define CY_IP_MXSDHC 1u
#define CY_IP_MXAUDIOSS 1u
#define CY_IP_MXLPCOMP 1u
#define CY_IP_MXSMIF 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40PASS 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40PASS_SAR 1u
#define CY_IP_MXS40IOSS 1u
#define CY_IP_MXEFUSE 1u
#define CY_IP_MXPROFILE 1u
#include "psoc6a2m_config.h"
#include "gpio_psoc6a2m_124_bga.h"
#define CY_SILICON_ID 0xE0002102UL
#define CY_HF_CLK_MAX_FREQ 150000000UL
#define SFLASH_BASE 0x16000000UL
#define SFLASH ((SFLASH_Type*) SFLASH_BASE) /* 0x16000000 */
#define PERI_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define PERI ((PERI_Type*) PERI_BASE) /* 0x40000000 */
#define PERI_GR0 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[0]) /* 0x40004000 */
#define PERI_GR1 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[1]) /* 0x40004020 */
#define PERI_GR2 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[2]) /* 0x40004040 */
#define PERI_GR3 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[3]) /* 0x40004060 */
#define PERI_GR4 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[4]) /* 0x40004080 */
#define PERI_GR6 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[6]) /* 0x400040C0 */
#define PERI_GR9 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[9]) /* 0x40004120 */
#define PERI_GR10 ((PERI_GR_Type*) &PERI->GR[10]) /* 0x40004140 */
#define PERI_TR_GR0 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[0]) /* 0x40008000 */
#define PERI_TR_GR1 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[1]) /* 0x40008400 */
#define PERI_TR_GR2 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[2]) /* 0x40008800 */
#define PERI_TR_GR3 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[3]) /* 0x40008C00 */
#define PERI_TR_GR4 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[4]) /* 0x40009000 */
#define PERI_TR_GR5 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[5]) /* 0x40009400 */
#define PERI_TR_GR6 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[6]) /* 0x40009800 */
#define PERI_TR_GR7 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[7]) /* 0x40009C00 */
#define PERI_TR_GR8 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[8]) /* 0x4000A000 */
#define PERI_TR_GR9 ((PERI_TR_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_GR[9]) /* 0x4000A400 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR0 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[0]) /* 0x4000C000 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR1 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[1]) /* 0x4000C400 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR2 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[2]) /* 0x4000C800 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR3 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[3]) /* 0x4000CC00 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR4 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[4]) /* 0x4000D000 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR5 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[5]) /* 0x4000D400 */
#define PERI_TR_1TO1_GR6 ((PERI_TR_1TO1_GR_Type*) &PERI->TR_1TO1_GR[6]) /* 0x4000D800 */
#define PERI_MS_BASE 0x40010000UL
#define PERI_MS ((PERI_MS_Type*) PERI_MS_BASE) /* 0x40010000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR0 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[0]) /* 0x40010000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR1 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[1]) /* 0x40010040 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR2 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[2]) /* 0x40010080 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR3 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[3]) /* 0x400100C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR4 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[4]) /* 0x40010100 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR5 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[5]) /* 0x40010140 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR6 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[6]) /* 0x40010180 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_PR7 ((PERI_MS_PPU_PR_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_PR[7]) /* 0x400101C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX0 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[0]) /* 0x40010800 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX1 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[1]) /* 0x40010840 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX2 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[2]) /* 0x40010880 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX3 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[3]) /* 0x400108C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX4 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[4]) /* 0x40010900 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX5 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[5]) /* 0x40010940 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX6 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[6]) /* 0x40010980 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX7 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[7]) /* 0x400109C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX8 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[8]) /* 0x40010A00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX9 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[9]) /* 0x40010A40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX10 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[10]) /* 0x40010A80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX11 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[11]) /* 0x40010AC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX12 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[12]) /* 0x40010B00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX13 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[13]) /* 0x40010B40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX14 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[14]) /* 0x40010B80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX15 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[15]) /* 0x40010BC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX16 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[16]) /* 0x40010C00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX17 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[17]) /* 0x40010C40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX18 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[18]) /* 0x40010C80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX19 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[19]) /* 0x40010CC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX20 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[20]) /* 0x40010D00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX21 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[21]) /* 0x40010D40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX22 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[22]) /* 0x40010D80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX23 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[23]) /* 0x40010DC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX24 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[24]) /* 0x40010E00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX25 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[25]) /* 0x40010E40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX26 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[26]) /* 0x40010E80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX27 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[27]) /* 0x40010EC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX28 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[28]) /* 0x40010F00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX29 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[29]) /* 0x40010F40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX30 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[30]) /* 0x40010F80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX31 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[31]) /* 0x40010FC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX32 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[32]) /* 0x40011000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX33 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[33]) /* 0x40011040 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX34 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[34]) /* 0x40011080 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX35 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[35]) /* 0x400110C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX36 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[36]) /* 0x40011100 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX37 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[37]) /* 0x40011140 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX38 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[38]) /* 0x40011180 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX39 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[39]) /* 0x400111C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX40 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[40]) /* 0x40011200 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX41 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[41]) /* 0x40011240 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX42 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[42]) /* 0x40011280 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX43 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[43]) /* 0x400112C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX44 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[44]) /* 0x40011300 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX45 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[45]) /* 0x40011340 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX46 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[46]) /* 0x40011380 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX47 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[47]) /* 0x400113C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX48 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[48]) /* 0x40011400 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX49 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[49]) /* 0x40011440 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX50 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[50]) /* 0x40011480 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX51 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[51]) /* 0x400114C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX52 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[52]) /* 0x40011500 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX53 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[53]) /* 0x40011540 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX54 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[54]) /* 0x40011580 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX55 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[55]) /* 0x400115C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX56 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[56]) /* 0x40011600 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX57 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[57]) /* 0x40011640 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX58 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[58]) /* 0x40011680 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX59 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[59]) /* 0x400116C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX60 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[60]) /* 0x40011700 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX61 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[61]) /* 0x40011740 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX62 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[62]) /* 0x40011780 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX63 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[63]) /* 0x400117C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX64 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[64]) /* 0x40011800 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX65 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[65]) /* 0x40011840 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX66 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[66]) /* 0x40011880 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX67 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[67]) /* 0x400118C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX68 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[68]) /* 0x40011900 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX69 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[69]) /* 0x40011940 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX70 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[70]) /* 0x40011980 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX71 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[71]) /* 0x400119C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX72 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[72]) /* 0x40011A00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX73 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[73]) /* 0x40011A40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX74 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[74]) /* 0x40011A80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX75 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[75]) /* 0x40011AC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX76 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[76]) /* 0x40011B00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX77 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[77]) /* 0x40011B40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX78 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[78]) /* 0x40011B80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX79 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[79]) /* 0x40011BC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX80 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[80]) /* 0x40011C00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX81 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[81]) /* 0x40011C40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX82 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[82]) /* 0x40011C80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX83 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[83]) /* 0x40011CC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX84 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[84]) /* 0x40011D00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX85 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[85]) /* 0x40011D40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX86 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[86]) /* 0x40011D80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX87 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[87]) /* 0x40011DC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX88 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[88]) /* 0x40011E00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX89 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[89]) /* 0x40011E40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX90 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[90]) /* 0x40011E80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX91 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[91]) /* 0x40011EC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX92 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[92]) /* 0x40011F00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX93 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[93]) /* 0x40011F40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX94 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[94]) /* 0x40011F80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX95 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[95]) /* 0x40011FC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX96 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[96]) /* 0x40012000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX97 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[97]) /* 0x40012040 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX98 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[98]) /* 0x40012080 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX99 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[99]) /* 0x400120C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX100 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[100]) /* 0x40012100 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX101 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[101]) /* 0x40012140 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX102 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[102]) /* 0x40012180 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX103 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[103]) /* 0x400121C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX104 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[104]) /* 0x40012200 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX105 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[105]) /* 0x40012240 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX106 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[106]) /* 0x40012280 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX107 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[107]) /* 0x400122C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX108 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[108]) /* 0x40012300 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX109 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[109]) /* 0x40012340 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX110 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[110]) /* 0x40012380 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX111 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[111]) /* 0x400123C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX112 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[112]) /* 0x40012400 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX113 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[113]) /* 0x40012440 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX114 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[114]) /* 0x40012480 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX115 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[115]) /* 0x400124C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX116 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[116]) /* 0x40012500 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX117 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[117]) /* 0x40012540 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX118 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[118]) /* 0x40012580 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX119 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[119]) /* 0x400125C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX120 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[120]) /* 0x40012600 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX121 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[121]) /* 0x40012640 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX122 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[122]) /* 0x40012680 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX123 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[123]) /* 0x400126C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX124 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[124]) /* 0x40012700 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX125 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[125]) /* 0x40012740 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX126 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[126]) /* 0x40012780 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX127 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[127]) /* 0x400127C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX128 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[128]) /* 0x40012800 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX129 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[129]) /* 0x40012840 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX130 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[130]) /* 0x40012880 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX131 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[131]) /* 0x400128C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX132 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[132]) /* 0x40012900 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX133 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[133]) /* 0x40012940 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX134 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[134]) /* 0x40012980 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX135 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[135]) /* 0x400129C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX136 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[136]) /* 0x40012A00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX137 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[137]) /* 0x40012A40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX138 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[138]) /* 0x40012A80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX139 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[139]) /* 0x40012AC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX140 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[140]) /* 0x40012B00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX141 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[141]) /* 0x40012B40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX142 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[142]) /* 0x40012B80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX143 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[143]) /* 0x40012BC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX144 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[144]) /* 0x40012C00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX145 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[145]) /* 0x40012C40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX146 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[146]) /* 0x40012C80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX147 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[147]) /* 0x40012CC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX148 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[148]) /* 0x40012D00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX149 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[149]) /* 0x40012D40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX150 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[150]) /* 0x40012D80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX151 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[151]) /* 0x40012DC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX152 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[152]) /* 0x40012E00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX153 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[153]) /* 0x40012E40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX154 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[154]) /* 0x40012E80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX155 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[155]) /* 0x40012EC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX156 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[156]) /* 0x40012F00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX157 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[157]) /* 0x40012F40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX158 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[158]) /* 0x40012F80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX159 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[159]) /* 0x40012FC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX160 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[160]) /* 0x40013000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX161 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[161]) /* 0x40013040 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX162 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[162]) /* 0x40013080 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX163 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[163]) /* 0x400130C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX164 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[164]) /* 0x40013100 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX165 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[165]) /* 0x40013140 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX166 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[166]) /* 0x40013180 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX167 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[167]) /* 0x400131C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX168 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[168]) /* 0x40013200 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX169 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[169]) /* 0x40013240 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX170 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[170]) /* 0x40013280 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX171 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[171]) /* 0x400132C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX172 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[172]) /* 0x40013300 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX173 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[173]) /* 0x40013340 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX174 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[174]) /* 0x40013380 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX175 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[175]) /* 0x400133C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX176 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[176]) /* 0x40013400 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX177 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[177]) /* 0x40013440 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX178 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[178]) /* 0x40013480 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX179 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[179]) /* 0x400134C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX180 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[180]) /* 0x40013500 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX181 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[181]) /* 0x40013540 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX182 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[182]) /* 0x40013580 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX183 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[183]) /* 0x400135C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX184 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[184]) /* 0x40013600 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX185 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[185]) /* 0x40013640 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX186 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[186]) /* 0x40013680 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX187 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[187]) /* 0x400136C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX188 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[188]) /* 0x40013700 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX189 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[189]) /* 0x40013740 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX190 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[190]) /* 0x40013780 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX191 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[191]) /* 0x400137C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX192 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[192]) /* 0x40013800 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX193 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[193]) /* 0x40013840 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX194 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[194]) /* 0x40013880 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX195 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[195]) /* 0x400138C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX196 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[196]) /* 0x40013900 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX197 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[197]) /* 0x40013940 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX198 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[198]) /* 0x40013980 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX199 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[199]) /* 0x400139C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX200 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[200]) /* 0x40013A00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX201 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[201]) /* 0x40013A40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX202 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[202]) /* 0x40013A80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX203 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[203]) /* 0x40013AC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX204 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[204]) /* 0x40013B00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX205 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[205]) /* 0x40013B40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX206 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[206]) /* 0x40013B80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX207 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[207]) /* 0x40013BC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX208 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[208]) /* 0x40013C00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX209 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[209]) /* 0x40013C40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX210 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[210]) /* 0x40013C80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX211 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[211]) /* 0x40013CC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX212 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[212]) /* 0x40013D00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX213 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[213]) /* 0x40013D40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX214 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[214]) /* 0x40013D80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX215 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[215]) /* 0x40013DC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX216 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[216]) /* 0x40013E00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX217 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[217]) /* 0x40013E40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX218 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[218]) /* 0x40013E80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX219 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[219]) /* 0x40013EC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX220 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[220]) /* 0x40013F00 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX221 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[221]) /* 0x40013F40 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX222 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[222]) /* 0x40013F80 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX223 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[223]) /* 0x40013FC0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX224 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[224]) /* 0x40014000 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX225 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[225]) /* 0x40014040 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX226 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[226]) /* 0x40014080 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX227 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[227]) /* 0x400140C0 */
#define PERI_MS_PPU_FX228 ((PERI_MS_PPU_FX_Type*) &PERI_MS->PPU_FX[228]) /* 0x40014100 */
#define CRYPTO_BASE 0x40100000UL
#define CRYPTO ((CRYPTO_Type*) CRYPTO_BASE) /* 0x40100000 */
#define CPUSS_BASE 0x40200000UL
#define CPUSS ((CPUSS_Type*) CPUSS_BASE) /* 0x40200000 */
#define FAULT_BASE 0x40210000UL
#define FAULT ((FAULT_Type*) FAULT_BASE) /* 0x40210000 */
#define FAULT_STRUCT0 ((FAULT_STRUCT_Type*) &FAULT->STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40210000 */
#define FAULT_STRUCT1 ((FAULT_STRUCT_Type*) &FAULT->STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40210100 */
#define IPC_BASE 0x40220000UL
#define IPC ((IPC_Type*) IPC_BASE) /* 0x40220000 */
#define IPC_STRUCT0 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40220000 */
#define IPC_STRUCT1 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40220020 */
#define IPC_STRUCT2 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40220040 */
#define IPC_STRUCT3 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[3]) /* 0x40220060 */
#define IPC_STRUCT4 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40220080 */
#define IPC_STRUCT5 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[5]) /* 0x402200A0 */
#define IPC_STRUCT6 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[6]) /* 0x402200C0 */
#define IPC_STRUCT7 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[7]) /* 0x402200E0 */
#define IPC_STRUCT8 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[8]) /* 0x40220100 */
#define IPC_STRUCT9 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[9]) /* 0x40220120 */
#define IPC_STRUCT10 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[10]) /* 0x40220140 */
#define IPC_STRUCT11 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[11]) /* 0x40220160 */
#define IPC_STRUCT12 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[12]) /* 0x40220180 */
#define IPC_STRUCT13 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[13]) /* 0x402201A0 */
#define IPC_STRUCT14 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[14]) /* 0x402201C0 */
#define IPC_STRUCT15 ((IPC_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->STRUCT[15]) /* 0x402201E0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT0 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40221000 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT1 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40221020 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT2 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40221040 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT3 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x40221060 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT4 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40221080 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT5 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x402210A0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT6 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x402210C0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT7 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x402210E0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT8 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[8]) /* 0x40221100 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT9 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[9]) /* 0x40221120 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT10 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[10]) /* 0x40221140 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT11 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[11]) /* 0x40221160 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT12 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[12]) /* 0x40221180 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT13 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[13]) /* 0x402211A0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT14 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[14]) /* 0x402211C0 */
#define IPC_INTR_STRUCT15 ((IPC_INTR_STRUCT_Type*) &IPC->INTR_STRUCT[15]) /* 0x402211E0 */
#define PROT_BASE 0x40230000UL
#define PROT ((PROT_Type*) PROT_BASE) /* 0x40230000 */
#define PROT_SMPU ((PROT_SMPU_Type*) &PROT->SMPU) /* 0x40230000 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT0 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40235600 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT1 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40235620 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT2 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40235640 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT3 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x40235660 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT4 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40235680 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT5 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x402356A0 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT6 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x402356C0 */
#define PROT_MPU5_MPU_STRUCT7 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5].MPU_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x402356E0 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT0 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40235A00 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT1 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40235A20 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT2 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40235A40 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT3 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x40235A60 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT4 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40235A80 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT5 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x40235AA0 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT6 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x40235AC0 */
#define PROT_MPU6_MPU_STRUCT7 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6].MPU_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x40235AE0 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT0 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40237E00 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT1 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40237E20 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT2 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40237E40 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT3 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x40237E60 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT4 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40237E80 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT5 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x40237EA0 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT6 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x40237EC0 */
#define PROT_MPU15_MPU_STRUCT7 ((PROT_MPU_MPU_STRUCT_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15].MPU_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x40237EE0 */
#define PROT_MPU0 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[0]) /* 0x40234000 */
#define PROT_MPU1 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[1]) /* 0x40234400 */
#define PROT_MPU2 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[2]) /* 0x40234800 */
#define PROT_MPU3 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[3]) /* 0x40234C00 */
#define PROT_MPU4 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[4]) /* 0x40235000 */
#define PROT_MPU5 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[5]) /* 0x40235400 */
#define PROT_MPU6 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[6]) /* 0x40235800 */
#define PROT_MPU7 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[7]) /* 0x40235C00 */
#define PROT_MPU8 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[8]) /* 0x40236000 */
#define PROT_MPU9 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[9]) /* 0x40236400 */
#define PROT_MPU10 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[10]) /* 0x40236800 */
#define PROT_MPU11 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[11]) /* 0x40236C00 */
#define PROT_MPU12 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[12]) /* 0x40237000 */
#define PROT_MPU13 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[13]) /* 0x40237400 */
#define PROT_MPU14 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[14]) /* 0x40237800 */
#define PROT_MPU15 ((PROT_MPU_Type*) &PROT->CYMPU[15]) /* 0x40237C00 */
#define FLASHC_BASE 0x40240000UL
#define FLASHC ((FLASHC_Type*) FLASHC_BASE) /* 0x40240000 */
#define FLASHC_FM_CTL ((FLASHC_FM_CTL_Type*) &FLASHC->FM_CTL) /* 0x4024F000 */
#define SRSS_BASE 0x40260000UL
#define SRSS ((SRSS_Type*) SRSS_BASE) /* 0x40260000 */
#define MCWDT_STRUCT0 ((MCWDT_STRUCT_Type*) &SRSS->MCWDT_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40260200 */
#define MCWDT_STRUCT1 ((MCWDT_STRUCT_Type*) &SRSS->MCWDT_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40260240 */
#define BACKUP_BASE 0x40270000UL
#define BACKUP ((BACKUP_Type*) BACKUP_BASE) /* 0x40270000 */
* DW
#define DW0_BASE 0x40280000UL
#define DW1_BASE 0x40290000UL
#define DW0 ((DW_Type*) DW0_BASE) /* 0x40280000 */
#define DW1 ((DW_Type*) DW1_BASE) /* 0x40290000 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT0 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40288000 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT1 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40288040 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT2 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40288080 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT3 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x402880C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT4 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40288100 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT5 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x40288140 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT6 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x40288180 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT7 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x402881C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT8 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[8]) /* 0x40288200 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT9 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[9]) /* 0x40288240 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT10 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[10]) /* 0x40288280 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT11 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[11]) /* 0x402882C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT12 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[12]) /* 0x40288300 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT13 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[13]) /* 0x40288340 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT14 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[14]) /* 0x40288380 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT15 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[15]) /* 0x402883C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT16 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[16]) /* 0x40288400 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT17 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[17]) /* 0x40288440 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT18 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[18]) /* 0x40288480 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT19 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[19]) /* 0x402884C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT20 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[20]) /* 0x40288500 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT21 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[21]) /* 0x40288540 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT22 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[22]) /* 0x40288580 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT23 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[23]) /* 0x402885C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT24 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[24]) /* 0x40288600 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT25 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[25]) /* 0x40288640 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT26 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[26]) /* 0x40288680 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT27 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[27]) /* 0x402886C0 */
#define DW0_CH_STRUCT28 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW0->CH_STRUCT[28]) /* 0x40288700 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT0 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[0]) /* 0x40298000 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT1 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[1]) /* 0x40298040 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT2 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[2]) /* 0x40298080 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT3 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[3]) /* 0x402980C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT4 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[4]) /* 0x40298100 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT5 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[5]) /* 0x40298140 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT6 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[6]) /* 0x40298180 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT7 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[7]) /* 0x402981C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT8 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[8]) /* 0x40298200 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT9 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[9]) /* 0x40298240 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT10 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[10]) /* 0x40298280 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT11 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[11]) /* 0x402982C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT12 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[12]) /* 0x40298300 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT13 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[13]) /* 0x40298340 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT14 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[14]) /* 0x40298380 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT15 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[15]) /* 0x402983C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT16 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[16]) /* 0x40298400 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT17 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[17]) /* 0x40298440 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT18 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[18]) /* 0x40298480 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT19 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[19]) /* 0x402984C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT20 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[20]) /* 0x40298500 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT21 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[21]) /* 0x40298540 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT22 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[22]) /* 0x40298580 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT23 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[23]) /* 0x402985C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT24 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[24]) /* 0x40298600 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT25 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[25]) /* 0x40298640 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT26 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[26]) /* 0x40298680 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT27 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[27]) /* 0x402986C0 */
#define DW1_CH_STRUCT28 ((DW_CH_STRUCT_Type*) &DW1->CH_STRUCT[28]) /* 0x40298700 */
#define DMAC_BASE 0x402A0000UL
#define DMAC ((DMAC_Type*) DMAC_BASE) /* 0x402A0000 */
#define DMAC_CH0 ((DMAC_CH_Type*) &DMAC->CH[0]) /* 0x402A1000 */
#define DMAC_CH1 ((DMAC_CH_Type*) &DMAC->CH[1]) /* 0x402A1100 */
#define DMAC_CH2 ((DMAC_CH_Type*) &DMAC->CH[2]) /* 0x402A1200 */
#define DMAC_CH3 ((DMAC_CH_Type*) &DMAC->CH[3]) /* 0x402A1300 */
#define EFUSE_BASE 0x402C0000UL
#define EFUSE ((EFUSE_Type*) EFUSE_BASE) /* 0x402C0000 */
#define PROFILE_BASE 0x402D0000UL
#define PROFILE ((PROFILE_Type*) PROFILE_BASE) /* 0x402D0000 */
#define HSIOM_BASE 0x40300000UL
#define HSIOM ((HSIOM_Type*) HSIOM_BASE) /* 0x40300000 */
#define HSIOM_PRT0 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[0]) /* 0x40300000 */
#define HSIOM_PRT1 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[1]) /* 0x40300010 */
#define HSIOM_PRT2 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[2]) /* 0x40300020 */
#define HSIOM_PRT3 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[3]) /* 0x40300030 */
#define HSIOM_PRT4 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[4]) /* 0x40300040 */
#define HSIOM_PRT5 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[5]) /* 0x40300050 */
#define HSIOM_PRT6 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[6]) /* 0x40300060 */
#define HSIOM_PRT7 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[7]) /* 0x40300070 */
#define HSIOM_PRT8 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[8]) /* 0x40300080 */
#define HSIOM_PRT9 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[9]) /* 0x40300090 */
#define HSIOM_PRT10 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[10]) /* 0x403000A0 */
#define HSIOM_PRT11 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[11]) /* 0x403000B0 */
#define HSIOM_PRT12 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[12]) /* 0x403000C0 */
#define HSIOM_PRT13 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[13]) /* 0x403000D0 */
#define HSIOM_PRT14 ((HSIOM_PRT_Type*) &HSIOM->PRT[14]) /* 0x403000E0 */
#define GPIO_BASE 0x40310000UL
#define GPIO ((GPIO_Type*) GPIO_BASE) /* 0x40310000 */
#define GPIO_PRT0 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[0]) /* 0x40310000 */
#define GPIO_PRT1 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[1]) /* 0x40310080 */
#define GPIO_PRT2 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[2]) /* 0x40310100 */
#define GPIO_PRT3 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[3]) /* 0x40310180 */
#define GPIO_PRT4 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[4]) /* 0x40310200 */
#define GPIO_PRT5 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[5]) /* 0x40310280 */
#define GPIO_PRT6 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[6]) /* 0x40310300 */
#define GPIO_PRT7 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[7]) /* 0x40310380 */
#define GPIO_PRT8 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[8]) /* 0x40310400 */
#define GPIO_PRT9 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[9]) /* 0x40310480 */
#define GPIO_PRT10 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[10]) /* 0x40310500 */
#define GPIO_PRT11 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[11]) /* 0x40310580 */
#define GPIO_PRT12 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[12]) /* 0x40310600 */
#define GPIO_PRT13 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[13]) /* 0x40310680 */
#define GPIO_PRT14 ((GPIO_PRT_Type*) &GPIO->PRT[14]) /* 0x40310700 */
#define SMARTIO_BASE 0x40320000UL
#define SMARTIO ((SMARTIO_Type*) SMARTIO_BASE) /* 0x40320000 */
#define SMARTIO_PRT8 ((SMARTIO_PRT_Type*) &SMARTIO->PRT[8]) /* 0x40320800 */
#define SMARTIO_PRT9 ((SMARTIO_PRT_Type*) &SMARTIO->PRT[9]) /* 0x40320900 */
#define LPCOMP_BASE 0x40350000UL
#define LPCOMP ((LPCOMP_Type*) LPCOMP_BASE) /* 0x40350000 */
#define CSD0_BASE 0x40360000UL
#define CSD0 ((CSD_Type*) CSD0_BASE) /* 0x40360000 */
#define TCPWM0_BASE 0x40380000UL
#define TCPWM1_BASE 0x40390000UL
#define TCPWM0 ((TCPWM_Type*) TCPWM0_BASE) /* 0x40380000 */
#define TCPWM1 ((TCPWM_Type*) TCPWM1_BASE) /* 0x40390000 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT0 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[0]) /* 0x40380100 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT1 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[1]) /* 0x40380140 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT2 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[2]) /* 0x40380180 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT3 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[3]) /* 0x403801C0 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT4 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[4]) /* 0x40380200 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT5 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[5]) /* 0x40380240 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT6 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[6]) /* 0x40380280 */
#define TCPWM0_CNT7 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM0->CNT[7]) /* 0x403802C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT0 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[0]) /* 0x40390100 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT1 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[1]) /* 0x40390140 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT2 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[2]) /* 0x40390180 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT3 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[3]) /* 0x403901C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT4 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[4]) /* 0x40390200 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT5 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[5]) /* 0x40390240 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT6 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[6]) /* 0x40390280 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT7 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[7]) /* 0x403902C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT8 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[8]) /* 0x40390300 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT9 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[9]) /* 0x40390340 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT10 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[10]) /* 0x40390380 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT11 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[11]) /* 0x403903C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT12 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[12]) /* 0x40390400 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT13 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[13]) /* 0x40390440 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT14 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[14]) /* 0x40390480 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT15 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[15]) /* 0x403904C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT16 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[16]) /* 0x40390500 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT17 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[17]) /* 0x40390540 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT18 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[18]) /* 0x40390580 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT19 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[19]) /* 0x403905C0 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT20 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[20]) /* 0x40390600 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT21 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[21]) /* 0x40390640 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT22 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[22]) /* 0x40390680 */
#define TCPWM1_CNT23 ((TCPWM_CNT_Type*) &TCPWM1->CNT[23]) /* 0x403906C0 */
#define LCD0_BASE 0x403B0000UL
#define LCD0 ((LCD_Type*) LCD0_BASE) /* 0x403B0000 */
#define SMIF0_BASE 0x40420000UL
#define SMIF0 ((SMIF_Type*) SMIF0_BASE) /* 0x40420000 */
#define SMIF0_DEVICE0 ((SMIF_DEVICE_Type*) &SMIF0->DEVICE[0]) /* 0x40420800 */
#define SMIF0_DEVICE1 ((SMIF_DEVICE_Type*) &SMIF0->DEVICE[1]) /* 0x40420880 */
#define SMIF0_DEVICE2 ((SMIF_DEVICE_Type*) &SMIF0->DEVICE[2]) /* 0x40420900 */
#define SMIF0_DEVICE3 ((SMIF_DEVICE_Type*) &SMIF0->DEVICE[3]) /* 0x40420980 */
#define SDHC0_BASE 0x40460000UL
#define SDHC1_BASE 0x40470000UL
#define SDHC0 ((SDHC_Type*) SDHC0_BASE) /* 0x40460000 */
#define SDHC1 ((SDHC_Type*) SDHC1_BASE) /* 0x40470000 */
#define SDHC0_WRAP ((SDHC_WRAP_Type*) &SDHC0->WRAP) /* 0x40460000 */
#define SDHC1_WRAP ((SDHC_WRAP_Type*) &SDHC1->WRAP) /* 0x40470000 */
#define SDHC0_CORE ((SDHC_CORE_Type*) &SDHC0->CORE) /* 0x40461000 */
#define SDHC1_CORE ((SDHC_CORE_Type*) &SDHC1->CORE) /* 0x40471000 */
#define SCB0_BASE 0x40600000UL
#define SCB1_BASE 0x40610000UL
#define SCB2_BASE 0x40620000UL
#define SCB3_BASE 0x40630000UL
#define SCB4_BASE 0x40640000UL
#define SCB5_BASE 0x40650000UL
#define SCB6_BASE 0x40660000UL
#define SCB7_BASE 0x40670000UL
#define SCB8_BASE 0x40680000UL
#define SCB9_BASE 0x40690000UL
#define SCB10_BASE 0x406A0000UL
#define SCB11_BASE 0x406B0000UL
#define SCB12_BASE 0x406C0000UL
#define SCB0 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB0_BASE) /* 0x40600000 */
#define SCB1 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB1_BASE) /* 0x40610000 */
#define SCB2 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB2_BASE) /* 0x40620000 */
#define SCB3 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB3_BASE) /* 0x40630000 */
#define SCB4 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB4_BASE) /* 0x40640000 */
#define SCB5 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB5_BASE) /* 0x40650000 */
#define SCB6 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB6_BASE) /* 0x40660000 */
#define SCB7 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB7_BASE) /* 0x40670000 */
#define SCB8 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB8_BASE) /* 0x40680000 */
#define SCB9 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB9_BASE) /* 0x40690000 */
#define SCB10 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB10_BASE) /* 0x406A0000 */
#define SCB11 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB11_BASE) /* 0x406B0000 */
#define SCB12 ((CySCB_Type*) SCB12_BASE) /* 0x406C0000 */
#define SAR_BASE 0x409D0000UL
#define SAR ((SAR_Type*) SAR_BASE) /* 0x409D0000 */
#define PASS_BASE 0x409F0000UL
#define PASS ((PASS_Type*) PASS_BASE) /* 0x409F0000 */
#define PASS_AREF ((PASS_AREF_Type*) &PASS->AREF) /* 0x409F0E00 */
#define PDM0_BASE 0x40A00000UL
#define PDM0 ((PDM_Type*) PDM0_BASE) /* 0x40A00000 */
* I2S
#define I2S0_BASE 0x40A10000UL
#define I2S1_BASE 0x40A11000UL
#define I2S0 ((I2S_Type*) I2S0_BASE) /* 0x40A10000 */
#define I2S1 ((I2S_Type*) I2S1_BASE) /* 0x40A11000 */
/** \} PSoC6A2M_124BGA */
#endif /* _PSOC6A2M_124BGA_H_ */
/* [] END OF FILE */