blob: 9c1f3d7670b8548e1176c86215d4421688a0cde2 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* @brief Internal APIs for Bluetooth L2CAP handling.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <bluetooth/l2cap.h>
#define BT_L2CAP_CID_BR_SIG 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_CID_ATT 0x0004
#define BT_L2CAP_CID_LE_SIG 0x0005
#define BT_L2CAP_CID_SMP 0x0006
/* Supported BR/EDR fixed channels mask (first octet) */
#define BT_L2CAP_MASK_BR_SIG 0x02
#define BT_L2CAP_MASK_SMP 0x80
struct bt_l2cap_hdr {
uint16_t len;
uint16_t cid;
} __packed;
struct bt_l2cap_sig_hdr {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t ident;
uint16_t len;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_REJ_MTU_EXCEEDED 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_REJ_INVALID_CID 0x0002
#define BT_L2CAP_CMD_REJECT 0x01
struct bt_l2cap_cmd_reject {
uint16_t reason;
uint8_t data[0];
} __packed;
struct bt_l2cap_cmd_reject_cid_data {
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t dcid;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_CONN_REQ 0x02
struct bt_l2cap_conn_req {
uint16_t psm;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
/* command statuses in reposnse */
#define BT_L2CAP_CS_NO_INFO 0x0000
#define BT_L2CAP_CS_AUTHEN_PEND 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_CONN_RSP 0x03
struct bt_l2cap_conn_rsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t result;
uint16_t status;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_SUCCESS 0x0000
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_UNACCEPT 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_REJECT 0x0002
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_REQ 0x04
struct bt_l2cap_conf_req {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t flags;
uint8_t data[0];
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_RSP 0x05
struct bt_l2cap_conf_rsp {
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t result;
uint8_t data[0];
} __packed;
/* Option type used by MTU config request data */
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_OPT_MTU 0x01
/* Options bits selecting most significant bit (hint) in type field */
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_HINT 0x80
#define BT_L2CAP_CONF_MASK 0x7f
struct bt_l2cap_conf_opt {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t len;
uint8_t data[0];
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_DISCONN_REQ 0x06
struct bt_l2cap_disconn_req {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_DISCONN_RSP 0x07
struct bt_l2cap_disconn_rsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_FEAT_MASK 0x0002
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_FIXED_CHAN 0x0003
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_REQ 0x0a
struct bt_l2cap_info_req {
uint16_t type;
} __packed;
/* info result */
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_SUCCESS 0x0000
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_NOTSUPP 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_INFO_RSP 0x0b
struct bt_l2cap_info_rsp {
uint16_t type;
uint16_t result;
uint8_t data[0];
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_CONN_PARAM_REQ 0x12
struct bt_l2cap_conn_param_req {
uint16_t min_interval;
uint16_t max_interval;
uint16_t latency;
uint16_t timeout;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_CONN_PARAM_RSP 0x13
struct bt_l2cap_conn_param_rsp {
uint16_t result;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_LE_CONN_REQ 0x14
struct bt_l2cap_le_conn_req {
uint16_t psm;
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t mtu;
uint16_t mps;
uint16_t credits;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_SUCCESS 0x0000
#define BT_L2CAP_PENDING 0x0001
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_PSM_NOT_SUPP 0x0002
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_SEC_BLOCK 0x0003
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_NO_RESOURCES 0x0004
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_KEY_SIZE 0x0007
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_ENCRYPTION 0x0008
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_INVALID_SCID 0x0009
#define BT_L2CAP_ERR_SCID_IN_USE 0x000A
#define BT_L2CAP_LE_CONN_RSP 0x15
struct bt_l2cap_le_conn_rsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t mtu;
uint16_t mps;
uint16_t credits;
uint16_t result;
#define BT_L2CAP_LE_CREDITS 0x16
struct bt_l2cap_le_credits {
uint16_t cid;
uint16_t credits;
} __packed;
#define BT_L2CAP_SDU_HDR_LEN 2
/* Helper to calculate needed outgoing buffer size */
sizeof(struct bt_hci_acl_hdr) + \
sizeof(struct bt_l2cap_hdr) + (mtu))
struct bt_l2cap_fixed_chan {
uint16_t cid;
/* Supported channels mask (first octet). Only for BR/EDR. */
uint8_t mask;
int (*accept)(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan **chan);
struct bt_l2cap_fixed_chan *_next;
/* Register a fixed L2CAP channel for L2CAP */
void bt_l2cap_le_fixed_chan_register(struct bt_l2cap_fixed_chan *chan);
/* Notify L2CAP channels of a new connection */
void bt_l2cap_connected(struct bt_conn *conn);
/* Notify L2CAP channels of a disconnect event */
void bt_l2cap_disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn);
/* Add channel to the connection */
void bt_l2cap_chan_add(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan,
bt_l2cap_chan_destroy_t destroy);
/* Delete channel */
void bt_l2cap_chan_del(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan);
/* Notify L2CAP channels of a change in encryption state */
void bt_l2cap_encrypt_change(struct bt_conn *conn);
/* Prepare an L2CAP PDU to be sent over a connection */
struct net_buf *bt_l2cap_create_pdu(struct nano_fifo *fifo);
/* Send L2CAP PDU over a connection */
void bt_l2cap_send(struct bt_conn *conn, uint16_t cid, struct net_buf *buf);
/* Receive a new L2CAP PDU from a connection */
void bt_l2cap_recv(struct bt_conn *conn, struct net_buf *buf);
/* Perform connection parameter update request */
int bt_l2cap_update_conn_param(struct bt_conn *conn,
const struct bt_le_conn_param *param);
/* Initialize L2CAP and supported channels */
void bt_l2cap_init(void);
/* Lookup channel by Transmission CID */
struct bt_l2cap_chan *bt_l2cap_le_lookup_tx_cid(struct bt_conn *conn,
uint16_t cid);
/* Lookup channel by Receiver CID */
struct bt_l2cap_chan *bt_l2cap_le_lookup_rx_cid(struct bt_conn *conn,
uint16_t cid);
/* Initialize BR/EDR L2CAP signal layer */
void bt_l2cap_br_init(void);
/* Notify BR/EDR L2CAP channels about established new ACL connection */
void bt_l2cap_br_connected(struct bt_conn *conn);
/* Lookup BR/EDR L2CAP channel by Receiver CID */
struct bt_l2cap_chan *bt_l2cap_br_lookup_rx_cid(struct bt_conn *conn,
uint16_t cid);
/* Disconnects dynamic channel */
int bt_l2cap_br_chan_disconnect(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan);
/* Make connection to peer psm server */
int bt_l2cap_br_chan_connect(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan,
uint16_t psm);
/* Send packet data to connected peer */
int bt_l2cap_br_chan_send(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, struct net_buf *buf);
/* Handle security level changed on link */
void l2cap_br_encrypt_change(struct bt_conn *conn);