blob: 3b734f85b8d3bfeb4647b6206f79a4b94e6a17e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief Public APIs for the DAI (Digital Audio Interface) bus drivers.
* @defgroup dai_interface DAI Interface
* @ingroup io_interfaces
* @brief DAI Interface
* The DAI API provides support for the standard I2S (SSP) and its common variants.
* It supports also DMIC, HDA and SDW backends. The API has a config function
* with bespoke data argument for device/vendor specific config. There are also
* optional timestamping functions to get device specific audio clock time.
* @{
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <zephyr/device.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** \brief Types of DAI
* The type of the DAI. This ID type is used to configure bespoke DAI HW
* settings.
* DAIs have a lot of physical link feature variability and therefore need
* different configuration data to cater for different use cases. We
* usually need to pass extra bespoke configuration prior to DAI start.
enum dai_type {
DAI_LEGACY_I2S = 0, /**< Legacy I2S compatible with i2s.h */
DAI_INTEL_SSP, /**< Intel SSP */
DAI_INTEL_DMIC, /**< Intel DMIC */
DAI_INTEL_HDA, /**< Intel HD/A */
DAI_INTEL_ALH, /**< Intel ALH */
DAI_IMX_SAI, /**< i.MX SAI */
DAI_AMD_BT, /**< Amd BT */
DAI_AMD_SP, /**< Amd SP */
DAI_AMD_DMIC, /**< Amd DMIC */
DAI_INTEL_SSP_NHLT, /**< nhlt ssp */
DAI_INTEL_DMIC_NHLT, /**< nhlt ssp */
DAI_INTEL_HDA_NHLT, /**< nhlt Intel HD/A */
DAI_INTEL_ALH_NHLT, /**< nhlt Intel ALH */
* @brief Dai Direction
enum dai_dir {
/** Receive data */
/** Transmit data */
/** Both receive and transmit data */
/** Interface state */
enum dai_state {
/** @brief The interface is not ready.
* The interface was initialized but is not yet ready to receive /
* transmit data. Call dai_config_set() to configure interface and change
* its state to READY.
/** The interface is ready to receive / transmit data. */
/** The interface is receiving / transmitting data. */
/** The interface is clocking but not receiving / transmitting data. */
/** The interface paused */
/** The interface is draining its transmit queue. */
/** TX buffer underrun or RX buffer overrun has occurred. */
/** Trigger command */
enum dai_trigger_cmd {
/** @brief Start the transmission / reception of data.
* If DAI_DIR_TX is set some data has to be queued for transmission by
* the dai_write() function. This trigger can be used in READY state
* only and changes the interface state to RUNNING.
/** @brief Optional - Pre Start the transmission / reception of data.
* Allows the DAI and downstream codecs to prepare for audio Tx/Rx by
* starting any required clocks for downstream PLL/FLL locking.
/** @brief Stop the transmission / reception of data.
* Stop the transmission / reception of data at the end of the current
* memory block. This trigger can be used in RUNNING state only and at
* first changes the interface state to STOPPING. When the current TX /
* RX block is transmitted / received the state is changed to READY.
* Subsequent START trigger will resume transmission / reception where
* it stopped.
/** @brief Pause the transmission / reception of data.
* Pause the transmission / reception of data at the end of the current
* memory block. Behavior is implementation specific but usually this
* state doesn't completely stop the clocks or transmission. The dai could
* be transmitting 0's (silence), but it is not consuming data from outside.
/** @brief Optional - Post Stop the transmission / reception of data.
* Allows the DAI and downstream codecs to shutdown cleanly after audio
* Tx/Rx by stopping any required clocks for downstream audio completion.
/** @brief Empty the transmit queue.
* Send all data in the transmit queue and stop the transmission.
* If the trigger is applied to the RX queue it has the same effect as
* DAI_TRIGGER_STOP. This trigger can be used in RUNNING state only and
* at first changes the interface state to STOPPING. When all TX blocks
* are transmitted the state is changed to READY.
/** @brief Discard the transmit / receive queue.
* Stop the transmission / reception immediately and discard the
* contents of the respective queue. This trigger can be used in any
* state other than NOT_READY and changes the interface state to READY.
/** @brief Prepare the queues after underrun/overrun error has occurred.
* This trigger can be used in ERROR state only and changes the
* interface state to READY.
/** @brief Reset
* This trigger frees resources and moves the driver back to initial
* state.
/** @brief Properties of DAI
* This struct is used with APIs get_properties function to query DAI
* properties like fifo address and dma handshake. These are needed
* for example to setup dma outside the driver code.
* @param fifo_address Fifo hw address for e.g. when connecting to dma.
* @param fifo_depth Fifo depth.
* @param dma_hs_id Dma handshake id.
* @param reg_init_delay Delay for initializing registers.
struct dai_properties {
uint32_t fifo_address; /* fifo address */
uint32_t fifo_depth; /* fifo depth */
uint32_t dma_hs_id; /* dma handshake id */
uint32_t reg_init_delay; /* delay for register init */
/** Main dai config struct
* @brief Generic Dai interface configuration options.
* @param dai_type Type of the dai.
* @param dai_index Index of the dai.
* @param channels Number of audio channels, words in frame.
* @param rate Frame clock (WS) frequency, sampling rate.
* @param format Dai specific data stream format.
* @param options Dai specific configuration options.
* @param word_size Number of bits representing one data word.
* @param block_size Size of one RX/TX memory block (buffer) in bytes.
struct dai_config {
enum dai_type type;
uint32_t dai_index;
uint8_t channels;
uint32_t rate;
uint16_t format;
uint8_t options;
uint8_t word_size;
size_t block_size;
struct dai_ts_cfg {
uint32_t walclk_rate; /* Rate in Hz, e.g. 19200000 */
int type; /* SSP, DMIC, HDA, etc. */
int direction; /* Playback, capture */
int index; /* For SSPx to select correct timestamp register */
int dma_id; /* DMA instance id */
int dma_chan_index; /* Used DMA channel */
int dma_chan_count; /* Channels in single DMA */
struct dai_ts_data {
uint64_t walclk; /* Wall clock */
uint64_t sample; /* Sample count */
uint32_t walclk_rate; /* Rate in Hz, e.g. 19200000 */
* For internal use only, skip these in public documentation.
__subsystem struct dai_driver_api {
int (*probe)(const struct device *dev);
int (*remove)(const struct device *dev);
int (*config_set)(const struct device *dev, const struct dai_config *cfg,
const void *bespoke_cfg);
const struct dai_config *(*config_get)(const struct device *dev,
enum dai_dir dir);
const struct dai_properties *(*get_properties)(const struct device *dev,
enum dai_dir dir,
int stream_id);
int (*trigger)(const struct device *dev, enum dai_dir dir,
enum dai_trigger_cmd cmd);
/* optional methods */
int (*ts_config)(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg);
int (*ts_start)(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg);
int (*ts_stop)(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg);
int (*ts_get)(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg,
struct dai_ts_data *tsd);
* @endcond
* @brief Probe operation of DAI driver.
* The function will be called to power up the device and update for example
* possible reference count of the users. It can be used also to initialize
* internal variables and memory allocation.
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_probe(const struct device *dev)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->probe(dev);
* @brief Remove operation of DAI driver.
* The function will be called to unregister/unbind the device, for example to
* power down the device or decrease the usage reference count.
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_remove(const struct device *dev)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->remove(dev);
* @brief Configure operation of a DAI driver.
* The dir parameter specifies if Transmit (TX) or Receive (RX) direction
* will be configured by data provided via cfg parameter.
* The function can be called in NOT_READY or READY state only. If executed
* successfully the function will change the interface state to READY.
* If the function is called with the parameter cfg->frame_clk_freq set to 0
* the interface state will be changed to NOT_READY.
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
* @param cfg Pointer to the structure containing configuration parameters.
* @param bespoke_cfg Pointer to the structure containing bespoke config.
* @retval 0 If successful.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid argument.
* @retval -ENOSYS DAI_DIR_BOTH value is not supported.
static inline int dai_config_set(const struct device *dev,
const struct dai_config *cfg,
const void *bespoke_cfg)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->config_set(dev, cfg, bespoke_cfg);
* @brief Fetch configuration information of a DAI driver
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance
* @param dir Stream direction: RX or TX as defined by DAI_DIR_*
* @retval Pointer to the structure containing configuration parameters,
* or NULL if un-configured
static inline const struct dai_config *dai_config_get(const struct device *dev,
enum dai_dir dir)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->config_get(dev, dir);
* @brief Fetch properties of a DAI driver
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance
* @param dir Stream direction: RX or TX as defined by DAI_DIR_*
* @param stream_id Stream id: some drivers may have stream specific
* properties, this id specifies the stream.
* @retval Pointer to the structure containing properties,
* or NULL if error or no properties
static inline const struct dai_properties *dai_get_properties(const struct device *dev,
enum dai_dir dir,
int stream_id)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->get_properties(dev, dir, stream_id);
* @brief Send a trigger command.
* @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
* @param dir Stream direction: RX, TX, or both, as defined by DAI_DIR_*.
* The DAI_DIR_BOTH value may not be supported by some drivers.
* For those, triggering need to be done separately for the RX
* and TX streams.
* @param cmd Trigger command.
* @retval 0 If successful.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid argument.
* @retval -EIO The trigger cannot be executed in the current state or a DMA
* channel cannot be allocated.
* @retval -ENOMEM RX/TX memory block not available.
* @retval -ENOSYS DAI_DIR_BOTH value is not supported.
static inline int dai_trigger(const struct device *dev,
enum dai_dir dir,
enum dai_trigger_cmd cmd)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
return api->trigger(dev, dir, cmd);
* Configures timestamping in attached DAI.
* @param dev Component device.
* @param cfg Timestamp config.
* Optional method.
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_ts_config(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
if (!api->ts_config)
return -EINVAL;
return api->ts_config(dev, cfg);
* Starts timestamping.
* @param dev Component device.
* @param cfg Timestamp config.
* Optional method
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_ts_start(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
if (!api->ts_start)
return -EINVAL;
return api->ts_start(dev, cfg);
* Stops timestamping.
* @param dev Component device.
* @param cfg Timestamp config.
* Optional method.
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_ts_stop(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
if (!api->ts_stop)
return -EINVAL;
return api->ts_stop(dev, cfg);
* Gets timestamp.
* @param dev Component device.
* @param cfg Timestamp config.
* @param tsd Receives timestamp data.
* Optional method.
* @retval 0 If successful.
static inline int dai_ts_get(const struct device *dev, struct dai_ts_cfg *cfg,
struct dai_ts_data *tsd)
const struct dai_driver_api *api = (const struct dai_driver_api *)dev->api;
if (!api->ts_get)
return -EINVAL;
return api->ts_get(dev, cfg, tsd);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus