blob: bb2f7ed05bb0a8dd85a9b1e277e1b85457a76952 [file] [log] [blame]
PTS version: 6.4
\* - different than PTS defaults
\^ - field not available on PTS
M - mandatory
O - optional
Device Configuration
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_0_1 False (*) BR/EDR (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_0_2 True LE (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_0_3 False (*) BR/EDR/LE (C.3)
============== ============== =======================================
Version Configuration
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_0A_1 False (*) Core Specification Addendum 3 (CSA3) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_0A_2 False (*) Core Specification Addendum 4 (CSA4) (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_0A_3 False (*) Core Spec version 4.1 (Core v4.1) (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_0A_4 True Core Spec version 4.2 (Core v4.2) (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_1_1 False (*) Non-discoverable mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_1_2 False (*) Limited-discoverable Mode (O)
TSPC_GAP_1_3 False (*) General-discoverable mode (O)
TSPC_GAP_1_4 False (*) Non-connectable mode (O)
TSPC_GAP_1_5 False (*) Connectable mode (M)
TSPC_GAP_1_6 False (*) Non-bondable mode (O)
TSPC_GAP_1_7 False (*) Bondable mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_1_8 False (*) Non-Synchronizable Mode (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_1_9 False (*) Synchronizable Mode (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Security Aspects
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_2_1 False (*) Authentication procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_2_2 False (*) Support of LMP-Authentication (M)
TSPC_GAP_2_3 False (*) Initiate LMP-Authentication (C.5)
TSPC_GAP_2_4 False (*) Security mode 1 (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_2_5 False (*) Security mode 2 (O)
TSPC_GAP_2_6 False (*) Security mode 3 (C.7)
TSPC_GAP_2_7 False (*) Security mode 4 (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_2_8 False (*) Support of Authenticated link key (C.6)
TSPC_GAP_2_9 False (*) Support of Unauthenticated link key (C.6)
TSPC_GAP_2_10 False (*) No security (C.6)
TSPC_GAP_2_11 False (*) Secure Connections Only Mode (C.8)
============== ============== =======================================
Idle Mode Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_3_1 False (*) Initiation of general inquiry (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_3_2 False (*) Initiation of limited inquiry (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_3_3 False (*) Initiation of name discover (O)
TSPC_GAP_3_4 False (*) Initiation of device discovery (O)
TSPC_GAP_3_5 False (*) Initiation of general bonding (O)
TSPC_GAP_3_6 False (*) Initiation of dedicated bonding (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Establishment Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_4_1 False (*) Support link establishment as initiator (M)
TSPC_GAP_4_2 False (*) Support link establishment as acceptor (M)
TSPC_GAP_4_3 False (*) Support channel establishment as initiator (O)
TSPC_GAP_4_4 False (*) Support channel establishment as acceptor (M)
TSPC_GAP_4_5 False (*) Support connection establishment as
initiator (O)
TSPC_GAP_4_6 False (*) Support connection establishment as
acceptor (O)
TSPC_GAP_4_7 False (*) Support synchronization establishment
as receiver (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
LE Roles
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_5_1 True Broadcaster (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_5_2 True Observer (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_5_3 True Peripheral (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_5_4 True Central (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Physical Layer
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_6_1 True Transmitter (M)
TSPC_GAP_6_2 True Receiver (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Link Layer States
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_7_1 True Standby (M)
TSPC_GAP_7_2 True Advertising (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Link Layer Advertising Event Types
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_8_1 True Non-Connectable Undirected Event (M)
TSPC_GAP_8_2 True Scannable Undirected Event (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Link Layer Advertising Data Types
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_8A_1 True AD Type-Service UUID (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_2 True AD Type-Local Name (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_3 True AD Type-Flags (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_8A_4 True AD Type-Manufacturer Specific Data (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_5 False (*) AD Type-TX Power Level (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_6 False (*) AD Type-Security Manager Out of Band
(OOB) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_8A_7 False (*) AD Type-Security manager TK Value (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_8 False (*) AD Type-Slave Connection Interval Range (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_9 False (*) AD Type-Service Solicitation (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_10 True AD Type-Service Data (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_11 True AD Type-Appearance (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_12 False (*) AD Type-Public Target Address (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_13 False (*) AD Type-Random Target Address (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_14 False (*) AD Type-Advertising Interval (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_15 False (*) AD Type-LE Bluetooth Device Address (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_16 False (*) AD Type-LE Role (O)
TSPC_GAP_8A_17 (^) AD Type-URI (C.3)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Connection Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_9_1 True Non-Connectable Mode (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Broadcasting and Observing Features
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_10_1 True Broadcast Mode (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Broadcaster Privacy Feature
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_11_1 False (*) Privacy Feature v1.0 (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_11_1A False (*) Privacy Feature v1.1 (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_11_1B (^) Privacy Feature v1.2 (C.5)
TSPC_GAP_11_2 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_11_3 False (*) Non-Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Physical Layer
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_12_1 True Receiver (M)
TSPC_GAP_12_2 True Transmitter (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Link Layer States
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_13_1 True Standby (M)
TSPC_GAP_13_2 True Scanning (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Link Layer Scanning Types
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_14_1 True Passive Scanning (M)
TSPC_GAP_14_2 True Active Scanning (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Connection Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_15_1 True Non-Connectable Mode (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Broadcasting and Observing Features
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_16_1 True Observation Procedure (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Observer Privacy Feature
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_17_1 False (*) Privacy Feature v1.0 (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_17_1A False (*) Privacy Feature v1.1 (C.5)
TSPC_GAP_17_1B (^) Privacy Feature v1.2 (C.6)
TSPC_GAP_17_2 False (*) Non-Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_17_3 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Resolution
Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_17_4 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.3)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Physical Layer
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_18_1 True Transmitter (M)
TSPC_GAP_18_2 True Receiver (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Link Layer States
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_19_1 True Standby (M)
TSPC_GAP_19_2 True Advertising (M)
TSPC_GAP_19_3 True Connection, Slave Role (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Link Layer Advertising Event Types
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_20_1 True Connectable Undirected Event (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20_2 True Connectable Directed Event (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_20_3 True Non-Connectable Undirected Event (O)
TSPC_GAP_20_4 True Scannable Undirected Event (O)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Link Layer Advertising Data Types
=============== ============= =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
=============== ============= =======================================
TSPC_GAP_20A_1 True AD Type-Service UUID (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_2 True AD Type-Local Name (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_3 True AD Type-Flags (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_20A_4 True AD Type-Manufacturer Specific Data (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_5 False (*) AD Type-TX Power Level (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_6 False (*) AD Type-Security Manager Out of Band (OOB)
TSPC_GAP_20A_7 False (*) AD Type-Security manager TK Value (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_8 False (*) AD Type-Slave Connection Interval Range (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_9 False (*) AD Type-Service Solicitation (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_10 True AD Type-Service Data (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_11 True AD Type-Appearance (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_12 False (*) AD Type-Public Target Address (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_13 False (*) AD Type-Random Target Address (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_14 False (*) AD Type-Advertising Interval (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_15 False (*) AD Type-LE Bluetooth Device Address (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_16 False (*) AD Type-LE Role (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_20A_17 (^) AD Type-URI (C.4)
=============== ============= =======================================
Peripheral Link Layer Control Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_21_1 True Connection Update Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_21_2 True Channel Map Update Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_21_3 True Encryption Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_21_4 True Feature Exchange Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_21_5 True Version Exchange Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_21_6 True Termination Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_21_7 False (*) LE Ping Procedure (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_21_8 True Slave Initiated Feature Exchange Procedure
TSPC_GAP_21_9 True Connection Parameter Request Procedure (C.5)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Discovery Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_22_1 True Non-Discoverable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_22_2 True Limited Discoverable Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_22_3 True General Discoverable Mode (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_22_4 True Name Discovery Procedure (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Connection Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_23_1 True Non-Connectable Mode (M)
TSPC_GAP_23_2 False (*) Directed Connectable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_23_3 True Undirected Connectable Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_23_4 True Connection Parameter Update Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_23_5 True Terminate Connection Procedure (C.2)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Bonding Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_24_1 True Non-Bondable Mode (M)
TSPC_GAP_24_2 True Bondable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_24_3 True Bonding Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_24_4 True Multiple Bonds (C.2)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Security Aspects Features
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_25_1 True Security Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_2 True Security Mode 2 (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_3 True Authentication Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_4 False (*) Authorization Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_5 True Connection Data Signing Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_6 True Authenticate Signed Data Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_25_7 True Authenticated Pairing
(LE security mode 1 level 3) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_25_8 True Unauthenticated Pairing
(LE security mode 1 level 2) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_25_9 (^) LE Security Mode 1 Level 4 (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_25_10 (^) Secure Connections Only Mode (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Privacy Feature
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_26_1 False (*) Privacy Feature (C.5)
TSPC_GAP_26_1A False (*) Privacy Feature v1.1 (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_26_1B (^) Privacy Feature v1.2 (C.6)
TSPC_GAP_26_2 False (*) Non-Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_26_3 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_26_4 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral GAP Characteristics
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_27_1 True Device Name (M)
TSPC_GAP_27_2 True Appearance (M)
TSPC_GAP_27_3 False (*) Peripheral Privacy Flag (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_27_4 False (*) Reconnection Address (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_27_5 False (*) Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters
TSPC_GAP_27_6 True Writeable Device Name (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_27_7 True Writeable Appearance (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_27_8 False (*) Writeable Peripheral Privacy Flag (C.4)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Physical Layer
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_28_1 True Transmitter (M)
TSPC_GAP_28_2 True Receiver (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Link Layer States
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_29_1 True Standby (M)
TSPC_GAP_29_2 True Scanning (M)
TSPC_GAP_29_3 True Initiating (M)
TSPC_GAP_29_4 True Connection, Master Role (M)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Link Layer Scanning Types
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_30_1 True Passive Scanning (O)
TSPC_GAP_30_2 True Active Scanning (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Link Layer Control Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_31_1 True Connection Update Procedure (M)
TSPC_GAP_31_2 True Channel Map Update Procedure (M)
TSPC_GAP_31_3 True Encryption Procedure (O)
TSPC_GAP_31_4 True Feature Exchange Procedure (M)
TSPC_GAP_31_5 True Version Exchange Procedure (M)
TSPC_GAP_31_6 True Termination Procedure (M)
TSPC_GAP_31_7 False (*) LE Ping Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_31_8 True Slave Initiated Feature Exchange Procedure
TSPC_GAP_31_9 False (*) Connection Parameter Request Procedure (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Discovery Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_32_1 True Limited Discovery Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_32_2 True General Discovery Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_32_3 True Name Discovery Procedure (C.3)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Connection Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_33_1 True Auto Connection Establishment Procedure (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_33_2 True General Connection Establishment Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_33_3 False (*) Selective Connection Establishment Procedure
TSPC_GAP_33_4 True Direct Connection Establishment Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_33_5 True Connection Parameter Update Procedure (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_33_6 True Terminate Connection Procedure (C.2)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Bonding Modes and Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_34_1 True Non-Bondable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_34_2 True Bondable Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_34_3 True Bonding Procedure (C.2)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Security Features
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_35_1 True Security Mode 1 (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_2 True Security Mode 2 (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_3 True Authentication Procedure (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_4 False (*) Authorization Procedure (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_5 True Connection Data Signing Procedure (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_6 True Authenticate Signed Data Procedure (O)
TSPC_GAP_35_7 True Authenticated Pairing
(LE security mode 1 level 3) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_35_8 True Unauthenticated Pairing
(LE security mode 1 level 2) (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_35_9 (^) LE Security Mode 1 Level 4 (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_35_10 (^) Secure Connections Only Mode (C.3)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Privacy Feature
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_36_1 False (*) Privacy Feature v1.0 (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_36_1A False (*) Privacy Feature v1.1 (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_36_1B (^) Privacy Feature v1.2 (C.7)
TSPC_GAP_36_2 False (*) Non-Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_36_3 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Resolution
Procedure (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_36_4 False (*) Write to Privacy Characteristic
(Enable/Disable Privacy) (C.5)
TSPC_GAP_36_5 False (*) Resolvable Private Address Generation
Procedure (C.6)
============== ============== =======================================
Central GAP Characteristics
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_37_1 True Device Name (M)
TSPC_GAP_37_2 True Appearance (M)
TSPC_GAP_37_3 (^) Central Address Resolution (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_38_1 False (*) Broadcaster (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_38_2 False (*) Observer (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_38_3 False (*) Peripheral (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_38_4 False (*) Central (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Central BR/EDR/LE Modes
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_39_1 False (*) Non-Discoverable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_39_2 False (*) Discoverable Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_39_3 False (*) Non-Connectable Mode (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_39_4 False (*) Connectable Mode (M)
TSPC_GAP_39_5 False (*) Non-Bondable Mode (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_39_6 False (*) Bondable Mode (C.5)
============== ============== =======================================
Central BR/EDR/LE Idle Mode Procedures
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_40_1 False (*) General Discovery (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_40_2 False (*) Limited Discovery (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_40_3 False (*) Device Type Discovery (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_40_4 False (*) Name Discovery (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_40_5 False (*) Link Establishment (C.5)
============== ============== =======================================
Central BR/EDR/LE Security Aspects
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_41_1 False (*) Security Aspects (M)
TSPC_GAP_41_2 (^) Cross-Transport Key Derivation (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral BR/EDR/LE Modes
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_42_1 False (*) Non-Discoverable Mode (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_42_2 False (*) Discoverable Mode (C.2)
TSPC_GAP_42_3 False (*) Non-Connectable Mode (C.3)
TSPC_GAP_42_4 False (*) Connectable Mode (M)
TSPC_GAP_42_5 False (*) Non-Bondable Mode (C.4)
TSPC_GAP_42_6 False (*) Bondable Mode (C.5)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral BR/EDR/LE Security Aspects
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_43_1 False (*) Peripheral BR/EDR/LE: Non-Discoverable Mode
TSPC_GAP_43_2 (^) Cross-Transport Key Derivation (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Central Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_44_1 False (*) Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports BR/EDR
Slave to the same device (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_44_2 False (*) Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports BR/EDR
Master to the same device (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
Peripheral Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GAP_45_1 False (*) Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports BR/EDR
Slave to the same device (C.1)
TSPC_GAP_45_2 False (*) Simultaneous BR/EDR and LE Transports BR/EDR
Master to the same device (C.1)
============== ============== =======================================
============== ============== =======================================
Parameter Name Selected Description
============== ============== =======================================
TSPC_GATT_1_1 True GATT Client Role (O)
TSPC_GATT_1_2 True GATT Server Role (O)
TSPC_SM_1_1 True Master Role (Initiator)
TSPC_SM_1_2 True Slave Role (Responder)
TSPC_SM_2_4 False (*) OOB supported (O)
============== ============== =======================================