blob: f5086a57164dd73b65f7aaa199e02de30fd373ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Wachter
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <drivers/can.h>
#include <ztest.h>
#include <strings.h>
* @addtogroup t_can_driver
* @{
* @defgroup t_can_stm32 test_stm32_can
* @brief TestPurpose: verify correct filter handling of stm32 driver
* @details
* - Test Steps
* -# Set driver to loopback mode
* -# Attach a extended and masked filter (1 bank/filter)
* -# Attach a standard none masked filter (1/4 bank/filter)
* -# Detach the first filter (first bank gets free) an attach
* a different standard none masked filter (1/4 bank/filter).
* Bank 0 is extended to 4 filters/bank which leads to a left shift
* of the first filter by 3 and tests the corner case of the last filter
* is used.
* -# Test message sending and receiving
* -# Detach first fillter (gets free) and attach an extended filter.
* This shrinks bank 0 to 2 filters/bank which leads to a right shift
* of the first buffer by two.
* -# Test message sending and receiving.
* -# Detach both filters.
* - Expected Results
* -# Message reception should work in any case
* @}
#define TEST_CAN_STD_ID 0x555
#define TEST_CAN_SOME_STD_ID 0x123
#define TEST_CAN_EXT_ID 0x15555555
CAN_DEFINE_MSGQ(can_msgq, 5);
struct zcan_frame test_std_msg = {
.std_id = TEST_CAN_STD_ID,
.dlc = 8,
.data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
const struct zcan_filter test_std_filter = {
.std_id = TEST_CAN_STD_ID,
.rtr_mask = 1,
.std_id_mask = CAN_STD_ID_MASK
const struct zcan_filter test_ext_filter = {
.ext_id = TEST_CAN_EXT_ID,
.rtr_mask = 1,
.ext_id_mask = CAN_EXT_ID_MASK
const struct zcan_filter test_ext_masked_filter = {
.ext_id = TEST_CAN_EXT_ID,
.rtr_mask = 1,
.ext_id_mask = TEST_CAN_EXT_MASK
const struct zcan_filter test_std_some_filter = {
.rtr_mask = 1,
.std_id_mask = CAN_STD_ID_MASK
static inline void check_msg(struct zcan_frame *msg1, struct zcan_frame *msg2)
int cmp_res;
zassert_equal(msg1->id_type, msg2->id_type,
"ID type does not match");
zassert_equal(msg1->rtr, msg2->rtr,
"RTR bit does not match");
if (msg2->id_type == CAN_STANDARD_IDENTIFIER) {
zassert_equal(msg1->std_id, msg2->std_id,
"ID does not match");
} else {
zassert_equal(msg1->ext_id, msg2->ext_id,
"ID does not match");
zassert_equal(msg1->dlc, msg2->dlc,
"DLC does not match");
cmp_res = memcmp(msg1->data, msg2->data, msg1->dlc);
zassert_equal(cmp_res, 0, "Received data differ");
static void send_test_msg(struct device *can_dev, struct zcan_frame *msg)
int ret;
ret = can_send(can_dev, msg, TEST_SEND_TIMEOUT, NULL, NULL);
zassert_not_equal(ret, CAN_TX_ARB_LOST,
"Arbitration though in loopback mode");
zassert_equal(ret, CAN_TX_OK, "Can't send a message. Err: %d", ret);
* Test a more adcvanced filter handling. Attach more than one filter at
* the same time, remove and change the filters before the message.
* This tests the internals filter handling of the driver itself.
static void test_filter_handling(void)
struct device *can_dev;
int ret, filter_id_1, filter_id_2;
struct zcan_frame msg_buffer;
can_dev = device_get_binding(DT_CHOSEN_ZEPHYR_CAN_PRIMARY_LABEL);
ret = can_configure(can_dev, CAN_LOOPBACK_MODE, 0);
filter_id_1 = can_attach_msgq(can_dev, &can_msgq, &test_ext_masked_filter);
zassert_not_equal(filter_id_1, CAN_NO_FREE_FILTER,
"Filter full even for a single one");
zassert_true((filter_id_1 >= 0), "Negative filter number");
filter_id_2 = can_attach_msgq(can_dev, &can_msgq, &test_std_filter);
zassert_not_equal(filter_id_2, CAN_NO_FREE_FILTER,
"Filter full when attaching the second one");
zassert_true((filter_id_2 >= 0), "Negative filter number");
can_detach(can_dev, filter_id_1);
filter_id_1 = can_attach_msgq(can_dev, &can_msgq, &test_std_some_filter);
zassert_not_equal(filter_id_1, CAN_NO_FREE_FILTER,
"Filter full when overriding the first one");
zassert_true((filter_id_1 >= 0), "Negative filter number");
send_test_msg(can_dev, &test_std_msg);
ret = k_msgq_get(&can_msgq, &msg_buffer, TEST_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "Receiving timeout");
check_msg(&test_std_msg, &msg_buffer);
ret = k_msgq_get(&can_msgq, &msg_buffer, TEST_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
zassert_equal(ret, -EAGAIN, "There is more than one msg in the queue");
can_detach(can_dev, filter_id_1);
filter_id_1 = can_attach_msgq(can_dev, &can_msgq, &test_ext_filter);
zassert_not_equal(filter_id_1, CAN_NO_FREE_FILTER,
"Filter full when overriding the first one");
zassert_true((filter_id_1 >= 0), "Negative filter number");
send_test_msg(can_dev, &test_std_msg);
ret = k_msgq_get(&can_msgq, &msg_buffer, TEST_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
zassert_equal(ret, 0, "Receiving timeout");
check_msg(&test_std_msg, &msg_buffer);
can_detach(can_dev, filter_id_1);
can_detach(can_dev, filter_id_2);
void test_main(void)