blob: dad5d0f6e1b9c96677b7e4a44b9d148798c35544 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _steps:
Step-by-step Procedures
* Provide a sequence of numbered steps, starting with 1. Do not
provide a paragraph of sentences.
* Describe one action per step.
* If the user needs to do the same thing for several procedures, refer
to earlier steps rather than repeating them.
* When steps and diagrams flow down a page side-by-side, put text on
the left and diagrams on the right.
* When steps include commands or code blocks, put the commands or code
blocks after the step that includes them.
* If directions can appear in only one place, either text or figure,
put them in the text; don't hide directions in diagrams.
* When a series of steps is supported by one figure, refer to the
figure in the introductory text: "See Figure 15 and do the following:"
* When a series of steps is supported by two or more figures, avoid
referring to a range of figures. Rather, refer to a specific figure
in the relevant step and show the figure immediately after the
reference. Do not say: "See figures 15 through 22 and do the