blob: 5ec707250bc7eeba0e28e4c2910d92c10f2a05ad [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018,2020 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import collections
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import os
from email.utils import parseaddr
import logging
import argparse
from junitparser import TestCase, TestSuite, JUnitXml, Skipped, Error, Failure, Attr
import tempfile
import traceback
import magic
import shlex
from pathlib import Path
# '*' makes it italic
EDIT_TIP = "\n\n*Tip: The bot edits this comment instead of posting a new " \
"one, so you can check the comment's history to see earlier " \
logger = None
# This ends up as None when we're not running in a Zephyr tree
ZEPHYR_BASE = os.environ.get('ZEPHYR_BASE')
def git(*args, cwd=None):
# Helper for running a Git command. Returns the rstrip()ed stdout output.
# Called like git("diff"). Exits with SystemError (raised by sys.exit()) on
# errors. 'cwd' is the working directory to use (default: current
# directory).
git_cmd = ("git",) + args
git_process = subprocess.Popen(
git_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
except OSError as e:
err(f"failed to run '{cmd2str(git_cmd)}': {e}")
stdout, stderr = git_process.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
if git_process.returncode or stderr:
'{cmd2str(git_cmd)}' exited with status {git_process.returncode} and/or wrote
to stderr.
return stdout.rstrip()
def get_shas(refspec):
Returns the list of Git SHAs for 'refspec'.
:param refspec:
return git('rev-list',
'--max-count={}'.format(-1 if "." in refspec else 1),
class MyCase(TestCase):
Custom junitparser.TestCase for our tests that adds some extra <testcase>
XML attributes. These will be preserved when tests are saved and loaded.
classname = Attr()
# Remembers informational messages. These can appear on successful tests
# too, where TestCase.result isn't set.
info_msg = Attr()
class ComplianceTest:
Base class for tests. Inheriting classes should have a run() method and set
these class variables:
Test name
Link to documentation related to what's being tested
The path the test runs itself in. This is just informative and used in
the message that gets printed when running the test.
The magic string "<git-top>" refers to the top-level repository
directory. This avoids running 'git' to find the top-level directory
before main() runs (class variable assignments run when the 'class ...'
statement runs). That avoids swallowing errors, because main() reports
them to GitHub.
def __init__(self): = MyCase( = "Guidelines"
def error(self, msg):
Signals a problem with running the test, with message 'msg'.
Raises an exception internally, so you do not need to put a 'return'
after error().
Any failures generated prior to the error() are included automatically
in the message. Usually, any failures would indicate problems with the
test code.
msg += "\n\nFailures before error: " + = Error(msg, "error")
raise EndTest
def skip(self, msg):
Signals that the test should be skipped, with message 'msg'.
Raises an exception internally, so you do not need to put a 'return'
after skip().
Any failures generated prior to the skip() are included automatically
in the message. Usually, any failures would indicate problems with the
test code.
msg += "\n\nFailures before skip: " + = Skipped(msg, "skipped")
raise EndTest
def add_failure(self, msg):
Signals that the test failed, with message 'msg'. Can be called many
times within the same test to report multiple failures.
if not
# First reported failure = Failure( + " issues", "failure") = msg.rstrip()
# If there are multiple Failures, concatenate their messages += "\n\n" + msg.rstrip()
def add_info(self, msg):
Adds an informational message without failing the test. The message is
shown on GitHub, and is shown regardless of whether the test passes or
fails. If the test fails, then both the informational message and the
failure message are shown.
Can be called many times within the same test to add multiple messages.
def escape(s):
# Hack to preserve e.g. newlines and tabs in the attribute when
# tests are saved to .xml and reloaded. junitparser doesn't seem to
# handle it correctly, though it does escape stuff like quotes.
# unicode-escape replaces newlines with \n (two characters), etc.
return s.encode("unicode-escape").decode("utf-8")
if not = escape(msg)
else: += r"\n\n" + escape(msg)
class EndTest(Exception):
Raised by ComplianceTest.error()/skip() to end the test.
Tests can raise EndTest themselves to immediately end the test, e.g. from
within a nested function call.
class CheckPatch(ComplianceTest):
Runs checkpatch and reports found issues
name = "checkpatch"
doc = "See for more details."
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def run(self):
# Default to Zephyr's checkpatch if ZEPHYR_BASE is set
checkpatch = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE or GIT_TOP, 'scripts',
if not os.path.exists(checkpatch):
self.skip(checkpatch + " not found")
# git diff's output doesn't depend on the current (sub)directory
diff = subprocess.Popen(('git', 'diff', COMMIT_RANGE),
subprocess.check_output((checkpatch, '--mailback', '--no-tree', '-'),
shell=True, cwd=GIT_TOP)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
output = ex.output.decode("utf-8")
class KconfigCheck(ComplianceTest):
Checks is we are introducing any new warnings/errors with Kconfig,
for example using undefiend Kconfig variables.
name = "Kconfig"
doc = "See for more details."
path_hint = ZEPHYR_BASE
def run(self, full=True):
kconf = self.parse_kconfig()
if full:
def get_modules(self, modules_file):
Get a list of modules and put them in a file that is parsed by
This is needed to complete Kconfig sanity tests.
# Invoke the script directly using the Python executable since this is
# not a module nor a pip-installed Python utility
zephyr_module_path = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts",
cmd = [sys.executable, zephyr_module_path,
'--kconfig-out', modules_file]
_ = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
modules_dir = ZEPHYR_BASE + '/modules'
modules = [name for name in os.listdir(modules_dir) if
os.path.exists(os.path.join(modules_dir, name, 'Kconfig'))]
with open(modules_file, 'r') as fp_module_file:
content =
with open(modules_file, 'w') as fp_module_file:
for module in modules:
fp_module_file.write("ZEPHYR_{}_KCONFIG = {}\n".format(
re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', module).upper(),
modules_dir + '/' + module + '/Kconfig'
def write_kconfig_soc(self):
Write KConfig soc files to be sourced during Kconfig parsing
soc_defconfig_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.soc.defconfig")
soc_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.soc")
soc_arch_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.soc.arch")
shield_defconfig_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.shield.defconfig")
shield_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.shield")
with open(soc_defconfig_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(f'osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/soc/$(ARCH)/*/Kconfig.defconfig"\n')
with open(soc_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(f'osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/soc/$(ARCH)/*/Kconfig.soc"\n')
with open(soc_arch_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(f'osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/soc/$(ARCH)/Kconfig"\n\
osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/soc/$(ARCH)/*/Kconfig"\n')
with open(shield_defconfig_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(f'osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/boards/shields/*/Kconfig.defconfig"\n')
with open(shield_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(f'osource "{ZEPHYR_BASE}/boards/shields/*/Kconfig.shield"\n')
except IOError as ex:
def parse_kconfig(self):
Returns a kconfiglib.Kconfig object for the Kconfig files. We reuse
this object for all tests to avoid having to reparse for each test.
self.skip("Not a Zephyr tree (ZEPHYR_BASE unset)")
# Put the Kconfiglib path first to make sure no local Kconfiglib version is
# used
kconfig_path = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "kconfig")
if not os.path.exists(kconfig_path):
self.error(kconfig_path + " not found")
sys.path.insert(0, kconfig_path)
# Import globally so that e.g. kconfiglib.Symbol can be referenced in
# tests
global kconfiglib
import kconfiglib
# Look up Kconfig files relative to ZEPHYR_BASE
os.environ["srctree"] = ZEPHYR_BASE
# Parse the entire Kconfig tree, to make sure we see all symbols
os.environ["SOC_DIR"] = "soc/"
os.environ["ARCH_DIR"] = "arch/"
os.environ["BOARD_DIR"] = "boards/*/*"
os.environ["ARCH"] = "*"
os.environ["KCONFIG_BINARY_DIR"] = tempfile.gettempdir()
os.environ['DEVICETREE_CONF'] = "dummy"
os.environ['TOOLCHAIN_HAS_NEWLIB'] = "y"
# Older name for DEVICETREE_CONF, for compatibility with older Zephyr
# versions that don't have the renaming
os.environ["GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF"] = "dummy"
# For multi repo support
self.get_modules(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Kconfig.modules"))
# For list of SOC_ROOT support
# Tells Kconfiglib to generate warnings for all references to undefined
# symbols within Kconfig files
os.environ["KCONFIG_WARN_UNDEF"] = "y"
# Note this will both print warnings to stderr _and_ return
# them: so some warnings might get printed
# twice. "warn_to_stderr=False" could unfortunately cause
# some (other) warnings to never be printed.
return kconfiglib.Kconfig()
except kconfiglib.KconfigError as e:
raise EndTest
def check_top_menu_not_too_long(self, kconf):
Checks that there aren't too many items in the top-level menu (which
might be a sign that stuff accidentally got added there)
max_top_items = 50
n_top_items = 0
node = kconf.top_node.list
while node:
# Only count items with prompts. Other items will never be
# shown in the menuconfig (outside show-all mode).
if node.prompt:
n_top_items += 1
node =
if n_top_items > max_top_items:
Expected no more than {} potentially visible items (items with prompts) in the
top-level Kconfig menu, found {} items. If you're deliberately adding new
entries, then bump the 'max_top_items' variable in {}.
""".format(max_top_items, n_top_items, __file__))
def check_no_pointless_menuconfigs(self, kconf):
# Checks that there are no pointless 'menuconfig' symbols without
# children in the Kconfig files
bad_mconfs = []
for node in kconf.node_iter():
# 'kconfiglib' is global
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
# Avoid flagging empty regular menus and choices, in case people do
# something with 'osource' (could happen for 'menuconfig' symbols
# too, though it's less likely)
if node.is_menuconfig and not node.list and \
isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Symbol):
if bad_mconfs:
Found pointless 'menuconfig' symbols without children. Use regular 'config'
symbols instead. See
""" + "\n".join(f"{} {node.filename}:{node.linenr}"
for node in bad_mconfs))
def check_no_undef_within_kconfig(self, kconf):
Checks that there are no references to undefined Kconfig symbols within
the Kconfig files
undef_ref_warnings = "\n\n\n".join(warning for warning in kconf.warnings
if "undefined symbol" in warning)
if undef_ref_warnings:
self.add_failure("Undefined Kconfig symbols:\n\n"
+ undef_ref_warnings)
def check_no_undef_outside_kconfig(self, kconf):
Checks that there are no references to undefined Kconfig symbols
outside Kconfig files (any CONFIG_FOO where no FOO symbol exists)
# Grep for symbol references.
# Example output line for a reference to CONFIG_FOO at line 17 of
# foo/bar.c:
# foo/bar.c<null>17<null>#ifdef CONFIG_FOO
# 'git grep --only-matching' would get rid of the surrounding context
# ('#ifdef '), but it was added fairly recently (second half of 2018),
# so we extract the references from each line ourselves instead.
# The regex uses word boundaries (\b) to isolate the reference, and
# negative lookahead to automatically whitelist the following:
# - ##, for token pasting (CONFIG_FOO_##X)
# - $, e.g. for CMake variable expansion (CONFIG_FOO_${VAR})
# - @, e.g. for CMakes's configure_file() (CONFIG_FOO_@VAR@)
# - {, e.g. for Python scripts ("CONFIG_FOO_{}_BAR".format(...)")
# - *, meant for comments like '#endif /* CONFIG_FOO_* */
defined_syms = get_defined_syms(kconf)
# Maps each undefined symbol to a list <filename>:<linenr> strings
undef_to_locs = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Warning: Needs to work with both --perl-regexp and the 're' module
regex = r"\bCONFIG_[A-Z0-9_]+\b(?!\s*##|[$@{*])"
# Skip doc/releases, which often references removed symbols
grep_stdout = git("grep", "--line-number", "-I", "--null",
"--perl-regexp", regex, "--", ":!/doc/releases",
# splitlines() supports various line terminators
for grep_line in grep_stdout.splitlines():
path, lineno, line = grep_line.split("\0")
# Extract symbol references (might be more than one) within the
# line
for sym_name in re.findall(regex, line):
sym_name = sym_name[7:] # Strip CONFIG_
if sym_name not in defined_syms and \
undef_to_locs[sym_name].append("{}:{}".format(path, lineno))
if not undef_to_locs:
# String that describes all referenced but undefined Kconfig symbols,
# in alphabetical order, along with the locations where they're
# referenced. Example:
# CONFIG_ALSO_MISSING arch/xtensa/core/fatal.c:273
# CONFIG_MISSING arch/xtensa/core/fatal.c:264, subsys/fb/cfb.c:20
undef_desc = "\n".join(
"CONFIG_{:35} {}".format(sym_name, ", ".join(locs))
for sym_name, locs in sorted(undef_to_locs.items()))
Found references to undefined Kconfig symbols. If any of these are false
positives, then add them to UNDEF_KCONFIG_WHITELIST in {} in the ci-tools repo.
If the reference is for a comment like /* CONFIG_FOO_* */ (or
/* CONFIG_FOO_*_... */), then please use exactly that form (with the '*'). The
CI check knows not to flag it.
More generally, a reference followed by $, @, {{, *, or ## will never be
{}""".format(os.path.basename(__file__), undef_desc))
def get_defined_syms(kconf):
# Returns a set() with the names of all defined Kconfig symbols (with no
# 'CONFIG_' prefix). This is complicated by samples and tests defining
# their own Kconfig trees. For those, just grep for 'config FOO' to find
# definitions. Doing it "properly" with Kconfiglib is still useful for the
# main tree, because some symbols are defined using preprocessor macros.
# Warning: Needs to work with both --perl-regexp and the 're' module.
# (?:...) is a non-capturing group.
regex = r"^\s*(?:menu)?config\s*([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*(?:#|$)"
# Grep samples/ and tests/ for symbol definitions
grep_stdout = git("grep", "-I", "-h", "--perl-regexp", regex, "--",
":samples", ":tests", cwd=ZEPHYR_BASE)
# Symbols from the main Kconfig tree + grepped definitions from samples and
# tests
return set([ for sym in kconf.unique_defined_syms]
+ re.findall(regex, grep_stdout, re.MULTILINE))
# Many of these are symbols used as examples. Note that the list is sorted
# alphabetically, and skips the CONFIG_ prefix.
"ARMCLANG_STD_LIBC", # The ARMCLANG_STD_LIBC is defined in the toolchain
# Kconfig which is sourced based on Zephyr toolchain
# variant and therefore not visible to compliance.
"BT_6LOWPAN", # Defined in Linux, mentioned in docs
"CRC", # Used in TI CC13x2 / CC26x2 SDK comment
"DEEP_SLEEP", # #defined by RV32M1 in ext/
"ESP_DIF_LIBRARY", # Referenced in CMake comment
"FFT", # Used as an example in cmake/extensions.cmake
"FLAG", # Used as an example
"NORMAL_SLEEP", # #defined by RV32M1 in ext/
"SAMPLE_MODULE_LOG_LEVEL", # Used as an example in samples/subsys/logging
"SAMPLE_MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_DBG", # Used in tests/subsys/logging/log_api
"SOC_WATCH", # Issue 13749
"SRAM2", # Referenced in a comment in samples/application_development
"STACK_SIZE", # Used as an example in the Kconfig docs
"STD_CPP", # Referenced in CMake comment
"TAGOIO_HTTP_POST_LOG_LEVEL", # Used as in samples/net/cloud/tagoio
"EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR", # Linux, in boards/xtensa/intel_adsp_cavs25/doc
"HUGETLBFS", # Linux, in boards/xtensa/intel_adsp_cavs25/doc
"MODVERSIONS", # Linux, in boards/xtensa/intel_adsp_cavs25/doc
"SECURITY_LOADPIN", # Linux, in boards/xtensa/intel_adsp_cavs25/doc
class KconfigBasicCheck(KconfigCheck, ComplianceTest):
Checks is we are introducing any new warnings/errors with Kconfig,
for example using undefiend Kconfig variables.
This runs the basic Kconfig test, which is checking only for undefined
references inside the Kconfig tree.
name = "KconfigBasic"
doc = "See for more details."
path_hint = ZEPHYR_BASE
def run(self):
class Codeowners(ComplianceTest):
Check if added files have an owner.
name = "Codeowners"
doc = "See for more details."
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def ls_owned_files(self, codeowners):
"""Returns an OrderedDict mapping git patterns from the CODEOWNERS file
to the corresponding list of files found on the filesystem. It
unfortunately does not seem possible to invoke git and re-use
how 'git ignore' and/or 'git attributes' already implement this,
we must re-invent it.
# TODO: filter out files not in "git ls-files" (e.g.,
# twister-out) _if_ the overhead isn't too high for a clean tree.
# pathlib.match() doesn't support **, so it looks like we can't
# recursively glob the output of ls-files directly, only real
# files :-(
pattern2files = collections.OrderedDict()
top_path = Path(GIT_TOP)
with open(codeowners, "r") as codeo:
for lineno, line in enumerate(codeo, start=1):
if line.startswith("#") or not line.strip():
match = re.match(r"^([^\s,]+)\s+[^\s]+", line)
if not match:
"Invalid CODEOWNERS line %d\n\t%s" %
(lineno, line))
git_patrn =
glob = self.git_pattern_to_glob(git_patrn)
files = []
for abs_path in top_path.glob(glob):
# comparing strings is much faster later
if not files:
self.add_failure("Path '{}' not found in the tree but is listed in "
pattern2files[git_patrn] = files
return pattern2files
def git_pattern_to_glob(self, git_pattern):
"""Appends and prepends '**[/*]' when needed. Result has neither a
leading nor a trailing slash.
if git_pattern.startswith("/"):
ret = git_pattern[1:]
ret = "**/" + git_pattern
if git_pattern.endswith("/"):
ret = ret + "**/*"
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(GIT_TOP, ret)):
self.add_failure("Expected '/' after directory '{}' "
"in CODEOWNERS".format(ret))
return ret
def run(self):
# TODO: testing an old self.commit range that doesn't end
# with HEAD is most likely a mistake. Should warn, see
codeowners = os.path.join(GIT_TOP, "CODEOWNERS")
if not os.path.exists(codeowners):
self.skip("CODEOWNERS not available in this repo")
name_changes = git("diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ARCD",
owners_changes = git("diff", "--name-only", COMMIT_RANGE,
"--", codeowners)
if not name_changes and not owners_changes:
# TODO: 1. decouple basic and cheap CODEOWNERS syntax
# validation from the expensive ls_owned_files() scanning of
# the entire tree. 2. run the former always.
return"If this takes too long then cleanup and try again")
patrn2files = self.ls_owned_files(codeowners)
# The way git finds Renames and Copies is not "exact science",
# however if one is missed then it will always be reported as an
# Addition instead.
new_files = git("diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ARC",
logging.debug("New files %s", new_files)
# Convert to pathlib.Path string representation (e.g.,
# backslashes 'dir1\dir2\' on Windows) to be consistent
# with self.ls_owned_files()
new_files = [str(Path(f)) for f in new_files]
new_not_owned = []
for newf in new_files:
f_is_owned = False
for git_pat, owned in patrn2files.items():
logging.debug("Scanning %s for %s", git_pat, newf)
if newf in owned:"%s matches new file %s", git_pat, newf)
f_is_owned = True
# Unlike github, we don't care about finding any
# more specific owner.
if not f_is_owned:
if new_not_owned:
self.add_failure("New files added that are not covered in "
"CODEOWNERS:\n\n" + "\n".join(new_not_owned) +
"\n\nPlease add one or more entries in the "
"CODEOWNERS file to cover those files")
class Nits(ComplianceTest):
Checks various nits in added/modified files. Doesn't check stuff that's
already covered by e.g. and pylint.
name = "Nits"
doc = "See for more details."
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def run(self):
# Loop through added/modified files
for fname in git("diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d",
if "Kconfig" in fname:
if fname.startswith("dts/bindings/"):
if fname.endswith((".c", ".conf", ".cpp", ".dts", ".overlay",
".h", ".ld", ".py", ".rst", ".txt", ".yaml",
".yml")) or \
"Kconfig" in fname or \
"defconfig" in fname or \
fname == "README":
def check_kconfig_header(self, fname):
# Checks for a spammy copy-pasted header format
with open(os.path.join(GIT_TOP, fname), encoding="utf-8") as f:
contents =
# 'Kconfig - yada yada' has a copy-pasted redundant filename at the
# top. This probably means all of the header was copy-pasted.
if re.match(r"\s*#\s*(K|k)config[\w.-]*\s*-", contents):
Please use this format for the header in '{}' (see
# <Overview of symbols defined in the file, preferably in plain English>
(Blank line)
# Copyright (c) 2019 ...
# SPDX-License-Identifier: <License>
(Blank line)
(Kconfig definitions)
Skip the "Kconfig - " part of the first line, since it's clear that the comment
is about Kconfig from context. The "# Kconfig - " is what triggers this
def check_redundant_zephyr_source(self, fname):
# Checks for 'source "$(ZEPHYR_BASE)/Kconfig[.zephyr]"', which can be
# be simplified to 'source "Kconfig[.zephyr]"'
with open(os.path.join(GIT_TOP, fname), encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Look for e.g. rsource as well, for completeness
match =
r'^\s*(?:o|r|or)?source\s*"\$\(?ZEPHYR_BASE\)?/(Kconfig(?:\.zephyr)?)"',, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
Redundant 'source "$(ZEPHYR_BASE)/{0}" in '{1}'. Just do 'source "{0}"'
instead. The $srctree environment variable already points to the Zephyr root,
and all 'source's are relative to it.""".format(, fname))
def check_redundant_document_separator(self, fname):
# Looks for redundant '...' document separators in bindings
with open(os.path.join(GIT_TOP, fname), encoding="utf-8") as f:
if"^\.\.\.",, re.MULTILINE):
Redundant '...' document separator in {fname}. Binding YAML files are never
concatenated together, so no document separators are needed.""")
def check_source_file(self, fname):
# Generic nits related to various source files
with open(os.path.join(GIT_TOP, fname), encoding="utf-8") as f:
contents =
if not contents.endswith("\n"):
self.add_failure("Missing newline at end of '{}'. Check your text "
"editor settings.".format(fname))
if contents.startswith("\n"):
self.add_failure("Please remove blank lines at start of '{}'"
if contents.endswith("\n\n"):
self.add_failure("Please remove blank lines at end of '{}'"
class GitLint(ComplianceTest):
Runs gitlint on the commits and finds issues with style and syntax
name = "Gitlint"
doc = "See for more details"
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def run(self):
# By default gitlint looks for .gitlint configuration only in
# the current directory
proc = subprocess.Popen('gitlint --commits ' + COMMIT_RANGE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
shell=True, cwd=GIT_TOP)
msg = ""
if proc.wait() != 0:
msg =
if msg != "":
class PyLint(ComplianceTest):
Runs pylint on all .py files, with a limited set of checks enabled. The
configuration is in the pylintrc file.
name = "pylint"
doc = "See for more details"
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def run(self):
# Path to pylint configuration file
pylintrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
# List of files added/modified by the commit(s).
files = git(
"diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", COMMIT_RANGE, "--",
# Skip to work around crash in pylint 2.2.2:
":!boards/xtensa/intel_s1000_crb/support/") \
# Filter out everything but Python files. Keep filenames
# relative (to GIT_TOP) to stay farther from any command line
# limit.
py_files = filter_py(GIT_TOP, files)
if not py_files:
pylintcmd = ["pylint", "--rcfile=" + pylintrc] + py_files
# Run pylint on added/modified Python files
process = subprocess.Popen(
except OSError as e:
self.error(f"Failed to run {cmd2str(pylintcmd)}: {e}")
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
if process.returncode or stderr:
# Issues found, or a problem with pylint itself
self.add_failure(stdout.decode("utf-8") + stderr.decode("utf-8"))
def filter_py(root, fnames):
# PyLint check helper. Returns all Python script filenames among the
# filenames in 'fnames', relative to directory 'root'.
# Uses the python-magic library, so that we can detect Python
# files that don't end in .py as well. python-magic is a frontend
# to libmagic, which is also used by 'file'.
# The extra os.path.isfile() is necessary because git includes
# submodule directories in its output.
return [fname for fname in fnames
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, fname)) and
(fname.endswith(".py") or
magic.from_file(os.path.join(root, fname),
mime=True) == "text/x-python")]
class Identity(ComplianceTest):
Checks if Emails of author and signed-off messages are consistent.
name = "Identity"
doc = "See for more details"
# git rev-list and git log don't depend on the current (sub)directory
# unless explicited
path_hint = "<git-top>"
def run(self):
for shaidx in get_shas(COMMIT_RANGE):
commit = git("log", "--decorate=short", "-n 1", shaidx)
signed = []
author = ""
sha = ""
parsed_addr = None
for line in commit.split("\n"):
match ="^commit\s([^\s]*)", line)
if match:
sha =
match ="^Author:\s(.*)", line)
if match:
author =
parsed_addr = parseaddr(author)
match ="signed-off-by:\s(.*)", line, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
error1 = "%s: author email (%s) needs to match one of the signed-off-by entries." % (
sha, author)
error2 = "%s: author email (%s) does not follow the syntax: First Last <email>." % (
sha, author)
error3 = "%s: author email (%s) must be a real email and cannot end in" % (
sha, author)
failure = None
if author not in signed:
failure = error1
if not parsed_addr or len(parsed_addr[0].split(" ")) < 2:
if not failure:
failure = error2
failure = failure + "\n" + error2
elif parsed_addr[1].endswith(""):
failure = error3
if failure:
def init_logs(cli_arg):
# Initializes logging
# TODO: there may be a shorter version thanks to:
# logging.basicConfig(...)
global logger
level = os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', "WARN")
console = logging.StreamHandler()
console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-8s: %(message)s'))
logger = logging.getLogger('')
logger.setLevel(cli_arg if cli_arg else level)"Log init completed, level=%s",
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Check for coding style and documentation warnings.")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--commits', default="HEAD~1..",
help='''Commit range in the form: a..[b], default is
parser.add_argument('-r', '--repo', default=None,
help="GitHub repository")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull-request', default=0, type=int,
help="Pull request number")
parser.add_argument('-S', '--sha', default=None, help="Commit SHA")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default="compliance.xml",
help='''Name of outfile in JUnit format,
default is ./compliance.xml''')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action="store_true",
help="List all checks and exit")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--loglevel", help="python logging level")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', action="append", default=[],
help="Checks to run. All checks by default.")
parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude-module', action="append", default=[],
help="Do not run the specified checks")
parser.add_argument('-j', '--previous-run', default=None,
help='''Pre-load JUnit results in XML format
from a previous run and combine with new results.''')
return parser.parse_args()
def _main(args):
# The "real" main(), which is wrapped to catch exceptions and report them
# to GitHub. Returns the number of test failures.
# The absolute path of the top-level git directory. Initialize it here so
# that issues running Git can be reported to GitHub.
global GIT_TOP
GIT_TOP = git("rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
# The commit range passed in --commit, e.g. "HEAD~3"
COMMIT_RANGE = args.commits
if args.list:
for testcase in ComplianceTest.__subclasses__():
return 0
# Load saved test results from an earlier run, if requested
if args.previous_run:
if not os.path.exists(args.previous_run):
# This probably means that an earlier pass had an internal error
# (the script is currently run multiple times by the ci-pipelines
# repo). Since that earlier pass might've posted an error to
# GitHub, avoid generating a GitHub comment here, by avoiding
# sys.exit() (which gets caught in main()).
print("error: '{}' not found".format(args.previous_run),
return 1"Loading previous results from " + args.previous_run)
for loaded_suite in JUnitXml.fromfile(args.previous_run):
suite = loaded_suite
suite = TestSuite("Compliance")
for testcase in ComplianceTest.__subclasses__():
# "Modules" and "testcases" are the same thing. Better flags would have
# been --tests and --exclude-tests or the like, but it's awkward to
# change now.
if args.module and not in args.module:
if in args.exclude_module:
print("Skipping " +
test = testcase()
print(f"Running {} tests in "
f"{GIT_TOP if test.path_hint == '<git-top>' else test.path_hint} ...")
except EndTest:
xml = JUnitXml()
xml.write(args.output, pretty=True)
failed_cases = []
name2doc = { testcase.doc
for testcase in ComplianceTest.__subclasses__()}
for case in suite:
if case.result:
if case.result.type == 'skipped':
logging.warning("Skipped %s, %s",, case.result.message)
# Some checks like codeowners can produce no .result"No JUnit result for %s",
n_fails = len(failed_cases)
if n_fails:
print("{} checks failed".format(n_fails))
for case in failed_cases:
# not clear why junitxml doesn't clearly expose the most
# important part of its underlying etree.Element
errmsg = case.result._elem.text
logging.error("Test %s failed: %s",,
errmsg.strip() if errmsg else case.result.message)
with open(f"{}.txt", "w") as f:
docs = name2doc.get(
f.write(errmsg.strip() if errmsg else case.result.message)
print("\nComplete results in " + args.output)
return n_fails
def main():
args = parse_args()
n_fails = _main(args)
except BaseException:
# Catch BaseException instead of Exception to include stuff like
# SystemExit (raised by sys.exit())
print("Python exception in `{}`:\n\n"
"```\n{}\n```".format(__file__, traceback.format_exc()))
def cmd2str(cmd):
# Formats the command-line arguments in the iterable 'cmd' into a string,
# for error messages and the like
return " ".join(shlex.quote(word) for word in cmd)
def err(msg):
cmd = sys.argv[0] # Empty if missing
if cmd:
cmd += ": "
sys.exit(cmd + "error: " + msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":