blob: 90af4e49c0b70ee8568b11dbebfe11621e07db6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file Generic part of the GDB server
* This module provides the embedded GDB Remote Serial Protocol for Zephyr.
* The following is a list of all currently defined GDB RSP commands.
* `?'
* Indicate the reason the target halted.
* `c [addr]'
* Continue. addr is address to resume. If addr is omitted, resume at
* current address.
* `C sig[;addr]'
* Continue with signal sig (hex signal number). If `;addr' is omitted,
* resume at same address.
* _WRS_XXX - Current limitation: Even if this syntax is understood, the
* GDB server does not resume the context with the specified signal but
* resumes it with the exception vector that caused the context to stop.
* `D'
* Detach GDB from the remote system.
* `g'
* Read general registers.
* `G XX...'
* Write general registers.
* `k'
* Detach GDB from the remote system.
* `m addr,length'
* Read length bytes of memory starting at address addr. Note that addr
* may not be aligned to any particular boundary. The stub need not use
* any particular size or alignment when gathering data from memory for
* the response; even if addr is word-aligned and length is a multiple of
* the word size, the stub is free to use byte accesses, or not. For this
* reason, this packet may not be suitable for accessing memory-mapped I/O
* devices.
* `M addr,length:XX...'
* Write length bytes of memory starting at address addr. XX... is the data.
* Each byte is transmitted as a two-digit hexadecimal number.
* `p n'
* Read the value of register n; n is in hex.
* `P n...=r...'
* Write register n... with value r.... The register number n is in
* hexadecimal, and r... contains two hex digits for each byte in the
* register (target byte order).
* `q name params...'
* General query. See General Query Packets description
* `s [addr]'
* Single step. addr is the address at which to resume. If addr is omitted,
* resume at same address.
* `S sig[;addr]'
* Step with signal. This is analogous to the `C' packet, but requests a
* single-step, rather than a normal resumption of execution.
* NOTE: Current limitation: Even if this syntax is understood, the GDB
* server steps the context without the specified signal (i.e like the
* `s [addr]' command).
* `T thread-id'
* Find out if the thread thread-id is alive.
* `vCont[;action[:thread-id]]...'
* Resume the inferior, specifying different actions for each thread. If an
* action is specified with no thread-id, then it is applied to any threads
* that don't have a specific action specified; if no default action is
* specified then other threads should remain stopped. Specifying multiple
* default actions is an error; specifying no actions is also an error.
* Currently supported actions are:
* `c'
* Continue.
* `C sig'
* Continue with signal sig. The signal sig should be two hex digits.
* `s'
* Step.
* `S sig'
* Step with signal sig. The signal sig should be two hex digits.
* The optional argument addr normally associated with the `c', `C', `s',
* and `S' packets is not supported in `vCont'.
* `X addr,length:XX...'
* Write length bytes of memory starting at address addr, where the data
* is transmitted in binary. The binary data representation uses 7d (ascii
* ‘}’) as an escape character. Any escaped byte is transmitted as the
* escape character followed by the original character XORed with 0x20.
* `z type,addr,length'
* `Z type,addr,length'
* Insert (`Z') or remove (`z') a type breakpoint starting at addr address
* of length length.
* General Query Packets:
* `qC'
* Return the current thread ID.
* `qSupported'
* Query the GDB server for features it supports. This packet allows
* client to take advantage of GDB server's features.
* These are the currently defined GDB server features, in more detail:
* `PacketSize=bytes'
* The GDB server can accept packets up to at least bytes in length.
* client will send packets up to this size for bulk transfers, and
* will never send larger packets. This is a limit on the data
* characters in the packet, including the frame and checksum. There
* is no trailing NUL byte in a remote protocol packet;
* `qXfer:features:read'
* Access the target description. Target description can identify the
* architecture of the remote target and (for some architectures)
* provide information about custom register sets. They can also
* identify the OS ABI of the remote target. Client can use this
* information to autoconfigure for your target, or to warn you if you
* connect to an unsupported target.
* By default, the following simple target description is supported:
* <target version="1.0">
* <architecture>i386</architecture>
* </target>
* But architectures may also reports information on specific features
* such as extended registers definitions or hardware breakpoint
* definitions.
* Each `<feature>' describes some logical portion of the target
* system.
* A `<feature>' element has this form:
* <feature name="NAME">
* [TYPE...]
* REG...
* </feature>
* Each feature's name should be unique within the description. The
* name of a feature does not matter unless GDB has some special
* knowledge of the contents of that feature; if it does, the feature
* should have its standard name.
* Extended registers definitions are reported following the standard
* register format defined by GDB Remote protocol:
* Each register is represented as an element with this form:
* <reg name="NAME"
* bitsize="SIZE"
* [regnum="NUM"]
* [save-restore="SAVE-RESTORE"]
* [type="TYPE"]
* [group="GROUP"]/>
* The components are as follows:
* The register's name; it must be unique within the target
* description.
* The register's size, in bits.
* The register's number. If omitted, a register's number is one
* greater than that of the previous register (either in the
* current feature or in a preceding feature); the first register
* in the target description defaults to zero. This register
* number is used to read or write the register; e.g. it is used
* in the remote `p' and `P' packets, and registers appear in the
* `g' and `G' packets in order of increasing register number.
* Whether the register should be preserved across inferior
* function calls; this must be either `yes' or `no'. The default
* is `yes', which is appropriate for most registers except for
* some system control registers; this is not related to the
* target's ABI.
* The type of the register. TYPE may be a predefined type, a
* type defined in the current feature, or one of the special
* types `int' and `float'. `int' is an integer type of the
* correct size for BITSIZE, and `float' is a floating point type
* (in the architecture's normal floating point format) of the
* correct size for BITSIZE. The default is `int'.
* The register group to which this register belongs. GROUP must
* be either `general', `float', or `vector'. If no GROUP is
* specified, GDB will not display the register in `info
* registers'.
* Hardware breakpoint definitions are reported using the following
* format:
* <feature name="HW_BP_FEATURE">
* <defaults
* max_bp="MAX_BP"
* max_inst_bp="MAX_INST_BP"
* max_watch_bp="MAX_WATCH_BP"
* length="LENGTH"
* >
* </feature>
* The defaults section allows to define some default values and avoid
* to list them in each HW_BP_DESC.
* Each HW_BP_DESC entry has the form:
* <hwbp type="ACCESS_TYPE"
* [length="LENGTH"]
* [max_bp="MAX_BP"]
* />
* If HW_BP_DESC defines an item which has a default value defined,
* then it overwrite the default value for HW_BP_DESC entry.
* Items in [brackets] are optional. The components are as follows:
* Maximum number of hardware breakpoints that can be set.
* Maximum number of instruction hardware breakpoints that can be
* set.
* Maximum number of data hardware breakpoints that can be set.
* Supported access lengths (in hexadecimal without 0x prefix).
* Access lengths are encoded as powers of 2 which can be OR'ed.
* For example, if an hardware breakpoint type supports 1, 2, 4,
* 8 bytes access, length will be f (0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8).
* Hardware breakpoint type:
* inst : Instruction breakpoint
* watch : Write access breakpoint
* rwatch: Read access breakpoint
* awatch: Read|Write access breakpoint
* The GDB server can also reports additional information using the
* "WR_AGENT_FEATURE" feature. The purpose of this feature is to report
* information about the agent configuration.
* The GDB server feature is using the following format:
* <feature name="WR_AGENT_FEATURE">
* <config max_sw_bp="MAX_SW_BP"
* step_only_on_bp="STEP_ONLY_ON_BP"
* />
* </feature>
* The components are as follows:
* Maximum number of software breakpoint that can be set.
* This parameter is set to 1 if the GDB server is only able to
* step the context which hit the breakpoint.
* This parameter is set to 0 if the GDB server is able to step
* any context.
* `QStartNoAckMode'
* By default, when either the client or the server sends a packet,
* the first response expected is an acknowledgment: either `+' (to
* indicate the package was received correctly) or `-' (to request
* retransmission). This mechanism allows the GDB remote protocol to
* operate over unreliable transport mechanisms, such as a serial
* line.
* In cases where the transport mechanism is itself reliable (such as
* a pipe or TCP connection), the `+'/`-' acknowledgments are
* redundant. It may be desirable to disable them in that case to
* reduce communication overhead, or for other reasons. This can be
* accomplished by means of the `QStartNoAckMode' packet.
* This parameter indicates that the GDB server supports transfer of
* Zephyr console I/O to the client using GDB notification packets.
* NOTE: Current limitation: For now, the GDB server only supports the
* console output.
* Notification Packets:
* Extension of the GDB Remote Serial Protocol uses notification packets
* Those packets are transferred using the following format:
* %<notificationName:<notificationData>#<checksum>
* For example:
* %CONFIG_GDB_REMOTE_SERIAL_EXT_NOTIF_PREFIX_STR:<notificationData>#<checksum>
#include <kernel.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <kernel_structs.h>
#include <board.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <uart.h>
#include <cache.h>
#include <init.h>
#include <debug/gdb_arch.h>
#include <debug/mem_safe.h>
#include <gdb_server.h>
#include <debug_info.h>
#include <drivers/console/uart_console.h>
#include <misc/reboot.h>
#define STUB_OK "OK"
#define STUB_ERROR "ENN"
/* Size of notification data buffers */
/* Overhead size for notification packet encoding. */
/* Maximum number of software breakpoints */
#define GDB_INVALID_REG_SET ((void *)-1)
#define fill_output_buffer(x) strncpy((char *)gdb_buffer, x, GDB_BUF_SIZE - 1)
#define STR_TYPE ";type=zephyr_boot"
#define STR_TYPE ";type=zephyr"
#define RESUME_SYSTEM() resume_system()
#define UNINSTALL_BREAKPOINTS() uninstall_breakpoints()
struct bp_array {
gdb_instr_t *addr; /* breakpoint address */
gdb_instr_t instr; /* saved instruction */
char valid; /* breakpoint is valid? */
char enabled; /* breakpoint is enabled? */
static const unsigned char hex_chars[] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
static int client_is_connected;
static int in_no_ack_mode;
static int valid_registers;
static volatile int event_is_pending;
static volatile int cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_NULL;
static volatile int cpu_pending_signal;
static struct gdb_reg_set gdb_regs;
static const char *xml_target_header =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> "
"<!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM "
"\"gdb-target.dtd\"> <target version=\"1.0\">\n";
static const char *xml_target_footer = "</target>";
static unsigned char gdb_buffer[GDB_BUF_SIZE];
static unsigned char tmp_reg_buffer[GDB_NUM_REG_BYTES];
static int hw_bp_cnt;
static struct gdb_debug_regs dbg_regs;
static int trace_lock_key;
* GDB breakpoint table. Note that all the valid entries in the breakpoint
* table are kept contiguous. When parsing the table, the first invalid entry
* in the table marks the end of the table.
static struct bp_array bp_array[MAX_SW_BP];
static gdb_instr_t *gdb_step_emu_next_pc;
static gdb_instr_t gdb_step_emu_instr;
static volatile int notif_pkt_pending;
static volatile int notif_data_idx;
static unsigned char notif_data[GDB_NOTIF_DATA_SIZE];
static struct k_fifo avail_queue;
static struct k_fifo cmds_queue;
static struct device *uart_console_dev;
/* global definitions */
volatile int gdb_debug_status = NOT_DEBUGGING;
volatile int cpu_stop_bp_type = GDB_SOFT_BP;
long cpu_stop_hw_bp_addr;
static int put_packet(unsigned char *buffer);
static void put_debug_char(unsigned char ch);
static unsigned char get_debug_char(void);
static void post_event(void);
static void control_loop(void);
static void handle_system_stop(NANO_ISF *reg, int sig);
#define ADD_DEL_BP_SIG(x) \
int(x)(enum gdb_bp_type type, long addr, int len, \
enum gdb_error_code *err)
typedef ADD_DEL_BP_SIG (add_del_bp_t);
static ADD_DEL_BP_SIG(add_bp);
static ADD_DEL_BP_SIG(delete_bp);
static void resume_system(void);
static int set_instruction(void *addr, gdb_instr_t *instruction, size_t size);
static void remove_all_installed_breakpoints(void);
static void handle_notification(void);
static void request_notification_packet_flush(void);
static uint32_t write_to_console(char *buf, uint32_t len);
static int console_irq_input_hook(uint8_t ch);
static int get_hex_char_value(unsigned char ch)
if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) {
return ch - 'a' + 10;
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) {
return ch - '0';
if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) {
return ch - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
* @brief Consume a hex number from a string and convert to long long number
* Consume the string up to the end of the hex number, i.e. the pointer to the
* string is advanced and output that number via the @a value parameter.
* Does not handle negative numbers.
* @return The number of characters consumed from the string.
static int hex_str_to_longlong(unsigned char **hex_str, long long *value)
int num_chars_consumed = 0;
int hex_value;
*value = 0;
while (**hex_str) {
hex_value = get_hex_char_value(**hex_str);
if (hex_value < 0) {
*value = (*value << 4) | hex_value;
return num_chars_consumed;
* Similar to hex_str_to_longlong, but outputs an int and handles negative
* numbers.
static int hex_str_to_int(unsigned char **ptr, int *value)
int num_chars_consumed = 0;
int hex_value;
int neg = 0;
*value = 0;
if (**ptr == '-') {
neg = 1;
while (**ptr) {
hex_value = get_hex_char_value(**ptr);
if (hex_value < 0) {
*value = (*value << 4) | hex_value;
if (neg) {
if (num_chars_consumed == 1) {
num_chars_consumed = 0;
} else {
*value = -(*value);
return num_chars_consumed;
* Consume two hex characters from a string and return the corresponding
* value.
static int hex_str_to_byte(unsigned char **str)
unsigned char *ptr = *str;
int byte;
byte = get_hex_char_value(*ptr++);
byte = (byte << 4) + get_hex_char_value(*ptr++);
if (byte >= 0) {
*str = ptr;
return byte;
* Turn a one-byte value into two hex characters and write them to the buffer.
* Return the next position in the buffer.
static unsigned char *put_hex_byte(unsigned char *buf, int value)
*buf++ = hex_chars[value >> 4];
*buf++ = hex_chars[value & 0xf];
return buf;
static inline int is_size_encoder(int num)
* It is not possible to use the '$', '#' and '%' characters to encode
* the size per GDB remote protocol specification.
return (num + 29) != '$' && (num + 29) != '#' && (num + 29) != '%';
* Compress memory pointed to by buffer into its ascii hex value, the
* character '*' and the number of times it is reapeated, placing result in
* the same buffer. Return a pointer to the last char put in buf (null).
static unsigned char *compress(unsigned char *buf)
unsigned char *read_ptr = buf;
unsigned char *write_ptr = buf;
unsigned char ch;
size_t count = strlen((char *)buf);
int max_repeat = 126 - 29;
size_t ix;
for (ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) {
int num = 0;
int jx;
ch = *read_ptr++;
*write_ptr++ = ch;
for (jx = 1; ((jx + ix) < count) && (jx < max_repeat); jx++) {
if (read_ptr[jx - 1] == ch) {
} else {
if (num >= 3) {
* Skip characters that cannot be used as size
* encoders.
while (!is_size_encoder(num)) {
*write_ptr++ = '*';
*write_ptr++ = (unsigned char)(num + 29);
read_ptr += num;
ix += num;
*write_ptr = 0;
return write_ptr;
* @brief encode memory data using hexadecimal value of chars from '0' to 'f'
* For example, 0x3 (CTRL+C) will be encoded with hexadecimal values of
* '0' (0x30) and '3' (0x33): 0x3033.
* Use mem2hex() to encode a buffer avoid to send control chars that could
* perturbate communication protocol.
* @param data to encode
* @param output buffer
* @param size of data to encode
* @param Compress output data ?
* @return Pointer to the last char put in buf (null).
static unsigned char *mem2hex(unsigned char *mem, unsigned char *buf,
int count, int do_compress)
int i;
unsigned char ch;
unsigned char *saved_buf = buf;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ch = *mem++;
buf = put_hex_byte(buf, ch);
*buf = 0;
if (do_compress) {
return compress(saved_buf);
return buf;
static inline int do_mem_probe(char *addr, int mode, int width,
int preserve, long *dummy)
char *p = (char *)dummy;
if (preserve) {
if (_mem_probe(addr, SYS_MEM_SAFE_READ, width, p) < 0) {
return -1;
if (_mem_probe(addr, mode, width, p) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
* @brief Probe if memory location is valid
* @param addr Address to test
* @param mode Mode of access (SYS_MEM_SAFE_READ/WRITE)
* @param size Number of bytes to test
* @param width Width of memory access (1, 2, or 4)
* @param preserve Preserve memory on write test ?
* @return 0 if memory is accessible, -1 otherwise.
static int mem_probe(char *addr, int mode, int size,
int width, int preserve)
long dummy;
/* if memory length is zero, test is done */
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
/* Validate parameters */
preserve = mode == SYS_MEM_SAFE_READ ? 0 : preserve;
if (width == 0) {
width = 1;
} else {
if ((width != 1) && (width != 2) && (width != 4)) {
return -1;
/* Check addr, size & width parameters coherency */
if (((unsigned long)addr % width) || (size % width)) {
return -1;
/* Check first address */
if (do_mem_probe(addr, mode, width, preserve, &dummy) < 0) {
return -1;
/* Check if we have tested the whole memory */
if (width == size) {
return 0;
/* Check last address */
addr = addr + size - width;
if (do_mem_probe(addr, mode, width, preserve, &dummy) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
static int put_packet(unsigned char *buffer)
unsigned char checksum = 0;
int count = 0;
unsigned char ch;
/* $<packet info>#<checksum>. */
do {
checksum = 0;
count = 0;
/* Buffer terminated with null character */
while ((ch = buffer[count])) {
checksum = (unsigned char)(checksum + ch);
count += 1;
put_debug_char(hex_chars[(checksum >> 4)]);
put_debug_char(hex_chars[(checksum & 0xf)]);
if (!in_no_ack_mode) {
/* Wait for ack */
ch = get_debug_char();
if (ch == '+') {
return 0;
if (ch == '$') {
return 0;
if (ch == GDB_STOP_CHAR) {
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_INT;
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
} while (1);
* Request a flush of pending notification packets. This is done by setting
* notif_pkt_pending to 1 before stopping the CPU. Once stopped, the
* control loop will send pending packets before resuming the system.
static void request_notification_packet_flush(void)
* Before stopping CPU we must indicate that we're stopping the system
* to handle a packet notification. During the packet notification, we
* should prevent CPU from reading protocol...
if (gdb_debug_status != NOT_DEBUGGING) {
notif_pkt_pending = 1;
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
gdb_debug_status = NOT_DEBUGGING;
* If the notification buffer for current CPU is full, or if we found a new
* line or carriage return character, then we must flush received data to
* remote client.
static inline int must_flush_notification_buffer(unsigned char ch)
return (notif_data_idx == GDB_NOTIF_DATA_SIZE) ||
(ch == '\n') || (ch == '\r');
* Write data to debug agent console. For performance reason, the data is
* bufferized until we receive a carriage return character or until the buffer
* gets full.
* The buffer is also automatically flushed when system is stopped.
static uint32_t write_to_console(char *buf, uint32_t len)
uint32_t ix;
unsigned char ch;
int key = irq_lock();
/* Copy data to notification buffer for current CPU */
for (ix = 0; ix < len; ix++) {
ch = buf[ix];
notif_data[notif_data_idx++] = ch;
if (must_flush_notification_buffer(ch)) {
notif_data[notif_data_idx] = '\0';
return len;
* Handle pending notification packets for the CPU. It is invoked while
* running in GDB CPU control loop (When system is stopped).
static void handle_notification(void)
unsigned char checksum = 0;
int ix = 0;
unsigned char ch;
int more_data = 0;
uint32_t max_packet_size;
uint32_t data_size;
unsigned char *ptr = notif_data;
/* First, check if there is pending data */
if (notif_data[0] == '\0') {
* Build notification packet.
* A notification packet has the form `%<data>#<checksum>', where data
* is the content of the notification, and checksum is a checksum of
* data, computed and formatted as for ordinary gdb packets. A
* notification's data never contains `$', `%' or `#' characters. Upon
* receiving a notification, the recipient sends no `+' or `-' to
* acknowledge the notification's receipt or to report its corruption.
* Every notification's data begins with a name, which contains no
* colon characters, followed by a colon character.
checksum = 0;
/* Add name to notification packet */
ix = 0;
while ((ch = name[ix++])) {
checksum += ch;
/* Name must be followed by a colon character. */
checksum += ':';
* Add data to notification packet.
* Warning: The value to hex encoding double the size of the data,
* so we must not encode more than the remaining GDB buffer size
* divided by 2.
max_packet_size =
data_size = strlen((char *)ptr);
if (data_size <= (max_packet_size / 2)) {
more_data = 0;
} else {
data_size = max_packet_size / 2;
more_data = 1; /* Not enough room in notif packet */
/* Encode data using hex values */
for (ix = 0; ix < data_size; ix++) {
ch = hex_chars[(*ptr >> 4)];
checksum += ch;
ch = hex_chars[(*ptr & 0xf)];
checksum += ch;
/* Terminate packet with #<checksum> */
put_debug_char(hex_chars[(checksum >> 4)]);
put_debug_char(hex_chars[(checksum & 0xf)]);
if (more_data) {
goto again;
/* Clear buffer & index */
notif_data[0] = '\0';
notif_data_idx = 0;
static int has_hit_a_hw_bp(void)
/* instruction hw breakpoints are reported as sw breakpoints */
return (cpu_stop_signal == GDB_SIG_TRAP) &&
(cpu_stop_bp_type != GDB_SOFT_BP) &&
(cpu_stop_bp_type != GDB_HW_INST_BP);
static void do_post_event_hw_bp(unsigned char **buf, size_t *buf_size)
* If it's an hardware breakpoint, report the address and access
* type at the origin of the HW breakpoint. Supported syntaxes:
* watch:<dataAddr> : Write access
* rwatch:<dataAddr> : Read access
* awatch:<dataAddr> : Read/Write Access
* Instruction hardware breakpoints are reported as software
* breakpoints
if (!has_hit_a_hw_bp()) {
int count = 0;
switch (cpu_stop_bp_type) {
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ";watch");
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ";rwatch");
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ";awatch");
if (count != 0) {
*buf += count;
*buf_size -= count;
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ":%lx",
*buf += count;
*buf_size -= count;
cpu_stop_hw_bp_addr = 0;
cpu_stop_bp_type = GDB_SOFT_BP;
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_NULL;
static void write_regs_to_buffer(unsigned char **buf, size_t *buf_size)
unsigned char *saved_buf;
int count;
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ";regs:");
*buf += count;
*buf_size -= count;
saved_buf = *buf;
*buf = mem2hex(tmp_reg_buffer, *buf, sizeof(gdb_regs), 1);
*buf_size -= (*buf - saved_buf);
int offset = 0;
int size = 4;
count = snprintf((char *)*buf, *buf_size, ";%x:", GDB_PC_REG);
*buf += count;
*buf_size -= count;
gdb_arch_reg_info_get(GDB_PC_REG, &size, &offset);
saved_buf = *buf;
*buf = mem2hex(tmp_reg_buffer + offset, *buf, size, 1);
*buf_size -= (*buf - saved_buf);
static void do_post_event(void)
unsigned char *buf = gdb_buffer;
size_t buf_size = GDB_BUF_SIZE;
int count;
if (buf != gdb_buffer) {
*buf++ = '|';
count = snprintf((char *)buf, buf_size, "T%02xthread:%02x",
cpu_stop_signal, 1);
buf += count;
buf_size -= count;
do_post_event_hw_bp(&buf, &buf_size);
if (valid_registers) {
gdb_arch_regs_get(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
write_regs_to_buffer(&buf, &buf_size);
/* clear stop reason */
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_NULL;
*buf = '\0';
static void post_event(void)
event_is_pending = 0;
if (cpu_stop_signal != GDB_SIG_NULL) {
} else {
(void)snprintf((char *)gdb_buffer, GDB_BUF_SIZE, "S%02x",
* @brief Get a character from serial line
* It loops until it has received a character or until it has detected that a
* GDB event is pending and should be handled.
* Note that this routine should only be called from the gdb control loop when
* the system is stopped.
* @return -1 if no character has been received and there is a GDB event
* pending or debug operation pending, number of received character otherwise.
static int get_debug_char_raw(void)
char ch;
while (uart_poll_in(uart_console_dev, &ch) != 0) {
if (event_is_pending) {
return -1;
return ch;
static unsigned char get_debug_char(void)
return (unsigned char)get_debug_char_raw();
* @brief Get a GDB serial packet
* Poll the serial line to get a full GDB serial packet. Once
* the packet is received, it computes its checksum and return acknowledgment.
* It then returns the packet to the caller.
* This routine must only be called when all CPUs are stopped (from the GDB
* CPU control loop).
* If a pending GDB event is detected or if a stop event is received from the
* client, the corresponding GDB stop event is sent to the client. This
* loop does also handle the GDB cpu loop hooks by the intermediate of
* get_debug_char() API.
* If a debug operation is pending, this routine returns immediately.
* @return Pointer to received packet or NULL on pending debug operation
static unsigned char *get_packet(unsigned char *buffer, size_t size)
unsigned char checksum, c, *p;
while (1) {
while ((c = get_debug_char()) != '$') {
if (!event_is_pending) {
return NULL;
/* ignore other chars than GDB break character */
if ((c == GDB_STOP_CHAR) || event_is_pending) {
checksum = 0;
p = buffer;
* Continue reading characters until a '#' is found or until
* the end of the buffer is reached.
while (p < &buffer[size]) {
c = get_debug_char();
if (c == '#') {
} else if (c == '$') {
/* start over */
checksum = 0;
p = buffer;
} else {
checksum += c;
*p++ = c;
*p = 0;
if (c == '#') {
if (in_no_ack_mode) {
return buffer;
unsigned char cs[2];
cs[0] = get_hex_char_value(get_debug_char()) << 4;
cs[1] = get_hex_char_value(get_debug_char());
if (checksum != (cs[0] | cs[1])) {
/* checksum failed */
} else {
/* checksum passed */
if (buffer[2] == ':') {
return &buffer[3];
return buffer;
return NULL;
* @brief write a XML string into output buffer
* It takes care of offset, length and also deal with overflow (if the XML
* string is bigger than the output buffer).
static void write_xml_string(char *buf, const char *xml_str, int off, int len)
size_t max_len = strlen(xml_str);
if (off == max_len) {
strncat((char *)buf, "l", len - 1);
} else if (off > max_len) {
} else {
if ((off + max_len) <= len) {
/* we can read the full data */
buf[0] = 'l';
int size_to_copy = len <= (GDB_BUF_SIZE - 2) ? len :
strncpy(&buf[1], xml_str + off, size_to_copy);
} else {
buf[0] = 'm';
strncpy(&buf[1], xml_str + off, GDB_BUF_SIZE - 2);
buf[len + 1] = '\0';
* @brief get XML target description
* This routine is used to build the string that will hold the XML target
* description provided to the GDB client.
* NOTE: Non-re-entrant, since it uses a static buffer.
* @return a pointer on XML target description
static char *get_xml_target_description(void)
static char target_description[GDB_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 };
char *ptr = target_description;
size_t buf_size = sizeof(target_description);
size_t size;
if (target_description[0] != 0) {
return target_description;
strncpy(ptr, xml_target_header, GDB_BUF_SIZE - 1);
size = strlen(ptr);
ptr += size;
buf_size -= size;
/* Add architecture definition */
(void)snprintf(ptr, buf_size, " <architecture>%s</architecture>\n",
size = strlen(ptr);
ptr += size;
buf_size -= size;
strncpy(ptr, xml_target_footer,
GDB_BUF_SIZE - (ptr - target_description) - 1);
return target_description;
/* utility functions for handling each case of protocal_parse() */
static void handle_new_connection(void)
* This is a new connection. Clear in_no_ack_mode field if it was set
* and send acknowledgment for this command that has not been sent as
* it should have.
if (in_no_ack_mode) {
in_no_ack_mode = 0;
snprintf((char *)gdb_buffer, GDB_BUF_SIZE, "T02thread:%02x;", 1);
* This is an initial connection, should remove all
* the breakpoints and cleanup.
client_is_connected = 1;
static void reboot(void)
static void detach(void)
client_is_connected = 0;
gdb_debug_status = NOT_DEBUGGING;
in_no_ack_mode = 0;
static unsigned char *handle_thread_query(unsigned char *packet)
int thread;
if (!hex_str_to_int(&packet, &thread)) {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
return packet;
if (thread != 1) {
} else {
return packet;
#define STR_REBOOT ";reboot+"
static size_t concat_reboot_feature_if_supported(size_t size)
strncat((char *)gdb_buffer, STR_REBOOT, size);
return sizeof(STR_REBOOT);
#define concat_reboot_feature_if_supported(size) (0)
static ALWAYS_INLINE int is_valid_xml_query(unsigned char **packet,
int *off, int *len)
unsigned char *p = *packet;
int is_valid = hex_str_to_int(&p, off) && *p++ == ','
&& hex_str_to_int(&p, len) && *p == '\0';
*packet = p;
return is_valid;
static unsigned char *handle_xml_query(unsigned char *packet)
int off, len;
packet += 11;
if (is_valid_xml_query(&packet, &off, &len)) {
char *xml = get_xml_target_description();
write_xml_string((char *)gdb_buffer, xml, off, len);
} else {
return packet;
static const char *supported_features_cmd =
static unsigned char *handle_general_query(unsigned char *packet)
if (packet[0] == 'C') {
snprintf((char *)gdb_buffer, GDB_BUF_SIZE, "QC%x", 1);
} else if (strncmp((char *)packet, "wr.", 3) == 0) {
packet += 3;
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
} else if (strcmp((char *)packet, "Supported") == 0) {
size_t size = GDB_BUF_SIZE;
snprintf((char *)gdb_buffer, size, supported_features_cmd,
size -= (strlen((char *)gdb_buffer) + 1);
size -= concat_reboot_feature_if_supported(size);
strncat((char *)gdb_buffer, STR_TYPE, size);
size -= sizeof(STR_TYPE);
} else if (strncmp((char *)packet, "Xfer:features:read:", 19) == 0) {
packet += 19;
if (strncmp((char *)packet, "target.xml:", 11) == 0) {
packet = handle_xml_query(packet);
} else {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
} else {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
return packet;
static ALWAYS_INLINE void handle_get_registers(void)
if (!valid_registers) {
(void)gdb_arch_regs_get(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
mem2hex(tmp_reg_buffer, gdb_buffer, GDB_NUM_REG_BYTES, 1);
unsigned char *handle_write_registers(unsigned char *packet)
if (!valid_registers) {
return packet;
(void)gdb_arch_regs_get(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < GDB_NUM_REG_BYTES; i++) {
int value = hex_str_to_byte(&packet);
if (value < 0) {
tmp_reg_buffer[i] = (unsigned char)value;
gdb_arch_regs_set(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_write_single_register(unsigned char *packet)
int reg_num = 0;
int offset = 0;
int size = 4;
int i, value;
if (!valid_registers) {
return packet;
if (!hex_str_to_int(&packet, &reg_num) || *(packet++) != '=') {
return packet;
gdb_arch_regs_get(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
gdb_arch_reg_info_get(reg_num, &size, &offset);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
value = hex_str_to_byte(&packet);
if (value < 0) {
tmp_reg_buffer[offset + i] = (unsigned char)value;
if (i != size) {
return packet;
gdb_arch_regs_set(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_read_single_register(unsigned char *packet)
int reg_num = 0;
int offset = 0;
int size = 4;
if (!valid_registers) {
return packet;
/* p<regno> */
if (!hex_str_to_int(&packet, &reg_num)) {
return packet;
gdb_arch_regs_get(&gdb_regs, (char *)tmp_reg_buffer);
gdb_arch_reg_info_get(reg_num, &size, &offset);
mem2hex(tmp_reg_buffer + offset, gdb_buffer, size, 1);
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_read_memory(unsigned char *packet)
/* m<addr>,<length> */
long long addr;
int length;
void *p;
if (hex_str_to_longlong((unsigned char **)&packet, &addr) == 0) {
return packet;
if (!(*packet++ == ',' && hex_str_to_int(&packet, &length))) {
return packet;
p = (void *)((long)addr);
if (mem_probe(p, SYS_MEM_SAFE_READ, length, 0, 1) == -1) {
/* No read access */
return packet;
/* Now read memory */
mem2hex(p, gdb_buffer, length, 1);
return packet;
#define WRITE_MEM_SIG(x) \
unsigned char *(x)(unsigned char *packet, unsigned char *dest, int len)
typedef WRITE_MEM_SIG (write_mem_t);
static ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned char *handle_write_memory(unsigned char *packet,
write_mem_t *write_mem)
long long addr;
int len;
unsigned char *p;
/* [X or P]<addr>,<length>:<val><val>...<val> */
if (hex_str_to_longlong(&packet, &addr) == 0) {
return packet;
p = packet; /* to allow the if expression to fit on one line */
if (!(*p++ == ',' && hex_str_to_int(&p, &len) && *p++ == ':')) {
return p;
packet = p;
p = (void *)((long)addr);
if (mem_probe(p, SYS_MEM_SAFE_WRITE, len, 0, 1) == -1) {
/* No write access */
return packet;
packet = write_mem(packet, p, len);
return packet;
static WRITE_MEM_SIG(write_memory)
unsigned char value;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
value = hex_str_to_byte(&packet);
if (value < 0) {
dest[i] = (unsigned char)value;
return packet;
static WRITE_MEM_SIG(write_memory_from_binary_format)
unsigned char value;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
value = packet[0];
if (value == '}') {
value = packet[0] ^ 0x20;
dest[i] = (unsigned char)value;
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_pass_signal_to_context(unsigned char *packet)
int signal;
/* read signal number */
if (!hex_str_to_int(&packet, &signal)) {
return packet;
cpu_pending_signal = signal;
if (*packet == ';') {
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_continue_execution(unsigned char *packet)
long long addr;
/* try to read optional parameter, PC unchanged if no param */
hex_str_to_longlong(&packet, &addr);
gdb_debug_status = NOT_DEBUGGING;
return packet;
static ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned char *handle_step(unsigned char *packet)
long long addr;
/* try to read optional parameter, PC unchanged if no param */
hex_str_to_longlong(&packet, &addr);
gdb_debug_status = SINGLE_STEP;
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_vcont_action(unsigned char *packet, int *do_not_send_ack)
char action;
int signal = 0, thread;
packet += 5;
action = *packet++;
if ((action != 'c') && (action != 'C') &&
(action != 's') && (action != 'S')) {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
return packet;
if ((action == 'C') || (action == 'S')) {
/* read signal number */
if (!hex_str_to_int(&packet, &signal)) {
return packet;
if (*packet == ':') {
hex_str_to_int(&packet, &thread);
if (signal != 0) {
cpu_pending_signal = signal;
if ((action == 'c') || (action == 'C')) {
gdb_debug_status = NOT_DEBUGGING;
} else {
gdb_debug_status = SINGLE_STEP;
*do_not_send_ack = 1;
return packet;
unsigned char *handle_breakpoint_install(unsigned char *packet,
add_del_bp_t *bp_op)
/* remove (ztype,addr,length) or insert (Ztype,addr,length) */
int type, len;
long long addr;
enum gdb_error_code err;
/* read <type> & <addr> */
if (!(hex_str_to_int(&packet, &type) && *packet++ == ',' &&
hex_str_to_longlong(&packet, &addr))) {
return packet;
/* read length */
if (!(*packet++ == ',' && hex_str_to_int(&packet, &len))) {
return packet;
if (bp_op(type, (long)addr, len, &err) == 0) {
} else {
snprintf((char *)gdb_buffer, GDB_BUF_SIZE, "E%02d", err);
return packet;
* @brief parse given GDB command string
* Parse and execute the given GDB command string, and send acknowledgment if
* acknowledgment is enabled.
* @return 0 on success, -1 if failed to send acknowledgment.
static int protocol_parse(unsigned char *packet)
unsigned char ch;
int do_not_send_ack = 0;
ch = *packet++;
switch (ch) {
case '?':
case 'k':
/* Kill request: we use it to reboot */
case 'D':
case 'T':
packet = handle_thread_query(packet);
case 'Q':
/* the only 'Q' command we support is "start no-ack mode" */
if (strcmp((const char *)packet, "StartNoAckMode") == 0) {
in_no_ack_mode = 1;
} else {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
case 'q':
packet = handle_general_query(packet);
case 'g':
case 'G':
packet = handle_write_registers(packet);
case 'P':
packet = handle_write_single_register(packet);
case 'p':
packet = handle_read_single_register(packet);
case 'm':
packet = handle_read_memory(packet);
case 'M':
packet = handle_write_memory(packet, write_memory);
case 'X':
packet = handle_write_memory(packet,
case 'C':
packet = handle_pass_signal_to_context(packet);
/* fall through */
case 'c':
packet = handle_continue_execution(packet);
do_not_send_ack = 1;
case 'S':
packet = handle_pass_signal_to_context(packet);
/* fall through */
case 's':
packet = handle_step(packet);
do_not_send_ack = 1;
case 'v':
if (strcmp((const char *)packet, "Cont?") == 0) {
} else if (strncmp((const char *)packet, "Cont;", 5) != 0) {
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
packet = handle_vcont_action(packet, &do_not_send_ack);
case 'z':
packet = handle_breakpoint_install(packet, delete_bp);
case 'Z':
packet = handle_breakpoint_install(packet, add_bp);
/* in case of an unsupported command, send empty response */
gdb_buffer[0] = '\0';
/* Send the acknowledgment command when necessary */
if (!do_not_send_ack) {
if (put_packet(gdb_buffer) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
* function: put_debug_char
* description:
* - "What you must do for the stub"
* - Write a single character from a port.
static void put_debug_char(unsigned char ch)
(void)uart_poll_out(uart_console_dev, ch);
* @brief add an hardware breakpoint to debug registers set
* This routine adds an hardware breakpoint to debug registers structure.
* It does not update the debug registers.
* @param addr Address where to set the breakpoint
* @param type Type of breakpoint
* @param len Length of data
* @param err Container for returning error code
* @return 0 on success, -1 if failed (Error code returned via @a err).
static int add_hw_bp(long addr, enum gdb_bp_type type, int len,
enum gdb_error_code *err)
if (gdb_hw_bp_set(&dbg_regs, addr, type, len, err) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
* @brief remove an hardware breakpoint from debug registers set
* This routine removes an hardware breakpoint from debug registers structure.
* It does not update the debug registers.
* @param addr Address where to set the breakpoint
* @param type Type of breakpoint
* @param len Length of data
* @param err Container for returning error code
* @return 0 on success, -1 if failed (Error code returned via @a err).
static int remove_hw_bp(long addr, enum gdb_bp_type type, int len,
enum gdb_error_code *err)
if (gdb_hw_bp_clear(&dbg_regs, addr, type, len, err) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
return -1;
* @brief add a new breakpoint or watchpoint to breakpoint list
* This routine adds a new breakpoint or watchpoint to breakpoint list. For
* watchpoints, this routine checks that the given type/length combination is
* supported on current architecture, and that debug registers are not full.
* @param type GDB breakpoint type:
* 0 : software breakpoint (GDB_SOFT_BP)
* 1 : hardware breakpoint (GDB_HW_INST_BP)
* 2 : write watchpoint (GDB_HW_DATA_WRITE_BP)
* 3 : read watchpoint (GDB_HW_DATA_READ_BP)
* 4 : access watchpoint (GDB_HW_DATA_ACCESS_BP)
* @param addr Breakpoint address
* @param len For a software breakpoint, len specifies the size of the
* instruction to be patched. For hardware breakpoints and
* watchpoints length specifies the memory region to be monitored.
* @param err Pointer to error code if failed to add breakpoint.
* @return 0 on success, -1 if failed to add breakpoint.
static int add_bp(enum gdb_bp_type type, long addr, int len,
enum gdb_error_code *err)
if (type != GDB_SOFT_BP) {
return add_hw_bp(addr, type, len, err);
if (mem_probe((void *)addr, SYS_MEM_SAFE_READ, len, 0, 1) == -1) {
return -1;
/* Add software breakpoint to BP list */
for (int ix = 0; ix < MAX_SW_BP; ix++) {
if (bp_array[ix].valid == 0) {
bp_array[ix].valid = 1;
bp_array[ix].enabled = 0;
bp_array[ix].addr = (gdb_instr_t *)addr;
return 0;
return -1;
* @brief delete a breakpoint or watchpoint from breakpoint list
* @return 0 on success, -1 if failed to remove breakpoint.
static int delete_bp(enum gdb_bp_type type, long addr, int len,
enum gdb_error_code *err)
gdb_instr_t *bp_addr = (gdb_instr_t *)addr;
if (type != GDB_SOFT_BP) {
return remove_hw_bp(addr, type, len, err);
for (int ix = 0; ix < MAX_SW_BP; ix++) {
if (bp_array[ix].valid && bp_array[ix].addr == bp_addr) {
bp_array[ix].valid = 0;
* Make sure all valid entries are contiguous to speed
* up breakpoint table parsing.
for (int jx = ix + 1; jx < MAX_SW_BP; jx++) {
if (bp_array[jx].valid == 1) {
bp_array[jx - 1] = bp_array[jx];
bp_array[jx].valid = 0;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (!bp_array[ix].valid) {
return -1;
static void remove_all_installed_breakpoints(void)
for (int ix = 0; ix < MAX_SW_BP; ix++) {
if (!bp_array[ix].valid) {
bp_array[ix].valid = 0;
static inline void set_debug_regs_for_hw_breakpoints(void)
if (hw_bp_cnt > 0) {
#define set_debug_regs_for_hw_breakpoints() do { } while ((0))
* Physically install breakpoints, and make sure that modified memory is
* flushed on all CPUs.
* Must only be called when ready to exit the CPU control loop.
static void install_breakpoints(void)
gdb_instr_t instr = GDB_BREAK_INSTRUCTION;
/* Software breakpoints installation */
for (int ix = 0; ix < MAX_SW_BP; ix++) {
if (bp_array[ix].valid && !bp_array[ix].enabled) {
gdb_instr_t *addr = bp_array[ix].addr;
bp_array[ix].instr = *addr;
(void)set_instruction(addr, &instr, sizeof(instr));
bp_array[ix].enabled = 1;
} else if (!bp_array[ix].valid) {
static inline void clear_debug_regs_for_hw_breakpoints(void)
if (hw_bp_cnt > 0) {
#define clear_debug_regs_for_hw_breakpoints() do { } while ((0))
* Physically uninstall breakpoints, and make sure that modified memory is
* flushed on all CPUs.
* Must only be called in the CPU control loop.
static void uninstall_breakpoints(void)
for (int ix = 0; ix < MAX_SW_BP; ix++) {
if (bp_array[ix].valid == 1 && bp_array[ix].enabled) {
gdb_instr_t *addr = bp_array[ix].addr;
(void)set_instruction(addr, &bp_array[ix].instr,
bp_array[ix].enabled = 0;
} else if (bp_array[ix].valid == 0) {
/* Re-install breakpoints and resume the system. */
static void resume_system(void)
* System must not be resumed if we're going to execute a single step.
if (gdb_debug_status == SINGLE_STEP) {
static inline void enter_trace_mode(void)
gdb_instr_t bp_instr = GDB_BREAK_INSTRUCTION;
gdb_step_emu_next_pc = gdb_get_next_pc(&gdb_regs);
gdb_step_emu_instr = *gdb_step_emu_next_pc;
(void)set_instruction(gdb_step_emu_next_pc, &bp_instr,
trace_lock_key = gdb_int_regs_lock(&gdb_regs);
/* Handle single step request for runcontrol CPU */
trace_lock_key = gdb_trace_mode_set(&gdb_regs);
static inline void disable_trace_mode(void)
/* remove temporary breakpoint */
/* Disable trace mode */
gdb_int_regs_unlock(&gdb_regs, trace_lock_key);
/* Disable trace mode */
gdb_trace_mode_clear(&gdb_regs, trace_lock_key);
* @brief stop mode agent BP/trace handler
* Common handler of breakpoint and trace mode exceptions.
* It is invoked with interrupts locked.
* @return n/a
void gdb_handler(enum gdb_exc_mode mode, void *esf, int signal)
/* Save BP/Trace handler registers */
gdb_arch_regs_from_esf(&gdb_regs, (NANO_ESF *)esf);
valid_registers = 1;
if (mode == GDB_EXC_TRACE) {
/* Check if GDB did request a step */
if (gdb_debug_status != SINGLE_STEP) {
/* No longer pending trace mode exception */
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
event_is_pending = 1;
cpu_stop_signal = signal;
/* Enter stop mode agent control loop */
/* Restore BP handler registers */
gdb_arch_regs_to_esf(&gdb_regs, (NANO_ESF *)esf);
/* Resume system if not handling a single step */
static int set_instruction(void *addr, gdb_instr_t *instr, size_t size)
if (_mem_safe_write_to_text_section(addr, (char *)instr, size) < 0) {
return -EFAULT;
sys_cache_flush((vaddr_t) addr, size);
return 0;
static inline void setup_singlestep_if_non_steppable_instruction(void)
if (gdb_debug_status == SINGLE_STEP) {
if (!GDB_ARCH_CAN_STEP(&gdb_regs)) {
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
event_is_pending = 1;
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_TRAP;
static inline int handle_single_stepping(void)
if (gdb_debug_status == SINGLE_STEP) {
return 1;
return 0;
* @brief GDB control loop
* The CPU control loop is an active wait loop used to stop CPU activity.
* It must be called with interrupts locked.
* It loops while waiting for debug events which can be:
* - System resumed: gdb_debug_status != NOT_DEBUGGING
* The control loop must be exited.
* - Single step request: gdb_debug_status == SINGLE_STEP
* Notify client that CPU is already stopped.
* This is done by setting event_is_pending = 1.
* event_is_pending will be handled by next get_packet().
* @return n/a
static void control_loop(void)
char ch;
/* Flush input buffer */
while (uart_poll_in(uart_console_dev, &ch) == 0) {
if (ch == GDB_STOP_CHAR) {
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_INT;
event_is_pending = 1;
while (gdb_debug_status != NOT_DEBUGGING) {
* Check if system has been stopped to handle a notification
* packet: If a notification is pending (notif_pkt_pending),
* but no stop signal has been set.
if ((cpu_stop_signal == GDB_SIG_NULL) && notif_pkt_pending) {
/* Mark packet notification as done */
notif_pkt_pending = 0;
unsigned char *packet = get_packet(gdb_buffer, GDB_BUF_SIZE);
if (packet) {
if (handle_single_stepping()) {
* @brief handle a system stop request
* The purpose of this routine is to handle a stop request issued by remote
* debug client. It is called when receiving a break char.
* It indicates that a GDB event is pending (the answer to stop request) and
* transfer control from the runtime system to the stop mode agent. The event
* will be posted by this control loop.
* @return n/a
static void handle_system_stop(NANO_ISF *regs, int signal)
int key = irq_lock();
gdb_debug_status = DEBUGGING;
if (signal != 0) {
cpu_stop_signal = signal;
} else {
cpu_stop_signal = GDB_SIG_INT; /* Stopped by a command */
/* Save registers */
if (regs == GDB_INVALID_REG_SET) {
valid_registers = 0;
} else {
if (!regs) {
regs = sys_debug_current_isf_get();
gdb_arch_regs_from_isf(&gdb_regs, regs);
valid_registers = 1;
/* A GDB event is pending */
event_is_pending = 1;
/* Transfer control to the control loop */
/* Load registers */
if (valid_registers) {
gdb_arch_regs_to_isf(&gdb_regs, regs);
/* Resume system if not a single step request */
* @brief wrapper to send a character to console
* This routine is a specific wrapper to send a character to console.
* If the GDB Server is started, this routine intercepts the data and transfer
* it to the connected debug clients using a GDB notification packet.
* @return n/a
static UART_CONSOLE_OUT_DEBUG_HOOK_SIG(gdb_console_out)
* If remote debug client is connected, then transfer data to remote
* client. Otherwise, discard this character.
if (client_is_connected) {
write_to_console(&c, 1);
static int console_irq_input_hook(uint8_t ch)
if (ch == GDB_STOP_CHAR) {
handle_system_stop(NULL, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
void system_stop_here(void *regs)
int key = irq_lock();
handle_system_stop((NANO_ISF *) regs, GDB_SIG_STOP);
void _debug_fatal_hook(const NANO_ESF *esf)
struct gdb_reg_set regs;
gdb_arch_regs_from_esf(&regs, (NANO_ESF *) esf);
system_stop_here((void *)&regs);
gdb_arch_regs_to_esf(&regs, (NANO_ESF *) esf);
static void init_interrupt_handling(void)
uart_register_input(&avail_queue, &cmds_queue, NULL);
#define init_interrupt_handling() do { } while ((0))
static void init_mem_safe_access(void)
(void)_mem_safe_region_add((void *)CONFIG_GDB_RAM_ADDRESS,
(void)_mem_safe_region_add((void *)CONFIG_GDB_RAM_ADDRESS,
#define init_mem_safe_access() do { } while ((0))
static int init_gdb_server(struct device *unused)
static int gdb_is_initialized;
if (gdb_is_initialized) {
return -1;
uart_console_dev = device_get_binding(CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE_ON_DEV_NAME);
gdb_is_initialized = 1;
return 0;
SYS_INIT(init_gdb_server, POST_KERNEL, 1);