blob: b9fb2b3d8f22d60557981f0b95b383d8766711fe [file] [log] [blame]
.. _build_overview:
Build Overview
The Zephyr build process can be divided into two main phases: a
configuration phase (driven by *CMake*) and a build phase (driven by
*Make* or *Ninja*). We will descibe the build phase using *Make* as
Configuration Phase
The configuration phase begins when the user invokes *CMake*,
specifying a source application directory and a board target.
.. figure:: build-config-phase.svg
:align: center
:alt: Zephyr's build configuration phase
:figclass: align-center
:width: 80%
*CMake* begins by processing the *CMakeLists.txt* file in the application
directory, which refers to the *CMakeLists.txt* file in the Zephyr
top-level directory, which in turn refers to *CMakeLists.txt* files
throughout the build tree (directly and indirectly). Its primary
output is a set of Makefiles to drive the build process, but *CMake*
scripts do some build processing of their own:
Device tree
Using *cpp*, device-tree specifications (*.dts/.dtsi* files) are
collected from the target’s architecture, SoC, board, and
application directories and compiled with *dtc*. Then the build
tool (scripts/dts) convert this into *.h* files for later
Device tree fixup
Files named *dts_fixup.h* from the target’s architecture, SoC,
board, and application directories are concatenated into a single
*dts_fixup.h*. Its purpose is to normalize constants output in the
previous step so they have the names expected by the source files
in the build phase.
The build tool reads the *Kconfig* files for the target
architecture, the target SoC, the target board, the target
application, as well as *Kconfig* files associated with subsystems
throughout the source tree. It incorporates the device tree outputs
to allow configurations to make use of that data. It ensures the
desired configuration is consistent, outputs *autoconf.h* for the
build phase.
Build Phase
The build phase begins when the user invokes *make*. Its ultimate
output is a complete Zephyr application in a format suitable for
loading/flashing on the desired target board (*zephyr.elf*,
*zephyr.hex*, etc.) The build phase can be broken down, conceptually,
into four stages: the pre-build, first-pass binary, final binary, and
Pre-build occurs before any source files are compiled, because during
this phase header files used by the source files are generated.
Offset generation
Access to high-level data structures and members is sometimes
required when the definitions of those structures is not
immediately accessible (e.g., assembly language). The generation of
*offsets.h* (by **) facilitates this.
System call boilerplate
The **, ** and
** scripts work together to bind potential
system call functions with their implementations.
.. figure:: build-build-phase-1.svg
:align: center
:alt: Zephyr's build stage I
:figclass: align-center
:width: 80%
First-pass binary
Compilation proper begins with the first-pass binary. Source files (C
and assembly) are collected from various subsystems (which ones is
decided during the configuration phase), and compiled into archives
(with reference to header files in the tree, as well as those
generated during the configuration phase and the pre-build stage).
If memory protection is enabled, then:
Partition grouping
The script scans all the
generated archives and outputs linker scripts to ensure that
application partitions are properly grouped and aligned for the
target’s memory protection hardware.
Then *cpp* is used to combine linker script fragments from the target’s
architecture/SoC, the kernel tree, optionally the partition output if
memory protection is enabled, and any other fragments selected during
the configuration process, into a *linker.cmd* file. The compiled
archives are then linked with *ld* as specified in the
In some configurations, this is the final binary, and the next stage
is skipped.
.. figure:: build-build-phase-2.svg
:align: center
:alt: Zephyr's build stage II
:figclass: align-center
:width: 80%
Final binary
In some configurations, the binary from the previous stage is
incomplete, with empty and/or placeholder sections that must be filled
in by, essentially, reflection. When :ref:`usermode` is enabled:
Kernel object hashing
The ** scans the *ELF DWARF*
debug data to find the address of the all kernel objects. This
list is passed to *gperf*, which generates a perfect hash function and
table of those addresses, then that output is optimized by
**, using known properties of our special case.
Then, the link from the previous stage is repeated, this time with the
missing pieces populated.
.. figure:: build-build-phase-3.svg
:align: center
:alt: Zephyr's build stage III
:figclass: align-center
:width: 80%
Post processing
Finally, if necessary, the completed kernel is converted from *ELF* to
the format expected by the loader and/or flash tool required by the
target. This is accomplished in a straightforward manner with *objdump*.
.. figure:: build-build-phase-4.svg
:align: center
:alt: Zephyr's build final stage
:figclass: align-center
:width: 80%