blob: 407f45ca0775931c4063df3a8d9a35a20dad52fb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Modified from:
import argparse
import os
import sys
import textwrap
from kconfiglib import Kconfig, BOOL, TRISTATE, TRI_TO_STR
# Warnings that won't be turned into errors (but that will still be printed),
# identified by a substring of the warning. The warning texts from Kconfiglib
# are guaranteed to not change.
# Warning generated when a symbol with unsatisfied dependencies is being
# selected. These should be investigated, but whitelist them for now.
def fatal(warning):
# Returns True if 'warning' is not whitelisted and should be turned into an
# error
return not any(wl_warning in warning for wl_warning in WARNING_WHITELIST)
def main():
args = parse_args()
print("Parsing Kconfig tree in " + args.kconfig_root)
kconf = Kconfig(args.kconfig_root, warn_to_stderr=False)
# Warn for assignments to undefined symbols
kconf.warn_assign_undef = True
# prj.conf may override settings from the board configuration, so disable
# warnings about symbols being assigned more than once
kconf.warn_assign_override = False
kconf.warn_assign_redun = False
for config in args.conf_fragments[1:]:
# replace=False creates a merged configuration
print(kconf.load_config(config, replace=False))
# Print warnings for symbols whose actual value doesn't match the assigned
# value
for sym in kconf.unique_defined_syms:
# Was the symbol assigned to? Choice symbols are checked separately.
if sym.user_value is not None and not sym.choice:
# Print warnings for choices whose actual selection doesn't match the user
# selection
for choice in kconf.unique_choices:
if choice.user_selection:
# Hack: Force all symbols to be evaluated, to catch warnings generated
# during evaluation. Wait till the end to write the actual output files, so
# that we don't generate any output if there are warnings-turned-errors.
# Kconfiglib caches calculated symbol values internally, so this is still
# fast.
# Print warnings ourselves so that we can put a blank line between them for
# readability. We could roll this into the loop below, but it's nice to
# always print all warnings, even if one of them turns out to be fatal.
for warning in kconf.warnings:
print("\n" + warning, file=sys.stderr)
# Turn all warnings except for explicitly whitelisted ones into errors. In
# particular, this will turn assignments to undefined Kconfig variables
# into errors.
# A warning is generated by this script whenever a symbol gets a different
# value than the one it was assigned. Keep that one as just a warning for
# now as well.
for warning in kconf.warnings:
if fatal(warning):
sys.exit("\n" + textwrap.fill(
"Error: Aborting due to non-whitelisted Kconfig "
"warning '{}'.\nNote: If this warning doesn't point "
"to an actual problem, you can add it to the "
"whitelist at the top of {}."
.format(warning, sys.argv[0]),
100) + "\n")
# Write the merged configuration and the C header
# Write the list of processed Kconfig sources to a file
write_kconfig_filenames(kconf.kconfig_filenames, kconf.srctree, args.sources)
# Message printed when a promptless symbol is assigned (and doesn't get the
# assigned value)
This symbol has no prompt, meaning assignments in configuration files have no
effect on it. It can only be set indirectly, via Kconfig defaults (e.g. in a
Kconfig.defconfig file) or through being 'select'ed or 'imply'd (note: try to
avoid Kconfig 'select's except for trivial promptless "helper" symbols without
dependencies, as it ignores dependencies and forces symbols on)."""
# Message about where to look up symbol information
You can check symbol information (including dependencies) in the 'menuconfig'
interface (see the Application Development Primer section of the manual), or in
the Kconfig reference at{}.html (which is
updated regularly from the master branch). See the 'Setting configuration
values' section of the Board Porting Guide as well."""
It covers Kconfig.defconfig files."""
def verify_assigned_sym_value(sym):
# Verifies that the value assigned to 'sym' "took" (matches the value the
# symbol actually got), printing a warning otherwise
# Tristate values are represented as 0, 1, 2. Having them as
# "n", "m", "y" is more convenient here, so convert.
if sym.type in (BOOL, TRISTATE):
user_value = TRI_TO_STR[sym.user_value]
user_value = sym.user_value
if user_value != sym.str_value:
msg = "warning: {} was assigned the value '{}' but got the " \
"value '{}'." \
.format(name_and_loc(sym), user_value, sym.str_value)
if promptless(sym): msg += PROMPTLESS_HINT
msg += SYM_INFO_HINT.format(
if promptless(sym): msg += PROMPTLESS_HINT_EXTRA
# Use a large fill() width to try to avoid linebreaks in the symbol
# reference link
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(msg, 100), file=sys.stderr)
def verify_assigned_choice_value(choice):
# Verifies that the choice symbol that was selected (by setting it to y)
# ended up as the selection, printing a warning otherwise.
# We check choice symbols separately to avoid warnings when two different
# choice symbols within the same choice are set to y. This might happen if
# a choice selection from a board defconfig is overridden in a prj.conf, for
# example. The last choice symbol set to y becomes the selection (and all
# other choice symbols get the value n).
# Without special-casing choices, we'd detect that the first symbol set to
# y ended up as n, and print a spurious warning.
if choice.user_selection is not choice.selection:
msg = "warning: the choice symbol {} was selected (set =y), but {} " \
"ended up as the choice selection. {}" \
name_and_loc(choice.selection) if choice.selection
else "no symbol",
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(msg, 100), file=sys.stderr)
def name_and_loc(sym):
# Helper for printing the name and Kconfig file location(s) for a symbol
if not sym.nodes:
return + " (undefined)"
return "{} (defined at {})".format(,
", ".join("{}:{}".format(node.filename, node.linenr)
for node in sym.nodes))
def promptless(sym):
# Returns True if 'sym' has no prompt. Since the symbol might be defined in
# multiple locations, we need to check all locations.
return not any(node.prompt for node in sym.nodes)
def write_kconfig_filenames(paths, root_path, output_file_path):
# 'paths' is a list of paths. The list has duplicates and the
# paths are either absolute or relative to 'root_path'.
# We need to write this list, in a format that CMake can easily
# parse, to the output file at 'output_file_path'.
# The written list should also have absolute paths instead of
# relative paths, and it should not have duplicates.
# Remove duplicates
paths_uniq = set(paths)
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as out:
# sort to be deterministic
for path in sorted(paths_uniq):
# Change from relative to absolute path (do nothing for
# absolute paths)
abs_path = os.path.join(root_path, path)
# Assert that the file exists, since it was sourced, it
# must surely also exist.
assert os.path.isfile(abs_path), "Internal error"
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("conf_fragments", metavar='conf', type=str, nargs='+')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":