blob: dd11f79df7fb5472c1d9b10d77710c4829bf4877 [file] [log] [blame]
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
arch_whitelist = x86
kernel = micro
# FIXME h4 and UART driver using same IRQ line on galileo
platform_exclude = galileo
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
arch_whitelist = arm
platform_exclude = arduino_due
filter = not CONFIG_SOC_STM32F103RB
kernel = micro
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
extra_args = CONF_FILE="prj_nble.conf"
arch_whitelist = x86
platform_whitelist = arduino_101
kernel = micro
kernel = nano
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
arch_whitelist = x86
extra_args = KERNEL_TYPE=nano
# FIXME h4 and UART driver using same IRQ line on galileo
platform_exclude = quark_d2000_crb galileo
kernel = nano
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
arch_whitelist = arm
platform_exclude = arduino_due
extra_args = KERNEL_TYPE=nano
kernel = nano
tags = bluetooth
build_only = true
extra_args = CONF_FILE="prj_nble.conf" KERNEL_TYPE=nano
arch_whitelist = x86
platform_whitelist = arduino_101