blob: 59c9f6c206a9b96da900beefda502f82a8b0ffe1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Author: Sathish Kuttan <>
# This file defines device class that contains functions to
# setup/cconfigure SPI master device and GPIO pins required
# to communicate with the target.
# Member functions are provided to send and receive messages
# over the SPI bus
import yaml
import time
import periphery
import sys
import os
class Device:
Device class containing the interface methods for communicating
with the target using SPI bus and GPIOs
def __init__(self):
Read config file and determine the SPI device, speed, mode
GPIO pin assignments, etc.
Initialize data structures accordingly.
config_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config_file += '/config.yml'
with open(config_file, 'r') as ymlfile:
config = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile) = config['general']['name']
self.spi_device = config['spi']['device']
self.spi_speed = config['spi']['max_speed']
self.spi_mode = None
self.gpio_reset = config['gpio']['reset']
self.gpio_wake = config['gpio']['wake']
self.gpio_irq = config['gpio']['irq']
self.spi = None
self.reset_pin = None
self.wake_pin = None
self.irq_pin = None
def print_config(self):
Print configuration information that was read from config file
print('%s Device on %s' %(, self.spi_device))
print('Max SPI Frequency: %2.1f MHz' % self.spi_speed)
print('Reset GPIO: %d' % self.gpio_reset)
print('Wake GPIO : %d' % self.gpio_wake)
print('IRQ GPIO : %d' % self.gpio_irq)
def configure_device(self, spi_mode, order, bits):
Configure the SPI device and GPIOs for communication with target
self.reset_pin = periphery.GPIO(self.gpio_reset, 'out')
self.wake_pin = periphery.GPIO(self.gpio_wake, 'out')
self.irq_pin = periphery.GPIO(self.gpio_irq, 'in')
self.spi = periphery.SPI(self.spi_device, spi_mode,
self.spi_speed * 1e6)
self.spi.bit_order = order
self.spi.bits_per_word = bits
print('Configured SPI %s for %s.' % (self.spi_device,
print('Configured GPIO %d for %s Reset.' % (self.gpio_reset,
print('Configured GPIO %d for %s Wake.' % (self.gpio_wake,
print('Configured GPIO %d for %s IRQ.' % (self.gpio_irq,
def check_device_ready(self):
Check whether the target is ready to accept a command as follows:
Wait a minimum time and check whether IRQ is asserted by the target
If IRQ is not asserted, wait maximum time and check again.
Device is ready if IRQ is asserted
min_wait = 0.001 # 1 ms
max_wait = 0.1 # 100 ms
ready =
if ready == False:
ready =
if ready == False:
print('Error: Device not ready', file=sys.stderr)
return ready
def reset_device(self):
Assert the GPIO and deassert after a short duration to reset
the target.
print('Resetting %s ...' %
def send_receive(self, data, wait = True):
Transmit and receive full duplex data over SPI
If requested to wait, wait for device to become ready
before return.
rx_data = self.spi.transfer(data)
if wait == True:
return rx_data
def send_bulk(self, data):
Send a byte stream of data without checking for device readiness.
def close(self):
Close the device handle