blob: 64a510168f90b273fe06960c83bbfb339b9fa5ae [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
import ctypes
import mmap
import os
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import logging
# Intel Audio DSP firmware loader. No dependencies on anything
# outside this file beyond Python3 builtins. Pass a signed rimage
# file as the single argument.
log = logging.getLogger("cavs-fw")
FW_FILE = sys.argv[1]
PAGESZ = 4096
HUGEPAGESZ = 2 * 1024 * 1024
HUGEPAGE_FILE = "/dev/hugepages/cavs-fw-dma.tmp"
HDA_SD_CTL__START = 1 << 1
def main():
if os.system("lsmod | grep -q snd_sof_pci") == 0:
log.warning("The Linux snd-sof-pci kernel module is loaded. While this")
log.warning(" loader will normally work in such circumstances, things")
log.warning(" will get confused if the system tries to touch the hardware")
log.warning(" simultaneously. Operation is most reliable if it is")
log.warning(" unloaded first.")
# Make sure hugetlbfs is mounted (not there on chromeos)
os.system("mount | grep -q hugetlbfs ||"
+ " (mkdir -p /dev/hugepages; "
+ " mount -t hugetlbfs hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages)")
with open(FW_FILE, "rb") as f:
fw_bytes =
(magic, sz) = struct.unpack("4sI", fw_bytes[0:8])
if magic == b'XMan':"Trimming {sz} bytes of extended manifest")
fw_bytes = fw_bytes[sz:len(fw_bytes)]
(hda, sd, dsp) = map_regs() # Device register mappings
# Reset the HDA device"Reset HDA device")
hda.GCTL = 0
while hda.GCTL & 1: pass
hda.GCTL = 1
while not hda.GCTL & 1: pass
# Turn on HDA "global processing enable" first. As documented,
# this enables the audio DSP (vs. hardware HDA emulation). But it
# actually means "enable access to the ADSP registers in PCI BAR 4" (!)"Enable HDA global processing")
# Turn off the DSP CPUs (each byte of ADSPCS is a bitmask for each
# of 1-8 DSP cores: lowest byte controls "stall", the second byte
# engages "reset", the third controls power, and the highest byte
# is the output state for "powered" to be read after a state
# change. Set stall and reset, and turn off power for everything:"Powering down, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
dsp.ADSPCS = 0xffff
while dsp.ADSPCS & 0xff000000: pass"Powered down, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
# Configure our DMA stream to transfer the firmware image"Configuring DMA output stream {hda_ostream_id}...")
(buf_list_addr, num_bufs) = setup_dma_mem(fw_bytes)
# Reset stream
sd.CTL = 1
while (sd.CTL & 1) == 0: pass
sd.CTL = 0
while (sd.CTL & 1) == 1: pass
sd.CTL = (1 << 20) # Set stream ID to anything non-zero
sd.BDPU = (buf_list_addr >> 32) & 0xffffffff
sd.BDPL = buf_list_addr & 0xffffffff
sd.CBL = len(fw_bytes)
sd.LVI = num_bufs - 1
# Enable "processing" on the output stream (send DMA to the DSP
# and not the audio output hardware)
hda.PPCTL |= (HDA_PPCTL__GPROCEN | (1 << hda_ostream_id))
# SPIB ("Software Position In Buffer") is an Intel HDA extension
# that puts a transfer boundary into the stream beyond which the
# other side will not read. The ROM wants to poll on a "buffer
# full" bit on the other side that only works with this enabled.
hda.SPBFCTL |= (1 << hda_ostream_id)
hda.SD_SPIB = len(fw_bytes)
# Power up all the cores on the DSP and wait for CPU0 to show that
# it has power. Leave stall and reset high for now"Powering up DSP core #0, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
dsp.ADSPCS = 0x01ffff
while (dsp.ADSPCS & 0x01000000) == 0: pass"Powered up {ncores(dsp)} cores, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
# Send the DSP an IPC message to tell the device how to boot
# ("PURGE_FW" means "load new code") and which DMA channel to use.
# The high bit is the "BUSY" signal bit that latches a device
# interrupt.
# Note: with cAVS 1.8+ the ROM receives the stream argument as an index
# within the array of output streams (and we always use the first
# one by construction). But with 1.5 it's the HDA index, and
# depends on the number of input streams on the device.
stream_idx = hda_ostream_id if cavs15 else 0
ipcval = ( (1 << 31) # BUSY bit
| (0x01 << 24) # type = PURGE_FW
| (1 << 14) # purge_fw = 1
| (stream_idx << 9)) # dma_id"Sending PURGW_FW IPC, HIPCR = 0x{ipcval:x}")
dsp.HIPCI = ipcval
# Now start CPU #0 by dropping stall and reset"Starting {ncores(dsp)} cores, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
dsp.ADSPCS = 0x01fffe # Out of reset
dsp.ADSPCS = 0x01fefe # Un-stall"Started {ncores(dsp)} cores, ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")
# Experimentation shows that these steps aren't actually required,
# the ROM just charges ahead and initializes itself correctly even
# if we don't wait for it. Do them anyway for better visibility,
# when requested. Potentially remove later once this code is
# mature.
if log.level <= logging.INFO:
# Wait for the ROM to boot and signal it's ready. NOTE: This
# short sleep seems to be needed; if we're banging on the
# memory window during initial boot (before/while the window
# control registers are configured?) the DSP hardware will
# hang fairly reliably.
time.sleep(0.1)"Waiting for ROM init, FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
while (dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS >> 24) != 5: pass"ROM ready, FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
# Newer devices have an ACK bit we can check
if not cavs15:"Awaiting IPC acknowledgment, HIPCA 0x{dsp.HIPCA:x}")
while not dsp.HIPCA & (1 << 31): pass
dsp.HIPCA |= ~(1 << 31)
# Wait for it to signal ROM_INIT_DONE"Awaiting ROM init... FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
while (dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS & 0x00ffffff) != 1: pass
# It's ready, uncork the stream"Starting DMA, FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
# The ROM sets a FW_ENTERED value of 5 into the bottom 28 bit
# "state" field of FW_STATUS on entry to the app. (Pedantry: this
# is actually ephemeral and racy, because Zephyr is free to write
# its own data once the app launches and we might miss it.
# There's no standard "alive" signaling from the OS, which is
# really what we want to wait for. So give it one second and move
# on)."Waiting for load, FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
for _ in range(100):
alive = dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS & ((1 << 28) - 1) == 5
if alive: break
if alive:"ROM reports firmware was entered")
log.warning(f"Load failed? FW_STATUS = 0x{dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS:x}")
# Turn DMA off and reset the stream. If this doesn't happen the
# hardware continues streaming out of our now-stale page and has
# been observed to glitch the next boot.
sd.CTL = 1
time.sleep(1)"ADSPCS = 0x{dsp.ADSPCS:x}")"Load complete, {ncores(dsp)} cores active")
# Count of active/running cores
def ncores(dsp):
return bin(dsp.ADSPCS >> 24).count("1")
def map_regs():
# List cribbed from kernel SOF driver. Not all tested!
for id in ["119a", "5a98", "1a98", "3198", "9dc8",
"a348", "34C8", "38c8", "4dc8", "02c8",
"06c8", "a3f0", "a0c8", "4b55", "4b58"]:
p = runx(f"grep -il PCI_ID=8086:{id} /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/uevent")
if p:
pcidir = os.path.dirname(p)
# Detect hardware version, this matters in a few spots
global cavs15
cavs15 = id in [ "5a98", "1a98", "3198" ]"Detected cAVS {'1.5' if cavs15 else '1.8+'} hardware")
# Disengage runtime power management so the kernel doesn't put it to sleep
with open(pcidir + b"/power/control", "w") as ctrl:
# Make sure PCI memory space access and busmastering are enabled.
# Also disable interrupts so as not to confuse the kernel.
with open(pcidir + b"/config", "wb+") as cfg:
hdamem = bar_map(pcidir, 0)
# Standard HD Audio Registers
hda = Regs(hdamem)
hda.GCAP = 0x0000
hda.GCTL = 0x0008
hda.SPBFCTL = 0x0704
hda.PPCTL = 0x0804
# Find the ID of the first output stream
global hda_ostream_id
hda_ostream_id = (hda.GCAP >> 8) & 0x0f # number of input streams"Selected output stream {hda_ostream_id} (GCAP = 0x{hda.GCAP:x})")
hda.SD_SPIB = 0x0708 + (8 * hda_ostream_id)
# Standard HD Audio Stream Descriptor
sd = Regs(hdamem + 0x0080 + (hda_ostream_id * 0x20))
sd.CTL = 0x00
sd.LPIB = 0x04
sd.CBL = 0x08
sd.LVI = 0x0c
sd.FMT = 0x12
sd.BDPL = 0x18
sd.BDPU = 0x1c
# Intel Audio DSP Registers
dsp = Regs(bar_map(pcidir, 4))
dsp.ADSPCS = 0x00004
if cavs15:
dsp.HIPCI = 0x00048 # original name of the register...
dsp.HIPCI = 0x000d0 # named "HIPCR" per 1.8+ docs
dsp.HIPCA = 0x000d4
dsp.SRAM_FW_STATUS = 0x80000 # Start of first SRAM window
return (hda, sd, dsp)
def setup_dma_mem(fw_bytes):
(mem, phys_addr) = map_phys_mem()
mem[0:len(fw_bytes)] = fw_bytes"Mapped 2M huge page at 0x%x to contain %d bytes of firmware"
% (phys_addr, len(fw_bytes)))
# HDA requires at least two buffers be defined, but we don't care
# about boundaries because it's all a contiguous region. Place a
# vestigial 128-byte (minimum size and alignment) buffer after the
# main one, and put the 4-entry BDL list into the final 128 bytes
# of the page.
buf0_len = HUGEPAGESZ - 2 * 128
buf1_len = 128
bdl_off = buf0_len + buf1_len
mem[bdl_off:bdl_off + 32] = struct.pack("<QQQQ",
phys_addr, buf0_len,
phys_addr + buf0_len, buf1_len)
return (phys_addr + bdl_off, 2)
global_mmaps = [] # protect mmap mappings from garbage collection!
# Maps 2M of contiguous memory using a single page from hugetlbfs,
# then locates its physical address for use as a DMA buffer.
def map_phys_mem():
# Ensure the kernel has enough budget for one new page
free = int(runx("awk '/HugePages_Free/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo"))
if free == 0:
tot = 1 + int(runx("awk '/HugePages_Total/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo"))
os.system(f"echo {tot} > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages")
hugef = open(HUGEPAGE_FILE, "w+")
mem = mmap.mmap(hugef.fileno(), HUGEPAGESZ)
# Find the local process address of the mapping, then use that to
# extract the physical address from the kernel's pagemap
# interface. The physical page frame number occupies the bottom
# bits of the entry.
mem[0] = 0 # Fault the page in so it has an address!
vaddr = ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mem))
vpagenum = vaddr >> 12
pagemap = open("/proc/self/pagemap", "rb") * 8)
pent =
paddr = (struct.unpack("Q", pent)[0] & ((1 << 54) - 1)) * PAGESZ
return (mem, paddr)
# Maps a PCI BAR and returns the in-process address
def bar_map(pcidir, barnum):
f = open(pcidir.decode() + "/resource" + str(barnum), "r+")
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size)
return ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(mm))
# Syntactic sugar to make register block definition & use look nice.
# Instantiate from a base address, assign offsets to (uint32) named
# registers as fields, call freeze(), then the field acts as a direct
# alias for the register!
class Regs:
def __init__(self, base_addr):
vars(self)["base_addr"] = base_addr
vars(self)["ptrs"] = {}
vars(self)["frozen"] = False
def freeze(self):
vars(self)["frozen"] = True
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if not self.frozen and name not in self.ptrs:
addr = self.base_addr + val
self.ptrs[name] = ctypes.c_uint32.from_address(addr)
self.ptrs[name].value = val
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.ptrs[name].value
def runx(cmd):
return subprocess.Popen(["sh", "-c", cmd],
if __name__ == "__main__":