blob: f41d5f0e01d6b34c83fd83fa3a3524ac6d0e2330 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Handling of transitions to-and-from fast IRQs (FIRQ)
* This module implements the code for handling entry to and exit from Fast IRQs.
* See isr_wrapper.S for details.
#include <nano_private.h>
#include <offsets.h>
#include <toolchain.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
#include "swap_macros.h"
SECTION_VAR(NOINIT, _firq_stack)
* @brief Work to be done before handing control to a FIRQ ISR
* The processor switches to a second register bank so registers from the
* current bank do not have to be preserved yet. The only issue is the LP_START/
* LP_COUNT/LP_END registers, which are not banked.
* If all FIRQ ISRs are programmed such that there are no use of the LP
* registers (ie. no LPcc instruction), then the kernel can be configured to
* remove the use of _firq_enter().
* When entering a FIRQ, interrupts might as well be locked: the processor is
* running at its highest priority, and cannot be preempted by anything.
* Assumption by _isr_demux: r3 is untouched by _firq_enter.
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _firq_enter)
* Unlike the rest of context switching code, r2 is loaded with something
* else than 'current' in this routine: this is to preserve r3 so that it
* does not have to be fetched again in _isr_demux.
/* save LP_START/LP_COUNT/LP_END variables */
mov_s r1, _nanokernel
/* cannot store lp_count directly to memory */
mov r2, lp_count
st lp_count, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_count_OFFSET]
lr r2, [_ARC_V2_LP_START]
st r2, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_start_OFFSET]
lr r2, [_ARC_V2_LP_END]
st r2, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_end_OFFSET]
j @_isr_demux
* @brief Work to be done exiting a FIRQ
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _firq_exit)
mov_s r1, _nanokernel
ld_s r2, [r1, __tNANO_current_OFFSET]
/* assumption: r1 contains _nanokernel, r2 contains the current thread */
/* restore LP_START/LP_COUNT/LP_END variables */
/* cannot load lp_count from memory */
ld r3, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_count_OFFSET]
mov lp_count, r3
ld r3, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_start_OFFSET]
sr r3, [_ARC_V2_LP_START]
ld r3, [r1, __tNANO_firq_regs_OFFSET + __tFirqRegs_lp_end_OFFSET]
sr r3, [_ARC_V2_LP_END]
/* exiting here: r1/r2 unchanged, r0/r3 destroyed */
/* check if we're a nested interrupt: if so, let the interrupted interrupt
* handle the reschedule */
lr r3, [_ARC_V2_AUX_IRQ_ACT]
/* the OS on ARCv2 always runs in kernel mode, so assume bit31 [U] in
* AUX_IRQ_ACT is always 0: if the contents of AUX_IRQ_ACT is not 1, it
* means that another bit is set so an interrupt was interrupted.
breq.nd r3, 1, _check_if_current_is_the_task
.balign 4
ld r0, [r2, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET]
and.f r0, r0, PREEMPTIBLE
bnz.nd _check_if_a_fiber_is_ready
.balign 4
ld r0, [r1, __tNANO_fiber_OFFSET] /* incoming fiber in r0 */
brne.nd r0, 0, _firq_reschedule
.balign 4
* We know there is no interrupted interrupt of lower priority at this
* point, so when switching back to register bank 0, it will contain the
* registers from the interrupted thread.
/* chose register bank #0 */
lr r0, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32]
and r0, r0, ~_ARC_V2_STATUS32_RB(7)
kflag r0
/* we're back on the outgoing thread's stack */
* In a FIRQ, STATUS32 of the outgoing thread is in STATUS32_P0 and the
* PC in ILINK: save them in status32/pc respectively.
lr r0, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32_P0]
st_s r0, [sp, __tISF_status32_OFFSET]
st ilink, [sp, __tISF_pc_OFFSET] /* ilink into pc */
mov_s r1, _nanokernel
ld r2, [r1, __tNANO_current_OFFSET]
st _CAUSE_FIRQ, [r2, __tTCS_relinquish_cause_OFFSET]
ld r2, [r1, __tNANO_fiber_OFFSET]
st r2, [r1, __tNANO_current_OFFSET]
ld r3, [r2, __tTCS_link_OFFSET]
st r3, [r1, __tNANO_fiber_OFFSET]
* _load_callee_saved_regs expects incoming thread in r2.
* _load_callee_saved_regs restores the stack pointer.
ld r3, [r2, __tTCS_relinquish_cause_OFFSET]
breq.nd r3, _CAUSE_RIRQ, _firq_return_from_rirq
breq.nd r3, _CAUSE_FIRQ, _firq_return_from_firq
/* fall through */
.balign 4
ld r3, [r2, __tTCS_intlock_key_OFFSET]
st 0, [r2, __tTCS_intlock_key_OFFSET]
/* pc into ilink */
pop_s r0
mov ilink, r0
pop_s r0 /* status32 into r0 */
* There are only two interrupt lock states: locked and unlocked. When
* entering _Swap(), they are always locked, so the IE bit is unset in
* status32. If the incoming thread had them locked recursively, it means
* that the IE bit should stay unset. The only time the bit has to change
* is if they were not locked recursively.
and.f r3, r3, (1 << 4) r0, r0, _ARC_V2_STATUS32_IE
sr r0, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32_P0]
ld r0, [r2, __tTCS_return_value_OFFSET]
.balign 4
ld ilink, [sp, -4] /* status32 into ilink */
sr ilink, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32_P0]
ld ilink, [sp, -8] /* pc into ilink */
/* fall through to rtie instruction */
.balign 4
/* LP registers are already restored, just switch back to bank 0 */
* @brief Install the FIRQ stack in register bank 1
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _firq_stack_setup)
lr r0, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32]
and r0, r0, ~_ARC_V2_STATUS32_RB(7)
or r0, r0, _ARC_V2_STATUS32_RB(1)
kflag r0
mov sp, _firq_stack
* We have to reload r0 here, because it is bank1 r0 which contains
* garbage, not bank0 r0 containing the previous value of status32.
lr r0, [_ARC_V2_STATUS32]
and r0, r0, ~_ARC_V2_STATUS32_RB(7)
kflag r0
j_s.nd [blink]