blob: 8e0e1c9b521aedaeae8c398b1a8a4f8ced500c9d [file] [log] [blame]
/ FatFs - Generic FAT file system module R0.12a /
/ Copyright (C) 2016, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ FatFs module is an open source software. Redistribution and use of FatFs in
/ source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
/ that the following condition is met:
/ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
/ this condition and the following disclaimer.
/ This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS"
/ and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED.
/ The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused
/ by use of this software.
#include "../ff.h"
#if _USE_LFN != 0
#if _CODE_PAGE == 932 /* Japanese Shift_JIS */
#include "cc932.c"
#elif _CODE_PAGE == 936 /* Simplified Chinese GBK */
#include "cc936.c"
#elif _CODE_PAGE == 949 /* Korean */
#include "cc949.c"
#elif _CODE_PAGE == 950 /* Traditional Chinese Big5 */
#include "cc950.c"
#else /* Single Byte Character-Set */
#include "ccsbcs.c"