blob: 8709c286c80997e9d0d4d5458a87c23bb7f0af6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Test microkernel target pipe APIs
* This modules tests the following target pipe routines:
* task_pipe_put()
* task_pipe_get()
* The following target pipe routine does not yet have a test case:
* task_pipe_block_put()
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <tc_util.h>
#include <misc/util.h>
#define ONE_SECOND (sys_clock_ticks_per_sec)
#define IRQ_PRIORITY 3
#define PIPE_SIZE 256 /* This must match the value in the MDEF file */
typedef struct {
int size; /* number of bytes to send/receive */
K_PIPE_OPTION options; /* options for task_pipe_XXX() APIs */
int sent; /* expected # of bytes sent */
int rcode; /* expected return code */
static char txBuffer[PIPE_SIZE + 32];
static char rxBuffer[PIPE_SIZE + 32];
static SIZE_EXPECT all_N[] = {
{0, _ALL_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _ALL_N, 1, RC_OK},
static SIZE_EXPECT many_all_N[] = {
static SIZE_EXPECT one_to_N[] = {
{0, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _1_TO_N, 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE - 1, RC_OK},
static SIZE_EXPECT many_one_to_N[] = {
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _1_TO_N, 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL}
static SIZE_EXPECT zero_to_N[] = {
{0, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _0_TO_N, 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _0_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE - 1, RC_OK},
static SIZE_EXPECT many_zero_to_N[] = {
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _0_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _0_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _0_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE / 3, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _0_TO_N, 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE / 3, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_OK}
* With the following 'wait' cases, the pipe buffer may be bypassed. It is
* thus possible to transmit and receive via the pipe more bytes than its
* buffer would allow.
static SIZE_EXPECT wait_all_N[] = {
{0, _ALL_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _ALL_N, 1, RC_OK},
static SIZE_EXPECT wait_one_to_N[] = {
{0, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _1_TO_N, 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE - 1, RC_OK},
{PIPE_SIZE + 1, _1_TO_N, PIPE_SIZE + 1, RC_OK}
static SIZE_EXPECT timeout_cases[] = {
{0, _ALL_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _ALL_N, 0, RC_TIME},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _ALL_N, 0 , RC_TIME},
{PIPE_SIZE + 1, _ALL_N, 0, RC_TIME},
{0, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_TIME},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_TIME},
{PIPE_SIZE + 1, _1_TO_N, 0, RC_TIME},
{0, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{1, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{PIPE_SIZE - 1, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL},
{PIPE_SIZE + 1, _0_TO_N, 0, RC_FAIL}
extern ksem_t regSem;
extern ksem_t altSem;
extern ksem_t counterSem;
extern kpipe_t pipeId _GENERIC_SECTION(_k_pipe_ptr);
* @brief Initialize objects used in this microkernel test suite
* @return N/A
void microObjectsInit(void)
int i; /* loop counter */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rxBuffer); i++) {
txBuffer[i] = (char) i;
* @brief Check the contents of the receive buffer
* @param buffer pointer to buffer to check
* @param size number of bytes to check
* @return <size> on success, index of wrong character on failure
int receiveBufferCheck(char *buffer, int size)
int j; /* loop counter */
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (buffer[j] != (char) j) {
return j;
return size;
* @brief Helper routine to pipePutTest()
* @param singleItems testcase list (one item in the pipe)
* @param nSingles number of items in testcase
* @param manyItems testcase list (many items in the pipe)
* @param nMany number of items in testcase
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutHelperWork(SIZE_EXPECT *singleItems, int nSingles,
SIZE_EXPECT *manyItems, int nMany)
int i; /* loop counter */
int j; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* value returned from task_pipe_get() */
int index; /* index to corrupted byte in buffer */
int bytesReceived; /* number of bytes received */
for (i = 0; i < nSingles; i++) {
(void)task_sem_take(altSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(rxBuffer); j++) {
rxBuffer[j] = 0;
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, singleItems[i].size,
&bytesReceived, singleItems[i].options,
if (rv != singleItems[i].rcode) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_get(%d bytes) : Expected %d not %d.\n"
" bytesReceived = %d\n",
singleItems[i].size, singleItems[i].rcode,
rv, bytesReceived);
return TC_FAIL;
if (bytesReceived != singleItems[i].sent) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_get(%d) : "
"Expected %d bytes to be received, not %d\n",
singleItems[i].size, singleItems[i].sent, bytesReceived);
return TC_FAIL;
index = receiveBufferCheck(rxBuffer, bytesReceived);
if (index != bytesReceived) {
TC_ERROR("pipePutHelper: rxBuffer[%d] is %d, not %d\n",
index, rxBuffer[index], index);
return TC_FAIL;
* Get items from the pipe. There should be more than one item
* stored in it.
(void)task_sem_take(altSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
for (i = 0; i < nMany; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(rxBuffer); j++) {
rxBuffer[j] = 0;
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, manyItems[i].size,
&bytesReceived, manyItems[i].options,
if (rv != manyItems[i].rcode) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_get(%d bytes) : Expected %d not %d.\n"
" bytesReceived = %d, iteration: %d\n",
manyItems[i].size, manyItems[i].rcode,
rv, bytesReceived, i+1);
return TC_FAIL;
if (bytesReceived != manyItems[i].sent) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_get(%d) : "
"Expected %d bytes to be received, not %d\n",
manyItems[i].size, manyItems[i].sent, bytesReceived);
return TC_FAIL;
index = receiveBufferCheck(rxBuffer, bytesReceived);
if (index != bytesReceived) {
TC_ERROR("pipeGetHelper: rxBuffer[%d] is %d, not %d\n",
index, rxBuffer[index], index);
return TC_FAIL;
task_sem_give(regSem); /* Wake the RegressionTask */
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Helper routine to pipePutTest()
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutHelper(void)
int rv; /* return value from pipePutHelperWork() */
rv = pipePutHelperWork(all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(all_N),
many_all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_all_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on all_N/many_all_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutHelperWork(one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(one_to_N),
many_one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_one_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _1_TO_N/many_1_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutHelperWork(zero_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(zero_to_N),
many_zero_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_zero_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _0_TO_N/many_0_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_put(TICKS_NONE)
* This routine tests the task_pipe_put(TICKS_NONE) API.
* @param singleItems testcase list (one item in the pipe)
* @param nSingles number of items in testcase
* @param manyItems testcase list (many items in the pipe)
* @param nMany number of items in testcase
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutTestWork(SIZE_EXPECT *singleItems, int nSingles,
SIZE_EXPECT *manyItems, int nMany)
int rv; /* return code from task_pipe_put() */
int i; /* loop counter */
int bytesWritten; /* # of bytes sent to pipe */
int nitem; /* expected item number processed by the other task */
for (i = 0; i < nSingles; i++) {
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, singleItems[i].size,
&bytesWritten, singleItems[i].options,
if (rv != singleItems[i].rcode) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_put(%d) : Expected %d not %d.\n"
" bytesWritten = %d, Iteration: %d\n",
singleItems[i].size, singleItems[i].rcode,
rv, bytesWritten, i + 1);
return TC_FAIL;
if (bytesWritten != singleItems[i].sent) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_put(%d) : "
"Expected %d bytes to be written, not %d\n",
singleItems[i].size, singleItems[i].sent, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
(void)task_sem_take(regSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
nitem = task_sem_count_get(counterSem) - 1;
if (nitem != i) {
TC_ERROR("Expected item number is %d, not %d\n",
i, nitem);
return TC_FAIL;
/* This time, more than one item will be in the pipe at a time */
for (i = 0; i < nMany; i++) {
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, manyItems[i].size,
&bytesWritten, manyItems[i].options, TICKS_NONE);
if (rv != manyItems[i].rcode) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_put(%d) : Expected %d not %d.\n"
" bytesWritten = %d, iteration: %d\n",
manyItems[i].size, manyItems[i].rcode,
rv, bytesWritten, i + 1);
return TC_FAIL;
if (bytesWritten != manyItems[i].sent) {
TC_ERROR("task_pipe_put(%d) : "
"Expected %d bytes to be written, not %d\n",
manyItems[i].size, manyItems[i].sent, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
task_sem_give(altSem); /* Wake the alternate task */
/* wait for other task reading all the items from pipe */
(void)task_sem_take(regSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (task_sem_count_get(counterSem) != nMany) {
TC_ERROR("Expected number of items %d, not %d\n",
nMany, task_sem_count_get(counterSem));
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_put(TICKS_NONE)
* This routine tests the task_pipe_put(TICKS_NONE) API.
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutTest(void)
int rv; /* return value from pipePutTestWork() */
rv = pipePutTestWork(all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(all_N),
many_all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_all_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _ALL_N/many_ALL_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutTestWork(one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(one_to_N),
many_one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_one_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _1_TO_N/many_1_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutTestWork(zero_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(zero_to_N),
many_zero_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(many_zero_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _0_TO_N/many_0_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Help test task_pipe_put(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutWaitHelper(void)
int i; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return value from task_pipe_get*/
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get() */
/* Wait until test is ready */
(void)task_sem_take(altSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
* 1. task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED) will force a context
* switch to RegressionTask().
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
* 2. task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED) will force a context
* switch to RegressionTask().
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesRead, _1_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
* Before emptying the pipe, check that task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* fails when using the _0_TO_N option.
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE / 2,
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (rv != RC_FAIL) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n", RC_FAIL, rv);
return TC_FAIL;
/* 3. Empty the pipe in two reads */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE / 2,
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, TICKS_NONE);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE / 2)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE / 2, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_put(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutWaitTest(void)
int rv; /* return code from task_pipe_put() */
int bytesWritten; /* # of bytes written to pipe */
/* 1. Fill the pipe */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _ALL_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
task_sem_give(altSem); /* Wake the alternate task */
/* 2. task_pipe_put() will force a context switch to AlternateTask(). */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _ALL_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* 3. task_pipe_put() will force a context switch to AlternateTask(). */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _1_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* This should return immediately as _0_TO_N with a wait is an error. */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _0_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_FAIL) || (bytesWritten != 0)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_FAIL, rv, 0, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* Wait for AlternateTask()'s pipePutWaitHelper() to finish */
(void)task_sem_take(regSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_get(timeout)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutTimeoutHelper(void)
int i; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return value from task_pipe_get() */
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get() */
/* Wait until test is ready */
(void)task_sem_take(altSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
* 1. task_pipe_get(timeout) will force a context
* switch to RegressionTask()
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesRead, _ALL_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
* 2. task_pipe_get(timeout) will force a context
* switch to RegressionTask().
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesRead, _1_TO_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
* Before emptying the pipe, check that task_pipe_get(timeout) fails when
* using the _0_TO_N option.
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE / 2,
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, ONE_SECOND);
if (rv != RC_FAIL) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n", RC_FAIL, rv);
return TC_FAIL;
/* 3. Empty the pipe in two reads */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE / 2,
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, TICKS_NONE);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesRead != PIPE_SIZE / 2)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n"
"Expected %d bytes to be read, not %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE / 2, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_put(timeout)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipePutTimeoutTest(void)
int rv; /* return code from task_pipe_put() */
int bytesWritten; /* # of bytes written to task_pipe_put() */
/* 1. Fill the pipe */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _ALL_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* Timeout while waiting to put data into the pipe */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _ALL_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_TIME) || (bytesWritten != 0)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_TIME, rv, 0, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _1_TO_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_TIME) || (bytesWritten != 0)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_TIME, rv, 0, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
task_sem_give(altSem); /* Wake the alternate task */
/* 2. task_pipe_put() will force a context switch to AlternateTask(). */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _ALL_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* 3. task_pipe_put() will force a context switch to AlternateTask(). */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _1_TO_N, ONE_SECOND);
if ((rv != RC_OK) || (bytesWritten != PIPE_SIZE)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_OK, rv, PIPE_SIZE, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* This should return immediately as _0_TO_N with a wait is an error. */
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, txBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesWritten, _0_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if ((rv != RC_FAIL) || (bytesWritten != 0)) {
TC_ERROR("Return code: expected %d, got %d\n"
"Bytes written: expected %d, got %d\n",
RC_FAIL, rv, 0, bytesWritten);
return TC_FAIL;
/* Wait for AlternateTask()'s pipePutWaitHelper() to finish */
(void)task_sem_take(regSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Routine to test task_pipe_get(TICKS_NONE)
* This routine tests the task_pipe_get(TICKS_NONE) API. Some of this
* functionality has already been tested while testing task_pipe_put(). As
* a result, the only remaining functionality that needs to be checked are
* attempts to get data from an empty pipe.
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetTest(void)
int i; /* loop counter */
int j; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return code from task_pipe_get() */
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get() */
int size[] ={1, PIPE_SIZE - 1, PIPE_SIZE, PIPE_SIZE + 1};
K_PIPE_OPTION options[] = {_ALL_N, _1_TO_N};
for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(options); j++) {
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(size); i++) {
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, size[i],
&bytesRead, options[j], TICKS_NONE);
if (rv != RC_FAIL) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n", RC_FAIL, rv);
return TC_FAIL;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(size); i++) {
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, size[i],
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, TICKS_NONE);
if (rv != RC_OK) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, not %d\n", RC_OK, rv);
return TC_FAIL;
if (bytesRead != 0) {
TC_ERROR("Expected <bytesRead> %d, not %d\n", 0, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @param items testcase list for task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @param nItems number of items in list
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetWaitHelperWork(SIZE_EXPECT *items, int nItems)
int i; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return value from task_pipe_put() */
int bytesSent; /* # of bytes sent to task_pipe_put() */
for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) {
* Pipe should be empty. Most calls to task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* should block until the call to task_pipe_put() is performed in the
* routine pipeGetWaitHelperWork().
bytesSent = 0;
rv = task_pipe_put(pipeId, rxBuffer, items[i].size,
&bytesSent, items[i].options,
if ((rv != items[i].rcode) || (bytesSent != items[i].sent)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return value %d, got %d\n"
"Expected bytesSent = %d, got %d\n",
items[i].rcode, rv, 0, bytesSent);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetWaitHelper(void)
int rv; /* return coded form pipeGetWaitHelperWork() */
(void)task_sem_take(altSem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
rv = pipeGetWaitHelperWork(wait_all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(wait_all_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _ALL_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipeGetWaitHelperWork(wait_one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(wait_one_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _1_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @param items testcase list for task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @param nItems number of items in list
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetWaitTestWork(SIZE_EXPECT *items, int nItems)
int i; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return code from task_pipe_get() */
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get() */
for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) {
* Pipe should be empty. Most calls to task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* should block until the call to task_pipe_put() is performed in the
* routine pipeGetWaitHelperWork().
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, items[i].size,
&bytesRead, items[i].options,
if ((rv != items[i].rcode) || (bytesRead != items[i].sent)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return value %d, got %d\n"
"Expected bytesRead = %d, got %d\n",
items[i].rcode, rv, 0, bytesRead);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED)
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetWaitTest(void)
int rv; /* return code from pipeGetWaitTestWork() */
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get_waitait() */
task_sem_give(altSem); /* Wake AlternateTask */
rv = pipeGetWaitTestWork(wait_all_N, ARRAY_SIZE(wait_all_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _ALL_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipeGetWaitTestWork(wait_one_to_N, ARRAY_SIZE(wait_one_to_N));
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
TC_ERROR("Failed on _1_TO_N test\n");
return TC_FAIL;
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, PIPE_SIZE,
&bytesRead, _0_TO_N, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
if (rv != RC_FAIL) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code of %d, not %d\n", RC_FAIL, rv);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Test remaining task_pipe_get(timeout) functionality
* @return TC_PASS on success, TC_FAIL on failure
int pipeGetTimeoutTest(void)
int i; /* loop counter */
int rv; /* return value from task_pipe_get() */
int bytesRead; /* # of bytes read from task_pipe_get() */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(timeout_cases); i++) {
rv = task_pipe_get(pipeId, rxBuffer, timeout_cases[i].size,
&bytesRead, timeout_cases[i].options,
if ((rv != timeout_cases[i].rcode) ||
(bytesRead != timeout_cases[i].sent)) {
TC_ERROR("Expected return code %d, got %d\n"
"Expected <bytesRead> %d, got %d\n"
"Iteration %d\n",
timeout_cases[i].rcode, rv, timeout_cases[i].sent,
bytesRead, i + 1);
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Alternate task in the test suite
* This routine runs at a lower priority than RegressionTask().
* @return TC_PASS or TC_FAIL
int AlternateTask(void)
int rv; /* return code from each set of test cases */
rv = pipePutHelper();
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutWaitHelper();
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
rv = pipePutTimeoutHelper();
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
* There is no pipeGetHelper() as the task_pipe_get() checks have
* either been done in pipePutHelper(), or pipeGetTest().
rv = pipeGetWaitHelper();
if (rv != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
* There is no pipeGetTimeoutHelper() as the task_pipe_get(timeout) checks
* have either been done in pipePutTimeoutHelper() or
* pipeGetTimeoutTest().
return TC_PASS;
* @brief Main task in the test suite
* This is the entry point to the pipe test suite.
* @return TC_PASS or TC_FAIL
int RegressionTask(void)
int tcRC; /* test case return code */
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_put(TICKS_NONE) ...\n");
tcRC = pipePutTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_put(TICKS_UNLIMITED) ...\n");
tcRC = pipePutWaitTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_put(timeout) ...\n");
tcRC = pipePutTimeoutTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_get(TICKS_NONE) ...\n");
tcRC = pipeGetTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_get(TICKS_UNLIMITED) ...\n");
tcRC = pipeGetWaitTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
TC_PRINT("Testing task_pipe_get(timeout) ...\n");
tcRC = pipeGetTimeoutTest();
if (tcRC != TC_PASS) {
return TC_FAIL;
return TC_PASS;