blob: e79b36e67c5292f58b420ede47859e9b62015472 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @filesystem
* @brief test_filesystem
* Demonstrates the ZEPHYR File System APIs
#include "test_fat.h"
#include <stdio.h>
extern int test_file_write(void);
extern int test_file_close(void);
static int test_rmdir(void);
static int test_mkdir(void)
int res;
TC_PRINT("\nmkdir tests:\n");
if (check_file_dir_exists(TEST_DIR)) {
TC_PRINT("[%s] exists, delete it\n", TEST_DIR);
if (test_rmdir()) {
TC_PRINT("Error deleting dir %s\n", TEST_DIR);
return TC_FAIL;
} else {
TC_PRINT("Creating new dir %s\n", TEST_DIR);
/* Verify fs_mkdir() */
res = fs_mkdir(TEST_DIR);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error creating dir[%d]\n", res);
return res;
res = fs_open(&filep, TEST_DIR_FILE);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Failed opening file [%d]\n", res);
return res;
res = test_file_write();
if (res) {
return res;
res = fs_close(&filep);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error closing file [%d]\n", res);
return res;
TC_PRINT("Created dir %s!\n", TEST_DIR);
return res;
static int test_lsdir(const char *path)
int res;
struct fs_dir_t dirp;
struct fs_dirent entry;
TC_PRINT("\nlsdir tests:\n");
/* Verify fs_opendir() */
res = fs_opendir(&dirp, path);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error opening dir %s [%d]\n", path, res);
return res;
TC_PRINT("\nListing dir %s:\n", path);
for (;;) {
/* Verify fs_readdir() */
res = fs_readdir(&dirp, &entry);
/*[0] == 0 means end-of-dir */
if (res ||[0] == 0) {
if (entry.type == FS_DIR_ENTRY_DIR) {
TC_PRINT("[DIR ] %s\n",;
} else {
TC_PRINT("[FILE] %s (size = %zu)\n",, entry.size);
/* Verify fs_closedir() */
return res;
static int test_rmdir(void)
int res;
struct fs_dir_t dirp;
static struct fs_dirent entry;
char file_path[80];
TC_PRINT("\nrmdir tests:\n");
if (!check_file_dir_exists(TEST_DIR)) {
TC_PRINT("%s doesn't exist\n", TEST_DIR);
return TC_FAIL;
res = fs_opendir(&dirp, TEST_DIR);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error opening dir[%d]\n", res);
return res;
TC_PRINT("\nRemoving files and sub directories in %s\n", TEST_DIR);
for (;;) {
res = fs_readdir(&dirp, &entry);
/*[0] == 0 means end-of-dir */
if (res ||[0] == 0) {
/* Delete file or sub directory */
sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s", TEST_DIR,;
TC_PRINT("Removing %s\n", file_path);
res = fs_unlink(file_path);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error deleting file/dir [%d]\n", res);
return res;
/* Verify fs_unlink() */
res = fs_unlink(TEST_DIR);
if (res) {
TC_PRINT("Error removing dir [%d]\n", res);
return res;
TC_PRINT("Removed dir %s!\n", TEST_DIR);
return res;
void test_fat_dir(void)
zassert_true(test_mkdir() == TC_PASS, NULL);
zassert_true(test_lsdir(FATFS_MNTP) == TC_PASS, NULL);
zassert_true(test_lsdir(TEST_DIR) == TC_PASS, NULL);
zassert_true(test_rmdir() == TC_PASS, NULL);
zassert_true(test_lsdir(FATFS_MNTP) == TC_PASS, NULL);