blob: 84a784e02189f971d99e0e06eb02958675b48a55 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _thrift-hello-sample:
Hello Sample Application
This sample application includes a client a server implementing the RPC
interface described in ``thrift/hello.thrift``. The purpose of this
example is to demonstrate how components at different layer in thrift can
be combined to build an application with desired features.
- QEMU Networking (described in :ref:`networking_with_qemu`)
- Thrift dependencies installed for your host OS e.g. in Ubuntu
.. code-block:: console
:caption: Install additional dependencies in Ubuntu
sudo apt install -y libboost-all-dev thrift-compiler libthrift-dev
Building and Running
This application can be run on a Linux host, with either the server or the
client in the QEMU environment, and the peer is built and run natively on
the host.
Building the Native Client and Server
.. code-block:: console
$ make -j -C client/
$ make -j -C server/
Under ``client/``, 3 executables will be generated, and components
used in each layer of them are listed below:
| hello_client | TSocket | TBufferedTransport | TBinaryProtocol |
| hello_client_compact | TSocket | TBufferedTransport | TCompactProtocol |
| hello_client_ssl | TSSLSocket | TBufferedTransport | TBinaryProtocol |
The same applies for the server. Only the client and the server with the
same set of stacks can communicate.
Additionally, there is a ```` Python script that can be used
interchangeably with the ``hello_client`` C++ application to illustrate the
cross-language capabilities of Thrift.
| | TSocket | TBufferedTransport | TBinaryProtocol |
Running the Zephyr Server in QEMU
Build the Zephyr version of the ``hello/server`` sample application like this:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/modules/thrift/hello/server
:board: board_name
:goals: build
To enable advanced features, extra arguments should be passed accordingly:
- TSSLSocket: ``-DCONF_FILE="prj.conf ../overlay-tls.conf"``
For example, to build for ``qemu_x86_64`` with TSSLSocket support:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/modules/thrift/hello/server
:host-os: unix
:board: qemu_x86_64
:conf: "prj.conf ../overlay-tls.conf"
:goals: run
In another terminal, run the ``hello_client`` sample app compiled for the
host OS:
.. code-block:: console
$ ./hello_client
$ ./hello_client_compact
$ ./hello_client_ssl ../native-cert.pem ../native-key.pem ../qemu-cert.pem
You should observe the following in the original ``hello/server`` terminal:
.. code-block:: console
echo: Hello, world!
counter: 1
counter: 2
counter: 3
counter: 4
counter: 5
In the client terminal, run ```` app under the host OS (not
described for compact or ssl variants for brevity):
.. code-block:: console
$ ./
You should observe the following in the original ``hello/server`` terminal.
Note that the server's state is not discarded (the counter continues to
.. code-block:: console
echo: Hello, world!
counter: 6
counter: 7
counter: 8
counter: 9
counter: 10
Running the Zephyr Client in QEMU
In another terminal, run the ``hello_server`` sample app compiled for the
host OS:
.. code-block:: console
$ ./hello_server
$ ./hello_server_compact
$ ./hello_server_ssl ../native-cert.pem ../native-key.pem ../qemu-cert.pem
Then, in annother terminal, run the corresponding ``hello/client`` sample:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/modules/thrift/hello/client
:board: qemu_x86_64
:goals: run
The additional arguments for advanced features are the same as
You should observe the following in the original ``hello_server`` terminal:
.. code-block:: console
echo: Hello, world!
counter: 1
counter: 2
counter: 3
counter: 4
counter: 5