blob: c1990931ba669e863daaeec8bb9b3cf9eb7b2054 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief IA-32 IDT Entry code
* This header file provides code for constructing an IA-32 interrupt
* descriptor.
#ifndef _IDTENT_H
#define _IDTENT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Bitmask used to determine which exceptions result in an error code being
* pushed onto the stack. The following exception vectors push an error code:
* Vector Mnemonic Description
* ------ ------- ----------------------
* 8 #DF Double Fault
* 10 #TS Invalid TSS
* 11 #NP Segment Not Present
* 12 #SS Stack Segment Fault
* 13 #GP General Protection Fault
* 14 #PF Page Fault
* 17 #AC Alignment Check
#define _EXC_ERROR_CODE_FAULTS 0x27d00
* @brief Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) entry structure
* See section 6.11 in x86 CPU manual vol. 3A
typedef struct idt_entry {
union {
uint16_t offset_low;
uint16_t reserved_task_gate_0;
uint16_t segment_selector;
union {
struct {
uint8_t reserved:5;
uint8_t always_0_0:3;
uint8_t reserved_task_gate_1;
uint8_t type:3; /* task:101, irq:110, trap:111 */
uint8_t gate_size:1; /* size of gate, 1: 32-bit, 0:16-bit */
uint8_t always_0_1:1;
uint8_t dpl:2; /* Descriptor privilege level */
uint8_t present:1; /* present yes/no */
union {
uint16_t offset_high;
uint16_t reserved_task_gate_2;
} __packed IDT_ENTRY;
* @brief Create an IDT entry
* This routine creates an interrupt-gate descriptor at the location defined by
* @a pIdtEntry. The entry is created such that @a routine is invoked when an
* interrupt vector is asserted. The @a dpl argument specifies the privilege
* level for the interrupt-gate descriptor; (hardware) interrupts and exceptions
* should specify a level of 0, whereas handlers for user-mode software generated
* interrupts should specify 3.
* @param pIdtEntry Pointer to where the entry is be built
* @param routine Routine to call when interrupt occurs
* @param dpl Private level for interrupt descriptor
* @return N/A
* This is a shared routine between the IA-32 nanokernel runtime code and the
* genIdt host tool code. It is done this way to keep the two sides in sync.
* The runtime passes a pointer directly to the IDT entry to update whereas the
* host side simply passes a pointer to a local variable.
static inline void _IdtEntCreate(uint64_t *pIdtEntry, uint32_t routine,
unsigned int dpl)
uint32_t *pIdtEntry32 = (uint32_t *)pIdtEntry;
pIdtEntry32[0] = (KERNEL_CODE_SEG_SELECTOR << 16) |
* The constant 0x8e00 results from the following:
* Segment Present = 1
* Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL) = 0 (dpl arg will be or'ed in)
* Interrupt Gate Indicator = 0xE
* The _IntEnt() and _ExcEnt() stubs assume that an interrupt-gate
* descriptor is used, and thus they do not issue a 'cli' instruction
* given that the processor automatically clears the IF flag when
* accessing the interrupt/exception handler via an interrupt-gate.
* Size of Gate (D) = 1
* Reserved = 0
pIdtEntry32[1] = (routine & 0xffff0000) | (0x8e00 | (dpl << 13));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _IDTENT_H */