blob: 564f6297595f49c85877102174c6382b45b61fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Carlo Caione <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief Thread context switching for ARM64 Cortex-A
* This module implements the routines necessary for thread context switching
* on ARM64 Cortex-A.
#include <toolchain.h>
#include <linker/sections.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include "macro.h"
* @brief PendSV exception handler, handling context switches
* The PendSV exception is the only execution context in the system that can
* perform context switching. When an execution context finds out it has to
* switch contexts, it pends the PendSV exception.
* When PendSV is pended, the decision that a context switch must happen has
* already been taken. In other words, when z_arm64_pendsv() runs, we *know* we
* have to swap *something*.
* For Cortex-A, PendSV exception is not supported by the architecture and this
* function is directly called either by _isr_wrapper() in case of preemption,
* or z_arm64_svc() in case of cooperative switching.
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_arm64_pendsv)
stp xzr, x30, [sp, #-16]!
bl sys_trace_thread_switched_in
ldp xzr, x30, [sp], #16
/* load _kernel into x1 and current k_thread into x2 */
ldr x1, =_kernel
ldr x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_current]
/* addr of callee-saved regs in thread in x0 */
ldr x0, =_thread_offset_to_callee_saved
add x0, x0, x2
/* Store rest of process context including x30, SPSR_ELn and ELR_ELn */
stp x19, x20, [x0], #16
stp x21, x22, [x0], #16
stp x23, x24, [x0], #16
stp x25, x26, [x0], #16
stp x27, x28, [x0], #16
stp x29, x30, [x0], #16
switch_el x3, 3f, 2f, 1f
mrs x4, spsr_el3
mrs x5, elr_el3
b 0f
mrs x4, spsr_el2
mrs x5, elr_el2
b 0f
mrs x4, spsr_el1
mrs x5, elr_el1
stp x4, x5, [x0], #16
/* Save the current SP */
mov x6, sp
str x6, [x0]
/* fetch the thread to run from the ready queue cache */
ldr x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_ready_q_cache]
str x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_current]
/* load _kernel into x1 and current k_thread into x2 */
ldr x1, =_kernel
ldr x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_current]
/* addr of callee-saved regs in thread in x0 */
ldr x0, =_thread_offset_to_callee_saved
add x0, x0, x2
/* Restore x19-x29 plus x30, SPSR_ELn and ELR_ELn */
ldp x19, x20, [x0], #16
ldp x21, x22, [x0], #16
ldp x23, x24, [x0], #16
ldp x25, x26, [x0], #16
ldp x27, x28, [x0], #16
ldp x29, x30, [x0], #16
ldp x4, x5, [x0], #16
switch_el x3, 3f, 2f, 1f
msr spsr_el3, x4
msr elr_el3, x5
b 0f
msr spsr_el2, x4
msr elr_el2, x5
b 0f
msr spsr_el1, x4
msr elr_el1, x5
ldr x6, [x0]
mov sp, x6
stp xzr, x30, [sp, #-16]!
bl sys_trace_thread_switched_out
ldp xzr, x30, [sp], #16
/* We restored x30 from the process stack. There are three possible
* cases:
* - We return to z_arm64_svc() when swappin in a thread that was
* swapped out by z_arm64_svc() before jumping into
* z_arm64_exit_exc()
* - We return to _isr_wrapper() when swappin in a thread that was
* swapped out by _isr_wrapper() before jumping into
* z_arm64_exit_exc()
* - We return (jump) into z_thread_entry_wrapper() for new threads
* (see thread.c)
* @brief Entry wrapper for new threads
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_thread_entry_wrapper)
* z_thread_entry_wrapper is called for every new thread upon the return
* of arch_swap() or ISR. Its address, as well as its input function
* arguments thread_entry_t, void *, void *, void * are restored from
* the thread stack (see thread.c).
* In this case, thread_entry_t, * void *, void * and void * are stored
* in registers x0, x1, x2 and x3. These registers are used as arguments
* to function z_thread_entry.
ldp x0, x1, [sp], #16
ldp x2, x3, [sp], #16
/* ELR_ELn was set in thread.c to z_thread_entry() */
* @brief Service call handler
* The service call (SVC) is used in the following occasions:
* - Cooperative context switching
* - IRQ offloading
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_arm64_svc)
* Save the volatile registers and x30 on the process stack. This is
* needed if the thread is switched out.
stp x0, x1, [sp, #-16]!
stp x2, x3, [sp, #-16]!
stp x4, x5, [sp, #-16]!
stp x6, x7, [sp, #-16]!
stp x8, x9, [sp, #-16]!
stp x10, x11, [sp, #-16]!
stp x12, x13, [sp, #-16]!
stp x14, x15, [sp, #-16]!
stp x16, x17, [sp, #-16]!
stp x18, x30, [sp, #-16]!
switch_el x3, 3f, 2f, 1f
mrs x0, esr_el3
b 0f
mrs x0, esr_el2
b 0f
mrs x0, esr_el1
lsr x1, x0, #26
cmp x1, #0x15 /* 0x15 = SVC */
bne inv
/* Demux the SVC call */
and x2, x0, #0xff
beq context_switch
beq offload
b inv
/* ++(_kernel->nested) to be checked by arch_is_in_isr() */
ldr x1, =_kernel
ldr x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
add x2, x2, #1
str x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
bl z_irq_do_offload
/* --(_kernel->nested) */
ldr x1, =_kernel
ldr x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
sub x2, x2, #1
str x2, [x1, #_kernel_offset_to_nested]
b exit
b inv
bl z_arm64_pendsv
b z_arm64_exit_exc
mov x1, sp
mov x0, #0 /* K_ERR_CPU_EXCEPTION */
b z_arm64_fatal_error
* @brief Restore volatile registers and x30
* This is the common exit point for z_arm64_pendsv() and _isr_wrapper(). We
* restore the registers saved on the process stack including X30. The return
* address used by eret (in ELR_ELn) is either restored by z_arm64_pendsv() if
* a context-switch happened or not touched at all by the ISR if there was no
* context-switch.
* @return N/A
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_arm64_exit_exc)
* In x30 we can have:
* - The address of irq_unlock() in swap.c when swapping in a thread
* that was cooperatively swapped out (used by ret in
* z_arm64_call_svc())
* - A previos generic value if the thread that we are swapping in was
* swapped out preemptively by the ISR.
ldp x18, x30, [sp], #16
ldp x16, x17, [sp], #16
ldp x14, x15, [sp], #16
ldp x12, x13, [sp], #16
ldp x10, x11, [sp], #16
ldp x8, x9, [sp], #16
ldp x6, x7, [sp], #16
ldp x4, x5, [sp], #16
ldp x2, x3, [sp], #16
ldp x0, x1, [sp], #16
* In general in the ELR_ELn register we can find:
* - The address of ret in z_arm64_call_svc() in case of arch_swap()
* (see swap.c)
* - The address of the next instruction at the time of the IRQ when the
* thread was switched out.
* - The address of z_thread_entry() for new threads (see thread.c).
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_arm64_call_svc)
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_arm64_offload)