blob: cb4fe993649210446f772dc319a3aa220410ce29 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash -e
# @testcase static defaults=none
# @eval shcmd %(thisfile)s %(srcdir)s/../../
# @tags bat
# If is not on your path, you can:
# 1 - put it in your path (copy or symlink)
# 2 - export CPPPATH to the path where it is
# (1) is easier
set -eu -o pipefail
cd $1 || exit 127
# If no modifications to the tree, check the previous commit;
# otherwise, show the current modifications
if git diff-index HEAD --quiet; then
git show HEAD || exit 127
git diff HEAD || exit 127
fi \
| ${CPPATH:-scripts/} \
${CPOPTS:---no-tree --patch --show-types --mailback --terse --showfile --ignore FILE_PATH_CHANGES } \