blob: 6c5284cc7cae56d04f6c2617df13634167d5290e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief ARM CORTEX-M System Control Block interface
* Provide an interface to the System Control Block found on ARM Cortex-M
* processors.
* The API does not account for all possible usages of the SCB, only the
* functionalities needed by the kernel. It does not contain NVIC
* functionalities either: these can be found in nvic.h. MPU functionalities
* are not implemented.
* The same effect can be achieved by directly writing in the registers of the
* SCB, with the layout available from scs.h, using the data
* structure (or hardcoded values), but the APIs found here are less
* error-prone, especially for registers with multiple instances to account
* for 16 exceptions.
* If access to a missing functionality is needed, directly writing to the
* registers is the way to implement it.
#ifndef _SCB__H_
#define _SCB__H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* needed by nano_cpu_atomic_idle() written in asm */
#define _SCB_SCR 0xE000ED10
#define _SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND (1 << 4)
#define _SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP (1 << 2)
#define _SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT (1 << 1)
#include <nanokernel.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
#include <misc/__assert.h>
#include <arch/arm/cortex_m/scs.h>
#include <misc/util.h>
#include <stdint.h>
extern void _ScbNumPriGroupSet(unsigned int n);
* @brief Find out if the NMI exception is pending
* @return 1 if it is pending, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsNmiPending(void)
return !!;
* @brief Pend the NMI exception
* Pend the NMI exception: it should fire immediately.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbNmiPend(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Find out if the PendSV exception is pending
* @return 1 if it is pending, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsPendsvPending(void)
* @brief Set the PendSV exception
* Set the PendSV exception: it will be handled when the last nested exception
* returns, or immediately if running in thread mode.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbPendsvSet(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the PendSV exception
* This routine clears the PendSV exception.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbPendsvClear(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Find out if the SYSTICK exception is pending
* This routine determines if the SYSTICK exception is pending.
* @return 1 if it is pending, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsSystickPending(void)
* @brief Pend the SYSTICK exception
* Pend the SYSTICK exception: it will be handled when returning from a higher
* priority exception or immediately if in thread mode or handling a lower
* priority exception.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSystickPendSet(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the SYSTICK exception
* This routine clears the SYSTICK exception.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSystickPendClear(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Find out if an external interrupt is pending
* Find out if an external interrupt, generated by the NVIC, is pending.
* @return 1 if one or more interrupt is pending, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsIrqPending(void)
* @brief Find out the exception number of highest-priority
* pending exception (including interrupts)
* If one or more exceptions are pending, return the exception number of the
* highest-priority one; otherwise, return 0.
* @return the exception number if one is pending, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbHiPriVectorPendingGet(void)
union __icsr reg;
reg.val =;
return reg.bit.vectpending;
* @brief Find out if the currently executing exception is nested
* This routine determines if the currently executing exception is nested.
* @return 1 if nested, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsNestedExc(void)
/* !bit == preempted exceptions */
return !;
* @brief Find out if running in thread mode
* This routine determines if the current mode is thread mode.
* @return 1 if in thread mode, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsInThreadMode(void)
/* 0 == thread mode */
return !;
* @brief Find out if running in handler mode
* This routine determines if the current mode is handler mode.
* @return 1 if in handler mode, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsInHandlerMode(void)
return !_ScbIsInThreadMode();
* @brief Find out if handling an exception
* This routine determines if an exception is being handled (handler mode).
* @return 1 if handling an exception, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsInExc(void)
return _ScbIsInHandlerMode();
* @brief Obtain the currently executing vector
* If currently handling an exception/interrupt, return the executing vector
* number. If not, return 0.
* @return the currently executing vector number, 0 if in thread mode.
static inline uint32_t _ScbActiveVectorGet(void)
* @brief Find out if vector table is in SRAM or ROM
* This routine determines if the currently executing exception is nested.
* @return 1 if in SRAM, 0 if in ROM
static inline uint32_t _ScbIsVtableInSram(void)
return !!;
* @brief Move vector table from SRAM to ROM and vice-versa
* This routine moves the vector table to the given memory region.
* @return 1 if in SRAM, 0 if in ROM
static inline void _ScbVtableLocationSet(
int sram /* 1 to move vector to SRAM, 0 to move it to ROM */
__ASSERT(!(sram & 0xfffffffe), ""); = sram;
* @brief Obtain base address of vector table
* This routine returns the vector table's base address.
* @return the base address of the vector table
static inline uint32_t _ScbVtableAddrGet(void)
* @brief Set base address of vector table
* @a addr must align to the number of exception entries in vector table:
* numException = 16 + num_interrupts where each entry is 4 Bytes
* As a minimum, @a addr must be a multiple of 128:
* 0 <= num_interrupts < 16: multiple 0x080
* 16 <= num_interrupts < 48: multiple 0x100
* 48 <= num_interrupts < 112: multiple 0x200
* ....
* @param addr base address, aligned on 128 minimum
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbVtableAddrSet(uint32_t addr)
__ASSERT(!(addr & 0x7F), "invalid vtable base Addr"); = addr;
* @brief Find out if data regions are little endian
* Data regions on Cortex-M devices can be either little or big endian. Code
* regions are always little endian.
* @return 1 if little endian, 0 if big endian
static inline int _ScbIsDataLittleEndian(void)
return !(;
* @brief Get the programmed number of priority groups
* Exception priorities can be sub-divided into groups, with sub-priorities.
* Within these groups, exceptions do not preempt each other. The sub-priorities
* are only used to decide which exception will run when several are pending.
* @return the number of priority groups
static inline int _ScbNumPriGroupGet(void)
return 1 << (7 -;
* @brief CPU goes to sleep after exiting an ISR
* CPU never runs in thread mode until this is cancelled.
* This enables the feature until it is cancelled.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSleepOnExitSet(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief CPU does not go to sleep after exiting an ISR
* This routine prevents CPU sleep mode upon exiting an ISR.
* This is the normal operating mode.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSleepOnExitClear(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Do not put CPU to sleep if pending exception are present
* when invoking wfe instruction
* By default, when invoking wfi or wfe instructions, if PRIMASK is masking
* interrupts and if an interrupt is pending, the CPU will go to sleep, and
* another interrupt is needed to wake it up. By coupling the use of the
* SEVONPEND feature and the wfe instruction (NOT wfi), pending exception will
* prevent the CPU from sleeping.
* This enables the feature until it is cancelled.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSevOnPendSet(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear SEVONPEND bit
* See _ScbSevOnPendSet().
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSevOnPendClear(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief When putting the CPU to sleep, put it in deep sleep
* When wfi/wfe is invoked, the CPU will go into a "deep sleep" mode, using less
* power than regular sleep mode, but with some possible side-effect.
* Behavior is processor-specific.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSleepDeepSet(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief When putting the CPU to sleep, do not put it in deep sleep
* This routine prevents CPU deep sleep mode.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbSleepDeepClear(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Enable faulting on division by zero
* This routine enables the divide by zero fault.
* By default, the CPU ignores the error.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbDivByZeroFaultEnable(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Ignore division by zero errors
* This routine disables the divide by zero fault.
* This is the default behavior.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbDivByZeroFaultDisable(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Enable faulting on unaligned access
* This routine enables the unaligned access fault.
* By default, the CPU ignores the error.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUnalignedFaultEnable(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Ignore unaligned access errors
* This routine disables the unaligned fault.
* This is the default behavior.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUnalignedFaultDisable(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Write the CCR all at once
* This routine writes the given value to the Configuration Control Register.
* @param val value to write to CCR
* @return N/A
static inline void ScbCcrSet(uint32_t val)
{ = val;
* @brief Obtain priority of an exception
* Only works with exceptions 4 to 15; i.e. do not use this for interrupts, which
* are exceptions 16+.
* Exceptions 1 to 3 priorities are fixed (-3, -2, -1).
* @param exc exception number, 4 to 15
* @return priority of exception @a exc
static inline uint8_t _ScbExcPrioGet(uint8_t exc)
/* For priority exception handler 4-15 */
__ASSERT((exc > 3) && (exc < 16), "");
return[exc - 4];
* @brief Set priority of an exception
* Only works with exceptions 4 to 15; i.e. do not use this for interrupts, which
* are exceptions 16+.
* Note that the processor might not implement all 8 bits, in which case the
* lower N bits are ignored.
* Exceptions 1 to 3 priorities are fixed (-3, -2, -1).
* @param exc exception number, 4 to 15
* @param pri priority, 0 to 255
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbExcPrioSet(uint8_t exc, uint8_t pri)
/* For priority exception handler 4-15 */
__ASSERT((exc > 3) && (exc < 16), "");[exc - 4] = pri;
* @brief Enable usage fault exceptions
* This routine enables usage faults.
* By default, the CPU does not raise usage fault exceptions.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultEnable(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Disable usage fault exceptions
* This routine disables usage faults.
* This is the default behavior.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultDisable(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Enable bus fault exceptions
* This routine enables bus faults.
* By default, the CPU does not raise bus fault exceptions.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbBusFaultEnable(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Disable bus fault exceptions
* This routine disables bus faults.
* This is the default behavior.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbBusFaultDisable(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Enable MPU faults exceptions
* This routine enables the MPU faults.
* By default, the CPU does not raise MPU fault exceptions.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbMemFaultEnable(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Disable MPU fault exceptions
* This routine disables MPU faults.
* This is the default behavior.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbMemFaultDisable(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Find out if a hard fault is caused by a bus error on vector read
* This routine determines if a hard fault is caused by a bus error during
* a vector table read operation.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbHardFaultIsBusErrOnVectorRead(void)
* @brief Find out if a fault was escalated to hard fault
* Happens if a fault cannot be triggered because of priority or because it was
* disabled.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbHardFaultIsForced(void)
* @brief Clear all hard faults (HFSR register)
* HFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbHardFaultAllFaultsReset(void)
return = 0xffff;
* @brief Find out if a hard fault is an MPU fault
* This routine determines if a hard fault is an MPU fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsMemFault(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if the MMFAR register contains a valid value
* The MMFAR register contains the faulting address on an MPU fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbMemFaultIsMmfarValid(void)
return !!;
* @brief Invalid the value in MMFAR
* This routine invalidates the MMFAR value. This should be done after
* processing an MPU fault.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbMemFaultMmfarReset(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Clear all MPU faults (MMFSR register)
* CFSR/MMFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline void _ScbMemFaultAllFaultsReset(void)
{ = 0xfe;
* @brief Find out if an MPU fault is a stacking fault
* This routine determines if an MPU fault is a stacking fault.
* This may occur upon exception entry.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbMemFaultIsStacking(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if an MPU fault is an unstacking fault
* This routine determines if an MPU fault is an unstacking fault.
* This may occur upon exception exit.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbMemFaultIsUnstacking(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if an MPU fault is a data access violation
* If this routine returns 1, read the MMFAR register via _ScbMemFaultAddrGet()
* to get the faulting address.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbMemFaultIsDataAccessViolation(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if an MPU fault is an instruction access violation
* This routine determines if an MPU fault is due to an instruction access
* violation.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbMemFaultIsInstrAccessViolation(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out the faulting address on an MPU fault
* @return the faulting address
static inline uint32_t _ScbMemFaultAddrGet(void)
* @brief Find out if a hard fault is a bus fault
* This routine determines if a hard fault is a bus fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsBusFault(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if the BFAR register contains a valid value
* The BFAR register contains the faulting address on bus fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsBfarValid(void)
return !!;
* @brief Invalid the value in BFAR
* This routine clears/invalidates the Bus Fault Address Register.
* It should be done after processing a bus fault.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbBusFaultBfarReset(void)
{ = 0;
* @brief Clear all bus faults (BFSR register)
* CFSR/BFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbBusFaultAllFaultsReset(void)
{ = 0xfe;
* @brief Find out if a bus fault is a stacking fault
* This routine determines if a bus fault is a stacking fault.
* This may occurs upon exception entry.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsStacking(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a bus fault is an unstacking fault
* This routine determines if a bus fault is an unstacking fault.
* This may occur upon exception exit.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsUnstacking(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a bus fault is an imprecise error
* This routine determines if a bus fault is an imprecise error.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsImprecise(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a bus fault is an precise error
* Read the BFAR register via _ScbBusFaultAddrGet() if this routine returns 1,
* as it will contain the faulting address.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsPrecise(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a bus fault is an instruction bus error
* This routine determines if a bus fault is an instruction bus error.
* It is signalled only if the instruction is issued.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbBusFaultIsInstrBusErr(void)
return !!;
* @brief Get the faulting address on a precise bus fault
* This routine returns the faulting address for a precise bus fault.
* @return the faulting address
static inline uint32_t _ScbBusFaultAddrGet(void)
* @brief Find out if a hard fault is a usage fault
* This routine determines if a hard fault is a usage fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbIsUsageFault(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a 'divide by zero' fault
* This routine determines if a usage fault is a 'divide by zero' fault.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsDivByZero(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a unaligned access error
* This routine determines if a usage fault is an unaligned access error.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsUnaligned(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a co-processor access error
* This routine determines if a usage fault is caused by a co-processor access.
* This happens if the co-processor is either absent or disabled.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsNoCp(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a invalid PC load error
* Happens if the the instruction address on an exception return is not
* halfword-aligned.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsInvalidPcLoad(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a invalid state error
* Happens if the the instruction address loaded in the PC via a branch, LDR or
* POP, or if the instruction address installed in a exception vector, does not
* have bit 0 set; i.e, is not halfword-aligned.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsInvalidState(void)
return !!;
* @brief Find out if a usage fault is a undefined instruction error
* The processor tried to execute an invalid opcode.
* @return 1 if so, 0 otherwise
static inline int _ScbUsageFaultIsUndefinedInstr(void)
return !!;
* @brief Clear the 'division by zero' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultDivByZeroReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the 'unaligned access' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultUnalignedReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the 'no co-processor' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultNoCpReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the 'invalid PC load ' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultInvalidPcLoadReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the 'invalid state' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultInvalidStateReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear the 'undefined instruction' fault
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultUndefinedInstrReset(void)
{ = 1;
* @brief Clear all usage faults (UFSR register)
* CFSR/UFSR register is a 'write-one-to-clear' (W1C) register.
* @return N/A
static inline void _ScbUsageFaultAllFaultsReset(void)
{ = 0xffff;
#endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SCB__H_ */